By BlueMonster7787

92.5K 4.2K 1.5K

We used to be happy back then We played and smiled together I missed the memories of ours - US You and me are... More

Sun is The Light
Unloved Prince
The New Beginning
Because You Like Me?
Piper Boy
New Friend, More Hate
I Wish We Could Be Back Like Before
Surprise : Big Surprises (part 1)
Surprise : Big Surprises (part 2)
Plan A, B, C.... to Court You
Love Song : My Love Only For you
Aftermath : Stolen Kiss
Your Smile Is Giving Me Heart Attack
Confuse : Do I like Him?
Will My Heart Be Okay?
Heart To Heart With Mom
Change - Something New
Challenge (To Win O̶v̶e̶r̶ You) [Part 1]
Challenge (To Win O̶v̶e̶r̶ You) [Part 2]
Prince vs Princess
Mistake and Mistaken
Secret and Other Plan
Heart Breaks
Was It Dream?
The Strange Feeling
Going Mad Because Of You
Dumb and Dumber
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 1]
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 2]
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 3]
I See Him Everywhere
Go On Date With Me!
Our Date
Start Over
The True Feeling
This Love Is Ours
Jealousy Everywhere
You Are Mine
You Are The One And Only
Official But Not Officially
Our Official First Kiss [Fourth Kiss]
Copper vs His Mom
Weekend and Movie [Part 1]
Weekend and Movie [Part 2]
Holiday Planning
Sweet Punishment
Back : New Ending
Extra Story 1 : It Makes Us Out of Control
Extra Story 2 : Finally, I Found You
Extra Story 3 : Our First Time (Copper x Oh)

You From Afar

2.2K 97 9
By BlueMonster7787

Since Sun came to my school, my school life is more than good. I still got bullied but it was less than before. I didn't know what he did to them, but the big five could not fight him back in the end. I glad he became my friend. I could call him best friend from now on.

Today, class went well. I still caught some of subject that my teacher taught us. Well, I'm not that stupid. I'm average student but my laziness is one of the biggest problem that I have. I should changed that as soon as possible. But it was my habit. It is on my nerve, so it is gonna hard to change that. But I hope I could.

I went out from my class and saw Sun waited from me. He stood up near my class door. He waved his hand to me and I smiled to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you" he said, "Oh, have you decided which club you want to join?" I shaked my head. I couldn't decide which club I wanna join. I didn't have any talents as I knew. Or maybe I have but I didn't know what it is.

"How about you?" he winked at me and smirk. Okay, he had decided it.

"So, what it is?" He not answered me. He pulled me to follow him. And here we are. At drama club. Really? In million clubs, he chosen this 'fake' club. Why I called this one 'fake' club? Because this club made us acted to be different person, not ourselve.

"Fill your name!" he commanded me.
"Why should I?"
"Because you will come with me. Join this club with me!"
"No. I don't------" and I filled my name in this club. He forced me with his death glare. You know, when a cute boy become angry and gave you death glare, it is fucking creepy. So, I not have choice but filled my name in. Now, I regreted become friend with him.

After we done with some information from senior in drama club, we decided to go to canteen and ate. But when we walked few steps, I saw a crowd near the exit. No need to guess what it is or who it is. Obviously it was Copper. He is a popular boy in our school. He has lot of fans club. I saw him with his beautiful girlfriend, Peach. She is indeed beautiful. Charming. Has a beautiful smile. And from what I saw, she is a nice girl. But I pittied her because Copper's fans club hated her the most. They called her 'fake bitch'. Seriously, they needed more than a mirror for them to realize what they trully are. They called her fake but the truth was they are the fake one. How could they acted so nice and cute in front of Copper but talked bad about his girlfriend behind his back?

"He is so popular, isn't he?" I nodded, "But I don't know why people like him? I mean, he is a bully!"
"Because basically he is a nice person" I mumbled with low voice. But Sun heard me. He looked at me and smirked.
"Nothing" he said and smiled at me.

We went to canteen. The queue a lil bit long. He told me to find table for two of us and he will get food for us. I did what he told me. I felt like his servant but I didn't mind because I knew, I'm not. He said I'm his friend.

I waited him on our table. I saw him talked to Inn and there was a blush in Inn cheek. For several times I saw it. Why Inn always blushes when he talked to Sun? Inn seems felt akward. He tried to walked away from Sun but Sun blocked him. I didn't know why but I found it was so cute of Inn. Maybe I should recorded it. I tried to open my phone and before I recorded them, Sun stared at me with his death glare. I put my phone back to my pocket. I didn't dare to do it again. He is so scarry. How could he knew what I would do?

Finally my school is ended today. I felt so tired. I wanted to go home. I missed my bed room and I wanted to be lovey dovey with my pillow. When I walked out I saw Inn busy with his phone. Okay, it is now or never. I should talked to him about Sun and him. I was dying to know what happened.

"Inn" I called him and he looked at me. After Sun came to our school, he never bullied me again although the other four still bullied me sometimes.
"What happen with you and Sun?" he coughed. He looked at me in shock. Okay, that was so weird.
"What.... What... Did he told you something?" he uttered.
"No... But I-----"
"Nothing happen with me and him!" he cut me and left, "And don't act like we are close because we are not!" he threatened me.


At siam. This evening I pushed myself to buy new stationary because I need new one. I didn't know why I wanted to be here when I could went to the market near my living. Maybe I just too bored and need to fresh my mood. I walked around after bought some new stationary. It still early to go home so I decided to do window shopping. I entered one shop to another just for looking. It was nice. I have had fun. I bought ice cream and ate it in one go. How did I managed to eat it? I didn't know. I just did. And it felt so freeking freeze. My mind froze.

Yes, I froze. Not because that ice ream. I meant, the ice cream made me froze too but what I saw made me froze in where I stayed at. There was Copper with a lil girl who cried because she lost. Copper tried to calmed her down. He tried to make her smile. He acted funny in front of that cute lil girl. He walked with that lil girl in hand in hand. They walked to the information. I followed them from afar. I did not want he knew I was following him.

He talked to the security about the lil girl, i thought. And that, I heard a woman voice announced if there was a lil girl name Pim is looking for her parents. Copper stayed with her and played with her until her parent came. He smiled.

He smiled just like before. It was been long since I saw his smile. I forgot how I like the way he smiled. That beautiful white teeth and those small lips. I felt like times just stopped when he smiled. It looks so amazing. Such a rare moment. I looked at him without I realized I walked forward step by step to him. Until he looked at me, I back from my dazeness. Those dark sharp eyes brought me back to reality. I shocked. He shocked. I turned back and walked away as fast as possible. I did not want him caught me.

"Shit, Oh. How stupid you are!"


I don't know why I like this chapter
Sun is very cool in this chapter
And Oh, omg why he is so cute?

I have fun to write this ff
I don't know why
Maybe because I realy into these characters

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