Draco Malfoy Imagines

By XSoieaX

2.1M 41.4K 23.8K

Here. I baked you some fluff. Enjoy. All imagines written by me! These imagines are x female reader unle... More

A/N: Welcome, Format Information, & Request Form
Malfoy Manor
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 1
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 2
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 3
What Are We?
Hear Me Out!
Wedding Bells
Free Period
Meeting Her Pt. 1
Meeting Her Pt. 2
The Slytherin Common Room
The Mission Pt. 1
The Mission Pt. 2
The Mission Pt. 3
My Hufflepuff Pt. 1
My Hufflepuff Pt. 2
Innocence Pt. 1
Innocence Pt. 2
Innocence Pt. 3
Dating Draco Malfoy Would Include...
What Essay?
Living Together
Draco Malfoy Preferences and Favorites
Screams and Whispers
Wings Pt. 1
Wings Pt. 2
Wings Pt.3
Halloween Party
I'm Here, Draco
I Got Your Back
Flourish and Blotts Pt. 1
Flourish and Blotts Pt. 2
Minister's Box Pt. 1
Minister's Box Pt. 2
Minister's Box Pt. 3
It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 1
It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 2
Prefects Pt. 1
Prefects Pt. 2
After the Battle
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 1
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 2
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 3
I'm In, I'm Out, I'm In...
How Long Will I Love You?
Polyjuice Potion Pt. 1
Polyjuice Potion Pt. 2
The Madness
Ethics Pt. 1
Ethics Pt. 2
Our Place Pt. 1
Our Place Pt. 2
Colours Pt. 1
Colours Pt. 2
Second Dimension
Winter Holiday Special - A Little Encouragement
It's My Fault Pt. 1
It's My Fault Pt. 2
It's My Fault Pt. 3
It's My Fault Pt. 4
Potions Partners
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Bad Reputation
Being an Envy
Different From All the Rest Pt. 1
Different From All the Rest Pt. 2
Different From All the Rest Pt. 3
Chinese Lessons
My Resolve
Draco vs. Harry
Immortalize Me Pt. 1
Immortalize Me Pt. 2
Immortalize Me Pt. 3
Decisions Pt. 1
Decisions Pt. 2
I Don't Care About My Exes
Professor's Daughter Pt.1
Professor's Daughter Pt. 2
Professor's Daughter Pt. 3
You Have Nothing to Be Ashamed Of
I'll Wait For You
25k Special - Q&A With Soiea!
Here to Stay
Secret Place
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 1
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 2
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 3
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 4
100th Imagine - Looking Ahead
Azkaban Prisoner No. 71 Pt. 1
Azkaban Prisoner No. 71 Pt. 2
Quail in the Corner
Love for the Music Lover
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 1
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 2
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 3
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 4
Don't Look
Old Friend
50k Special - Q&A With the Author
50k Special - Fed Up
50k Special - Greatest Fear
Valentine's Day Special - Crystal Hearts
Save Him
Unfamiliar Girl
Gryffindor Quidditch Star
Cheater Pt. 1
Cheater Pt. 2
Cheater Pt. 3
One More Night
All Thanks to Narcissa Malfoy
Detention With Draco
He Makes Three
My Best Friend
Draco's Tutor
A/N: New Cover!
Dragon Tamer
Life Debt
Arrangement Pt. 1
Arrangement Pt. 2
Arrangement Pt. 3
Arrangement Pt. 4
Thank You For 100k
Misfit Pt. 1
Misfit Pt. 2
Misfit Pt. 3
Lune Pt. 1
Lune Pt. 2
Solitude Pt. 1
Solitude Pt. 2
Solitude Pt. 3
125k Special - Q&A With the Author
Promise Pt. 1
Promise Pt. 2
Promise Pt. 3
Sudden Change Pt. 1
Sudden Change Pt. 2
Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 1
Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 2
That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 1
That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 2 (Republish)
The Truth Hurts Pt. 1
The Truth Hurts Pt. 2 (Republish)
A/N: 1 Old and 1 New Announcement (Book/275k)!
Cause and Effect
End of Year Traditions
Dark Side
Want U Back
Beauty and the Beast Pt. 1
Beauty and the Beast Pt. 2
I Still Love You, Ferret Boy
Unbreakable Pt. 1
Unbreakable Pt. 2
Snake in the Pride
The Zabini Twins
Diamond in the Rough
Winter Mornings
A Letter: Love, Draco
A/N: (Please Read) An Important Message
A/N: Hello Again & My New Home

