Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmon...

By agbxharmony

583K 18K 9K

basically, you're used by fifth harmony as a promotion stunt and after you find out shit goes down between yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 45

6.4K 230 140
By agbxharmony

Normani clicks through the Instagram stories on her feed. She clicks mindlessly through until she stumbles upon Y/ns story from last night. Normani watches as someone records Y/n as she's up on a stage performing with a guitar and she wonders what she's doing.

What distracts her from her thoughts is her name being called. "Yes?" Normani asks the group of people in front of her.

"It's your turn." One of the men says while another man opens the door into the recording booth.

Normani places her phone down on the table beside her and walks into the recording room.

Ally peeps into the room after taking a break to use the restroom, she sees Lauren, Camila, and Dinah sitting together on a couch in the corner of the room and Normani in the booth. She walks towards the couch which all of the girls are on and sits down beside Dinah.

Dinah leans into Ally and snaps a quick selfie of the two of them but not posting it, instead she keeps it for her memories. "Damn I always look cute." Dinah says while looking at herself in the picture.

"We always look cute." Ally corrects Dinah while smirking at her friend.

Dinah nods her head and closes out of the camera app and opens her twitter to scroll through her feed. Her feed was dry today, it was just the normal stuff so Dinah decided to turn her phone off.

Camila and Lauren are sitting next to each other but not engaging in a conversation. In fact, both of them are doing the opposite things. Camila is texting with her mom telling Sinu about how amazing and sweet Y/n is while Lauren is texting with Brad talking about how annoying and rude Y/n is. Normally Lauren doesn't rant to her boyfriend about Y/n but since she saw a picture of Y/n and her new friend, Madison, it set her off.

"Look at those two social butterflies over there." Ally remarks to Dinah about Lauren and Camila.

Lauren hears Ally and puts her phone down for a second. "I'm being social with my boyfriend." She says back and picks her phone up again.

"I'm texting my mom." Camila says happily while watching the little bubbles on the screen as her mom texts back.

Before Ally could reply to the two girls a very familiar noise can be heard from outside the studio room. Camila's head perks up at the sound and she stands up off of the couch.

Camila runs out of the room with Ally closely behind her. Normani watches the two girls run out of the room and wonders what's going on.

"Y/n!" Camila yells and latches onto Y/n just as Y/n was opening the door to the studio room down the hall. 

Y/n jumps and turns around to face Camila while closing the studio door knowing that the woman in there would be furious if her secret project was ruined. "Hi Camila." Y/ns eyes move to Ally. "And Ally." She greets her old friend then shifts her attention back to Camila. "What's up?" She asks the girl.

"We're recoding stuff for our album." Camila says proudly. "What are you doing here? Oh my god, are you recording stuff for your album cause I wanna hear." She says with a smile.

Y/n shakes her head and comes up with a quick response. "Nah I finished my album a long time ago, I'm here to help a friend with their music." She says with a smile that doesn't show her teeth.

"Oh." Camila says and looks over at Ally who's silently looking down at her feet. "That's cool." She says while looking back over at Y/n.

Y/n looks down at her phone as it buzzes. She sees a message from the woman inside the room asking when she's going to be here. "I would love to keep talking but-"

"I understand completely. Have fun!" Camila says while walking away from Y/n with Ally awkwardly following behind.

Y/n leans back against the door as she opens it and smoothly slides into the room. She glares at Beyoncé as soon as she enters. "You could've told me that they were next door." Y/n says while throwing her phone down on the couch.

"Honest to God, I didn't know." Beyoncé replies while hitting her pencil against the table.

"Y/n!" Blue cheers appearing from around the corner.

Y/n smiles and catches the small girl in her arms before sitting down on the couch to get back to work.

In the other room Camila sat on the couch with a huge smile. "What's got you so happy?" Dinah asks Camila.

"Y/n is just so kind." Camila says simply while exhaling.

"Y/n's here?" Normani asks since she was just let out of the recording booth and she had no idea.

Camila and Ally both nod. "I talked to her." Camila says proudly.

