Age Of Blood

By livelikeadaydreamer

58.8K 1K 280

Clemente Quinn Parker thought she knew who she was. A S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, a sister, an immortal. But now more... More

Story Info
Prologue I
Prologue II
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5½
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7½
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 ½
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 13

1.1K 27 10
By livelikeadaydreamer

December 22nd, 2013

Parker's Apartment


"Please let go of me."




The body she was clutching very tightly just sighed and returned the hug. She breathed him in, a familiar homey smell.

"Ew, did you just sniff me?" Aiden pushed her away and scrunched up his nose in the exact same way she did. When Claudia and Conor had landed, Parker had been waiting for them with the S.H.I.E.L.D. file tucked under her arm. After she found it, she went back upstairs to see Romanoff had ditched her. So much for that. She was totally, absolutely not expecting her older brother to walk out too.

She was shaking with happiness because it had been so long. She hadn't seen him in years since she had decided to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and move to D.C. Aiden chose to stay in New York because it reminded him of their mother and he loved it. Last she had visited, which was quite a long time ago, Aiden had been living in Brooklyn keeping an eye on the supernatural beings over there. Parker had also lived in New York for a while after... Well she didn't want to think about that.

Instead, she took his appearance in. He looked older, sterner. She gathered this from the wrinkles in between his eyebrows and even though vampires were ageless, Aiden had always shown his stress. He had light stubble and his hair was cut like the fashion these days.

Aiden didn't share much of her traits since she had gotten the reddish-brown hair from her mother and also her dainty facial features. Aiden was tanner and his blonde hair was light and curly. They did however, share the same blue eyes and were very tall. Their mother was about 5' 7 and Aiden was around 6' 1. Parker was only 3 inches shorter than him.

"Why are you here?" Parker exclaimed, tugging Aiden into her apartment. He rolled his eyes and followed her.

"Yes darling, it's so good to see you as well. My trip was excellent, thanks for asking," Claudia interrupted, dragging her suitcase inside. Parker grimaced before rushing to her partner and hugging the life out of her. Hah, not that she could since they're basically dead. Man, she loved these undead jokes.

"Sorry Claud, but it's my brother. I promise we will chat tonight," Parker said before slapping Aiden on the arm, "What the hell, bro? What is this surprise trip for?" Aiden glared at her, rubbing his arm before his eyes caught Claudia's. Parker noticed the exchange but before she could ask, Conor fell through the door surrounded by luggage.


"Conor! What are you doing carrying all this baggage upstairs?" Parker demanded, pulling the baby vamp up. She looked at him and noticed he looked much healthier, his ginger colored hair trimmed, and his resting face now a smile instead of his worrying frown.

"He offered," Claudia said as she poured herself some bourbon. Aiden grasped the bottle out of Claudia's hand and moved it away from her. Her dark eyes narrowed but she didn't comment.

Parker immediately went on alert, back straightening. See, she knew her best friend and brother each like the back of her hand. And they never acted like this, they were always bickering. Always. So much so that they sometimes had to be on opposite sides of the room when they were together. What exactly happened on this trip to New York?

"So, how has life been?" Conor asked, reaching for the bourbon. Aiden then removed it from his grasp and raised an eyebrow. Conor had a look of disbelief on his face.

"What the heck? I'm dead," Conor complained. Aiden just sighed and straightened his shoulders.

"'re a baby vamp," Aiden replied gruffly. Parker smiled as him. Aiden was the responsible one of the family, with a very stoic personality. When they were little and living in Chicago, Aiden took it upon himself to be the protector of the family. It was odd, Aiden was the one who had the least magic but was the one who was most in touch with his vampiric side. Parker had a nice balance of both witch and vampire, while Felix had the witch genes through and through. You could say Parker was the more...aggressive one where as Felix was the ruler-breaker. Growing up with those two was crazy.

Parker had been the first to become a vampire, Aiden following a few years after. That's why Aiden looked a little older than her twin, which annoyed her to no end.

When Parker was brought out of her trance she noticed Claudia and Aiden laughing together over something on Claudia's phone. Parker turned to Conor who looked a little bit upset, and she got an idea.

"C'mon kid, we're going to go out."



"So, we're having a party later?"

"Of course. Christmas is in two days and we need to celebrate.... And yes, Gale is coming," Parker said and Conor's eyes widened. They were currently at a deli near Parker's apartment in Washington D.C. Parker had a handful of various snacks held close to her chest. Salt and chips were very helpful to fight against vampire cravings so Conor wasn't surprised to see Salt & Vinegar chips in the mix. He shook his head and thought back to what Parker had asked him.

