Please Remember (BTS Fanfic C...

By lovingseoul

202K 6.3K 553

What the mind forgets can only be remembered by the heart. But the heart can not remember all the time. Your... More

Please Remember (KPOP Fanfic)
1 - We Meet Again
2 - I miss him!
3 - He Hates Me
4 - Mr. Insensitive
5 - I Bid Good Bye
6 - First Day of School
8 - Serenade
9 - Lost Hearts
10 - Short Time with Him
11 - Agreement
12 - Letter?
13 - Inside the Letter
14 - Siblings
15 - Her Confession
16 - Playground (Part 1)
16 - Playground (Part 2)
17 - Mall Date
18 - My Dress
19 - The Heartbreak
20 - The Party
21 - Untitled
22 - About The Play
23 - Lovers' Quarrel
24 - The Date
25 - The Date (Part 2)
26 - We Should Review
27 - He is Sick
28 - Never Will
29 - Untitled
30 - D-Day
31 - With His Mom
32 - Graduation!
33 - The Accident
34 - After the Accident
35 - The Notebook
36 - Who is he?
37 - He has gotten better
38 - The Memories
39 - Birthday
40 - The Guitar
41 -Untitled
42 - Photo Frame
43 - Alumni Party
44 - The Arcade
45 - The Dream
46 - He's Awaken
47 - Tragedy
48 - Final
Author's Note

7 - I Need You

5.5K 179 60
By lovingseoul

Proofread: 160704 (yymmdd)

"How was Jungkook?" Jinah asked.

"Why are you asking?" Raising her eyebrow, Chaelin asked.

"Because he's there." Jinah said and pointed at a direction.

How can he be here? Chaelin murmured.


"Chaelin! Chaelin!" Jinah repeated as she shake her best friend to wake her up from daydreaming.

"Ah! Yeah. Yeah." Chaelin looked at everyone who was looking at her just holding her ham sandwich. "Yeah. Sorry, I was spacing out."

"Is there anything wrong?" Her brother asked. She shrugged her shoulders and took a bite on her sandwich.

Chanyong saw Jin coming with someone so he moved a little to the side where Chaelin is sitting to give Jin and his friend some space to sit on.

"Hey!" Jin greeted. "Eunsol asked me if she can eat with us and of course," he leaned in closer to Chanyong and whispered, "I can't say no." making Chanyong laugh.

"Ah, Chaelin!" Jin remembered he has something to ask to Chaelin so he told her to meet him after class. Chaelin's free after class so she accepted his request.

"Don't you wanna go home with me?" Chanyong asked.

Chaelin shook her head and said, "I can go home alone after. Don't worry. And besides," she looked at Jin and added "We won't take too long. I'll go home after an hour maybe or earlier."


Classes are over and like what Jin and Chaelin planned, they'll meet.

Jin decided to go to Chaelin's room and wait for her outside. He waited for everyone to leave the room before peeking inside the room. He slowly looked inside the room and he saw Chaelin alone inside on her seat.

"Hi!" Jin greeted as he entered the room and walked towards Chaelin.

"Hi!" She answered back.

Chaelin was still fixing her things on her seat when she said "Sorry."

"Hm?" Jin was just staring at her as she fixed her things.

"I am really slow. I am a turtle. This is the reason why Jungkook never waited for me." She said and placed the last notebook inside her bag.

"Jungkook? What do you mean?"

"I always asked him to come home with me. He'll say yes." She closed her bag and stood up. She kneeled down to check below her desk if she got everything. "He will say yes but, he never did really walk home with me."

"Maybe he's just in a hurry?"

"He should've told me he can't wait for me, and told me he has something else to do. Right?" She hanged the straps of her backpack on her shoulders and extended her arm, "Where's the song piece?"

"Oh! Here!" Then Jin gave the music book he was holding.

"Can you sing it?" She asked.

Jin gave her a "why should I" look. Chaelin raised an eyebrow on him and said "How would I be able to tell if it is good or not if I haven't listened to it?"

"Come on." Jin said and quickly grabbed Chaelin's wrist and started pulling her going to another room.

Jin brought Chaelin to the music room. He pushed her gently to the piano and let her sit. "Can you play it?"

Chaelin tried to play following the notes on the music book. Jin had his complete reminders on his music book so Chaelin was able to understand the tune and tempo of the song. Jin accompanied her piano with his soft and sweet voice.

"Do you need to keep your voice soft?" Chaelin asked.

"Is that a compliment or what?"

"Well, it's up to you. But, the piano is louder than you. How would she able to hear your confession?"

She's right. Jin has to make his voice louder or singing for her would be useless.

Chaelin got to listen to the whole song and she praised his voice and the message of the song. Jinhee would obviously fall for him!

"Are you going home, alone?" Jin asked Chaelin while they're walking towards the gate.

"Yeah. Well, it is not too far from here. Are you not going home yet?" Chaelin asked.

He nodded his head twice and pointed at the direction opposite to the direction to their houses, "I need to go to the mall to buy something for tomorrow. See you tomorrow?"

Chaelin nodded her head before raising her hand a little and waved. "Good bye! And take care. Go home before it gets dark, okay?"

"Okay, mom. Haha! I'm just kidding. Be careful on your way home. Call your brother when you need to. I am sure he's already at home." He said and waved after, before they turned their backs from each other.

"Ah! Chaelin!" Jin shouted to call this girl who was a little far from him. Chaelin quickly turned around. "Thank you!" He shouted again and waved for the last time. It was cute making Chaelin giggle.

"You're welcome, Seokjin." She whispered to herself.

On the other hand, there's Jungkook in his room, peeking at his window, waiting to see Chaelin arrive. "What's taking her too long to come back?"

