Illuminated: Book One of the...

By JackieCastle

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Welcome to the World of Alburnium... If the Wizard of Oz swept you away and Narnia enchanted you, then follow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Author's Note

Chapter 24

256 20 1
By JackieCastle

Alyra checked her packs one more time adding the jar of cream made from the fruit of the White Tree. The healer had also provided several packets of herbal teas to help with aches and pains. Marya had even made what she called a Healer's pack that Alyra could wear strapped to her belt. Inside were a few basic supplies needed to treat minor injuries.

"Your medallion might not say you're a Healer," Marya helped Alyra slip on her backpack. "But knowing various skills helps you to be well-rounded and knowledgeable, sweet-pea. From Jerin, you can learn to fight, and you can teach him what you know about healing herbs. Iron sharpens iron, as they say."

The people of Many Rivers provided her with a new dark brown cloak, along with another new pair of shoes, since the others had worn down during her stay. Carah's dagger was strapped to her waist, something Jerin insisted on though she knew she'd probably never use it. She looked around the homey cottage, her chest aching over leaving the comfort and security she'd enjoyed there.

As they gathered the remaining bags, Marya said, "I want you to know you'll always have a place here whenever you're in need. Always." She kissed her cheek. "Always." She kissed her other cheek. "Always!" She ended with a peck on her nose.

Alyra secured her cloak over her pack fearing her heart would shatter if she didn't leave soon. Taking a deep breath, she headed outside. The rains had come last night, causing the morning sun to glisten off the wet ivy covering the porch railings. The flowers growing along the walkway sparkled as though they were made of glass. The tall, green grasses dripped with dew as if they also wept tears with her. She was losing the battle to hold hers in check.

Jerin waited beside the road. His new shield, adorned with the emblem of the white tree hung over his shoulder covering his backpack. A chainmail vest peeked out from beneath his pale blue shirt, and a new sword was strapped to his waist. She hoped they wouldn't get into any battles, but at least he was prepared if they did.

Her chest hurt so bad she could hardly breathe. She didn't want to have to do the goodbyes. She searched the yard and woods, still not seeing Lotari anywhere. Perhaps he felt the same way.

"Ready to go, Alyra?" asked a voice from behind her. She turned to see Issah walking up from behind Marya's cottage.

"I guess."

He stopped in front of her and cupped her face in his hands. "When you are part of the Alburnium kingdom, you're part of a huge family. You never say goodbye forever. It's more of a, 'I'll see you again, some future day.'"

"Will I see you again along the road?"

"Absolutely. I'll be there anytime you need me."

She was about to ask why she hadn't seen him since he'd brought Jerin when his last words registered. He had always been there when she really needed him. She'd been safe here. And he stood before her now, offering encouragement. She smiled and nodded.

"Issah, do you think ...?"

"He's on his way."

She'd never get used to how he always seemed to know her deepest thoughts.

Jerin's eyes widened when he saw Issah. Smoothing his shirt nervously, he gave a low bow. "Good day, Sire."

Alyra wondered at his strange behavior. Why the formality with Issah? Then, she'd never really understood Jerin. Turning to the woods, she watched the trees for Lotari.

Issah returned the bow. "I was hoping for a few words with you, Son. Before you set off."

Jerin's face brightened into a smile. "Of course."

"Good. Follow me." He led Jerin toward the garden.

Marya stepped from the cottage with a large shoulder bag full of food. She nodded to Issah as he passed with Jerin, then broke into a wide grin and waved. Alyra spun in the direction she was looking and spotted Lotari walking along the road from town, with his head lowered. Relief washed over her as she bound toward him, catching his left arm when she reached his side. The white bow was slung over his shoulder, along with a quiver of arrows. A knife and travel bag hung around his waist. Was he going somewhere after she and Jerin departed?

"I'm so glad you came. I was afraid I'd have to leave without seeing you."

He didn't look at her, but a small smile spread across his downcast face. "Well, it appears I'll be accompanying you."

She couldn't contain her happiness. She threw her arms around his waist. "I'm so glad, Lot. I so wanted you to come, too."

