Game Of Thrones Preference

By alertIamafangirl

453K 5.7K 535

Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Theon Greyjoy, Margaery Tyr... More

How you meet pt.1 your point of view (Male Character (Game of Thrones)
How you meet pt. 1 your point of view (female characters) (Game of throne)
How you meet pt. 2 his point of view (male)
How you meet pt.2 her point of view (female)
how he asks you on a date
how she asked you on a date
Your first date (male)
your first date (female)
what he calls you
what she calls you
What you call him
what you call her
your first kiss (male)
your first kiss (female)
who says I love you first plus how it happened (male)
who says I love you first and how it happened (female)
How he asked you to be his girlfriend
How she asks you to be her girlfriend
why you keep your relationship a secret (male)
why you keep your relationship secret (female)
your first fight (male)
your first fight (female)
you guys break up pt. 1 (male)
you guys break up pt. 1 (female)
Ramsay Bolton
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (male)
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (female)
you guys get back together (male)
you guys get back together (female)
Person he gets jealous of
person she gets jealous of
person your jealous of (male)
person you are jealous of (female)
Jamie Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Myrcella Bratheon
Gendry Waters
Oberyn Martell
Yara Greyjoy
brienne of tarth
Obara Sand
What there family thinks of you (male)
How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship with her
Their favorite dress on you (Male)
There favorite dress on you (Female)
His favorite physical and personality feature (male)
Her favorite physical and personality feature (female)
They ask someone close to you for your hand in marriage
The moment you realized you loved her
He proposes
Your ring
His ring
Your matching Necklace
Your wedding ceremony
Your wedding Feast
2 Words to describe your wedding night
2 words to describe Your first time (female)
Ellaria Sand
How he protects you
How she protects you
Sandor "The Hound" Clegane
Tywin Lannister
Lyanna Stark
Ashara Dayne
You find out your with child
You find a child/children you want to adopt
You tell them your pregnant
You agree to adopt the child/children
How they act during your pregnancy
You tell the children you are adopting them
Tormund Giantsbane
I'm back

Viserys Targaryn

3.7K 57 8
By alertIamafangirl

How you meet pt.1 your p.o.v-
You were the younger sister to Khal Drogo. You were just as fierce, skilled and dangerous as the Khal. You even knew the common tongue. You had, of course, saw him staring at you multiple times but you never talked to him that was until you were brushing the hair to your gorgeous mare. "Sir Jorah tell the beautiful woman I said she has a gorgeous horse," The silver-haired man ordered to the older man next to him. "The king says you have a gorgeous horse," he says in Dothraki. "I heard him," you say in the common tongue. The beggar kings face flushed before asking, "You speak the common tongue?" "yes I speak many languages," You say turning to look at the two men. "Go sir Jorah I won't be needing you then," the violet-eyed man says. "Like I said you have a gorgeous horse," The man compliments. "Thank you," you say. "Where did you get it," asked Viserys. "A present from my brother for my name day," you answer before saying, "well I must go." You turn around and began to walk away. "Wait will I be seeing you again," The Targaryen asked hopefully? "That is up to you," you spoke before continuing to walk away.

How you meet pt. 2 his p.o.v-
I was told many things about the Dothraki horde. I was told the Khal had a younger sister named y/n. I expected her to be an unattractive savage but when I saw her she was the most gorgeous woman I had ever laid eyes upon. I studied her from afar and came to learn she was quite yet snaky, witty,  fierce, skilled, and dangerous. She was very smart. One day when walking with Jorah I saw her grooming her horse. I walked over with Jorah and told him to tell her, "tell the beautiful woman she has a gorgeous horse." "The king says you have a gorgeous horse," Jorah translates. "I know," The Dothraki beauty replies in the common tongue. My face flushed with embarrassment while I asked, "you speak the common tongue?" "yes I speak many languages," y/n replied turning to look at me. "Go, sir, Jorah I won't be needing you then," I command before averting my attention back to the Dothraki princess of sorts and saying, "like I said you have a gorgeous horse." "thank you," the woman says softly as she cresses the horses head gently. "Where did you get it," I asked trying to keep the conversation going. "A present from brother for my name day," She answers plainly. "Well I must go," Khal Drogo's little sister said turning around and beginning to walk away. "Wait will I be seeing you again, " I call out. She stops and calls over her shoulder, "That is up to you." she then continued to walk away. Leaving me standing there in awe.