"That wasn't what I was going to ask," Parker stopped in her tracks and looked at him with a smirk, clearly amused. God, both she and Claudia were killing him. He was trying to be subtle! Conor only sighed and kicked the floor.

"Alright fine. Maybe while I was in New York I was wondering about him. He helped me a lot during my time in "Oz" and I..." Conor trailed off and Parker heard his heart race. She bent down and grabbed a case of beer before thrusting it into his hands. He looked surprised but she bumped her shoulder with his.

"I remember what it was like to be in love, and this my friend, this," She poked a finger into his chest with her one free arm," is love," Conor smiled shyly and blushed, feeling his cheeks heat up with red. When they got to the cash register, Parker placed a $20 on the counter then turned to him and tilted her head.

"So, tell me...what exactly happened in New York that had you thinking about Gale?"


"Hey cutie." Conor jumps in place and turns to see a handsome young vampire behind him. He had gotten better at picking up the certain scents of the supernatural. Vampires had a musty, dark smell while werewolves had a sweatier, forest scent. Conor places his glass of water on the bar and turns around, surprised.

"Hi," Conor looks around to make sure this hot guy is actually talking to him. The brown-haired guy chuckles and takes the empty seat next to him in the bar. Honestly, he doesn't even know why Claudia brought him here but supposedly only supernaturals are allowed.

"Yeesh, am I that boring?" The guy asks, laughing again. Conor joins him and runs a hand through his ginger hair.

"No, it's just...I've never been in a place like this before," The guy nods like he completely understands what Conor's talking about.

"Baby vamp?" The guy asks. Conor almost wants to roll his eyes but he keeps his calm. He hates when people call him that.

"That's what everyone seems to call me," He replies before drinking the rest for his water.

"Don't take it like that, it's just easier for us older vamps to know who you are. And how strong you are," The guy says, smirking. His eyes flash red for a second and Conor's breath hitches. That is insanely attractive.

"And your name is..." Conor asks, raising an eyebrow.

"My name is Zach, and I swear I'm not that old. I got turned about 5 years ago so I kinda know what you're going through," Conor smiles widely.

"I'm Conor. I got turned a few months ago. Wild," Zach laughs, nodding his head.

"That's one word to describe it. So, are you with anyone?" Zach says, leaning closer. No, but I wish I was. Suddenly a muscular, blue-eyed werewolf comes to mind and Conor closes his eyes. His hand goes to his chest and he feels the stone shaped pendant Gale gave him.

"Just my friend. She's been really helping me adjust," Conor responds, looking over to where Claudia and Aiden are snuggling in a corner. Seriously, what is up with those two? Zach is watching him carefully and his eyes glance to Conor's neck.

"Can I give you some advice?" Conor is surprised. Advice is not what he would have been expecting to get tonight.

"Go after him. You obviously like this werewolf guy, his smell is all over you. There's no time like the present," Zach says and claps his hand on Conor's shoulder," But if it doesn't work out, you know where I am."



"Uh...nothing," Conor said, as he rubbed his neck. Parker just sighed and pat his cheek. It seemed she had given up pestering him for answers. Which he was very grateful for.

"Well tell me, Ginger, what else happened this summer? How did you like New York?" Now exiting the deli, Conor thought about his time spent with Claudia in the Big Apple. It was fun and thrilling, but he much rather preferred "Oz and the Munchkins." Not that he would ever tell them that. Going to New York had given Claudia the time to help him gain full control of his vampire powers, and even he got the chance to try compulsion.

"It was awesome. New. Real. I loved it," He responded and Parker smiled. The cashier rung up all the stuff, his eyes widening at the amount but one look at Parker's pearly, sharpened whites and he was wishing them a good day. They started walking back to her apartment in silence. The snow had hit New York harder than in D.C., and a few sunshine rays could be seen. The streets weren't busy, no footprints in the soft snow. After a few moments, Parker breaks the silence.

"That's good, Conor. Just keep being happy. You have a wonderful life ahead. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, not even Gale," Parker interrupted after Conor finished admiring the city. Conor nodded, a small smirk on his lips as he looked at his boots. It was moments like these, that he was extra grateful for the people he had met in this new life of his.

"Race ya home?"

"Pfft, you couldn't even keep up if you tried, ginger vamp."



