Unsteady Β» Stiles Stilinski

By OMGitsJustine

22.2K 549 75

❝ Hold onto me, cause I'm a little Unsteady. . . ❞ Sara Sandoval had been thrown a curve ball the past two y... More

[1] Underneath the Moonlight
[3] Turning Page
[4] Party Into the Night
[5] Chaos Rising
[6] Vaults and Bank Heists
[7] Fireflies
[8] Theories and Confrontations
[9] Highway to Hell
[10] No Vacancy
[11] Murder Motel
[12] Loss of a Friend
[13] Better in Time
[14] What Lies Beneath
[15] Be the Serpent Underneath
[16] Evacuation Plan
[17] Taken
[18] Dark Hallow
[19] Shallow Waters
[20] Navigating the Maze
[21] Double Infinity
[22] Bleeding Out
[23] Other Options
[24] Don't Let Me Go
[25] Welcome to the Kingdom
[26] Resurrection
[27] Saturn
[28] Shadow of the Sun
[29] Before Sunset
[30] Unsolved
[31] I Went to the Woods
[32] More Harm Than Good
[33] Let You Down
[34] While You Were Sleeping
[35] Shocker
[36] Dancing in the Dark
[37] Doctor's Orders
[38] Head Above Water
[39] Disturbia
[40] Dollhouse
[41] Control

[2] Tattoo

1.1K 24 2
By OMGitsJustine

"Oh, god--..did you both have to get one?" Stiles complained while we all climbed into the jeep. I had a bandage wrapped around my wrist to cover my tattoo while Scott was staring down at his own bandage where his tattoo should be. Stiles and I both noticed the look of concern on Scott's face, asking him what was wrong.

"Kind of burns...doesn't your's burn?" Scott asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, telling him it burned a little but that from my father's intense training sessions, it felt like a cake walk.

"Well, maybe it's because you just had your skin stabbed about 10,000 times with a needle." Stiles said with sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Yeah, but I don't think it's supposed to feel like this." Scott said. Scott groaned, saying it hurt before quickly taking off his bandage to show us that his tattoo was healing. We all watched in awe, Stiles commenting on how he hated the tattoo and was glad that it healed. I patted Scott's shoulder, telling him it was okay and we could always try again while Stiles drove.

Out of curiosity, I lifted my own bandage to see that at least my tattoo was still there although it did look like it was healing slightly. "Mine's healing too..son of a bitch." I sighed, telling Scott he wasn't the only one but that I'd ask my dad about this later. He can yell at me all he wants but I know he knows a way to keep my tattoo more permanent.

Just then we pulled up to a red light, changing the subject to Scott if he knew if Allison was going to be back at school or not. "Nah, we agreed to give each other the summer. No texts, no calls." Scott answered.

"So then how do you know she won't be back at school then?" Stiles and I questioned him.

"After everything that happened, I'm not sure she's coming back at all." Scott sighed, just staring ahead at the empty road. Just then, I followed Stiles gaze to the car next to us to see Lydia and Allison in Lydia's car. I opened my mouth slightly, not sure if we should tell Scott about this. After all, it's gonna be one awkward conversation. But they should just get it over with now, right?

"I think she is. I'd say pretty definite, you know. Like 100%." I said which earned me a confused look from Scott. I exchanged a look with Stiles before sighing and pointing to the car next to us.

That's when Scott noticed Allison and Lydia in the car, staring at her for a while until suddenly they made awkward eye contact. Scott gasped, trying to cover himself before begging Stiles to run the red light, wanting to avoid talking to Allison. Well, things were about to get interesting. I could feel it.

"It's a red light, I can't go. I think we should talk to her, say something, you know." Stiles said, while Scott was begging him to just leave and run the red light. But as Scott was rejecting his idea, Stiles rolled down the window and tried saying hey to the girls. I couldn't help but laugh as Lydia took the red light, driving off in a hurry as to avoid talking to Scott as well I can only assume Allison told Lydia.

Finally, the light turned green for us and Stiles started driving again.

But as we were driving down the highway, Lydia and Allison driving in front of us, Scott looked panicked still. "What are you doing?" Scott asked, looking terrified.

"Driving?" Stiles answered like it was obvious.

"We're right behind them. I don't want it to look like we're following them." Scott said, pointing out what he was worried about. Oh, now see that makes a lot of sense. Eeek, it'll be even more awkward once him and Allison talk especially if it looks like we're following them like some crazy stalker.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" Stiles asked before I laughed, telling Stiles to just stop the car. Stiles pressed on the break, all three of us flying slightly forward, me hitting my head on the back of Scott's seat. I groaned, cursing at Stiles while holding my head. I groaned in pain, from not only the slight pain in my head from hitting it against the back seat but from something else.