How he asked you-
He was sentenced to walk because he tried to attach Daenerys so you allowed him to ride on the back of your horse. The whole ride you heard complaining behind you from him on top of the glares of your brother's people. "Shut up or you are going to walk," you growl. "Sorry," he mumbled. You sighed. "I am sorry for snapping," you say. "Can I have a conversation with you or would you rather we rode in silence," The silver-haired man asked? "Go on you may speak but do not whine," you allow. The violet-eyed man smiles before asking, "what are you doing when we get to wherever Drogo is taking us," The beggar king asks? "Vaes Dothraki and Khal Drogo show respect," you scolded before continuing and answering, "what I always do train, ride, read, and the campfire celebration what about you?" "hopefully spending time with you," The beggar king whispers lowly in your ear. "What is that suppose to mean," you asked? "I really like you and I was wondering if you would accompany me on a date," The Targaryen asked? "What is a date," you asked cluelessly? "We do something together so we can have fun and get to know each other pretty much make sure your compatible before you start courting," The silver-haired man explained. "Oh ok yes I will," you say. He learned forward and kissed your cheek. You face turned a shade of red. You rode the rest of the day in silence.

Your first date-
You went riding around Vaes Dothraki for hours until sundown. At night you wrapped yourselves together by the campfire just talking and laughing. You could never imagine a date so perfect because you were beyond happy at the end of the day.

What he calls you-
Tih athfiezar
In the common tongue it would have bored you and really wouldn't have meant anything but the fact he took the time to learn it in your native language and only call you my love in Dothraki made your heart swell.

What you call him-
Issa hūra se qēlossās
You called your lovers typically My moon and stars or things like that. You honored your people's traditions but you wanted them to mean more to Viserys than a name so you learned Valerian. One you call him Issa hūra se qēlossās or my moon and stars.

Your first kiss-
"Tih athfiezar will you braid my hair," he asked? "No you have won no battles Issa hūra se qēlossās," you answer softly trying not to offend your lover. "Do you think I am weak," the insecure Targaryen asked looking into your eyes. "Of course not just because you have not battled does not make you weak you are one of the strongest men I know you have been through so much and you are so strong," You comfort honestly. He looked at you with adoration and love before saying, "you really believe that." "of course," You confirm. He looked you in the eye and grabbed your face in his hands gently before leaning down and kissing you. It was slow and loving and passionate.

Who says I love you first plus how it happened-
You laid in bed with Viserys as he told you about Westeros. "I can't wait until your brother gives me my army so we can go to Westeros and take back my home and throne," He said. "We as in you and Danny,"  you asked? "No we as in you and me I will be king and you will be my queen Tih athfiezar," he says honestly. "You want me to be your queen, " you asked? "Of course I love you and I could not see my life without you I could not see anyone else by my side as I ruled I could not think of marrying anyone else I could not think of another woman being the mother of my children," Viserys explained honestly. "I love you too Issa hūra se qēlossās, " you confess. You both shared a passionate loving kiss.

He asks you to be his girlfriend-
You were riding around when you got the idea to race. "Issa hūra se qēlossās lets race," you say turning your head to face Viserys. "What do I get when I win," He asked cockily when he rode up next to you. "What do you want," you asked?  "How about if when I win you become my girlfriend, " he proposes. "Now what do I get when I win," you asked with a smirk? "Whatever you want," He answers. "Ok," you say smiling. You both raced at first you made it look like you were actually trying but in the end, you let him win. After you tied up your horse for the night and were walking back to your tent with Viserys arm wrapped around you he lent over a whispered, "guess you're my girlfriend now." "I guess I am," you say smiling before leaning up and kissing his cheek.

Why you keep your relationship a secret-
You didn't. You didn't care what people thought so you didn't hide your relationship.

