
By newbiegac2015

51.6K 2.2K 312

Serendipity - Finding something good, without looking for it. After waking up from an accident, Katy finds he... More

Houston, We Have A Problem.
Dalliance II
Adulation *m*
Little bird


976 47 3
By newbiegac2015

A week later..

"Katy?"  My eyes snapped to the voice in front of me as the doctor spoke. "Is everything okay?"

I faked a smile and nodded "Yeah, sorry I was miles away. What was your question?"

As the doctor pushed his glasses up his nose and repeated the question I tried my hardest to concentrate but throughout this whole appointment, hell throughout the last week, all I had been thinking of is Zak's words.

I had ignored all his calls to my home phone, my cellphone which was with the police, was unreachable. He may have also popped around a few times, and I may have ignored the knocking and purposely put the chain on.  I didn't want to see him, I didn't need people second guessing me. Living with this was hard enough.


"Sorry! Sorry. I uh-"

The doctor set down his pen and looked at me "I understand that this is difficult, but full cooperation is needed."

"No, I know." I answered almost wanting to kick myself. "Sorry, I just can't seem to shut off the other things up in my head."

"Hmm, would you like to talk about them?"

I shook my head "It won't help and will probably seem pathetic to you."

"I'm not here to judge." He reminded me.

I declined politely and sat forward in my chair to pull the focus onto what was happening in my hospital appointment and not some selfish idiot back at his museum of doom.

"Well here's some support groups, and I know what you're thinking.. But trust me, finding the right group would be good for you, being with others who also share the same worries and problems." The doctor spoke handing over the paper.

I did what I had been doing for the past 2 weeks, I brought the paper up close to see it.

"Ms Hartwell, when are you due an eye examination?"

"Next year." I replied squinting at the sheet. The writing is so damn small!

"May I suggest arranging one sooner than that?"

"What why?"

"It appears you're struggling to see the sheet." He pointed.

"Uh, that's because the writing is microscopic. Seriously how does anyone read this?"

"It's common after a head injury, for small changes to be made in the eyesight, it's nothing to be concerned about but if you are struggling-"

"I'm not. I'm fine.."

"Very well." He nodded once and clicked on his computer.

Eventually my appointment came to an end and I was hustling myself out of the room when I spotted a familiar face sat on the chairs outside of the room.

Approaching, the gentleman looked up at me and smiled gently. I looked away and walked past before back tracking and sitting beside him.

"Who are you?" I asked immediately causing him to blink.

"I- uh. Um-"

"Have you got amnesia? You must remember your name?" I asked until he finally choked out a response.


"Well nice to meet you C-Connor." I teased. "Katy."

He smiled "I know, how are you after the accident?"

I gulped at him and had all visions of myself running away from the guy until he continued. "I was here, the day you left the hospital? I was uh, I was in the crash too."

"You were?" I asked him twisting my body to face him.

"You don't remember me?" He frowned.


"I uh- heh. This is more awkward than I thought." He mumbled.

"What is? Do you remember the crash? I can't remember it. Any of it-"

"Katy, I was in the car with you." He answered.

I scoffed "Yeah right, I don't even know you, maybe we have confused each other with different people." I laughed.

"No, no it's definitely you.. See I was sat in my car having left work when it was hit into. I saw your vehicle being hit, I climbed out and went straight too you because I could hear your cries for help.."

As soon as he had said the words, I paused all thoughts and focused solely on him.

"You were crying in so much pain and begging for someone to help you. I told you to calm down but you grew hysterical when I couldn't open your car door, so I climbed into the passenger seat. I held your hand until the paramedics arrived."

"Y-you did?" I whispered feeling my eyes water.

Connor nodded, looking over at me with his green eyes and short brown hair. "You had quiet a grip on you." He chuckled flexing his hand at the memory.

"Well what happened what did we speak about?" I asked desperate for some type of information.

"We spoke mostly about Vegas, the fact you had a dog called Bozo when you were little, said you wanted him then because he used to give you cuddl- oh I'm sorry." Connor apologised as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Y-you're telling the truth."

Of course he had to be telling the truth, and why? Because nobody knew about Bozo. Apart from Billy. So for him to come out with that piece of information was huge.

"Of course I am." He replied wiping my tears away. "You shed so many tears that day, I thought we were gonna drown. No more. You should smile more." He encouraged.

"It's kinda hard lately." I mumbled.

"So you really don't remember the crash?"

I shook my head.

