Irish Princess (A Niall Horan...

By ambermarie78

352K 5.4K 750

Mia's sister Erica is a HUGE fan of One Direction but Mia isn't. She says that she will always hate them but... More

Irish Princess (A Niall Horan Love Story)
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Acknowledgements and Epilogue

Chapter 3

20K 324 59
By ambermarie78

Louis's P.O.V.

A few hours earlier*

     "Louis! Wake up!" an Irish voice yelled.

     "I don't wanna get up!" I mumbled.

     "Come on! We've got to go to Erica's house!" it said.

     After hearing Erica's name I shot up and saw Niall looking at me with an amused expression. I immediately started blushing. If I don't start learning to hide my feelings toward Erica, the boys will start to make fun of me. That won't be good at all. Once they start teasing me they won't stop.

     "Why the sudden energy Louis? Does it have anything to do with seeing Erica?" he said wit emphasis on her name.

     "No." I said but anyone would be able to tell that I'm lying.


     "Sure. Well you have ten minutes to get ready." he yelled as he walked out of the room.

     I quickly got up and got dressed in my signature striped shirt, some chinos, and grabbed a pair of TOMS. Then I ran down stairs to see Niall waiting impatiently by the door.

     "Hurry! Come on!" he said as soon as he noticed me.

     "Before you rush us out of here, don't forget her jacket." Liam said as he walked down the stairs. After him came all of the boys. As soon as we all were ready, Niall rushed us out of the door and into the car.


Back to the present after the fall*

Mia's P.O.V.

     What are they doing here? Did Erica already call them? Gosh she can't control herself! I really don't want to see them this early in the morning!

     I heard Erica start to laugh so I looked up and saw all of the boys frowning. Oops I said that out loud.

     They laughed this time.

     "Ugh. Why do I keep saying things out loud? Before you start laughing again, I meant to say that out loud!" I said.

     They still laughed so I started to pout. This caused them to laugh even harder and Louis came and hugged me. As soon as he did, Erica got a sad look in her eyes and Niall was glaring at him. I quickly got out of the hug.

     "Why don't we go to an amusement park? We have a free day today." Liam suggested.

     "Ugh. Didn't I say I didn't want to see you this early! I guess I have to watch Erica though so I'm going." I said.


30 minutes later*

Mia's P.O.V.

     As soon as we got there we split into groups. One group was Louis and Erica. Niall and I were in a group and the others were the last group.

     Niall wanted to go on a roller coaster first and I love roller coasters so I didn't protest.

     As soon as we got there I noticed the line wasn't huge. Niall grabbed my hand and we went to the front of the line. All of the boys have hoodies and sunglasses on so no will recognize them. When we got to the front of the line though he took of the hoodie and sunglasses really quick and asked to get on the roller coaster. Of course since he's famous they let us on and he put his hoodie and sunglasses back on.

     Soon the ride started but it wasn't that long before it stopped moving. That was really fast! Wait we aren't back yet,the roller coaster stopped working! Oh no we're stuck!


Ooh! Do you think it was an accident that the roller coaster stopped?? Comment and tell me what you think but one person already knows what's going on! So don't spoil it! You know who you are! Thank you @Kitasand for the idea of this chapter! Comment and vote everyone! Thank you for reading! Bye!


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