Parker jumped as the oven started beeping, alerting her of the finished dinner. No one had arrived to the party yet, but it didn't start for another 10 minutes. Still, she had to be ahead of her game at least. Her whole apartment had been transformed into a Christmas gift shop thanks to Claudia. The theme was red, with a red tablecloth, red wrapping paper, red bows. Every chair had a giant bow tied around it and Parker had gawked when Claudia has showed them to her. There were dozens of presents under the tree, and many ornaments. From the low ceiling hung white snowflakes, and pinecones were held in vases. Poinsettias dotted the place mats for decoration and a sweet smell of ginger and cinnamon filled the air.

Parker closed her eyes as she breathed in the scent of her past. Her mother had always made gingerbread cookies for Christmas and Parker made sure to never forget them. This year, they were shaped like snowflakes. Parker had made a few circles ones with a face and fangs or wolf ears to tease her Munchkins. For the ones with magical powers, she made a little witch hat.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Aiden, who had suddenly appeared in front of the counter. He wore a dark blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a button undone with black pants. His eyes glistened and Parker knew he was thinking about their mother. Aiden always got emotional whenever their mother was brought up. Without a word, she handed him a gingerbread cookie and he bit into it without hesitation. After a few moments of silence, he speaks.

"I hope you don't mind, but I checked out the apartment. It's nice. The pictures are beautiful," At that Parker, smiled and looked at the floor. She thanked him and grabbed a cookie of her own. He cleared his throat and she knows immediately that he has something serious to say.

"Claudia told me about S.H.I.E.L.D. If I had known that was where you were going when you left New York, I would have stopped you," Parker shakes her head, annoyed.

"Aiden, you don't-"

"Listen to me! You are so close to HYDRA! One slip up, and suddenly they're testing on you. Do you remember what happened to you?" Aiden argued, and Parker eyes flashed yellow. She sped over to Aiden and shoved him against the wall, snarling.

"You do not and will never understand what HYDRA did to me. Of course I remember what happened to me, because it was me. I remember the cold cells and the syringes. I remember hours on end with no food. I remember killing someone for the first time. I remember-" Now, Aiden's own eyes had turned yellow and Parker pushed away from him.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, "I was insensitive,"

"Damn right you were," Parker swore quietly, but she knew Aiden could still hear her. Aiden walked over to the counter and sat down at one of the chairs. Parker sat next to him and once again, they were in silence.

"Do you remember when you became a vampire?" Parker asked, the question vague but she knew Aiden would understand. Aiden chuckled.

"Yeah and Mom was so upset. Then Felix said-"

"I want to be a vampire too!"

"Mom literally went as pale as a ghost,"

"Before she smacked Felix upside the head." They both laughed, a deep, true laughed that reminded them of the simpler days. When they weren't immortal. When the laughing died down, there was silence once again.

"Parker, I have to be honest with you. I came here because I've been doing some research. It's about our father."



"You're joking, right? You must be joking," Parker insisted, forcing out laugh. Aiden just stood quiet, pursing his lips. He didn't want to bring up this subject, but as Claudia had told him, he had to. Parker had a right to know that there was a possibility that an Original was their parent. Parker had always struggled with only having one parent. Countless times, Aiden had been forced to step in when Parker got in a fight with some punk over the fact that the kid had said something about their single mother. Then Aiden, like the responsible big brother he was would have had to go to the parents and kindly tell them their kid had started a fight with another student. His twin sister to be specific.

"I'm not. And I wish I was," Aiden continued. Parker froze, her mouth opening and closing.

"How? After all this time?," Suddenly, realization filled her eyes, "No. You're not telling me he's immortal..."

"How else would he and Mother have met? Think about it. Mother traveled to America to connect with the Gemini Coven. She was a powerful witch," Aiden said and Parker closed her eyes. She was quiet again for a few seconds.

"So, our...father is a...supernatural being," Parker said, licking her lips. Aiden looked down at his linked fingers, and let out a heavy sigh. When they're eyes connected, Aiden could see the true fear reflected in his sister's.

"I don't think he's just a supernatural being. I think he's the supernatural being."



Conor admired the view from Parker's balcony, watching as the snowflakes slowly drifted from the pitch-black sky. He took a few sips from the beer in his hands that he had managed to take without Aiden seeing. That guy was literally the overprotective brother, he thought. But he noticed that ever since the party had started both Aiden and Parker had seemed withdrawn for some reason. It had been awkward when Conor had interrupted their conversation, the tear stains obvious on Parker's pale face.

Claudia had arrived not too long after with her arms full of presents and Conor had helped her place them under the tree, peeking to see which one was his but she had swatted him away. The tension still hung in the air but Claudia's sassy spirit had soothed it, putting a smile on everyone's faces with her witty remarks.