He patted her back but said nothing. Head still hung low he stared at the white rocks, eyes distant.

"You don't seem too happy about this, Lot. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I've made my decision. I'll not change it."

Jerin returned with Issah, his smile gone and replaced with a stony scowl. He glared at the centaur. Alyra let her arms drop but stayed at his side until they came to a stop next to Marya.

Lotari didn't acknowledge the boy either.

Marya held up the sack of provisions. "This should be enough to last a few days."

"Lot is great at finding food." Alyra wanted Jerin to realize what an asset the centaur would be.

"Then he can carry the provisions." Jerin motioned toward the centaur.

Lotari finally looked him over from head to foot, then stared at the bag as if it had a stench. Alyra noticed the purple bruise running along the right side of his face.

"I am no one's pack animal. Carry it yourself." Lotari snapped, moving backward a step.

Jerin's eyes widened for a moment before returning to their former scowl.

"I'll carry it." Alyra hoped to keep peace between them.

"If he's too good to help carry some of the load, he can fend for himself."

"Do not concern yourself with my welfare, boy." Lotari snorted. "I know how to find what I need without carrying a burden mile after mile."

Marya shook her head and gave Alyra a look of pity.

Issah stepped between the warrior and the centaur. "Well, that's settled. I'd like a word with all of you before you begin." They gathered closer to him, yet kept an arm's length from each other.

"Each of you possesses something the others need, which is why I have set the three of you together. Your journey will go quicker, and be more pleasant, once you all learn to respect and care for one another." Starting with Jerin Issah stood before each of them, and clasped their faces in his hands as he whispered a blessing over their journey.

"Help will be there when needed. Listen to your heart and trust the path." He bowed once more before heading west on the path. To their amazement, a group of Logorians stepped out of the woods and joined him.

Marya hugged each of them holding Lotari a bit longer and then standing on the tips of her toes to plant several kisses on his bruised cheek. His earth-encrusted fingers dug into the back of her shawl. Alyra wondered if he wouldn't break into tears over her shower of loving affection right there in front of everyone.

"I love you all, my dears. Until we meet again." Marya blew kisses at them. Alyra quickly turned away, her chest constricting.

Lotari trotted several paces in the lead.

Jerin's gaze kept flicking to Alyra for a while before he finally asked, "Did you know about this?"

She shrugged, measuring the best way to answer. "Yes, and no." She spoke in a quiet voice, despite knowing Lotari would still hear them with his keen ears. "I overheard Issah's conversation with him last night after I left you. Nothing had been decided. Issah asked him to come. I don't understand his reasons." She stared pointedly at the large boy. "But I'm glad. He's good, Jerin. He'll be a big help. You'll see if you give him a chance."

Jerin's angry glare at the centaur's back and the slight shake of his head told her he didn't believe her. Perhaps Marya was right, he would have to learn by experience. Hopefully, he would learn soon.

For the remainder of the day, they walked in silence, single file. Lotari stayed in the lead, eventually keeping to a gait they could keep up with. Alyra followed, lost in her thoughts, a mixture of longing, hope, and fear. Jerin brooded at the rear. The path lay wide open with pastureland on each side. Every once in a while, they spotted a herd of sheep or cattle and even came across a couple of houses. The scenery was beautiful and made her feel peaceful as if there were no danger, no evil Dark Lord, and no war going on. At least there were some places untouched by his destructive hand.

Was all of this part of King Shaydon's lands? She quickened her pace to catch up with Lotari. "Do all the towns and homes on the white path serve Shaydon's Kingdom?"

Lotari brows creased as he continued to focus on the road ahead. "The Dark One's servants cannot stand to touch the white rocks that cover the King's Highway. How many times must I repeat this?" He finally looked down at her with a smirk. "You did read the book on kingdom peoples I gave you, correct?"

She ducked her head, now walking beside him. She could hear Jerin's heavy footsteps right behind, and she knew he'd quickened his pace as well.

"If you had, then you'd know that those who take up residence along the Highway have a responsibility to care for it and help travelers. Such as Marya and the peoples of Many Rivers do. Those who help to establish Kingdom cities are called Planters."

