Illuminated: Book One of the...

By JackieCastle

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Welcome to the World of Alburnium... If the Wizard of Oz swept you away and Narnia enchanted you, then follow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Author's Note

Chapter 4

411 20 4
By JackieCastle

Princess' room appeared untouched since she'd left months ago, except for the few necessary items she'd taken to the dungeons. Earthen hues of red, gold, and orange hung from the iron bedpost and curtains. A carved mahogany desk sat beside the wide windows. On the opposite corner, tall glass doors opened to a balcony. The room spoke beauty and comfort. She'd missed the beauty and comfort. She'd not missed the reason she'd been able to enjoy the beauty and comfort.

Darnel rummaged through the gowns hanging in her wardrobe. He handed her a cream-colored, crushed-velvet dress trimmed in gold.

"This should do well."

She shook her head. This. Was. Not. Happening. Feed her to the dragon, but not... this. A shudder ran down her back. Not this. She hugged the dress to her chest, staring toward the balcony, wondering if she jumped... No, he'd stop her before she reached the banister.

"Don't do this Poppy, please, I can't marr—"

"Put it on. Now." He shoved her toward the dressing screen, not the least bit fooled by the sudden use of her pet name for him. "I'll send someone up later to fix your hair and face. You'll need to appear more mature." If his cruelty didn't disgust her so much, she might have once been able to like him. A time long ago, she'd cared a little, at least.

"Daughter," he spat. Inside her mind she heard his hissing voice demand, I will be obeyed. Do not force me to resort to brutal measures.

She quickly ducked behind the screen and pulled off her ratty dress. The clean one was stiff and rubbed against her skin. Wrong. All of this felt completely wrong. She wiped the dampness from her cheeks before coming out to face him.

"Ahhh, much better. There's a semblance of my daughter."

She winced.

Darnel grasped her chin so she had to face him. "I know this will be for the best." His voice grew gentle. Opening his free hand, he blew a glistening powder into her face. She tried to jerk loose. His fingers dug deeper into her skin, holding her steady. Despite the attempts to hold her breath, some of the sleep powder filled her nose, stinging, burning, then numbness.

She stiffened, bracing herself for the darkness. His finger stroked her cheek where he'd struck her, and a drowsy heaviness clouded her mind. She barely realized he'd led her to the canopy bed.

"You will come of age within the next summer. Until then, you'll help build our new city." He touched her temple, and her eyes grew heavy.

No, no, no. She sank into the silk pillows.

"Rest now, child, so you'll be fresh tonight. I want you at your best."

Her vision dimmed as a sense of falling, spinning, and blackness swallowed her. No, no... go away... no, I won't let you...

They came, the shadow creatures. Sharp claws reached for her, scratching, pulling downward into pitch black. Hissing voices cursed her with cutting names and accusations. Damaged. Weak. Unstable mind. Raucous laughter tore at her pounding heart.

She struggled against Master's will to form another image. The scene changed to a white city sparkling in the morning sun. Tall, angular, and stern-faced beings, glowing like lanterns, stood before a gate. She'd never seen anyone so beautiful except for Master, but he didn't shine with light as these creatures did. A sense of peace, warmth, and belonging filled her shredded heart. One of the light beings bowed, as if welcoming her to enter the gates. But before she could figure out how, the images faded, and she was back on the bed. She kept her eyes closed and listened.

Roderick had returned and stood beside Master at the door. The page let out a low whistle. "How does she do that? What's it mean, Sire?"

"It means, my dear boy, that we must keep her abnormality a secret. Imagine what people would think? Already they believe she is a freak and not of sound mind. You can see why I must send her away. For her own good and for everyone's safety."

"She's frightening, Your Majesty, for sure."

"Indeed." He let out a long breath. "Well, boy, did you do as I asked?"

"Yes, Sire. Sir Brollus is waiting in your study."

"Very good. Now, go inform the jailor that I'm depriving him of his assistant. Then find the boy's parents. Have them escorted to a dungeon cell for not keeping better control of their son."

Roderick bowed. "Yes, Sire. Anything else?"

"Call for one of the servants to come here before the ball and prepare the princess. Both children should sleep for a couple of hours at least. When I've finished my meeting with Sir Brollus, have Tarek taken down to the dungeons and locked in the death chambers. I want him awake when he meets the dragon."

The door closed with a click of the lock.

Bolting upright, Princess gripped her stomach as the sensation of free-falling into a bottomless pit remained. Her mind whirled. Master was sending her away with that beast-man. And Tarek to the dragon. She jumped to her feet. No, she had to find a way out this mess.