The doorbell rang and he heard Parker rushing to get it, laughing when it was fully opened. He turned and saw a flash of red hair, a smile creeping onto his face. Ivy was beautifully donned in a red dress and a green shawl, with two presents in her hands. She looked at Conor and raised an eyebrow, to which he shrugged a shoulder. She was probably surprised to see him especially since he looked much cleaner and happier since she had last seen him. His ginger hair was slightly gelled with a few curls in the front. He had put on a dark green shirt to match the Christmas vibe and he felt pretty proud of himself. Parker had told him he looked dashing so he considered that a good sign. He just hoped Ga-

No. No. He was not doing this to himself. He would have a good night and oh god. There he was. After Ivy had moved to the Kitchen, Wren and Gale came after, carrying beer. Gale looked...amazing. He had his shirt rolled up right near the elbows and light stubble on his jaw. He was smirking, like always, at Parker who was waving madly with her hands. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and paused when his eyes caught Conor's blue ones. Conor's breath caught in his throat, and he turned away, his cheeks hot from blushing. He stood outside for a few more minutes, basking in the silence of the outside.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" Came a husky voice from behind him. Conor's blood rushed and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"I just like to watch the snow. It reminds me of when I was little," Conor replied steadily. Don't freak out, he thought as Gale stepped closer to him on the balcony.

"I haven't seen you in a while. You kind of ran away," Gale laughed nervously, his hand going to the back of his neck. Conor smiled, ducking his head.

"Claudia was teaching me the ropes of being a vampire. I've gotten a lot better, you know. I won't go crazy," He joked but Gale's eyes only seemed to get worried.

"You weren't crazy," Gale whispered, his voice sounding filled with...hurt? Conor breathed the frigid air in slowly and shivered.

"Then why didn't you ever talk to me?" Conor asked, his voice shaking. Gale sighed and ran a hand through his dark locks.

"I've always messed up everything. I couldn't...I couldn't mess this up," He said quietly. Conor huffed and took a step closer to the werewolf.

"You could never mess anything up, and you know if Parker heard you say this, she would kick you," It was true. Parker worried about each of the Munchkins as if they were her children, trying to be invested in their lives and never wanting them to be upset. Gale began to laugh and Conor joined him.

After a while, they both just stood staring into each other's eyes. Gale brushed the tiny snowflakes off Conor's eyelashes and cheeks and he was so close Conor could feel the warmth of his breath.

"You are so different, and hopeful. I'm nothing like that. You should want more," Gale whispered and their lips were only inches apart.

"I'm the one who decides if I want more. And I don't. I want you," Conor whispered back and placed a hand on Gale's cheek. His skin was warm, being a wolf an all.

"Oh, for God's sake, kiss him already!" Came a shout. They both chuckled and before Conor could even make a move, Gale wrapped an arm around his waist and brought Conor's lips to his. Cheering came from inside the house but all Conor could pay attention to was the feeling of love and happiness that came with this one kiss.


"Alright, alright. Be careful love bugs. Please," Parker warned her Munchkins as they left. Ivy and Wren each laughed and Parker shook her head. Her eyes fell on a snuggling Gale and Conor on the couch. She smiled but then gasped at the time.

"Get up, you party animals. It's 3 in the morning, I'm old," Parker complained, hitting Gale in the shoulder.

"Fine you old lady. We'll leave you alone," Gale said as he got up and hugged Parker, "Merry Christmas. Love you."

"Love you too," Parker replied. Conor was next to hug her and she pulled the shorter boy close, "If you ever had any doubts before that you weren't part of the family before, I hope you know now."

"Thank you," Conor whispered and she felt him take in a shaky breath as if he was crying. She let go of him and Gale wrapped an arm around his new boyfriend's shoulders.

"I love you both. Please be careful and let me know when you're home. And don't go breaking beds like Bella and Edward!" Gale and Conor both blushed and went to complain but Parker shut the door after them. Everyone had left, and the house was mostly clean. The night had been beautiful and Parker was grateful. Just as she went to turn off the lights there was a knock on her door.

"Gale, I was jokin-" She huffed and she opened it but she froze. In front of her was not the werewolf she thought it was going to be. It wasn't even a wolf.

It was Steve Rogers, the Captain America. And he was holding James' dog tags.


Hello lovely readers! I know it's been awhile but I hope you enjoy this update. It's one of the longest I've done and I'm pretty proud. What do you think of Conor and Gale? Are you excited to see Parker and Steve interact?  Stay tuned! 

Bielle ❣


I don't own the gif 😊

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