"Well I guess that's one thing in my favour. Not that any of this is good, just that, that day I had broke up with my ex girlfriend and I think I kinda opened up to you. Rambled for ages, I probably gave you a headache more than what your leg hurt." He chuckled to himself. "How is your leg now? All fixed?"

I nodded and flexed it out. "I'm not completely bionic but there's always hope for the future." I replied.

"I got a pin in my arm, holding a bone together so I am part bionic."

"Nice." I replied causing us both to chuckle.

We fell silent as the ward around us increased with people rushing to and from their positions.

"Thank you." I spoke making Connor look up. "For staying with me, listening to me and helping me in the crash."

He shrugged "It's no problem. I just wished I could have been more of a help too you, besides holding your hand and wiping your face."

I smiled gently "It was more than enough."

"Yeah, right... If my arm weren't bust I would have been able to get you out." He replied.

"You do know you're not suppose to move anyone unless instructed by a paramedic, don't you?" I asked.

"Well I was all for breaking rules away." He shrugged making me giggle. "Ahh, still got it Con, you made her laugh."

Rolling my eyes, the smile stayed planted on my face until I realised the time. "I better get going, my friend is picking me up."

"I'll walk out with you." Connor smiled rising from his seat.

"What about your appointment?" I asked looking around for a clock or a waiting doctor.

"I was here early, an hour early in fact, seems I can't read a letter properly now. But hey, better than late right?" He asked.

"If you say so!" I replied getting up and heading for the exit.

"I do say so. Absolutely, although my ass is slightly numb from those seats. You'd think they would make them a little more comfier." He complained.

"Not really, it would mean people would turn up early and use the seat to stake out others after their appointments." I teased.

"And here I thought that we were friend." He sighed dramatically.

"Friends? Dude I don't know anything about you." I replied ducking under his arm as we left the ward.

"Well what do you wanna know? Shall we do introductions? Okay, I'm Connor Matthews. I'm an Aquarius. My favourite colour is Green. I love action films, not a huge fan of horror films. I'm an insurance salesman and love Bacon. Your turn." He smiled.

"I'm Katy Hartwell-"

"Nice to meet you Katy Hartwell." He interrupted.

"Shh." I hushed before continuing. "I am a Libra. Favourite colour is Blue, love animals and a strong interest in photography. I have some kind of Amnesia thanks to some accident, oh and I love Ice cream."


"Strawberry and cream, obviously."

"Obviously? Everyone knows mint choc chip is king."

"What?! No way is it!" I protested.

"Yeah it is! With some choc flakes on top? Damn it's just amazing."

"I disagree, strawberry is king." I replied as we exited the hospital.

"Well we will agree to disagree, Ms Hartwell.... But there is one way to declare a winner."

"I'm listening." I replied looking at Connor as he smirked.

"I take you out to the best Ice cream parlour in Vegas."

I pondered "Hmm, I don't kno-"

"Then Mint wins by forfeit."

"What?! Hell no! Fine! When and where?"

Connor grinned "I'll call you."

"You don't have my number." I replied folding my arms.

"Well that won't do.. Got a pen?" He asked.

I rummaged through my bag until I found a pen and waved it in front of him "Strawberry scented. Always a winner." I sang.

"We will see." He chuckled.

As he handed me his phone, I typed in my number as he wrote his number on the support groups piece of paper.

"Don't lose that. I'm a wanted man." He joked.

"Yeah I see all the women watching you." I retorted passing his phone back. "I'm under Strawberry is a winner."

He chuckled "Well how can I change that now?"

"Simple, you don't. I don't have a cell phone, but it's my apartment phone."

"That's cool. Police still have yours?"

"Yeah. I don't think I'll get it back, although I could get a spare one. But I am enjoying the freedom."

"Don't blame you. These things can be a massive tie." He answered pocketing his.

A blast of a horn made me tense, looking over my shoulder, I found the car. One that was all too familiar.

"Is that your ride?" Connor asked looking over my shoulder.

"Apparently so." I grounded out throwing the driver a murderous look.

"Well I better let you go, I can imagine you've spent enough time in this place for the past few months."

"Absolutely, so uh.. Let me know when you wanna admit Strawberries and cream is a winner." I grinned stepping away.

"Be prepared to eat your words, Ms Hartwell."

"Katy. Please."

"Katy..." He tested before smiling at me. "I like it. Keep an ear out for that phone call."

"Katy?! Come on!" Zak called making me tense my jaw.