She went to the door and tried the knob. Locked, of course. The key was outside above the frame. Her forehead rested against the smooth wood. If only she had grabbed it earlier. How much time before the ball? She might try escaping during the festivities. Find a way to free Tarek. Oh why did he have to follow her?

Princess' forehead banged against the door. If she didn't know better, she'd think Tarek had wanted to protect her. Yes, if she found a way to escape, she'd need to free Tarek. And maybe the Messenger as well.

The Messenger might help her find the good king. Help her run to... what did he call that place? Aloblase. "Aloblase." The sound of the word sent a burst of pleasant energy through her aching body. "Aloblase? Home?" But even if the Messenger would help, how would she...?

Tarek! He'd been going on and on about letting him help her. Did he know a way to escape?

If she could manage to get out of Racah, and if the Messenger helped her reach Aloblase, maybe she'd find out where her real home was.

Reality hit her like a bucket of icy water. There'd be no way of escaping Racah. And even if she did, Darnel would find her with his all-seeing scope.

Tears burned a hot trail up her throat and dripped down her cheeks. Tarek and the Messenger would die tonight and she'd be married off to that stinky troll-man.

Flopping back on the bed, Princess' thoughts raced until her head ached. Perhaps she should give in to Master's demands. Her stomach twisted at the thought. She eyed the balcony. Perhaps she needed to end it all herself?

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. No, she didn't want to die. She wanted to be free.

Her dress rustled like paper as she went to gather her old clothes from behind the screen. From the hidden pocket, she took out the medallion. All these years she'd kept it hidden and close by. She'd not let it go now. Her finger traced the vine surrounding the tree. Messenger said a king named Shaydon had given it to her. An even more powerful king than the one who ruled this land. Messenger called Darnel an imposter. Squeezing the disk tightly, she silently wished for a way to get out of this mess.

Yet nobody could help her now. "You're on your own," she said to her reflection in the mirror.

Dismay drooped her shoulders as she stared at the gaunt girl in the mirror. Working in the prison may have provided some freedom, but not without cost. Dark circles sank under her golden brown eyes. Her auburn hair hung in limp curls around her oval-shaped face. Taking a brush from the vanity table, she worked out the tangles, allowing the tresses to fall over her narrow shoulders. The rough dress irritated her pale skin. How would she endure this night? From the tall windows, the sun now arched toward the west.

Something thumped outside her room.

Princess dropped the brush. Had they already come for her? She shoved the medallion into her bodice and leapt to the bed, pretending to sleep.

"Psst, you there?" whispered a familiar male voice.

"Tarek?" No, it had to be some kind of trick. Yet, she hopped off the bed and hurried to the door. "Is it really you?"

"Yeah." His voice sounded groggy and hoarse. "Can you let me in?"

"No, Master set the lock. But listen..." A loud thump hit the door, followed by a low groan. "What's that?"

"Huh?" he mumbled. "Can I come in and take a nap?"

He was still drowsy from the tea and cake. "Tarek, listen! We don't have much time. Grab the key on top of the doorframe."


Maybe he was looking. She pressed her ear to the wood and heard deep breathing. "Tarek!"

"Key? Doorframe?" he muttered. Something metal clattered onto the floor. "Ouch!"

The knob rattled, turned, and she yanked it open as he stumbled inside. Grabbing the key, she quickly secured the lock.

"How did you manage to wake up?"

Tarek collapsed on her bed. When his eyes closed, he jerked himself awake. "Monsters chasing me. Scary. Long nails." He arched his fingers, mimicking the dream spirits. "I woke up, like Pop told me to. Said if you're having bad dreams, wake yourself."

She snorted, shaking her head.

His lids began to close again. He shook his head, fighting against the potion. Then, getting back to his feet, his tone grew serious. "Love, we are in so much trouble. King Darnel plans to marry you off. To that troll goon we saw in the hall. Sir Brollus. He's disgusting and stinks. Like moldy clothes." He stood unsteadily, eyes glazed and bloodshot, then he stumbled forward and grasped her arms. "Don't marry him." He blinked several times.

Why did her heart have to race so fast when he got close? His gaze lowered, and he looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. His warm breath smelled like the sweet cakes and tea.

"Wow, you look... incredible." He toyed with one of her curls and looked deeply into her eyes.

Her cheeks began to burn. She shoved him back.

He shook his head and seemed to snap out of it. "We need to get you out of here."

She was not the only one here who was in danger. Remembering what Darnel had said, she grasped Tarek's shirtfront. "You need to come with me. We can both escape his punishment."

He stared at her with his glazed eyes for what felt like a long time, then frowned and shook his head. "My family ... I heard him. Roderick was ordered to take them to the dungeons. Pop's going to be furious."