Insults and Sabotage

25.7K 434 463
By XSoieaX

House: Slytherin

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  Swearing


"You're so fucking ugly, y/n," Pansy Pug-Face Parkinson screeches in your ear one day after potions class walking with her gang of Slytherin girls and Draco and his gang.  "You must be blind to have chosen to go out like that!"

"Quit, it Parkinson.  I may not be a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one," you calmly retort.  

Pansy is taken aback and blinks, unable to comprehend what just happened.  "Haha," she laughs half-heartedly, sticking out her tongue.  "If I wanted to see people as ugly as you, I'd have to pay museum admission!"

"I'm sorry.  English please, Pug-Face.  I don't speak bullshit," you say.  Pansy's mouth hangs open.  Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco all snort.

"How. DARE. YOU!" Pansy yells at the top of her lungs.  She opens her mouth again and screams absolute gibberish.  

"See what I tell you, Parkinson?  You gotta speak in English if you want to insult me," you say.  "Have a nice day."

"I'll get you for this, y/n," Parkinson mutters under her breath.  


"The Yule Ball," Professor Snape starts.  "Is a celebration that goes along with the Triwizard Tournament.  You will all be expected to be able to dance by then.  For the next hour, pair up and practice."

Everyone stands up, but you stay seated.  You didn't want to be here.  There's no point.  Nobody's going to ask you anyways.  It's a complete waste of your time.  

"Look at sad little y/n all alone," you hear Pansy cackle

"Shut the fuck up, Parkinson.  I'm trying to read," you say through gritted teeth, glaring at her.

Pansy smiles.  She got the reaction she wanted.  She skips over to Draco and grabs his arm.

"DRAKIE!!" she cries merrily.  "Dance with me, won't you?"

Draco, utterly shocked pulls his arm away from her.  

"N-No, Pansy.  Sorry," he says uneasily.   "I, uh, just remembered...  I have some business to attend to...  I gotta go..."

He hurries away from Pansy, leaving her in the middle of the dance floor with all the other pairs of Slytherin students twirling or stumbling by.


"Good morning, y/n," Draco greets you, sitting down next to you at the breakfast table.  The Great Hall is decorated with the usual Christmas trees with mistletoe and holly and the scent of gingerbread and cinnamon wafts through the air.

"Hi, Draco," you say with a wave.  "How are you?"

"I'm really good, actually, y/n."

"Why's that, Draco?" you ask.

"I finally figured out who I'm going to ask to the ball!" he declares.

"That's great, Draco!  Whoever she is, she must be really lucky!" you smile.  Draco pauses for a moment nervously.  "What?  Did I say something?" 

"Well,  I'm not sure how she'll react....  It might be really awkward and I'm not sure if she'll say yes or not," he admits.

"Well, any girl'd be crazy not to say yes to you, Draco," you assure him.  "Who is it?"


"Who is it? It might make it easier to piece together her reaction if I know who it is!"

"R-Right... About that...," Draco stammers.

"It's Parkinson isn't it?" you ask.


"Yes!  Are there any other Parkinsons at this school?"

"N-no..." he replies quietly.

"I'm sure she'll say yes.  She's crazy about you.  A lot of people are rooting for you two to end up together," you say, trying to meet Draco's gaze.

"Wait... I thought you hated her...," Draco says.

"Oh,  I do.  Don't get me wrong.  That doesn't mean I can't be supportive of my friends and their feelings," you say, patting him on the shoulder.  "Just ask her.  She'll definitely say yes."