"I went out to see her." Ally says and remembers how Y/n greeted her which was a surprise.

"Oh yeah, it was so weird how she said hi to you. Like after what you did to her I thought that she would be treating you like how she treats the bully over there." Camila motions to Lauren by moving her head in the other girls direction.

Ally purses her lips together and nods. "I thought the same." She says.

"Do you guys know why she's here?" Normani asks and both Dinah and Lauren groan, but not for the same reason.

"Can we stop talking about her?" Lauren asks while throwing her head back. "Dinah and I are so annoyed by it." She says since she noticed Dinahs groan.

Dinah perks her head up at the mention of her name. "I was just angry about how my mom won't bring me food." She says and trails off at the end.

Lauren glares at her before rolling her eyes. "Just stop the Y/n talk." She says then goes back on her phone.

Dinah licks over her lips and stands up off of the couch. "I'm going to the bathroom." She says.

"Thanks for letting the whole world know." Camila replies jokingly.

"I'm coming!" Normani says while walking to catch up with Dinah.

The two friends exit the studio room and begin walking down the hall towards the bathroom. Normani hears the familiar voice of Y/n in the bathroom along with another voice. She opens the bathroom door and looks in the direction of the sinks.

Blues head snaps to the door while Y/n focuses on getting the soap off of Blues face. "Holy shit." Normani curses while making eye contact with the daughter of her idol.

"What's goi-" Dinah cuts herself off as soon as she pushes Normani further into the bathroom so she can see what's going on.

Blue looks back up at Y/n who's giving Normani and Dinah a weird look. "Are you okay?" She asks the both of them.

Normani snaps out of her trance and looks up at Y/n then back at the small girl, who's face is covered in soap. "Y-yeah." Normani stutters while looking at the girl.

"No." Dinah says while walking over towards Blue with Normani standing still behind her.

Blue stares at Dinah as she moves closer to her, Dinah looks familiar to her but she can't figure out why. Then it hits her like a train. "You're bad!" Blue yells at Dinah while gathering soap in her hand and throwing it at the girl in front of her.

Y/n purses her lips together to stop herself from smiling as she watches the soap land on Dinahs face.

"I don't like you! Bully!" Blue yells while attaching herself to Y/n. Normani starts laughing at Dinah who is wiping the soap off of her face. "Or you!" Blue yells at Normani while pointing at her. "Mommy says that you're bad." She says then grabs onto Y/ns hand.

Both Dinah and Normani's mouths fall agape. They are in disbelief that this is actually happening. Y/n is holding in her laughter while using her free hand to clean off the rest of the soap on Blues face.

Dinah snaps herself out of her phase and uses her sleeve to clean the soap off of her face, which wasn't a good idea. "Did your mom tell us why?" She asks the little girl.

Blue glares at Dinah. "Yes Diana she did!" She says then latches back onto Y/n who places a hand over the small girls mouth. Blue tries to talk but it comes out at muffled because of Y/ns hand.

Y/n picks Blue up with her hand still over the small girls mouth and walks out of the bathroom without saying a word to the two girls, which Normani was a little hurt by. Normani pushes those feelings aside though and decides to tease Dinah. "Diana." Normani laughs then Dinah glares at her while wiping the soap on her sleeve on the bathroom sink.

"Shut up." Dinah huffs out before walking past Normani and doing what she came here to do.

Normani thinks about why Blue is here in the first place she knows that Y/n is here to help a friend with their music but why would she bring Blue along with her. Then it hits Normani like a bullet train, Beyoncé is in the same building as her and to get to Beyoncé she has to be on good terms with Y/n again. Of course, this isn't the only reason why Normani wants to be close to Y/n again but it was the thing that gave her the final shove. 

Without telling Dinah, Normani sprints out of the bathroom and tries to catch up to Y/n and Blue. Y/n hears the footsteps behind her so she turns her head around to see Normani.

Blue does the same as Y/n and rolls her eyes. "She's back for more." She says while fake cracking her knuckles.

Y/n stops walking and allows Normani to approach her. She was smart and walked past the studio door that Beyoncé is in so that Normani wouldn't know which studio that she's going to.