"Tarek." She grabbed his shoulders and gave a gentle shake to stop his rambling. "You don't understand. You have to make a run for it."

"You're cute when you're bossing me around." He snickered, looking amused. She froze as he reached out and stroked her cheek with his finger. "I'd hide you in my pocket. But I can't. It's not big enough." He shook his head. "That makes no sense, anyway." He jerked his hand back suddenly.

He talked craziness. Most likely from the potion. When he came out of the stupor, he'd regret saying all this.

"Tarek! Stop." She shook him harder this time. He tried to put his arms around her. She groaned, trying to push him away. She finally grabbed both his wrists and held his hands together. "Snap out of this! Tarek, listen to me. You have to escape with me!"

A brief smile dimpled his cheek, then his forehead crinkled. "I can't abandon my family. They'll be killed... fed to the dragon." He looked at her and smiled again, clearly out of it.

Yet, even drugged, he was still loyal to his family. She had to admire him for that. But he couldn't save them. He had to save himself. She gripped his wrists tighter.

"Tarek..." She struggled to say it. He blinked slowly, his gaze blank. She finally just pushed the words out. "Darnel's going to feed you to the dragon." She couldn't let him die because of her. She would not have any more blood on her hands.

A long moment passed before her words seemed to seep in. The haze fell from his eyes, and he looked horrified. His lips parted, and he breathed harshly.

"Tarek, you must come with me!"

He slowly shook his head, despair creeping into his gaze. "I... I can't." He shook his head again, looking frightened. "If I run, he'll kill my family instead!"

Maybe he wasn't as naive as she thought. At least he recognized Darnel's ruthlessness when it came to disobedience. She stepped closer. "He'll kill you if you stay!"

She was surprised when he jerked away and turned his back to her. His hands fisted to the point his knuckles whitened. Did he blame her for his predicament?

Princess bit her lip and blinked back the tears that burned behind her eyes. This was not her fault she told the accusing voice inside her mind. She hadn't meant for any of this to happen. She had tried to stop Tarek from following her! She bit her lip hard enough to hurt. This was not her fault. But that little voice said it was.

"I told you not to follow me!" she burst out. If only he'd listened! Then none of this would have happened. He and his family would be safe. Why, oh why had he followed her?

He gazed up at the ceiling, no doubt regretting ever laying eyes on her. Then his shoulders sagged, and his head lowered. He shook his head.

He spun back to her abruptly, startling her. A silly grin was plastered on his face, and she wondered if the potion was affecting him again. "I have a plan," he told her excitedly. He rushed to her closet, and she watched him with wide eyes. "You need shoes. And traveling clothes." He opened the door and froze. "Um." He looked overwhelmed.

She joined him and studied his face, trying to decide if he was lucid or not. "Are you going to escape with me?"

He nodded, and her heart lifted. "After I free my family." Her heart sank again. "We'll all leave together."

"Free your family?" Impossible. "How?"

He flashed her another silly grin. "Ben."

Ben? Ben wouldn't do it for a hundred casks of ale. She slowly shook her head. "Tare, he won't help," she told him gently. "He's too afraid of Darnel."

He blinked, looking startled. Then his face hardened, frightening her a little. "Then I'll knock him over the head and take the keys myself."

Bad plan. Bad, bad plan. "But there'll be guards!"

"I don't care!" he exclaimed, exasperated. He faced her, and his eyes seemed clear. "I know it's not a good plan. But it's the only one I have. I won't... I can't leave them behind." He turned back to her closet.

Her heart melted a little, and the tense muscles in her face softened. What would it be like to have someone care about her as much as he cared about his family? To have someone show her such loyalty and devotion? She shook her head. Now was not the time for such thoughts.

He found her leather boots and handed them to her. "Put these on."

She took them and hesitated. "I'm not leaving the Messenger."

Tarek paused, the muscles in his jaw twitching. His gaze darted around the closet as he searched through the many dresses, way too fancy for travel, hanging inside. When he didn't respond, she decided maybe she needed to explain. Reaching into the collar of her dress, she pulled out the gold disk. His eyes momentarily widened before he finally looked at her again.

"The Messenger said he knows where this came from, Tarek. I believe he can show me the way back home."

"What?" His brows furrowed in confusion.

"My home. I told you I don't belong here. What if I have my own family?"

She stepped closer, until her nose practically bumped his. He needed to understand she would not budge on this matter. She needed the Messenger and she'd not leave without him. "I'm going to find Aloblase and the king who gave me this. That's my only hope of finding who I really am, so nothing is going to stop me. Understand?"

Tarek offered a quick nod. "Very well."

She breathed out a grateful breath. Time was wasting and she was glad he didn't argue. Maybe he realized that, as well. "Tare, I think you're forgetting something."