Jungkook made himself busy: checking his sns once in a while, checking his mobile phone for texts and calls, quick browse on his notebooks, and still, Chaelin haven't arrived.

"Jungkook?" His mom knocking on his door. "Can I come in?"

Jungkook opened his door and let his mom in. "Can you bring this to Chanyong's mother? She asked me for this yesterday but I just found it this morning." She gave him the bag she was holding and added, "She said Chaelin's bag is already broken and she can't buy her a new bag because she's busy. She can't go to the mall for the meantime so I'm lending her this."

"No problem mom." Jungkook told his mother and she went out of his room.

Jungkook brought the bag to Chaelin's house. Mrs. Bang, Chaelin's mother, welcomed him to her house and actually asked him to eat dinner with them. "I'll tell your mom that you'll have dinner here because you wanted to hang out with Chanyong."

"Ah, no thanks Aunt. I will go ho - " Jungkook got cut off with what he was saying when he heard Chaelin's voice.

"Mom! I'm home~!" Chaelin shouted telling her mom she's home.

"Or should I say you'll do your assignments with Chaelin?" Mrs. Bang asked and winked at Jungkook. "Why were you late, my dear?" And she turned to her daughter.

"Seokjin asked me something mom. He's so great, like wow!". Chaelin placed her pair of shoes in the cabinet and went to the kitchen, "He got a nice voice, and his s - Oh my! I didn't know you're here!" She got surprised when she saw Jungkook in the kitchen.

"I told him to stay and do your assignments together, after we had our dinner." Her mom said.

"But we don't have any as - nmsyerdnxj" Jungkook suddenly ran to Chaelin and put his arm around her shoulders to secretly cover her mouth and halt her from speaking.

"Thanks aunt! I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll just get some of my notebooks." Jungkook said and pulled Chaelin to the living room, "I'll be back. Hm?" and left.

After their dinner, Mrs. Bang told her son and daughter to go back to their room and she'll ask the maid to clean the dishes.

"Yah, Chaelin!" Chanyong called his sister before entering his room. "What did Jin ask you earlier?"

"Ah," she spread her hands and shrugged her shoulders, "nothing so important."

"Okay then. Jungkook!" He turned to Jungkook and said, "Do your work well, okay?"

"Chanyong?" Chaelin calmly said. "Come in, Jungkook."

Chaelin pulled out a chair beside hers in front of her table. "Do we really have an assignment? I can't remember we have one." She said.

Jungkook spread his notebook o the table and checked them one by one, "I can remember one. But I don't know on which subject."

"Let me check." Chaelin brought out her small notebook where she writes down all the things she has to do for school. "There's one! It is for Math. We have this 20 problems to answer and ..... I don't know yet how to do this." She opened her notebook where she wrote the problems and showed them to Jungkook, "Do you know how to do these?"

She looked at him and Jungkook just looked at her in the eyes. His stare gave her shivers to her bones. She blinked her eyes several times and finally snapped out of her mind,"I know you don't. Okay."

"I'll check our other subjects if we have a homework to do, then you ... Maybe you can try to figure out how to work on those." Jungkook said and started to browse his notebooks.

Chaelin began to try solving the math problems their teacher gave them. She is slowly starting to understand how to answer those math problems but they are really giving her a headache.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, I am." She answered. "You don't have to worry. Oops! You never got worried about me." she whispered to herself.

"You were saying something?" Jungkook heard some murmur.

"Ah, nothing! You found anything to work on?" She asked.

Jungkook shook his head and stood up, "Let me see what you're doing." He pulled his chair closer to Chaelin to sit beside her.

Jungkook watched Chaelin closely as she answered their math assignment. He never did see Chaelin as serious as she is right now. He always see her laughing, smiling, and playing with her friends in school. No wonder Chaelin is one of the top students in their level, she gets serious when she needs to.

"Are you always like this?" He asked.

"Hm?" Chaelin looked at him but she got startled when she looked at him, Jungkook's face was close to hers. They were almost cheek to cheek. She gently pushes him away and told him "You don't need to be this close while watching me solve these."

"Ah, sorry." Jungkook didn't realise he was too close to Chaelin while he was watching her work on the assignments.

Chaelin finally got to finish her assignments. "Wow! You were able to answer these in an hour? Are you serious?" Jungkook said as he looked at all the solved math problems. "But how about mine?" He asked.


"Hm! How will I answer these? Are you going to teach me or I'll figure it out myself?" He asked Chaelin.

Chaelin thought it would be faster and easier for her to teach him first then let him answer them himself and just check it after rather than answering all his questions about the problems every now and then.

When Jungkook was on the 16th problem, he wanted to ask Chaelin if he could just copy hers because he's already tired but he found out that Chaelin fell asleep while waiting for him to finish his. Chaelin was peacefully sleeping beside him that he didn't get to notice it.

"Chaelin." He softly calls her name. Trying to wake her up but he doesn't want to wake her up. Sooooo unclear with his thoughts.

With his fingers, he brushed Chaelin's hair gently to expose her calm sleeping face. "I didn't know you were the only one who really cared for me besides my parents, Chaelin. I am sorry I didn't notice you, until now, that I am not used to when you are not around." He pulled his chair as close as it can to Chaelin. He leaned closer to Chaelin and kissed her on her forehead, "Please don't get tired of loving and taking care of me." he whispered to her ear.



Another update :)

Aww, Jungkook .. Kyaaa~ ♡ But it's too late to realise how precious she is .. I mean, is it really late? Lol! I really don't know yet.

By the way, Army, who is your bias from Bangtan Boys? :)

Please do keep reading this, and share if you want ^^

Thanks for the votes and nice comments. ILY :*


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