I can't describe it still, only the weight on my chest like something was about to happen..Like death or danger or something. It sure would be great if I could make more sense of my Valkyrie powers but so far, I'm out of luck. I only know whenever I get this weight on my chest, this pain inside of me.. I know something bad is going to happen and that it usually means danger or death. This whole chooser of the slain thing is getting on my nerves, I didn't want to deal with this or be in charge of lives. It's too much, I couldn't even handle doing life guarding for crying out loud.

I let out a sigh, looking forward to see that Lydia and Allison stopped too. "Look, they stopped too...Wonder why?" I said, when suddenly something crashed into Lydia's windshield. I gasped, everyone quickly piling out of the jeep to run over and make sure they were okay. I ran over to Lydia, making sure she was all right while Scott checked out Allison. "Are you hurt? Are you okay?" I asked, making sure she was okay and so far so good.

"It came out of nowhere. It ran right into us." Lydia said, still panicked. I glanced over to her car, seeing a deer had crashed through the windshield. "I'm freaking out! How the hell does it just run into us? I saw it's eyes before it hit us. It was like it was..-like it was crazy." Lydia screamed, still shaken from the accident.

Scott walked over to the front of the car, putting his hand on the deceased deer to get a feeling of it's chemo-signals that he explained Derek said were how they sense things. "No, it was scared...Terrified." Scott explained while we looked all around us, trying to see if there was anything else.


"Dad, come on..I know I should have asked first but don't you think enduring all this extra super hard training is worth a little reward? Besides...I'd like to feel more connected to mom, like I'm following in her footsteps and making her proud. And--I don't know. It's also said to be a symbol used for protection. With how our lives are turning out, it'd be nice to believe in something..Like I'd be protected." I pointed out to dad.

After getting dropped back off at home, I told dad what happened with the whole camping trip gone wrong; don't worry I left out the whole thing with stiles before Scott interrupted, then the tattoo shop before ending with what happened to Lydia's car. But of course, he only heard something about the tattoo shop, being mad that I got one without his permission. Frankly, I was kind of in awe that he only heard that part of the conversation instead of the one about the freaky deer attacking Lydia's car.

"Sweetheart, I know you want to be connected to your mother and everything. But I honestly, don't think you should be trying so hard to quickly grow up. Or be so quick to jump straight into your mother's footsteps. She didn't want you going down that path, she wanted you--us to have normal lives." Dad sighed, sitting training with me. I blocked one of his attacks, still keeping up the pace as we kept blocking the others attacks.

I grunted, quickly blocking his attack before trying to swing at his leg. Dad quickly dodged my attack before hitting me with the bow staff in his hands and making me fall on my back. I groaned in pain, laying on the floor before staring up at my dad. "How about this-..If I win this round, you help me make my tattoo permanent? If you win, I'll let it go."

I saw Dad form a smirk on his face, laughing slightly before nodding his head in agreement. "Agreed but don't beat yourself up when I win and you have to let go of all this tattoo symbol business." Dad said, making me roll my eyes before getting into position.

"I think if I can survive the whole hand burning in a flame thing, I can deal with a little sparing session." I smirked before trying to make the first move. I tried hitting dad in the feet but he quickly dodged it, trying to hit me across the face but I blocked him with my own bow staff.

I pushed dad back, trying to hit him again and again but we both just kept on blocking the other's attack. Just when I thought I had the upper hand, dad quickly swung his bow staff at me to distract me so he could swipe my leg. I tumbled to the floor, groaning in pain as dad walked over to me. He kicked my bow staff away, offering me his hand while I smiled. Just as dad was distracted now, I quickly kicked his own leg, making him fall to the floor. I bridge arched, quickly pushing myself up as I grabbed his bow staff, pointing it at his throat.

I smirked, tossing the staff to the floor. "Looks like I'll be getting my warriors mark sooner than we thought." Dad laughed, nodding his head in agreement while he got up and started putting our bow staffs back. As I walked away to get ready for school, a thought came to my mind. I stopped in the door way, turning to look back at dad. "You let me win, didn't you?" I asked him, noting that he never would allowed me to have such an easy opening.