He frowned at her.

"We have no way of escaping Racah. I've searched all the tunnels—"

"Not all of them," he interrupted, smiling smugly. "I know the way out."

He what? Did he know what he was saying? Her mouth dropped open. "You found a—?"

He nodded, still smiling smugly. "I know the way out of Racah. I found the tunnel that leads out. I found it months ago."

Was he for real? Months ago? All this time she'd been searching, and he'd been ridiculing her for searching... and all the while, he knew the way out! All the warm feelings she'd had a moment ago melted like snow on a warm, sunny day. She thought she'd never been so furious in her entire life. She hauled back and shoved him as hard as her muscles would allow.

Tarek tumbled into the wardrobe, pulling down her frocks on top of him.

"You've known all this time, and you didn't tell me?" she fumed, fist clenched. For a moment, she almost considered punching him.

"We weren't exactly on speaking terms," was his lame excuse. He scrambled out of the pile of dressed and put a little distance between them. "I'm telling you now, so just... don't be mad at me until later."

She blew out a harsh breath, seething. But he was right. They didn't have time for this. She sat down and angrily shoved her feet into her boots. "Fine." But he would pay for this later, she promised herself silently.

She sat on the bench at the foot of her bed and slipped her feet into the boots. "Fine."

"Listen, you're right about there not being any secret tunnels down the mountain. But, there's a narrow one that leads from the dragon's feeding posts to the river. You'll need to find a way to get across. On the other side, beside the cliffs, is a small passage that leads to a narrow trail. That trail is supposed to lead one down the mountain. From there, we'll have to find away safe way across the plains that..." A noise out in the hallway startled both of them. They were running out of time. "We'll meet where the river goes over the cliff. Make sure you don't rouse the dragon."

As if he needed to warn her about that. She watched him take wobbling steps toward the door. Why was he doing all this for her? Why had he come? She hurried after him, needing to know. Needing to know if she could trust him.

"Wait, Tarek." He turned, and she gazed up at him, wishing she could read his mind. Could she trust him? "I don't... understand. Why are you doing this?"

His emerald eyes blinked and the tender expression that crossed his face made her cheeks warm. In one quick motion, he cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers. She stiffened at first and tried to pull back. It was the potion affecting him.

But he did not let her pull back. He deepened the kiss, seeming very lucid. And very gentle like one holding onto something breakable. Her racing heart slowed as she melted into his embrace. For a solitary moment, in the swirl of tumbling emotions, she forgot everything except for the sweetness of his kiss that tasted like the berry tea.

Then he was pulling away. Dazed and confused, she took a step back. What. Was. THAT?

He swallowed hard and made a half-hearted effort to smile. She was surprised to see sadness flickering in his eyes. "That's why," he whispered.

Before she could understand his meaning, he rushed to the door, turned the lock, and began to open it. "Come on, we should go." He cracked open the door and peeked out. "You get the Messenger. If you can. I'll get my family. If I'm not at the cliffs, don't wait. Find the passage. It's hidden in a cluster of trees and rocks." He stepped into the hallway without a backward glance.

"Tarek—" She started to follow him into the hall, wanting, no, needing to know what had just happened.

She heard the footsteps coming up the stairs. He spun, eyes wide, and shoved her back into her room. "Someone's coming!" Before she could regain her balance, he shut the door in her face.


But he did not answer. Princess grabbed the doorknob. And hesitated. She pressed her ear to the door and heard footsteps retreating quickly. Should she try to sneak out now or wait? The servants wouldn't come to fix her up for another couple of hours, she hoped. But if they were only guards, she should just wait until they passed by.

She cracked open the door. Too late. The footsteps topped the landing and began approaching. She closed her door as quickly and as silently as she could. Pressing her ear to the door again, she held her breath and waited. And she hoped Tarek had made it away in time.

The footsteps quickly faded. Whoever it was headed for Darnel's rooms, not hers.

Princess let out a long exhale, the tension draining from her shoulders. She cracked open the door once more and found the hallway clear. Once inside the secret passageway, she hurried down to the kitchen.

The whole way she saw no sign of Tarek, though she didn't really expect to. Seemed he knew more about the hidden passages in this land than evens he did. How could he have kept such a secret, knowing she wanted more than anything to escape this wretched land? Knowing Darnel treated her with such cruelty.

Anger rekindled, but she tempered it down. His kiss still burned upon her lips. If he helped her escape, she'd forgive him a hundred times over. Maybe he and his family would travel to Aloblase with her. A bit of hope flared up like a flame in a dark room.

First things first. Right now, the only thing she needed to think about was returning to the Messenger before the guards fed him to the dragon. And she needed to do it without being caught!

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