My heart breaks in Mexico

By gwenfanatic

5.7K 68 40

Gwen finally give him her heart then he goes to Mexico. The pictures the stories did she just give her heart... More

These feelings aree overwhelming
The voice
Eyes on you
A family they could be
New nanny
Gotta get home

Are you sure?

423 6 3
By gwenfanatic

The drive to Blake's house seemed so much longer than normal. She hadn't felt safe since he left yesterday before the boys got home. She was even more terrified that who ever it was had followed her to her parents house. That means they weren't just trying to break into her house, they were stalking her. Gwen had only experienced this one time before and Gavin hadn't taken it seriously. He told her she was paranoid and it took her dad working out the restraining order. There was one difference this time around, Blake. He made her feel safe and she knew if anyone would try to harm her when he was around, he would crush them. It was so different to be with a man who was interested in her for more than her looks. He loved her, all of her, and he made sure she knew it all the time. The whole drive she was checking her rear view mirror and looking out her windows, checking to see if anyone was following her. Even though she couldn't see anyone she still had that same feeling. That feeling that she was being watched.

She pulled up to the gate at Blake's house and typed in the code but made sure to cover the buttons so no one who might be watching could possibly see what numbers she was typing. As she pulled up the driveway, just like he promised, Blake was sitting on the front porch waiting for her. As she put the Jeep in park he walked up to the door and opened it helping her down. She instantly retreated into his arms and sighed. She felt safe again, not because she didn't think the person was still following them but because Blake's arms were wrapped around her and she new nothing would happen to her with him around.

"How are you holding up sunshine?"
"To be honest I'm terrified. I called Gavin and told him what's going on and we agreed to have security with the boys at school and until we figure out what's going on they aren't allowed outside."
"Well I'm glad he isn't being a dick about this. You and the boys being safe is the most important thing right now."
"How are you real? I've been so scared about how us will effect them that I haven't even let you eat dinner with us, and yet here you are worried about them."
"Gwen you are the most important thing in my life and that means those kids are too. They are little pieces of you, and whatever is that important to you is important to me. Doesn't mean I'm not anxious to get to spend time with them but I know where you are coming from and you know your kids. When you say they are ready then we will introduce me slowly, however you feel necessary."
"I love you Blake" she said reaching up on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on his lips. And there it was that feeling, the feeling that someone is watching you. Clearly Blake felt it to as she felt him tense and pull here closer to him.
"Let's go inside and get my keys. Then we can go get you things."
"You feel it to don't you?"
"Yeah yeah I do." He said looking all around before taking her hand and leading her into the house to get his keys.
"Are you sure you want me to come with you to Austin? Like won't people ask questions?"
"Yes Gwen I want you to come, that is if you want to come." He says his insecurities shining through as they hold hands driving to Gwen's place to get her stuff.
"Blake of course I want to come! To be honest the only place I feel comfortable and safe is with you. I just don't want you to be pressured by this to take me with you. People are gonna ask why I'm there. Are we ready for that? Are you ready for that?"
"Gwen I could careless if people ask questions. It's none of their business until we decide it's ok to share. I think it's important the boys and our families know about us before everyone else gets to know. So when questions are posed our answer is we are good friends and that's where we leave it. I'm really glad you do want to come. Frankly the only time I can remotely relax is when you are with me. When we aren't together I can't protect you and I don't know if you are ok." He says bringing her hand up to his mouth and planting a kiss on the back of her hand.

Gwen's mind is spinning. She doesn't know if going to Austin with him is the right decision but she isn't willing to let him go and leave her here all alone. She has dealt with crazy fans in the past but this is different and she is scared and he is the only thing that makes her feel safe. They pull up to her gate and put in the key code.

"What's up sunshine?"
"Remind me to change that code when we get home."
"Absolutely sunshine."

They pull into the drive way and Blake gets out walking around to Gwen's side helping her out. She feels that unsettled feeling and grabs his arm. He pulls her into his side wrapping his arm around her. "It's ok Gwen I got ya. Lets get your stuff ok?" She shakes her head wrapping her arm around his waist as they walk toward the door.
Gwen had packed three bags before they left her house. Blake had joked with her that she didn't need to bring the whole house and Gwen had shut down on him some. The ride back to his house she had looked out the window and hadn't said much since they got there. She had sat on his bed while he was packing his bag. When he couldn't take it anymore he went over to the bed sitting down getting her attention.

"Gwen what's wrong? I didn't mean anything by it. I was joking. If you wanted to pack every piece of clothing you owned I would have been ok with it. Please I'm sorry I really didn't mean anything by it." Gwen sighed and moved into his lap, shocking him at first but he instantly wrapped his arms around her.

"He used to yell at me for over packing and then whenever I didn't have exactly the right dress he wanted me to wear I got in more trouble. It's like no matter what I did it wouldn't have been right. I was scared that I was already messing up."

"Gwen darlin I can promise you I'm never gonna yell at ya for packing to much or anything like that. I want you to promise me something though."

"Ok" she said looking up at him

"Don't shut me out. If something brings up old feelings tell me. I don't want you over playing things in your head and letting the shit he did to you get in between us. I want to help you get past that stuff, not the reason you can't. Promise me?"

"I promise Blake." She said smiling up at him. "Thank you for being so patient with me. I know I'm a lot and I don't know why you want to deal with it all but I'm glad you do." She finished before placing a kiss on his lips.
Blake's plane touched down in Austin on schedule. He and Gwen had spent the flight cuddled together sleeping. They both knew they were going to have to be careful about pda. They didn't want to share their relationship with anyone yet and so they had to convince everyone else they were just friends. When they touched down at the airport Blake's bus was there waiting for them. The driver helped Blake unload their bags into the bus. The driver then took them to the venue before leaving them alone.

