Say That You'll Stay (GMD3/Di...

By EmilyRachel_D3

104K 1.5K 559

When Mia's best friend Sky comes to live with her in England, they almost immediately bump into Dan and Micky... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45


7.7K 62 3
By EmilyRachel_D3

"Oh gosh Sky! Stop it! It's freezing here! I'd rather it hot than cold!" I laugh to her, pressing the phone closer to my ear.

"Whatever Mia, if you were back here in Aus you'd take that back. No joke it's like 50 degrees here!"

"Don't lie! I've only been in England 2 years! And it was never as hot as 50 degrees in summer, it never will be!" I say, rolling onto my back on the bed.

"Nah but Mia..." she replies, almost solemnly "... Global Warming!"

We burst out laughing.

Skylar is my best friend; I've known her for almost my entire life. I miss her, after moving here with my family two years ago, leaving behind all the fun memories we had together in Australia. We don't talk as much as we used to, 13 hour time zones are definitely a pain in the ass, but when we do get the chance to talk, we talk about anything and everything for hours! We're just that compatible.

"You retard" I say to her as our giggling dies down.

"Yeah well, you know me"

I smile and roll my eyes

"Too well unfortunately" I say teasingly

I jump from my bed and log onto the computer, my eyes drift over to the wall clock of my bedroom.

"Shit!" I yell into the phone "It's already 12!?"

"Ahaha is it there?" She laughs

"Not funny Sky, I have an exam tomorrow!" I say, exasperated. I leap from my desk to collect my study notes I had left in the kitchen earlier.

"So a piece of paper is more important than your bestie? I'm offended!" She laughs.

"Stop it! I actually have to go. This counts for 30% of my grade. The grading system here is all fucked up I swear!"

"Wait Mia!" She yells urgently

"What now? I gotta go!!"

"Just hold on, I gotta tell you something"

I stop in the middle of my lounge and narrow my eyes. "Quickly please!"

"What would you do... if I told you that I may be going to England?"

I roll my eyes "Whatever Sky, okay I have to leave"

"Mia... I'm serious."

I listen carefully for giggles or laughter... nothing.

"Can you skip to the point? Time is ticking!"

"Um... I'm coming to London?" She says nervously.

I drop my books with a thud

"What was that? Are you on the floor?"

A few seconds of silence pass.

"Don't bullshit me Sky" I say gripping the phone and pressing my lips together from letting out a scream.

"I'll say it one more time- I'm moving to London!"

The thought begins to click in my mind as I sense the excitement in her voice.

"Wha- what!? Oh my gosh! I can't believe it!" I manage to slip out of my mouth before screaming with happiness while jumping idiotically around the lounge.

"Amelia, you gotta calm yourself down before you get forced into some mental institute" She laughs, with a slight tone of seriousness.

"What! Okay. I'm calm." I sit myself on the couch, controlling my excitement, as I wait for Sky to continue.

"We're moving over because mum has to take care of my grandparents. We'll be heading up in a week's time! Ooooh! How'd I forget to tell you this! I'll be moving in with you! Our parents have already agreed to it! I should probably stop rambling on now; you gotta get some rest before your exam."

I let out some form of high-pitched excited squeal.

"I am so fucking excited! You have to meet my mate Kalia, she's awesome! Okay, you're right; I should get some sleep now. Happy New Years for a few days time! Hey, isn't it your New Year's resolution 'to get a boyfriend' again? Haha! Goodnight! Love you!"

"Hahaha very funny." She says sarcastically. "Night night!"

The following week passes surprisingly quickly. Spending most of the days hanging out with my friend Kalia, the week flew by me. I met Kalia on my first day at school here, we just automatically clicked. To be honest, I don't really know that much about her. She's the type of person who is secretive about things, but that's okay, I mean, everyone has their secrets. I love the light hearted banter we have together.

"Okay Mia, I'll shoot straight. All the hot guys at the party are mine!" Kalia said as we got ready to go to an exclusive New Year's party.

"Oh please, as if!" I laughed at her. She simply rolled her eyes, and continued to encase her hair with hairspray.

"How does my hair look? Alright?" I said coming between her and the mirror.

"Woah.Horrifying. I think I'll be having nightmares of it for weeks to come.." She said with a serious face.

"Serious Kalia! I gotta step up my game to steal those hot guys off ya!" We both giggled.

"Haha, yeah, it looks fine" she had said semi-genuinely.

It was a fun night, we chatted to a few cute guys here and there, Kalia doing most of the talking... but there was one guy that really caught my eye that night.

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