I'd like to believe I've improved since first beginning my training and I have, but I don't think I'd actually beat my dad this easily. There should definitely be more broken vases and cases, it should look like a fight occurred in here. Since he would never go easy on me, always saying that when we train it's 110% or nothing at all. When you're training, you train to fight and you train to win.

Dad didn't deny it but he just smiled over at me. "Why don't you go get ready for school while I clean up. You wouldn't want to be late for the first day after all."

"I don't need a first period since I'm ahead of credits, thank you extra classes freshmen and sophomore year." I smiled while doing as dad said and running upstairs to get ready.


I looked in the mirror, smirking at my reflection. I looked pretty good and couldn't wait for the new school year. I wanted nothing more than to have a good first beginning of the new school year. But while I was staring at my reflection, I got the same weight on my chest which was telling me that maybe, just maybe, something was coming our way. There was a fight coming and we needed to be ready.

I pushed my thoughts aside, hearing my phone going off. I sighed, walking over to my bed to see that it was Ms. McCall calling me. I looked down at my phone confused but answered it, asking her what was wrong. Oh god, was it Scott? Did something happen to him? Or maybe Stiles? Oh god, is someone hurt? Oh my god-...wait, I probably shouldn't jump to conclusions yet.

"Ms. McCall, what's wrong?" I asked, wondering what this random phone call was.

"I--Uhh, you know that I'm still new to this whole supernatural world but something's happened to Isaac. He was attacked or something and he's here at the hospital, I tried calling Derek but he's not answering--..." Ms. McCall started saying, almost too fast that it was hard to keep up.

I sighed, quickly jumping in. "..-No one has heard from him. He kind of fell off the face of the earth. I hadn't talk to him or seen him in months. But, wait--..what's wrong with Isaac?"

"He was attacked, I tried calling Derek but he didn't answer. Isaac said I should call you and Scott." Ms. McCall answered.

I sighed, feeling like I couldn't breathe right now. "Okay, okay, okay..I--I ummm..I'm on my way, tell him to remain calm and I'll be right there." I said before hanging up. I grabbed my bag, running downstairs to grab my keys and stop by the training room to get a weapon to take with me.

I heard dad yelling my name, asking me what I was rushing around for since I didn't have a first period. But I just yelled I was needed someone, grabbing a mini bow and arrows from the training room, putting them in my bag. I kept running, around before grabbing my keys and running to the door.

"Woah, and where do you need to be so badly that it requires a mini bow and a dagger?" Dad questioned, stopping me before I could open the front door.

I groaned, quickly trying to get past him but he kept standing in front of me, giving me this look that said he wasn't going to move until I spoke. I sighed, before looking up at him. I knew there was no point in lying to dad and he's been kind of overbearing and what not since everything that happened last year. Not to mention, the aftermath of the whole Gerard and Kanima incident, I confessed to dad that I had been taking aderall and other things to stay awake. Afraid of closing my eyes because of what I saw, which was Peter.

Dad swore he'd help me, so I wouldn't fall into bad habits or anything else along those lines. And that included being truthful to each other, and he mentioned more and more about my Valkyrie gifts, which was one of sight. I guess, everything that's happened has been making me a little crazy. But learning more and more about being a Valkyrie has helped a whole lot, dad telling me that sometimes when I get a "feeling" or "vibe" whatever it's referred to as that it'll take a lot out of me. And that when I died the first time and came back, it can mess with me. Something about coming back from the other side has effects on everyone, but that with time and help.. I'll get better.

If I can confine in him about that, something dark like that, then I know I can trust him with other things too. Besides, he's my dad and I trust him more than anyone on this earth, not to mention love him more than anyone on this earth. If I ever lost him, I don't know what I'd do. I mean, he is the one teaching me to be strong, protected me always and I don't know if I could go on without him.

I shook those feelings aside before focusing back on dad. "Okay, fine. Dad, look..--Ms. McCall called me and said Isaac was hurt, he was attacked. He told her to call me and Scott so I'm heading to the hospital now to make sure he's okay. And you can try and stop me but it's not going to work, I'm not gonna leave my friends in danger while I'm sitting on the sidelines like some scared little girl. I'm done being scared."

I expected dad to yell and fight me, maybe lock me in a tower or at least my room. But what he did surprised me to say the least.

"I can't keep treating you like a child. All this training I'm putting you through, it means nothing if I don't let you at least try to fight." Dad sighed in defeat, turning to hand me something. I looked at him confused, staring at the object in my hands. "It's a blade forged under the moonlight made with mountain ash, your mother had it made for me. Her people forged it with the moonlight and blessed it with Odin's power as well as the other gods. Now while it won't kill them, it's powerful, it'll help keep you safe."

