Final Fantasy Fanfiction

By WritersCradle

72.4K 1.7K 295

Final Fantasy One-Shots, I really love every characters and their art. I have worked really hard trying to th... More

1st ∘ Coming Soon
VII • Cloud
VII • Reno
1st ∘ Preference
XV • Prompto
VII • Zack
XV • Noctis
1st ∘ Group Chat
VII • Kadaj { 1/2 }
VII • Sephiroth { 1/2 }
VII • Sephiroth { 2/2 }
2nd ∘ Group Chat
XIII • Hope
2nd ∘ Preference
XIII • Snow
1st ∘ Imagine
VII • Vincent
VII • Zack
2nd ∘ Coming Soon
3rd ∘ Group Chat
VII • Reno
XV • Ignis { 1/3 }
XIII • Cid Raines
3rd ∘ Preference
XV • Gladiolus
VII • Reno
4th ∘ Group Chat
VII • Cloud
VII • Reno
XV • Cor
1st ∘ VS
1st ∘ Seminar
XII • Balthier
XV • King Regis
XII • Basch
XV • Ignis { 2/3 }
XV • Prompto
VI • Kefka
IX • Zidane
1 • Real Life
VII • Cloud
XV • Prompto
VII • Tseng
Coming Soon [ Hate ]
XV • Ignis
4th ∘ Preference
XV • Ravus
2nd • Seminar
XV • Ignis { 3/3 }
XV • Ardyn [ H ]
5th • Preference
VII • Cloud [1/2]
XV • Noctis
Kadaj { 2/2 }
5th • Group Chat
XV • Gladiolus
VII • Yuffie 1/2
VII • Reno
VII • Cloud [2/2]
3rd • Coming Soon
XIII • Snow
XIII • Hope (1/2)
X • Auron (1/2)
XV • Cor

VII • Vincent

7.4K 67 3
By WritersCradle

Warning: Explicit language


I ran and ran to the edge of the cliff where the water was below, I ran faster and jumped.


I've been a soldier in RECK for a while, my mother died when I was twelve, my father made me join RECK when I was fourteen, he didn't really pay attention to me, I was always the best in the group but...I had to go away, my city was being invaded too many I decided to leave. I went to Midgar, where I met Cloud and little Denzel. I was walking around the city observing the place, there weren't no guards...I went to sector 5 church where I saw flowers and the broken roof up top, then all of a sudden I heard the door open roughly. I turned around and saw a blonde man and a brown haired little boy.

"Who are you?" asked the brown haired boy asked.

"I'm (F/N). I'm a soldier in RECK." I responded. The two males looked at each other.

"Leave" said the blonde, I looked at him in a stern way, no one ever talked to me in that manner. I slowly approached him.

"Don't talk to me like that peasant." I said harshly. The blonde shrugged

"I don't care, who you are I said leave." I was about to slice him with my Cutlass but someone else entered the church. A man in crimson wearing red, he could be a guard from Haven for all I care.

"Cloud? Who's this?"

"Her name is (F/N)" the boy with brown hair. 'Denzel' went through my mind, I started to look at the little boy, he looked at me back.

"Denzel" I mumbled softly, then Cloud must be the blonde, then who's the man in crimson? I teleported from in front of the two males to the front of the church and walked away.


Ever since that, Me and Cloud helped each other out from defeating an alien named the 'Ursa' then I was introduced to Vincent by the hyper eighteen year old, Yuffie. Hell I had to admit I did have feelings for the Vincent Valentine.


I was walking around the forest until I saw Vincent and Lucrecia happily talking, laughing, kissing, and hugging. My heart broke, my eyes started dripping down tears of acid, acid as in pain. Strike 3, this is the third time I've been hurt. People say there is always fate, but I believe that was all bullshit. I sacrificed my emotions to him. I felt like I was being pulled with demons and souls with the underground with their long claws and I'm trying to free myself. I felt like a thirsty immortal creature not getting it's prey and start to injure itself. Both of them turned in my directions, my eyes went from (E/C) from pure red, I turned around and immediately started running in a un-human pace.


I walked into my house extremely exhausted. I lived by the woods 'Maybe staying home for two weeks should be a way to go' I started to get furious, I started to cry. I hated the fact that Vincent loved Lucrecia. My life is in his hands, my fate is in Death's hands. I looked at the ceiling, I didn't want to continue living, and I mean it. I am the hero in Midgar, I don't want to be it anymore.


It was three months since I've seen everyone, suddenly I heard a knock on my door, I questioningly looked at the door then I slowly got up, I opened it and it revealed Tseng,

"Yes?" I asked in a husky voice, fuck I haven't talked to anyone.

"Um, here" He handed me a card, I looked at him curiously.

"You're invited, to Vincent and Lucrecia's wedding" I looked at the card, and I looked outside, it was raining, I immediately took off running throwing the card aside, I ran and I ran to the edge of the cliff where the water was below, I ran faster and jumped. 'You'll be fine' I kept saying in my mind 'You could've, you would've, you should've avoided what saw but you did it anyways' also came to my mind. 'I Hope It Doesn't Take For Me To Die For You To See What I Do For You' was the last thing I thought.


4 months after (F/N) vanished, Tifa was cleaning shot glasses and listening to the radio...

'(F/N) soldier of RECK disappeared, no one has found the female's body. She has (E/C) eyes, (H/L) (H/C) hair. If you seen her please contact us' Tifa looked at the radio and gave a expression of worry.


Vincent slowly walked in the house of the (H/C) haired girl and looked around. He saw papers on the dining table, the papers were spilled all over the table, it was drawings, all mysterious drawings got his attention. He saw one with a couple hugging, while another female watched crying. Vincent finally got the picture.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled. He walked in her room and saw her book opened Vincent slowly walked towards it,

' I Hope It Doesn't Take For Me To Die For You To See What I Do For You'

The guilt started to raise up.

[A/N: Interesting, What do you think? Please Vote and Comment. ]

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