I watched Connor look at Zak before looking at me. "He's a friend. A very bad one at that!" I shouted back causing Zak to rev the engine of his car.

"You better go.."

Myself and Connor parted ways, leaving me to turn and look at Zak who was crawling up the curb in his car.

"Hurry up before I get a ticket." He moaned.

"Feel free to drive home."

He clamped his mouth closed before looking out of his side mirror and pulled away. Angry at him still for his words and angry at myself for not getting in the car, I watched him drive down the road.

My heart sank into the pit of my tummy as I realised how ungrateful and childish I was being..

I wanted to be mad at him, but it took too much strength and I didn't think I had a lot left. There were bigger things that needed to be considered, like I could have been killed in the accident, so spending my time angry at him was fruitless for both of us..

The brake lights lit up on his car as he ground to a halt and the indicator came on. Seeing my opportunity, I headed for his car and climbed in sheepishly.

"Next time, I'll leave you there." He warned. "Got it?"

"Don't talk to me like a child!" I snapped back causing a growl to vibrate his chest.

"You really test my patience Katy. You're lucky I..."

"That you what, Zak? Huh?"

He muttered something under his breath before looking over at me "Put your damn belt on."

I did as I was told and held my hands together to stop the urge from hanging on the door or seatbelt.

"Where is Billy?" I asked as we headed into the traffic.

"At home probably. I arranged it so that I'd pick you up. Seeing as you've avoided me." Zak replied. Chewing my lip, I looked out the window and began counting the drains on the road.

"Who was that guy? Back there at the hospital." Zak questioned making me pause my count.


"Didn't look like nobody. Was he hassling you?"

"What? No. No of course not."

"So who was he?"

"Just a guy, called Connor." I answered. Jesus, interrogation!

"Well what did he want?"

"It's none of your business."

"You are my business Katy because you are my friend. You've just had a fucking accident and don't have a cell phone, oh and also have Amnesia, you get headaches often, you need tablets regularly and they cause you to get tired! So yeah, it's my business."

I stared at Zak, watching the anger seep out of his pores, or was it jealousy? Jealousy that he didn't know Connor and now needed to know everything?

"Oh so I have amnesia now, weird cause you didn't believe me last week and now you're uber concerned."

"Why is everything a fight with you?"

"How's Louisa?" I asked feeling my childish spur arising.

"Wh- Lou- I'm talking about you!"

"I know, but I want to talk about you, so. How is Louisa?"

"How the hell should I know?!"

"Well she's your girlfriend isn't she? By the way, you don't need to hide that she is, if we are so called friends surely you would be able to tell me that at least! You also don't need to lie about being busy if you're with her. It's understandab-"

"Shut the fuck up." He interrupted making me scoff.

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me, you have no idea what you're rambling on about. So just stop." He answered raking a hand over his face.

"You're a bigger asshole than I thought." I muttered folding my arms beside him.

We fell silent for the best part of the journey before Zak spoke again. "I'm sorry okay, is that what you want to here? I'm sorry for saying I don't believe in your problems and I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. You just push my buttons, all of them. Jabbing at every one like a child with its chubby fingers! You never take into consideration that a lot of people worry about you. Just the idea that the world is against you, which it isn't-"

"I do not have chubby fingers." I protested.

He chortled and shook his head "Some things never change.. All that and you only pick up on the words 'chubby fingers'."

"I don't have chubby fingers." I repeated making him lift his hand in defence.

"Okay.. So uh, Connor, how did you meet him?" He asked.

"It's complicated.. In fact I don't remember meeting him, but apparently I've met him before the hospital today."



He nodded "Right... Well I'm not dating Louisa.. In fact I'm not seeing anyone, just incase you were worried." He replied as we headed away from the strip.

I had a mixed response for his answer, I was almost... Happy that he wasn't seeing her. But confused at why it bothered me so much.

"I wasn't worried." I replied casually masking my emotions.

"Uh huh.. Sure you weren't."

"I wasn't."

"If you say so." He teased.

"I do say so."

"Well alright then."

"Right. Well stop going on about it then." I shook my head.

"You started it."

"Oh you are such a child." I whispered hiding the curve of my lips.

"At least I don't have chubby fingers."

I shot him a deadly look causing him to burst out laughing, letting one hand go off the wheel, he reached over and pulled my hands apart. Locking his fingers through mine, he smiled and looked back out the windscreen at the road ahead. So here we were, he was driving home and holding my hand. And I was letting him..

Selcouth- Where everything feels strange and different.

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