"Okay, y/n.  I will."


"It's been two days now and you still haven't asked Pansy yet!" you tell Draco.  "The Yule Ball is in seven days.  By then she'll be taken and there will be nobody left!  Come on, be courageous.  You got this, Draco!  I believe in you!"

"Hey, y/n?" he asks suddenly, staring at the floor.  "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, of course, Draco.  We're best friends.  You can ask me anything!" you say kindly.  

"Will you go to the ball with me?"  

There's a deadly pause.  You look at Draco.  His silvery grey eyes are filled with desire and desperation.

"W-What?" you whisper.

"Will you?  Please?"  he asks, grabbing your hands and taking them in his.  "I lied earlier.  When I said I knew who I wanted to ask, I meant you.  I never meant Pansy.  I hate her and much as you do.  Please, y/n.  Say something.  Anything."

"Yes," you say in a hushed voice.

"Y/n?" he asks, gripping your hands. 

"Yes.  I will go to the ball with you."

Draco's face lights up and he smiles.  He gives you a massive hug.

"Yay!  I'm so glad you said yes!" he smiles.

"I wasn't ever going to say no, Draco.  I'd be crazy if I did."


The night of the Yule Ball.  Luckily, you bought a dress in time with the help of Draco and his connections:

It's about two hours until the Yule Ball.  Time to get ready.  You rush upstairs to your dormitory.  You open the door and find it a mess.  Your books and school supplies are thrown everywhere.  Ink bottles are smashed against the wall. Your quills are broken and your drawers are ajar and your clothes are strewn all over the floor.  You rush over and see a wad of emerald green silk on the floor.  It's your dress.  You pick it up and look at it.  It's all shredded and frayed.  The zipper has been torn off and is nowhere to be seen.  The jewels from the bust of the dress are missing and scattered and broken on the floor.  You melt into a puddle on the floor and begin to cry.  You were finally going to have a wonderful night with your best friend in a beautiful dress and it was all ruined.  Your one chance to feel like a princess with the only person who ever really cared about have been dashed against the rocks.

"Hey, y/n?" an approaching voice calls.  "What colour is your dress again?  I want to see if my suit jacket goes with it." 

Draco appears in the doorway.  His mouth falls open at the mess and he runs over to you.  

"Oh, my God, y/n!  What happened?" he gasps.  

"I don't know!" you cry.  I just came back from the library and found the room like this!  And look!" You hold up the rags that once were the dress Draco gave to you as a present.  He takes it from your hands.

"Damn it, Parkinson!" he shouts.  He, too, is now crying with you.  "Tonight was supposed to be perfect!  You were supposed to have the dress.  You were supposed to have everything go right!  She'll pay for this!"

"No, Draco.  Not now..." you say with a sniffle.  "Let's clean up the room for a start and then we can work out what I'm going to wear."

You and Draco then work together and fix your dormitory and by the end, it's cleaner than it ever was before.

"Thanks, Draco," you say, giving him a much-deserved hug.

"It's nothing, y/n.  Anything for you," he replies.  Your eyes meet and he leans in and grazes your lips with his until he finally kisses you for real.  It's pure bliss.  All there is in that moment are you and him.  Nothing else mattered.  You forgot the fact that you had no dress and you forgot that Pansy had ruined your night.  All that you cared about was kissing Draco again.  You two eventually part.

"You're amazing at kissing, Draco," you say, breaking the silence.

"I was going to say the exact same thing for you, y/n," Draco replies. 

"Y'know what?" you say.


"I don't think we need the yule ball.  We have plenty of room here.  And music.  We could throw our own private ball.  Just you and me," you suggest.  Draco nods.

"I'd like that."  

After that, you and Draco slow dance for hours, holding each other and kissing each other.  Eventually, you two are lying side by side on your bed.  

"I love you," he mumbles.

"I love you, too," you say.

Missing the Yule Ball turned out better than expected.


A/N: This chapter was 1,406 words long!  Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!  Requests are always open!  I'm happy to write for you!

- Soiea

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