
By newbiegac2015

51.6K 2.2K 312

Serendipity - Finding something good, without looking for it. After waking up from an accident, Katy finds he... More

Houston, We Have A Problem.
Dalliance II
Adulation *m*
Little bird


1K 43 7
By newbiegac2015

A thick dry large lump slugged down my throat as I sat opposite the officers. Both wearing long coats over their smart shirt and pants. Each with a folder on their laps.

"Can you tell us anything of the accident, Ms Hartwell?" The first officer asked, his blue eyes watching my reaction carefully.

It felt as though I was on trial, that I had caused this but Billy had told me the story... Or at least I hoped he had told me the truth.

"Um.." I frowned.

"Please, take your time." The other smiled softly. His eyes were a lighter blue than his colleagues and were more friendlier.

Both officers had arrived exactly a week of me being allowed home from the hospital. Today marked my 7th day home, my 7th day of self recovery and 6th day of not seeing Zak, something I was still mulling over.

Both Aaron and Billy had been over, Billy checking in every day and Aaron rang at least once a day. Sometimes he came over with Tommy for an hour to see if I needed anything, but nothing, not a dime from Zak. A man who remembered my favourite flowers and claimed to be my friend.

I had only just came back from my hospital appointment. Cognitive therapy is what the doctors are aiming for. In a hopes that I can recover some of the memory I lost. However when I suggested leaving the forgotten, well forgotten, the doctor frowned and told me that it's vital I remember them.

I disagreed.

"I really don't remember anything." I spoke finally looking between the officers.

"There must be something." The dark blue man insisted.

I shook my head "No, I- I don't even remember driving that day. I can't even remember that morning, it's all gone. I just remember the past and waking up in hospital."

He sighed in what seemed frustration before looking at his colleague.

"Ms Hartwel-"

"Katy, please." I corrected the light blue eyes officer.

He smiled "Katy. I understand it was a very traumatic crash, for everyone involved but even the smallest of details will help us.."

"I know. I-"

But before I could answer the sound of keys in my lock caused my eyes to snap to the door and in tumbled the one person who I had been waiting to see. Zak.

"Hi." I beamed instantly.

He went to give a smile but saw the two men sat opposite me and instantly went on the defence. "Who are you? Who are they?" He asked.

The polite officer of the two, who I was becoming fond of, rose from his seat and introduced himself and his partner.

Zak's eyes narrowed in suspicion, until he saw their badges and nodded.

"They're here about the crash." I informed Zak who pocketed his keys after he noticed my eyes lingering on them.

I was still unsure on why he had a set..

"Obviously." He muttered before sitting down beside me with a hmph.

"And who are you?" The ruder officer asked.

"Zak.. Zak Bagans." Zak replied with a little impatience.

"Right..." The officer opened his file and looked at something before looking back at me. "So Ms Hartwell, you were saying? About the crash."

His condescending tone made me chew the inside of my lip with a little harder force. So much so, I didn't know I had bit through my lip until the taste of metallic and copper filled my mouth. Discreetly I tried to cover up my latest wound and pulled my lips together.

"Ms Hart-"

"It's Katy." Zak interrupted before looking over at me.

I gave a single nod of approval and took a small breath "Like I was saying.. I can't remember anything."

"Not a thing?"

"No. I want answers to-"

"Can you explain why there was alcohol in your system at the scene of the crash?" He asked watching my reaction.

Of course I paled.

And fast.

I felt the colour leave my face and shock took over. "W-what?"

"Upon your arrival at the hospital, bloods were taken, it's protocol. Traces of alcohol were found in your system. Can you tell us why?" The officer questioned.

But before I could even contemplate an answer. The guard dog beside me, in the form of a friend, being Zak fired up.

"Don't answer." He ordered at me. Before looking at the officer. "Is she being questioned here? Under oath?"


"Then why are you throwing this at her? You must have her medical records and can see she is suffering from Amnesia. It means her brain.. Her brain has blanked it out. Completely hidden it. Okay? So whatever Questions you have can wait!"

My eyes went to Zak who had moved to the edge of his seat and was jabbing his finger down on the table. Never had I seen this kind of reaction, from anyone.

"Okay. Then how about we ask you a question.. Mr Bagans."

"I wasn't even at the crash!" He exclaimed.

"No but you were in a call connected with Ms Hartwell at the time of the accident!" The officer threw back.

Zak's comeback caught in his throat which caused my eyes to widen.

I was on the phone? To him?

"I- We were talking?" I asked quietly through the silence of the room.

Hearing my voice, Zak's head tweaked slightly. "Not now." Was his answer.

"What do you mean? What do you mean not now? Why not? Wh-"

"Not now Katy!" He snapped throwing me an intimidating glare. One that made me cower instantly.

