By BlueMonster7787

92.5K 4.2K 1.5K

We used to be happy back then We played and smiled together I missed the memories of ours - US You and me are... More

Sun is The Light
You From Afar
Unloved Prince
The New Beginning
Piper Boy
New Friend, More Hate
I Wish We Could Be Back Like Before
Surprise : Big Surprises (part 1)
Surprise : Big Surprises (part 2)
Plan A, B, C.... to Court You
Love Song : My Love Only For you
Aftermath : Stolen Kiss
Your Smile Is Giving Me Heart Attack
Confuse : Do I like Him?
Will My Heart Be Okay?
Heart To Heart With Mom
Change - Something New
Challenge (To Win O̶v̶e̶r̶ You) [Part 1]
Challenge (To Win O̶v̶e̶r̶ You) [Part 2]
Prince vs Princess
Mistake and Mistaken
Secret and Other Plan
Heart Breaks
Was It Dream?
The Strange Feeling
Going Mad Because Of You
Dumb and Dumber
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 1]
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 2]
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 3]
I See Him Everywhere
Go On Date With Me!
Our Date
Start Over
The True Feeling
This Love Is Ours
Jealousy Everywhere
You Are Mine
You Are The One And Only
Official But Not Officially
Our Official First Kiss [Fourth Kiss]
Copper vs His Mom
Weekend and Movie [Part 1]
Weekend and Movie [Part 2]
Holiday Planning
Sweet Punishment
Back : New Ending
Extra Story 1 : It Makes Us Out of Control
Extra Story 2 : Finally, I Found You
Extra Story 3 : Our First Time (Copper x Oh)

Because You Like Me?

1.7K 83 31
By BlueMonster7787

When P'Ken said we would perfom for upcoming event, I got excited. I loved drama. I liked to perform. And when P'Ken told us about the drama that we would to present for upcoming event is Snow White, I told myself to get a role as a prince or the huntsman.

Oh did not want be part of the audition but he helped me with my script. I practiced hard for a week to show my determination about the drama. I felt nervouse but excited at the same time.

Tomorrow is the day when the audition would be held. Today I wanted to rest and get relax. I did not want to be stressed out. So, today after school ended I decided to be back home early and sleep. But before I back home, I wanted to go to the hall. I wanted to feel the atmosphere over there so I would not be so nervouse tomorrow.

I saw Inn sat on the seat near the stage. He all alone. I thought he had the same reason as me to come here. I walked to approach him.

"Are you waiting for me?" I leaned down my body and wishpered in his left ear. He looked at me and there. That is his shocked face. God, why he always show me a cute expression of him? I couldn't help but fall for him again and again.

"What are you doing here?"
"I don't know. Maybe I have a feeling I will meet you in here, so I come!" I gave him my big smile. He stood up and tried to pass me.

"Where are you going?"
"Your home or my home?"
"Of course my home!"
"Okay, lets go then!" I said as I held his hand and walked. He stand still. He looked at me in confusion. He let go of my hand.

"What are you doing?"
"I asked you where to go, your home or my home and you said your home. So, lets go then!"

"When I asked you to go to my home?-----" and then he realised it. He got red. Blushed. Shit. Adorable. He walked fast and passed me.

"Inn, wait for me! How come I go to your home if you leave me behind?" I said it loud to tease him. He looked back at me with his annoyed face and scream a word to me. Pervert! Haha. Damn, he was so cute.


I never thought there would be a lot of people got excited to be a part of the audition. I saw more than 20 students were going for audition, including me. We are in the back of the stage now, waiting to be called one by one.

I did not feel nervouse at all today. I felt at ease. I looked at Nam who seem so nervouse. I tried to calm her down and gave her a courage. I told her if she would be good. I felt dark aura in the back. When I turned back, I saw Inn glared at me. When I looked at him, he looked away. Acted like he did something else. Was he jealous?

The judges called us one by one and there my turn to be on stage. I walked confidently. I looked at three judges and Oh behind them. He gave me smiled and tumbs up. I was happy to see he was there to give me courage. I started to portray my self as a prince. When I was done, I heard lot of applause surrounding me. I felt happy. After I perfomed as a prince, I acted as the huntsman as well. I felt proud of myself when I saw the judges and the audiences felt awe at my perfomance. Nothing as happy as this moment for me.

After done with my perfomance I came to Oh and sat beside him. We watched all the audition till the end. P'Ken told us the result would be announced tomorrow.


I did not mad at Oh when he voted for Copper to be the prince, not me. When everyone looked so surprise about his decision, I just gave him a smirk. I have a mockery material for him. I could used it to tease him for whole week. Haha.

We have break time for an hour before we back to practice. I tried to look after Oh but that potter boy was no where to be found. But instead, I found my handsome adorable Inn. I should thanks to God for this. I love you God.

"Mirror... Mirror... Who is the cutest boy in this world?" I teased him. He looked at me felt annoyed. He wasn't in the mood.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to be harm" he ignored me, "But nothing to be ashamed anyway. As long as you do great perfomance, I think everyone will be proud of you!"

"At least no one of us have to act as the tree, you know" and that I saw a glimpse of smile in his face. I knew he tried to hold his smile. Cute!


We back to practice again after an hour break. Everyone look determined with this drama. I helped Oh with his job before he shoo me away. Well, I didn't blame him because all I did was teased him about the vote.

I back to my group. I helped Nam with her script. Nam is a very friendy girl. I could get along with her in a short time. I liked her personality. Very out going. We had same interest in photography. And again I felt dark aura behind my back. I turned around and I saw Inn glared at us. Was he jealous again? Was it because of me or because of Nam?

I felt my energy was sucked out from my body. I felt weak after long practice. I need to go home soon and rest. I needed to charge my energy back. When I walked, I felt someone was following me. Every time I turned back I did not see anyone. For several times I turned back to see who was it when I saw Inn's shoes that couldn't covered behind trash can. I smiled.

"You don't need to hide again, Inn. I already saw you" he appeared from behind trash can and he felt shy. I walked slowly step by step to come to him. I pinned him to the wall before he could escaped from me.

"Ugh... What are you doing?" he asked.

"That should be me who asked you. What are you doing, Inn? Why you followed me? Are you stalking me?"

"What are you talking about? I didn't stalk you. I just wanna go home when I saw you!"

"Really?" I leaned my face near his face. Our face was about an inch. I could feel his warm breath. I could saw he blushed again. He looked away, didn't dare to face me. He didn't dare to look at my face.

"So tell me, Inn. Why you look like you was jealous whenever I'm with Nam? Did you got jealous because of me or because of Nam? Do you like Nam?"

"No! I don't like Nam. Who said I was jealous? And why would I be jealous of you two?"

"I don't know. Maybe, because you like me?" He looked at me. Shocked. Shit. That red lips was very tempting. I couldn't hold back. Before he said something, I locked his lips with mine. It was soft and it taste so sweet. It was more sweet than sugar. God. Finally I kissed him. I kissed this nice boy. I kissed the handsome adorable boy of mine. I kissed Inn.


Finally, I made it!
God, I feel proud of myself 😅
I love this InnxSun moment
I need more of them
But as a CopperxOh shipper, I will write about them later after lot of CopperxOh moment 😉
So, next chapter we will be back to Oh POV
I hope you will enjoy it 😇😇

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