"Are you sure you want to stay in here Gwen? I don't know if I like you being in here by yourself."

"If I go in with you Blake everyone is going to ask why I am there and we are going to have to spend the whole night fight not to act like a couple." She then gives him a seductive look while saying. "Plus I really don't know if I can keep my hands off you all night." Blake is taken aback by her sudden words.

"Damnit Gwen." Blake said while walking as fast as he could in the small bus and smashing his lips to hers.

Their bodies were at war. Their tongues fighting inside each other's mouth desperation lacing their motions. Blake hands moved under her shirt up to her bra for the first time and she thinks she is literally going to lose her mind. That's when she allows her hands to fall into his back pockets squeezing. Suddenly Blake pulls back and takes a full step back away from her.

"If we don't stop I'm going to miss my meet and greet and we are going to take things farther than we are ready for sunshine." Blake stumbles out

Gwen just giggles before closing the gap between the planting a quick kiss on his lips and heading back toward the bed. She sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls her shoes back on walking back to his side.

"I think your right I probably shouldn't be on a bus alone. Who knows if they followed us here?"

"I'm sure they didn't sunshine but I still don't want ya to far away from me just in case. You can wait in the dressing room they have set up. Assuming you don't want to come meet everyone too?" He jokes with a grin on his face.

"Yeah cause everyone would totally think that us doing a meet and greet together as just friends would be totally normal."

"Yeah Yeah miss sassy pants." They both laugh before heading into the building for Blake to get this meet and great done.
Blake stands for pictures with dozens of women and even a few guys. The women all make over him and tell him how much they love him. He finds it flattering but he also noticed that it doesn't mean as much to him anymore. The only woman's that he cares about anymore is a blonde ska singer who has managed to conquer the fashion industry, music industry, the world of makeup, and even the world of glasses. She is unbelievable, he thinks to himself. How he managed to get her attention he doesn't know but he is more than grateful.

"Blake here is a drink. You have about 30 more people to go." Amanda, one of his assistants, tells him handing him a water.

"Thanks Amanda. Hey can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"I have a friend in my dressing room. Can you go let her know how many are left too?"

"Yes..." Amanda says giving Blake a questioning look.

He ignores her look and signals for the next fan to come in. As she walks in he feels like he recognizes her. And then it hits him. Oh shit. This is the girl from Mexico and she was at the voice to. Now she is here? He knows fans travel with him all the time but she makes him feel uncomfortable. He can't pin point what it is but something is off so he treads carefully.

"Hey I think I know ya right?"

"Yes you do! I have be a huge fan for a long time! I have been to 35 shows! And tapings of the voice! You are literally the most amazing man ever." Felby says

"Wow that's crazy! I really appreciate you being such a dedicated fan! It really does mean a lot."

The smile on the girls face was so big. When they posed for the picture she placed her hand a little lower on his back that Blake would have liked but he wasn't going to say anything. He told her thanks again and goodbye. When she was out of his line of sight he took a deep breath. He has never been affected by a fan like that but boy did she freak him out.
Felby knew it. Blake did love her. He was so excited to see her and thanked her for being so supportive. He doesn't talk like that to regular fans. The smile he gave her with the dimples on full display. Ahhhhh. She was giddy with excitement. The best part was she hadn't seen any signs of Gwen. Maybe her activities had finally showed Blake just how crazy that bitch was. Things were progressing. Now she had to figure out how to keep their connection going. Maybe she could go around and talk to him when he went to his bus. She would have to sneak through some gates and fences but hey it's not like she hasn't done that before. She snuck her way back and started to worry that she had missed him until she heard the door open and his voice. She stopped dead in her tracts though, and hid out of sight but where she could still see him. THAT BITCH WAS WITH HIM!!!!!!!! How could he still be with her? The way he had talked to her and smiled at her, she had thought for sure he was done with that bitch, and ready to be with her. Looks like she is gonna have to up the scaring and really make this blonde bitch look crazy!
Blake opened the door for Gwen and she grabbed his hand as they walked out toward the bus. They hadn't been able to act like a couple all night and Gwen had been dying to hold his hand. She really wanted to kiss him till they couldn't breath but that would have to wait until they got inside the bus. As they make their way to the bus however it hits her. That feeling and Blake feels her demeanor change and suddenly he is all to aware of the presence as well. He instantly said screw whoever saw them and pulled Gwen into his side hurrying them along. Once he got them inside the trailer he turned to lock the door and made sure all the drapes were pulled so no one could see in. Gwen had walked to the back of the bus where the bed was and had sat down bursting into tears. Blake made his way back to her and saw that she was spiraling and obviously shaken yet again.

"Gwen sunshine please don't cry. I'm right here I got you. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you I promise."

"Blake I thought we had left this in LA. For just one night I didn't want to have to be scared and stress you out. I'm the biggest inconvenience to you and it kills me."

Blake pulls her off his chest and makes her look at him in the eye.

"Don't you dare call yourself an inconvenience Gwen! I love you! I want you here. I don't care if that means being cautious and making sure you are safe. I. Love. You. Ok?"

Gwen just shook her head before folding into his chest again. Blake had held Gwen while she cried for what felt like forever. When she finally calmed her helped her get her pjs out and change into them. He them pulled his jeans off and took his flannel off, leaving him in his boxers and T-shirt. They climbed into bed and Gwen took her place on his chest. Before going to sleep Blake sent a message to the head of his security team, Jack, asking that they have someone stand outside the bus door all night promising to explain the next day. After receiving a text back from Jack confirming that he would have someone stand guard outside the bus, Blake finally relaxed and fell asleep reveling in the feeling of once again having Gwen in his arms.

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