Hell no was I being put in the firing line of his anger.

"Mr Bagans?" The officer pushed. "We can get transcripts of the call but why waste time when we have you here."

"It was about work. Katy is friends with my colleague Billy. Billy was due to come ove-"

"Was all this my fault? The crash?" I asked looking at the nicer Officer. His eyes showed his emotion, as well as his face. It was one I was beginning to see often.. Sympathy.

"We c-"

"No, it wasn't." Zak threw in. "Don't say anything else unless you are under arrest, got it?"


"Katy." He growled.

I nodded and looked away as tears filled my eyes. The idea of my poor choices taking two innocent lives became unbearable.. For the past week I had struggled to comprehend how the truck driver must have been feeling knowing what he had done.

But the tables had turned and I was getting my answers..

"No. I do not believe you were to blame." A voice spoke making my eyes look to the nicer officer. "Review of the CCTV footage shows the truck driver making his faults. He ran a red light. You were in a phone call with Zak at the time. But using the InCar system. We're just trying to get different views of the crash.."

"But the alcohol-"

"You had traces, yes. But very little. Something my colleague should have added." He finished.

So it wasn't my fault?

A hard throbbing began to take hold of my mind. The questions, the emotions and whatever else was racking around up there was taking its toll.


Zak's voice was considerably softer which was the only reason I looked over at him, especially after his rudeness.

"I don't feel good."

"Okay.." He nodded taking my hand and holding onto it. "Can your questions wait? She has had her hospital appointment this morning and I think Katy is done."

"We still have some more qu-"

"Well then they can wait." Zak forced holding his stare at the officer who eventually nodded seeing me holding my head.

A white card was tossed onto the table in front of me, the words in a dark blue ink with the state badge in the corner. "You got our number if you remember anything.. We will see ourselves out."

The mere comment of 'if I remember anything' made me want to punch the officer in his face.

As if Amnesia gave me a choice?!

"Yeah cause Amnesia works like that." Zak threw in making me hide my smile.

You tell him!

I fumbled with the pills on the small table and went to get a drink when Zak handed me a bottle of water. "Take mine. Get those tablets down."

Following his instructions, I did.

"I'm sorry." I spoke pulling my legs onto the couch.

"Why?" He asked making sure the door was closed behind the officers.

"Cause you are here. I've waited to see you and now I'm going to need sleep."

He smiled gently, enough to cause a small gap between his lips exposing his white teeth. "No matter KittyKat. I'll be here when you wake."

I frowned and scoffed "KittyKat? Like the cat food?" I asked shifting down the couch.

He chuckled "Only you would think that."

With his help I was pulled down the couch and covered with the soft fibre blanket. "Next you're gonna tell me that you don't even like cats."

I paused. "No I wasn't.."

I was...

"Uh huh.." He smiled as if he knew and picked up the remote. Lifting my head, he placed it on his lap and turned on the TV.

"What are you doing?" I asked turning on my side as pain rocketed from my head and shot down my spine.

"Watching Maury, whilst you sleep. Oh looks like it's gonna be good. 'Test the pizza man. Is he the daddy?!' You get some sleep."

"But I want to know if he is too." I grumbled as fingers went into my hair.

"Sure. Of course you do."

I stifled a yawn and continued watching, silently cursing the poor amount of sleep I had got last night. Because now it was coming up on me. Thick and fast and just when Maury was on!

"Zak?" I mumbled.

"Yes?" He replied chirpy.

"What was our call really about?" I questioned looking up at him. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed.

"Work. Like I said." He answered sealing it was a quick glance down at me.

Was that a lie? How- How can I tell?


"Yes Katy?"

"Your fingers are making me really tired."

He laughed softly and smoothed my hair back. "I know.."

I grumbled.

"You can watch Maury, if you can keep your eyes open." He challenged.

But with his hypnotic rhythm and the lack of sleep, my eyes closed.

"I wish you could remember so much more..." He whispered just as I tumbled down the rabbit hole.

Just like Alice.

Alethiology - The study of truth.

A/n: My lovelies.

I know, long time coming with an update right?  I am sorry, writers block on how to mould this story and a back injury has prevented any creativeness!

I've spent the last week basically struggling through overwhelming pain, which triggered off my anxiety. I'm still in a tremendous amount of pain, but until I can get a doctors appointment, I'm stuck with it. I will try to work on something, but I can't promise daily updates. Like I had promised you all. I'm sorry. Truly. I seem to be sleeping my way through the spare time I have because I'm struggling to get any decent quality of sleep at night. I'm like a sloth.. I just sleep.

Enjoy the update and awwh at Zak's ways and how he's been protecting our girl.

Foreseeable? - Zak's protectiveness is going to get a whole lot worse!

My love to you all!

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