"Y/n-I." Normani takes a deep breath after the running. "I have a question." She breathes out while putting her hands on her hips.

"Y/n doesn't have time for you." Blue says while whipping her head back around dramatically.

Normani looks down at the floor but as soon as she hears Y/ns voice her head immediately snaps back up. "Actually, Y/n has like ten seconds until she needs to be back in the studio so she does have time for a quick question." Y/n refers to herself in third person while talking.

Before Normani asks the question she knows that since Y/ns a smart ass she's going to have to ask her to talk in a more private location in an odd way. "Like just the two of us." She says and notices Y/ns confused expression.

It takes her a second but Y/n understands what Normani means and puts Blue on the floor. "Go into the studio and tell them that I'll be back soon." Y/n says and Blue nods before running away to tell her mom that Y/ns in danger. "Lead the way." Y/n says after Blue takes off.

Normani walks down the hallway and opens the door to a small meeting room. She holds the door open for Y/n who enters the room and leans against the table. Normani wipes her sweaty hands against her pants before closing the door behind her and taking a deep breath before looking into Y/ns eyes.

The two stare at each other for a few moments and during those moments Normani says some things to herself to calm herself down, for some reason being around Y/n made her nervous. Y/n knows that if Kendall finds out that she's alone with Normani, she's dead meat. Normani makes the first move and approaches Y/n before she takes a deep breath.

"I want to apologize for everythi-" Normani gets cut off by Y/n.

"I thought you were going to ask me a single question." Y/n says with her eyebrows raised while looking at the girl who damaged her heart not so long ago.

Normani glares at Y/n already feeling the thick air between the two of them return to close to how it used to be. "I'm getting there." She says then wipes her hands against her pants again. "What I was saying before I was rudely interrupted." Normani pauses and glares at Y/n who puts her hands up as a sign of fake innocence while wearing a small smile on her face. "I want to apologize for all the stuff that I did to you but here doesn't seem like the right place." She says and Y/n nods her head.

Y/n already knows what Normani will ask her so she decides to speed this process up so she can get back to the studio before people start to worry about her. "If you're wondering if Beyoncé is here, she's not. Blue's only here because I'm supposed to be watching her while Beyoncé and Jay-Z are having a romantic weekend away from everything." Y/n lies while shifting her weight to her right leg.

"Was it really that obvious?" Normani asks Y/n while stuffing her hands in the pockets of her sweatshirt. Y/n nods her head and Normani giggles, which she scolds herself for. "Okay, um, I'll set you free now." She says awkwardly while moving out of Y/ns way.

Y/n pushes herself off of the table and properly stands up, she begins to open the door and walk out of it before she stops herself. "I'll be expecting a call from you." She says referring to Normani's apology that she promised.

Normani smiles and nods her head while feeling her face heat up. She watches Y/n exit the room and turn down the hall then she hears a door close which signals her that the hallway is clear. Normani exits the meeting room and closes the door behind her, the smile that she wore for most of the time that she was around Y/n was still plastered on her face as she walked into the studio room.

"A twenty minute bathroom break, really?" One of the producers asks Normani as she passes him.

"Lost track of time." Normani says while sitting down beside Ally on the couch.

"What's got you all happy?" Ally asks Normani noticing the smile on her face.

Dinah was wondering the same thing too and also why Normani left her all alone. "And why the hell did you leave me in the bathroom?" She adds on to Ally's question.

"I just took care of some personal business." Normani says with a shrug leaving it up to her friends imagination.

Of course, Dinah thinks of the dirtiest thing that Normani could've been doing so she fake throws up into her hand.

Normani notices this and quickly denies what Dinah was thinking. "Not that!" She yells out and Dinah smirks at her before going back on her phone.

oh my fucking god guys i saw lady gaga on saturday and SHE WAS SO FUCKING GOOD!!! like my expectations were high asf for this concert but like she took my expectations and multiplied it by a million. and like she was in a small venue so no seats had a bad view like it was just so good i can't even put it into words



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