Some Things Are Best Unknown.

By Hophop2020

40.8K 1.5K 355

It was the smile that through everyone off. She was always cheerful, always smiling, and always kind to other... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

3.5K 134 55
By Hophop2020

A/N- Hello guys! Sorry for any misspellings and grammatical errors!



"Oh my gosh, did you see Sasuke? He is so hot!" A girl said talking with another group of girls. 

"Yeah, earlier he waved at me, he so has a crush on me."

"Nu-uh he has a crush on me!"

"NO ME!"

These were the comments that reached the pinkette's ears. 'What do the girls see in him anyways? just his looks? Do they even know him' Sakura thought. She then saw a girl with black hair running away sobbing, she knew what she had to do, and she just left.


Sasuke was just walking back home, he had to break another girl's heart that day. He conitnued walking until he heard something. It was a girl's voice. He followed it until he reached a clearing in a forest. There sat the brunet that helped him in the forest. She was talking to someone, that someone was the girl's heart he broke.

"What's wrong?" The brunet with the mask asked the black haired girl.

"Why do you care?" The black haired girl was looking curiously at the ribbon that she saw prior to meeting this masked stranger. The ribbon had in kanji Think.

"I don't know, why do you love?" The girl looked up wide-eyed. "Now, you don't have to tell me, I was just curious. But I can kind of guess what happened."

"I-I-I confessed to the one I loved how I felt, but he didn't feel the same way. I-I-I"

"Hey, look at me." And she did, she looked at the beautiful mask that covered the brunet's probably beautiful face. "I want you to think a little okay?" The girl just nodded some tears were still escaping. "Why do you love him?" The girl's eyes widened, and her jaw slightly went slack.

"Well, he's cute, smart, and ...I honestly don't know." She said realizing where she went wrong.

"Do you guys hang out? Do you know him? Like actually know him." The masked girl said in a soft tone. The girl with black hair furrowed her eyebrows in deep thought. 

"I guess you're right I don't really know him."

"Now imagine a boy who you barely know, and know nothing about confessed his undying love to you? How would you react? Now I'm not worried because you're a smart, beautiful girl, and I am sure that any guy would be lucky to have you, but maybe you should keep in mind how the other feels." Then the masked girl gave the girl a reassuring hug. 

"I feel so bad, I bet he must've felt awkward and uncomfortable when I did that." She said.

"You're not the first."

"I feel really stupid."

"It's going to be fine Airi."

"You're right. Wait how did you know my na-" But the girl was gone, but in her place was a sakura blossom. The girl looked down at her ribbon, but the kanji changed. It was now: Be Smart. The girl turned her head and saw Sasuke with wide eyes. She also realized he probably saw some of that conversation.

"I'm sorry, I feel really stupid, but can we be friends?" The girl asked. Then Sasuke smiled, he actually SMILED. "Yeah."

(A/N- Don't worry I'm not going to have them be dating, and I know Sasuke was very OOC, but Oh Well. They are just going to be friends, but not super close friends.)


Sasuke went home and went to his room, in his room, he saw a bit of a worn out ribbon. He just smiled slightly. 


Naruto went back to his apartment and went to his fridge and opened it, and there was a pink ribbon with his catchphrase on it. He put on his widest grin.


Kakashi just got back from a mission and headed home. When he got home, there he saw a pink ribbon tied around his lamp. He just eye-smiled.


The black haired girl was playing with her friends and had a pink ribbon tied around her wrist. She just smiled.


Sakura came back home "I'm back!" She yelled like she normally did. She roamed her hallways and stopped when she looked at her parent's pictures, she looked down at her wrist where she tied her tattered ribbon. That ribbon was very important to her. She looked back at the picture of her parents again and whispered 'Thank you Mom and Dad.' And she continued down to her room.  She laid down on her bed and stared up at the ceiling, she felt kind of lonely, oh well. 'I wonder what tomorrow will bring me.' She thought as she drifted off to sleep. Oh little she knew.


Blood, just a scrape. A pink-haired girl looked at her knee solemnly. She tripped and scraped her knee. She decided to get up and move to sit under the tree. She sat down under the cherry blossom, and brought her hand up to her knee, and was about to heal herself, when a boy came running over. 

The boy looked at the pink-haired girl's knee, and remembered when he hurt his knee. He cringed on the inside. 

"Are you ok?" The onyx haired boy asked.

"Um.. yes." The pink haired girl said shyly as she hugged her knee, trying to disappear. She didn't want to show her ability, so she would wait until after he left. 

"Are you sure? I know those knee scrapes hurt." He said, the girl looked in the boys' eyes and saw honest worry. She thought of when she had her parents, and when her parents looked at her that way. She sighed sadly. 

The boy stuck out his hand for the pinkette to take. "Here, let me help you." She took his hand reluctantly. 

"You know, I can take care of myself..."

"You probably can, but I feel like I owe someone something."


"A masked girl helped me once, and I want to be as kind as she was to me."

"Wow. Well thanks." 

"My name's Sasuke, what's yours?" The boy now known as Sasuke asked. He reached out his hand for Sakura to take.  She looked at it nervously, unsure if she should take the hand. She reached out her hand and grabbed it. 

"My name's Sakura." 

"That name suits you." Suddenly Sakura felt butterflies in her stomach. 

"Thanks...I guess." She said shyly. 

"Here let's go back to my house to get a first aid kit ok?" Then she nodded. The pair set off towards the Uchiha compound and Sasuke patched up her knee. 

"Hey Sasuke?"


"Can we be friends?"

"Sure!" And there goes the belly flops that have been happening in Sakura's stomach, it was a weird but contempt feeling. 

"Thanks. Bye Sasuke!"

"Bye Sakura!"

 Then the pink haired girl went home.


"Hey Mom, hey Dad. I think I've fallen twice today.  Once on the ground, and the other in love." Sakura admitted.


Sakura was sitting on her porch, she looked both ways before she took off the bandage on her knee, and started healing her knee with a little medical nin-jutsu. After she was done, she threw the bandage away with a small smile and went back inside, but little did she know someone saw her. 


"hmm...Interesting,  that girl has amazing chakra control, and can do some medical nin-jutsu." A man with bandages on his face and all over his body mumbles. "She could benefit from my training."


The next morning...

Sakura went to her mailbox and went back to her front door. As soon as she entered, she felt something was off.  She put her mail on the table and said "I know someone is there, come out."

"Well, you have quite the talent. How did you know I was there?"

"I don't have to answer that question." In reality she actually wasn't sure how she knew.

"Smart, well I came to offer you something."


"Where are your parents?"

"They're on a trip right now." She fibbed. 

"Let me give you the details." He said as he sat down in a chair as Sakura gave him a weary look very unsure of what's to come. 

Her life did a 180, and she felt like she wasn't in control of what was to come. This is what changed her. 


A/N- I know that this is really short, but I was having severe writer's block. I have an Idea of what's to come, and I'm going to apologize for making her above the average shinobi. Please comment any Ideas if you have any.

Sorry for such the long wait. Sorry for any misspellings and gramatical errors.


1450 words. 

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