Different Worlds (Mal/You)

By realhc5

331K 10.2K 524

UCLA was everything I thought it would be. The team was even better. 18 years old. US Soccer player, Olympian... More

Strange Person
Move On
Not That Easy
Tell Them
Look Back
Baby Mal
Ask Her
Call Her
No Matter What
This Person
That Bad
Father Test
Strongly Dislike
A Plan
See It
Pay Attention
It Rang
More Than Blood
Bigger Person
Not Here
I Got You
Work It Out
Gonna Get Better
New Faces
Weird Life
Birthday Planning
Thanks Kelley
The Party
Lost Chance
Drinking Buddies
Game One
France Bound
The Cousin
Remember When
Miss Her
Big Day
Never Surer
Not Anymore
Kelley Did What?
Date Night
Now What
In Order
Dear Love
Hang Tight

Big Mouth

5.5K 187 6
By realhc5

Your POV:

"Ah! There he is! Little Craig!" Sydney yelled.

"Craig? I thought his name was Cassius?" I looked at him.

"It is. Those idiots just think I'm a terrible mother." She smiled.

"And you're keeping the act going?" She nodded. "I like you." I laughed. "I hope you don't mind. Megan had to go somewhere and left him with me." 

"Don't mind at all. More help the better." She smiled.

"You're good with kids?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. I was an only child but most of my neighbors had kids. I was a pretty good babysitter."

Kelley nudged Mal. "Ow." Mal hit her.

"My mom could use a day off if you want to watch him." Sydney looked back to me.

"If she really wants a day off, I can watch him." I smiled. "No problem at all." I held Cassius. I looked at Mal then back at Sydney. "Also you two look alike are y'all related?"



"Ok then." 

Sydney took Cassius and walked away. 

Everyone left except for Mal. "So you're good with kids. Anything else I should know about you?" She looked at me.

"I think you're cute." I smiled. She blushed. "And I know you have a crush on me."

"What? I do not have a crush on you." She started laughing. "Don't be cocky."

"I heard you and Kelley talking. She isn't quiet." I said. 

"Damn it, Kelley." Mal mumbled. "What else did you here?"

"Just know that if you were gonna ask me out," I started walking away. "I might say yes." I smiled.

Mal's POV:

Well, that happened. 

I headed off to practice and stayed focused. 

"When are you asking her out." Midge asked.

"Ok does EVERYONE know?" I looked at her.

"Kelley has a big mouth." She put her hands up. "But seriously. When are you asking her out?"

"Probably after practice because she always knows how big of a mouth Kelley has."

"So she knows about everything?"

"Pretty much."

Midge laughed. "Oh, Kelley. Now I know to not go to Kelley with anything." 

"Yeah, I wish I knew that before." 

Your POV:

"Thanks again." Sydney's mom took Cassius. 

"Don't worry about it. I can watch him whenever don't hesitate to ask." I smiled.

She left and I saw the team walking towards me. "Oh look its the hot, scary babysitter!" Megan smiled. "How was Cassius?"

"He was fine." I smiled. "How was practice?" 

Mal walked in with ice on her leg. "I'm in pain." She walked by me.

"I had nothing to do with it." Kelley walked in with ice on her shoulder.

"She had everything to do with it." Sydney laughed.

I went up to Mal's room. "Hey? You ok?" I sat next to her. 

"Fine." She smiled. "Just a little sore." 

"Just relax. I'll see you lat-" 

"Go out with me after the game tomorrow." She said.


"Go out with me." 

"Mal. You're cool and all, but"

"Just let me down easy." She sighed.

"Let me finish." I laughed. "You're cool and all, but you took TOO long to ask me out!" She looked up.

"You could've asked me."

"I know but I wanted to see how long it would take it." I laughed. "Didn't think it would take this long."

"Why." She covered her face.

"You kept coming to the coffee shop, looking for me on campus, asking for me at work? Mal I knew you liked me." 

"I'm embarassed."

"Don't be. You're lucky I like you too." 

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