The Vampire Diaries Preferenc...

By xxkloiexxx

200K 2.1K 426

How would you feel if you were in The Vampire Diaries? Would you be a witch, a wolf, a vampire or human? What... More

How You Met
Getting to Know Each Other
You Think You Like Him
He thinks he Likes You
He Asks You Out
First Kiss
Date Time
Meet the Mikaelsons
What he Loves most about You
He's Jealous
Who is Jealous of Your Relationship
He Cheats....
He realizes what he Did
He tells You the Truth
You Get Kidnapped
He Saves You
Meet the Family
He Proposes
Wedding Day Damon
Wedding Day Stefan
Wedding Day Jeremy
Wedding Day Tyler
Wedding Day Matt
Wedding Day Klaus
Wedding Day Elijah
Wedding Day Kol
Wedding Day Kai
You Find out You are Pregnant
He Finds Out
Baby Names
First Day as Parents
He Babysits
His thoughts on You
Cutest Moment You Saw
What He Gets You Randomly
Tyler x Reader
You Snap Him Out of the Trance
Kai x Reader
You Get Jealous
Dating him Includes
Mikaelson Ball Together
One word He uses to describe You
When you are sick
Truth or Dare Klaus x Reader
Elijah x Reader
You Cheat
A Language You both want to Learn
You Prank Him
First Word
I'm Back Kai x Reader
You Decide the next Chapter
You Get Turned into a Vampire
He Finds out You Cheated
You Get Back Together

The End

1.8K 29 6
By xxkloiexxx

Damon Salvatore-  You looked at Damon and Damon looked at you holding Alina.
"I think it's time to go." You said sadly.
"It is." Stefan said.
Damon gave you Alina and hugged Stefan.
"Goodbye brother." Damon said.
Damon walked next to you and clutched your hand.
You had tears coming from your eyes.
"It's okay F/N I'll miss them too but it's for the best for Alina and for us." Damon said.
You three began walking and you both smiled sadly.
"Bye Uncle Stefan." Alina called out.
"Goodbye everyone." You said.
"I love you F/N forever and always." Damon said.
"I love you too always and forever." You said.

Stefan Salvatore- It was the day you and Stefan would leave.
"Kendall it's time to go." You said and picked him up.
"Let's say our goodbyes." Stefan said.
"Goodbye Damon." Stefan said.
"Goodbye Uncle Damon." Kendall said.
"Tell the others we will miss them." You said.
Damon nodded.
"Thank you for being there for Kendall." You said.
"Always." Damon said.
"Goodbye Kendall I'll miss you." Damon said.
"I'll miss you too Uncle Damon." Kendall said.
"Let's go F/N." Stefan said.
You wiped a tear.
"Let's go." You said.

Jeremy Gilbert- 
"Goodbye Elena." You said.
"Goodbye F/N." Elena said and hugged you.
"Jeremy you better take care of her and your child." Elena said.
"I will." Jeremy said holding Nicholas.
"Let's go." You said.
Jeremy held your hand and you two walked out leaving everything behind.

Tyler Lockwood-
"Are you ready?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah but we need to say goodbye." You said.
Tyler nodded.
"Bye guys it has been interesting." You said.
"You had fun." Damon said.
"Only a little." You said.
You held Katerina and Tyler held Troy.
"Let's go F/N we have a lot of a ways to go." Tyler said.
"Goodbye everyone we'll miss you." You said.

Matt Donovan-
"It's sad you guys are leaving but I understand." Caroline said.
"Yeah we need to." You said sadly.
"You better leave soon before it's to late." Caroline said.
You looked at Matt.
"Come on." Matt said holding Jacob. You held Mark.
"Goodbye." You said.

Klaus Mikaelson- 
"Is everything over here?" Rebekah asked.
"We need to go back home to New Orleans and leave this place for Annabelle." You said.
"F/N let's go." Klaus said.
"Let's." You said.
"Goodbye everyone." You said.
Klaus held Annabelle.

Elijah Mikaelson-
"I think everything is over." Elijah said.
"Me too." You said.
"Is it time to go?" He asked.
You picked up Chance.
"It is let's go." You said.
You three walked under the night sky.
"I'll miss everyone." You said.

Kol Mikaelson-
"It's time to leave." Kol said.
You smiled sadly and picked up Emil and he picked up Sapphire.
"It's better for them." You said.
Kol nodded and held your hand and kissed your cheek.
"Let's go." Kol said.

"F/N it's time to go." Kai said.
You walked to him holding Alessia and Alice.
"I got Alessia." Kai said.
You looked back and you had a tear roll down your eye.
"I'll miss this place." You said.
"I will too but it's safer for them." Kai said.
"Your right lets go." You said.
Kai kissed your cheek.
"Don't worry everything will be okay." Kai said.

Enzo- You held Madeline and you and Enzo were on the border for Mystic Falls.
"It's time." Enzo said. 
You nodded.
"Think you could leave without saying goodbye to me?" You heard someone ask.
"Damon." Enzo said.
"You two are my best friends and don't get hurt look out for each other I need you both please." Damon said.
Enzo hugged Damon and so did you.
"Goodbye Damon." Enzo said.
"Goodbye bestie." You said.
"Goodbye." Madeline said.
"Goodbye." Damon said.
You and Enzo walked out.
"No going back." You said.

  This is the last chapter guys I loved this story but sometimes stories just finish. I hoped you enjoyed.
If there is any new preference story you want to see leave a comment about it.

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