I admired the symbols etched into the blade, noting that I recognized all of them. Among other training with dad, I had been researching everything I could on my own with the help of Stiles. I recognized the symbols including the symbols for; Odin's power, protection, strength, Tyrr the god of warriors and balance, and lastly the symbol for the Valknut.

I let out a small breath, smiling as I held it in my hand. "Thank you--..I-I honestly didn't think you'd support my decision to try and help."

"I never want you to feel like you have to hide or run. You're stronger than that, you feel the need to help or do something--...I can only ask you to please be careful. If I ever lost you-.." Dad said as he stroked my cheek, smiling down at me sadly. "--..Well, I just don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you. You mean everything to me, you know."

I smiled, hugging him hard before pulling away. "I know, you mean everything to me too, dad. I promise I'll try to be careful. I'll call if something happens."

And with that, I closed the front door behind me so I could race to the hospital.


"I just don't like the idea of you racing towards danger without me. I don't like sitting here, doing nothing. And why the hell am I the only punk that showed up to class." Stiles complained through the phone. I had just pulled into the hospital parking lot, quickly jumping out of the car and racing inside to find Isaac or Ms. McCall. On the way, I had called Stiles to let him know what was happening and that's how we are in this conversation right now.

"I know but i'm not gonna let anything bad happen to Isaac or Scott or you for that matter if I can do something. I'm tired of being scared and feeling like I should be doing more. I made a huge fucking mistake by keeping you at arms length last year after learning the truth about the night Peter attacked me. Maybe if I had been stronger or braver than you wouldn't have been hurt by Gerard." I admitted into the phone, feeling horrible right now but I didn't want to lie to Stiles anymore. I didn't want secrets between us. "Now, I love you more than anything. But I'm gonna go help Isaac and find out who or what attacked him so I can help keep you and everyone safe."

I heard Stiles sigh on the other end, letting me know that I won this argument. Not that there was anything to win but still. "I love you too..Just--please be careful." Stiles said, making me smile slightly as I told him I loved him one more time. "I still don't like Isaac, I don't want him stealing you from me."

"You have nothing to worry about. Isaac is a friend, nothing more. It's like you being worried about Scott, it'll never happen in a million years or in any reality. Because--...in any version of reality, I'd spend my entire life until I found you. There's never going to be a version of my life that doesn't have you in it and where I don't fall in love with you." I comforted Stiles, trying to remind him of how there was nothing to worry about.

"Besides, Isaac helped me and you out at the beginning of summer when he was working out with Scott so we could have that trip to the beach. So, play nice and maybe we can all be civil this year." I told Stiles.

I heard him complaining before we exchanged i love you's and goodbyes before hanging up. I laughed to myself, still making my way down the halls, trying to find Ms. McCall. Stiles is ridiculous sometimes, Isaac is a friend nothing more. After all, we've been friends or acquaintances since we were little. We all have and the events that have happened in the last year had only made our bond stronger.

The last I heard from Isaac was maybe a day or two before I left, over a week ago. He said that he was tracking Boyd and Erica who had been missing all summer since the night Gerard attacked and Jackson died. I hadn't seen them since Allison's dad had let them out of the basement of his home, saying he was turning over a new leaf or some bullshit like that. Either way, Isaac needed someone on his side. It must be getting lonely with Derek as his only pack member right now.

And I connected to him, maybe it being the fact that we were friends before all this happened and our mothers were friends too. In fact, mine, his, and Stiles mother were friends. It's how we all met. Me and Isaac would have play dates together, hangout all the time before everything went down and he pushed me away. One of the things I regret the most is that I wasn't there for him as much as he needed me. That I let him push me away and I didn't fight harder to hold onto our friendship. I don't want to let him down anymore, or anyone else for that matter.

So whether he wants to or not, I'm gonna be there for him. Whether it kills me or not. Which, with the way things are going, it just might.

I turned down another hallway, breaking from my thoughts as I spotted Ms. McCall and Scott talking. "Oh thank god, I was looking everywhere for you. Is he okay? Where's Isaac?" I asked, quickly wanting to know that Isaac was gonna be okay.

"Sara, what are you doing here?" Scott asked, looking at me confused as to why I was here.

"I'm apparently one of Isaac's emergency werewolf contacts." I answered, turning my attention to Ms. McCall, listening to the information she was giving me and Scott.

