Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmon...

By agbxharmony

583K 18K 9K

basically, you're used by fifth harmony as a promotion stunt and after you find out shit goes down between yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 43

6.9K 233 94
By agbxharmony

Camila thanks the driver as she exits the car that's parked inside Y/ns driveway. She walks towards the front door where it immediately opens and shows Jesy.

"Hey girl!" Jesy greets her and motions for her to come inside. "Thank you so much for bringing this stuff, Y/n's throat is sore as hell." She says and takes the bag from Camila.

"No problem." Camila says while offering a smile to the British woman.

"The only member of Fifth Harmony that I can tolerate! Hi Camila." Jade greets Camila from the living room where RuPauls Drag Race is playing.

Camila awkwardly smiles back and waves towards her. "What are you watching?" She asks Jade not being familiar with the show.

"That just shows how fake you were around Y/n the first time." Kendall says while entering the house through the back door with all of Y/ns dogs trailing behind her.

"I was a horrible person back then but I'm trying to make it up to her." Camila says which Kendall nods and smiles to.

"Don't fuck it up this time." Kendall warns Camila while closing the door behind the seven dogs.

"It's RuPauls Drag Race." Jade says and Camila nods her head as she sits down on the couch. She looks over at Jade and sees Y/n sleeping beside her with her head laying on Jades lap.

"How's she feeling?" Camila asks Jade while watching Y/n sleep.

"Hopefully she'll be feeling better after she wakes up." Leigh-Anne says from the spot beside Y/n where she was hiding. "Poor baby." She coos while running her fingers through her friends hair.


"Camila's an asshole." Lauren says angrily while putting her shoes in the closet. "I can't believe that she just left during the interview!" She fumes.

Ally nods her head in agreement with the girl. "It was a very selfish thing to do, but wouldn't you do the same for Brad?" She asks Lauren.

"Yes, but they're not dating." Lauren says while sitting down on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

"The amount of care that Camila has for Y/n is as much as she would have for her if they were dating. You have to realize that Camila feels bad for what we all did and she feels the need to make it up to Y/n unlike some of us." Ally says while glaring at Lauren then to Dinah.

Lauren rolls her eyes. "If I don't want to apologize to her I don't have to." She says while standing up out of the chair. "I'm going upstairs." She says before storming off to her room.

"Why didn't you glare at Normani? She's just as guilty as me." Dinah asks Ally while looking over at Normani.

"I want to apologize, I just don't know how." Normani says while putting her head in her hands.

"Lauren's not gonna like that." Dinah warns Normani since Lauren wants everyone to share her hatred for Y/n.

"I don't care what Lauren thinks." Normani states. "I'm doing what I think is best for me, unlike you who's following the lead of someone else." She says then gives Dinah a sassy look.

Dinah gives Normani an offended look back. "I'm not following Lauren! I'm doing what I think is best for me too. I don't think I want to be friends with Y/n ever again because of what we did. I think that being friends with her would just bring up the past for her every time that she sees us. I don't wanna put her through that again." Dinah admits while looking down at the floor.

"You do care about her." Ally coos and smiles at Dinah. "I thought that you hated her." She admits.

"I was trying to but I couldn't, you know? She did everything that we asked her to do, I could never hate her." Dinah says while leaning her head back against the couch. "I just don't wanna be close with her so it's better to pretend hate her." She explains in more depth.

Normani understands Dinahs thinking but she disagrees with it. "What if that hurts her more? Like I know if I was her and that if someone constantly showed hatred towards me I would feel horrible." She asks Dinah.

"I'm not gonna be like Lauren, I'm just gonna ignore her." Dinah tells the girls her plan.

"Sounds stupid to me, but do what you think is right." Normani tells Dinah before pulling her phone out of her pocket to see if she got any texts from her boyfriend.


"I can't believe you, Y/n!" Perrie yells while banging on the studio door.

Jesy pounds on the door louder than Perrie did. "Your album can wait Y/n!" She yells.

Y/n rolls her eyes at her friends and smiles at Camila and Jade. "Thank you for helping me escape I thought that I was gonna go insane." She says while setting up the microphone.

"That was fun." Camila admits and Jade agrees.

"I can't believe that you got them to go to the store to get more tea packets when you just brought some." Y/n says in her weak voice then laughs. She takes a sip of the hot liquid in her cup. "The tea is amazing by the way, thank you Camila." Y/n says and Camila smiles.

"There was so many kinds at the store I had no idea what kind to pick, so I'm glad that you like it." Camila says while playing with her fingers behind her back.

Y/n smiles while turning on the microphone. "Remember to take it easy." Jade warns Y/n from the couch.

"Yup." Y/n says while turning on the backtrack for her song. "I just have to do the background vocals for 'Side to Side', then I'll just have to write a few more songs." Y/n says.

Camila is so excited to see Y/n work in the studio. Watching her work is so breathtaking to her because she loves everything that Y/n makes and she loves to see how she makes it.

"Camila, this doesn't leave this room." Y/n tells Camila warning her of the importance of this track. Camila nods her head and pulls a pretend zipper across her lips then throws away the pretend key.

Y/n steps behind the microphone and begins adding in some higher and lower notes to the song. Camila watches the girl in awe not only because of the notes but how Y/n is sick and she's still hitting those notes.


After a very slow two weeks filled with all day studio sessions, Y/n finished her entire third album. "Holy shit." Y/n curses while looking at the finished product. "I can't believe that it's done." She tells Jade through the phone.

Jade and the other members of Little Mix left a week ago because they had to see their families before they do endless promo for their almost complete album. "I wanna hear it!" Jade yells.

"You're gonna have to wait like everyone else." Y/n says while emailing a file copy of her album to Scooter and the record label. "The listening party thing is tomorrow night at this resort, I'm terrified of everyone hearing it." She admits while sending the email.

"Everyone's gonna love it!" Jade encouragingly tells Y/n. "What's it called again?" She asks because she forgot the name that Y/n told her.

"Dangerous Woman." Y/n says while leaning back into her pillow. "I still have to figure out the album cover." She says and runs her hands over her face.

"I thought that you were doing that latex bunny thing that you did last week." Jade says while shifting her phone so she can hold it more comfortably.

Y/n laughs. "When you say it that way it sounds stupid, but yes I am. I have to figure out which picture though." She says while putting her laptop on the bedside table beside her then running her fingers over Ophelia's fur.

"Serving bunny kink realness." Jade says in her best RuPaul impression.

"I wish you guys were coming tonight." Y/n sighs as she changes the subject.

"Me too cause then I'll be able to hear the album." Jade says. "But Kendall, Victoria, and Shay will be there, you'll be fine." She says and leans into the camera to zoom in on her smile.

Y/n nods her head and closes her eyes. "As soon as this is over I'm taking a vacation before all of the promo." She says while literally rolling out of bed to get ready for tonight. Y/n sighs before speaking. "I've gotta get ready babes, I'll call you later." She tells Jade while smiling to the camera.

"Bye Y/n, you're gonna do amazing tonight. I love you!" Jade says while waving goodbye to Y/n.

"I love you too." Y/n says before ending the FaceTime and connecting it to the charging cord. She walks over to her closet and instantly becomes stressed since she has no idea what to wear for tomorrow.


(my last chapter was a flop sigh)


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