Your first fight-
You sat in your tent as Viserys went on about the iron throne. "Is that all you care about," you asked? "What do you mean," he growled. "All you talk about is that damn chair," you say. "That is is my birthright and I want it those people took it from me," He snapped. "No man has a birthright in my eyes he must earn it he must not inherit it he must take it," you growl your Dothraki accent showing through. "YOU ARE GOING TO WAKE THE DRAGON DO YOU WANT TO WAKE THE DRAGON," he yelled. "FUCK YOUR DRAGON," you snap. "YOU NEVER TAKE ME SERIOUSLY YO THINK I AM WEAK LIKE THOSE SAVAGES OUT THERE YOU ARE PRETENDING TO LOVE ME," he yells. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT I OBVIOUSLY LOVE YOU YOU FOOL IF I DIDN'T I WOULD HAVE CHOPPED YOUR HEAD OFF LONG AGO YOUR SISTERS RULES DO NOT APPLY TO ME MY BROTHERS RULES WILL NOT APPLY TO ME I CAN HAVE ALL HIS PEOPLE ON MY SIDE IN SECONDS PLEASE I AM THE ONE THAT HAS BEEN RECRUITING YOU AN ARMY NOT THE KHAL OR THE  KHALEESI I AM THE ONE WHO BELIEVES IN YOU I AM THE ONE THAT SUPPORTS YOU I AM THE ONE THAT STANDS UP FOR YOU BUT I DON'T LOVE YOU," you scream in anger and hurt. "You have been recruiting me an army," he asked? "Yes I want you happy if invading Westeros makes you happy I will invade Westeros and my people will follow," you explain calming down and covering back up your Dothraki accent. "I love you," the silver-haired violet-eyed dragon says. "I love you too," you say smiling. You both met in the middle to share a sweet loving kiss.

You break up pt. 1-
"You need to stop," you sigh. "Stop what," He growls. "Your sister is carrying my nephew Drogo is already very protective of his son if you keep hurt Danny he will kill you," you explain. "I am a king I do as I please and I her until I get my army so if I don't get my army soon I will cut that baby out of her put it at Drogo's feet and find another army," Viserys says eyes glowing with madness. "I can't do this anymore nothing but that chair means anything to you because if your sister doesn't mean anything to you then I know I don't, " You break. "What is that suppose to mean," he asked?  "We are done go find Doreah again," you snap. "How did you know I slept with her once," He asked. "She talks about how passionate the silver-haired violet-eyed king is," you say before turning around and walking towards the door. "Wait I am your king and I command you to stay," He tries. "Goodbye beggar king,"  you growl walking out the tent.

How you react to the breakup pt. 2-
You refused to cry. You refused to react. You trained harder rode longer and faster. You did everything in your power to not think about him.

You get back together pt.3-
You saw Viserys storm in madness radiating off of him. He threatened to cut the Khaleesi and Khal's baby. It happened so fast next thing you know the men were grabbing Viserys. When you snapped out of it you started to scream, "No Drogo no Daenerys please stop I will take him far from here please if not for him for me for me Danny he may be cruel but he is your brother." They both looked at you as you dropped to your knees pleading. Daenerys sighed before nodding to Drogo making your brother call off his men. "He has until sunrise to be out of here," Daenerys demanded. "Yes thank you Khaleesi you are an amazing queen a fantastic wife a lovely mother I am glad to be your sister," you say. She smiled. You ran to his side and cradle him in your arms. "Why did you save me," he asked? "I love you my crazy mad fool," you cry. You help him up as the group of onlookers glare at you. "Come on we must pack and prepare the horse we must leave as soon as we can," you explained. "I love you tih athfiezar," the broken man confesses. "I love you too Issa hūra se qēlossās," you say kissing him and leaving for the long journey ahead.

Who he is jealous of-
The khalassar
He was insecure when it came to them. They would watch you and according to there translations would talk about the things they wanted to do to you. He was always afraid you would leave him for one of them.

Who were you jealous of-
He had cheated on you once with her. To say she was not beautiful would be a lie. She is trained in the art of pleasing someone. You feared he would leave you for her.

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