"So that means all the towns we pass will be safe, right?"

"Not necessarily." Thankfully, Lotari didn't seem to be in the mood to press her about the book.

"But you said—"

"What you must understand is that many settlements begin devoted to Kingdom ways. Unfortunately, over time, newcomers move in, and sometimes Kingdom ways get pushed aside. If a town isn't careful, they forget what they originally stood for. Alburnium ways are strange to those who've never visited Aloblase and experienced it firsthand."

"Mayor Tember said Many Rivers is nothing compared to living in Aloblase." Jerin's steps drew closer. "The city and people he described sounded like a dream, Aly." He let out a loud sigh. "I can't imagine many from Yarholm freely giving shoes and traveling clothes to a complete stranger. They'd sell and might even offer a decent deal on a good day, but never give away all they had."

"Well, Lydia and Rog gave me some clothes."

"Not their normal behavior, I assure you." Jerin chuckled. "I'm sure they were motivated by the fact you would take me to find the White Tree warriors."

She laughed with a one-shoulder shrug. "Well, Lydia was nice in the end. But the townsfolks of Many Rivers were simply amazing. I sure hope I can come back someday."

A pained expression pinched Lotari's forehead.

Jerin caught up until he walked on her other side, a good few feet from the centaur. "They were so happy and content. I could settle down in a town like that, too."

"Could you?" Lotari's brows rose in question. "Their life is not as easy you'd think. To live in total abandon of yourself. To give freely to others. To stand firm against adversity."

Jerin scowled as irritation flashed across his face.

Alyra, trying to understand and trying to keep a quarrel from erupting, asked, "So some of the towns we pass will be Kingdom towns and some won't. How will we know which are safe?"

Lotari sighed deeply. "Basically, if the path goes right into the heart of the town and you find an active Meeting Hall, then you've found a Kingdom town, no doubt. But if the path skirts around the township, instead of directly through, then we should keep our guard up. More than likely, over time, the people's hearts have moved away from Kingdom ways. You'll know the kind of area we are in by the condition of the King's Highway... It's the same with a town."

Alyra asked, "You mean whether the people serve King Shaydon or the Dark Lord?"

Lotari nodded.

A low rumbling growl came from Jerin. "Or neither. Yarholm wouldn't necessarily be considered a Kingdom town, but we certainly didn't serve the Dark Lord."

"Doesn't seem you were against the Dark One." Lotari finally looked at Jerin for the first time since they had left the healing house.

Jerin stopped. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Touching Lotari's arm, Alyra silently pleaded with the centaur not to get into an argument.

But Jerin added fuel by saying, "If we weren't so busy fighting off you interfering creatures all the time, perhaps we'd have more opportunity to work for the Kingdom."

"You dare lump me together with your problems?" Lotari stepped closer to Jerin, despite Alyra's attempt to keep them apart.

Jabbing his finger into Lotari's chest, Jerin yelled, "All of you creatures are the same in my book."

"Haven't ventured far from your horse and plow, have you farmer boy?"

Alyra got sandwiched between them. Their sweat filled her nostrils, and she decided she'd had enough of the stubborn, prideful boys. She elbowed Lotari then Jerin, catching both in the gut.

"Enough!" She jumped out of their way. "I've heard enough from both of you! Never have I seen such arrogant nonsense in all my years serving Lord Darnel! Wouldn't he be pleased to see you two right now."

She straightened her pack and then jerked the food sack from Jerin's shoulder. He and the centaur stood frozen with stupefied expressions on their faces.

"We're supposed to be trying to get along! That's what Issah said before we left. At least, that's what I heard!"

They cringed as her voice rose to an ear-splitting level.

"I'm tired, and I'm hungry." She softened her tone. "I'm going to set up camp." Alyra pointed toward a sprawling oak, which looked like a nice sheltered area alongside the path. "You two better work out whatever problems you have with each other. And don't even think about joining me again until it's all settled, or I'll... I'll...."

Lotari's mouth turned up in a smirk. "What, dear?"

"I don't know, but I'll think of something. I always do."

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