Sleep (APH Nordic Fanfic)

By catastrophic_mess

19.5K 811 285

I loved him, and he loved me. But you can only love someone if you still have yourself. They might tell you t... More

Sleep (A Hetalia Nordic Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 ^-^
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 ^-^
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 20 ^-^

341 20 3
By catastrophic_mess

Chapter Status: Not Edited

Finland's POV

I follow Norway and Sve around the building. Where is everyone? We've tried calling them, but none of them will answer!

Were searching the apartment building right now, but so far we haven't found a trace of them! I can't help but feel worried for them.

Suddenly, Norway's phone starts ringing. It startles him, and he jumps slightly. He fumbles around with it and almost drops it before he answers, regaining his composure. He looks at the screen and his eyes widen.

"What is it, Norja?" I crane me neck to see. (A/N Norja is Norway in Finnish)

"Denmark is calling!" He hisses, batting me away.

I stand back, to give him space for his conversation.

He nods and I hear Denmark's rushed babbling. He says 'ok,' and bids a quick fair well. He locks his phone and we both stare, waiting for him to tell us what happened. At first he just keeps walking in front of us, finally I ask him what Denmark said.

"Oh, he just told me where he is. We're going there now."

I nod in comprehension as I follow him, Sweden's hand in my own.

* * *

We stand outside of the building, as a clap of thunder sounds above us. I start, jumping up at least three feet in the air. The rain pours down steadily, and it can be heard on the rooftop above us like a parade of drummers in a marching band. The neon sign above the door flickers almost ominously. Sweden takes my hand once again and Norway follows us in.

We allow Norway in front of us, as he didn't tell us the location. We follow him through the dimly lit halls, until he stops at a door.




The sound of his knocking mimics the sound of the storm pattering and dancing on the roof. The dull roar of voices from inside of the room abruptly ceases, and the padding of two feet are heard. A long haired blonde opens the door. Poland.

An odd mix of people can be seen in this room, but by far the most shocking so far is the familiar looking girl next to Denmark.

Sweden casually nods in her direction.

"Greenland?" I chime, my voice the only one in use.

She smiles at me, as if coming back from the dead is a normal thing.

"I thought you were dead!" I exclaim, partly worried but partly excited to see her again.

She explains what happened, and I guess it makes a little bit of sense. But why would you fake your own death because you need time to think? Oh well, that's her own business.

Everyone sits nervously, on the couch, or the chairs, and Oslo sits on the counter, picking at her forearm, obviously bored.

The heated discussion continues.

"How do we know we're the only ones they're after?!" Denmark shoots across the room.

"Well if we aren't how do we help the others?" Iceland slightly raises his voice.

That's pretty much how the discussion goes on. Everyone is yelling at each other, and I have no clue what's even happening!

* * *

After awhile, I hear the door open and close, as if someone was sneaking in or out. I look around to see who's missing, and immediately I see Oslo left her spot atop the counter. I quietly go out to follow her, but upon exiting the room, she's already out of sight.

Oslo's POV

I pull the beloved medication out of my coat pocket. They're for my depression and I'm only supposed to take them once a day, but I find myself having to take more than that. I can't go long before finding myself in need of one of the amazing pills. They. Are. Life.

I down two of them, without water. I wait about fifteen minutes for the meds to kick in before going back up to the room.

Why is all of this happening? We don't even know who the murderer of Sealand and my brother is yet, and already something else that's new and big is happening. All of this stress is giving me a headache. Speaking of not knowing who the murderer is, my phone shows me a text from Berlin.

We talk sometimes, but she usually just gives me updates on the case. She gives me the information she can, which isn't a lot. It's worth it, though. Unfortunately, they haven't found the murderer yet, and that's what she tells me in this message. I say thanks anyways.

During my trek back down the run down, ominous hallway, my mind wanders further. If I tried, could I become a better person? If I did that, might I still have a chance with Iceland? If that's the case, then I'll do that. Without hesitation.

I almost stumble past the correct room, as I'm so deep in thought.

I fumble with the knob, and push the heavy door open quietly, so as not to distract people from conversation. Fortunately, nobody looks my way.

People still shouting at each other, I assume my former spot on the kitchen counter, feeling the depression drug take on the desired effect. I feel peaceful and calm. Careless, even.

Gradually, people begin looking down at their phones, one by one. All of their faces hold a similar expression. Some more dramatic than others. After looking at the text, their features all register a look of anything ranging from slight shock, to complete terror.

First, Greenland gasps and cups her hand over her mouth.

Denmark almost falls to the ground, almost tearing up. He visibly shakes like a chihuahua.

Sweden pushes his glasses up slightly, his expression mainly unreadable.

Finland stuffs his phone back into his pocket and throws his arms around Sweden, warily looking around the room.

Iceland gives a quiet yelp of shock before dropping his phone altogether.

Norway's eyes widen slightly and anxiously, and finally, I receive the alarming message.

I'm closer than you think.

I jump up and dash to the window sill, though I doubt anyone would be there right now, as the thunder storm rages on. The sky goes completely dark for a split second, before an immense crash of lightning cracks down the skyline, followed be the thunder. In the single second in which the lightning lights up the sky, I can clearly see a figure standing on the ledge, looking inside.

"AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I scream, literally flying back. My arms flail as my body hits on the floor with a resounding thud.

Everyone looks in my direction, as if I'm crazy. The figure ducks away from the window. I sit, my mouth hanging wide open, my hand crazily pointing at the large window. Their eyes all stay fixated on my trembling frame as my hand falls to the floor.

"What happened, Oslo?"


(A/N) OMGEEEEEEE IM SO EXCITED!!! Okay, after this chapter, I'm shooting to have ONE THOUSAND READS!!!! We are so close, and I know this sounds SOOO cheesy, but I couldn't have done it with you guys. <3 okay, now a quick word from Poland, our master shipper!

Poland: okay, like, drumroll, PLEASE!

Me: *plays imaginary drums*

Poland: GREENMARK!!!!!!!!!! I ship it like OMG ship ship ship ship

-Miss Catastrophe

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