"He's in room 215 if he isn't already in surgery." Ms. McCall told us before warning us to be careful. We thanked her, Scott giving his mom a kiss on the cheek as we started running down the hallways.

As we were getting into the elevator, we tried closing the door so we were the only ones in there but someone stopped the door from closing. I squinted my eyes, looking slightly confused as it looked like a cane. But it became clear as a man wearing dark shades came into the elevator. Scott and I exchanged a look, but kept quiet until the elevator dinged to let us know we got to our floor.

We tried hurrying to get out but the blind man stopped Scott, asking the two of us if we wouldn't mind helping him out. I wanted to say no and book it out of there but the good person in me as well as Scott just sighed before helping him out. We then wasted no time in hurrying throughout the hospital hallways, turning down the one where Isaac was supposed to be. But his room was empty, they must have taken him to surgery or at least released him by now since his wounds are probably already healed.

Scott and I were hurrying down the hallways, Scott tracking Isaac through his scent while we tried navigating the white hallways. We turned down another one, making our way to the elevator to check other floors when we saw someone entering the elevator, pushing someone else in a wheelchair. We tried hurrying up to catch the elevator with them but stopped when we saw the image in front of us.

The tall man with the short buzz cut stared at us, smirking slightly as my eyes widened when I saw Isaac unconscious in the wheelchair. My heart beat sky rocketed as the man growled, showing off his claws while he tried waving bye to us. Scott growled, bringing out his own claws while we raced towards the elevator doors before they could close on us. Scott dove for the doors, getting inside while I grabbed the dagger my dad gave me. I uncovered it from my sheath, tossing it towards the doors so it would stop it from closing.

I ran as fast as I could, diving in as I grabbed the dagger, making the doors shut behind us. Scott growled at the man, who returned the growl as well as showing off his fangs, claws, and his werewolf eyes. They were red.

Holy crap, he's an Alpha.

Scott tried hitting the Alpha back but he easily tossed Scott to the other side of the elevator. Which wasn't very big. I ducked, wincing when I heard Scott crashing against the elevator wall. I quickly grabbed my father's dagger, trying to hit the Alpha backwards but he dodged my attack. Scott then jumped up, trying to claw at the Alpha. But he just picked up Scott, throwing him to the other side. I used this, sorry Scott, as a distraction so I could manage to cut the Alpha across the chest. He groaned, turning his attention to me as he grabbed me by the shirt, picking me up and tossing me back.

I slammed into the elevator wall, falling down and crashing into Isaac. "Ooh, sorry, Lahey.." I groaned as I got up, jumping on the Alpha's back and trying to stab him a bunch of times to slow him down. Scott tried clawing his chest but the Alpha kicked Scott back, tossing me to the floor and stepping on my throat. I gasped for air, trying to get his foot off of my throat but it was like he was a freaking truck or something. I gasped for air, crying for Scott's help while he tried jumping at the Alpha to get him off me.

But he caught Scott with ease, cutting off Scott's air supply while we laid there slowing waiting to meet death.

"Don't you know what you're dealing with? I'm an Alpha." The Alpha laughed at Scott and I while he looked like he was enjoying our pain right now.

I kept gasping for air, trying to reach for my dad's dagger but things were getting kind of blurry. I felt myself beginning to lose consciousness when suddenly the elevator doors dinged open. I coughed, holding a hand to my throat when I felt the Alpha's weight off my throat and Scott fell to the floor besides me. I gasped, trying to catch my breath as I looked up to see Derek. Derek dug his claws into the mysterious Alpha's back, lifting him up slightly.

"So am I." Derek said, showing off his fangs before tossing the Alpha backwards. Scott and I watched as the mysterious Alpha rolled on the floor, looking like he was incapacitated for the moment.

I was still trying to catch my breath but I crawled over to Isaac, checking to make sure he was okay. I put my ear to his mouth and then tried finding his pulse. I sighed in relief, letting my head rest on Isaac's chest when I heard his heartbeat and breathing. He was alive for now, that was a good thing.

I turned to see Derek turn to look at Scott and I, giving us a certain look that I can only describe as "Derek Hale". "Aren't you two supposed to be in school?" Derek asked us, having a certain tone in his voice.

I couldn't help but let out a smirk while shaking my head at him. "How'd you know where we'd be?" I asked him, wondering if maybe he got my message I left for him or even Melissa's.

"I got your message." Derek said while a small smirk formed on his face, before warning us that we should all get the hell out of there before the mysterious Alpha awoke.

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