Irish Princess (A Niall Horan...

By ambermarie78

352K 5.4K 750

Mia's sister Erica is a HUGE fan of One Direction but Mia isn't. She says that she will always hate them but... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Acknowledgements and Epilogue

Irish Princess (A Niall Horan Love Story)

52.6K 480 133
By ambermarie78

"Mia are you ready yet?" Erica yelled.

Those were the five words I dreaded to hear. You see, my sister is dragging me to her favorite band, One Direction's concert. I really, really don't want to go but she has no one else to go with her so I, of course have to go with her.

Honestly I don't understand what girls see in them. They aren't even cute. Well except the blond one, he's adorable and cute. I love his accent too.

I grabbed my TOMS and ran down the stairs because I knew if I waste anymore time Erica will be furious. She probably already is mad at me.

"Mia we are going to be late if we don't leave now!" she said, and look at that, I was right she is mad at me.

"Fine! Let's just get this over with!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you but you know how long I've waited for this concert. Oh and I have a surprise for you when we get there!" she said excitedly.

Oh I really don't like where this is going. She's never easily excited so this has to something big, and it has to do with One Direction. I don't even want to know! Ugh! Why couldn't anyone else go with her? Why me?

'I can't wait for this to be over!' I thought to myself.


As soon as we got there I headed for the front entrance but Erica grabbed my shirt and pulled me to the side of the building.

"What are we doing Erica?" I whisper yelled. Wait why am I whispering?

"This is my surprise!" she said while she held up two lanyards that said 'BACKSTAGE PASS'.

Oh my gosh! Having to go to one of their concerts is bad enough but meeting them is worse!

"Erica! That's not a good surprise!" I moaned.

"That's too bad for you!" she said happily, "Don't try to ruin my mood!"

"Whatever." I muttered.


Why won't they shut up!? It's been going on for two freaking hours! I can't hear anything but screaming and the boys singing! This is not a good way to end my night! I don't even know if I'm going to be able to hear when I get out of hear!

"Goodnight California!" I heard them say. Finally! They're done! Oh wait I forgot we have to meet them! Oh yay! Note the sarcasm.

A crew member led us to a room and told us the boys would be here shortly.

"Erica I'm going to go sit in the car and wait okay?" I said.

"Oh no you're not! You're staying right here with me! I'm your responsibility for the night so ha!" she said triumphantly. I know the real threat behind her words. She basically means that she'll tell our parents and then my parents will yell at me. One thing that isn't normal about Erica is that only 16 but she already moved out and lives with me. Right now I'm kind of her legal guardian because our parents live far away. I, of course am old enough to own a house, I'm 18 but in two weeks I will be 19.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone screaming, " NO SOMEONE ATE ALL OF MY CARROTS!"

I then noticed the door open and the boys come in. One of them looked sad, I guess he's the one that lost his carrots.

Erica being the directioner she is had some carrots in her purse so she gave him the carrots.

"Thanks love! What's your name? I'm-" he said but Erica cut him off.

"I know who you are. You're Louis. My name's Erica." she said happily.

"What's your name love?" Louis asked me.

"Mia. Can I go to the car now Erica?" I asked her. I wish I didn't have to ask her but I have to watch her so it's up to her.

"No!" she said. She was still happy though, I don't think anything could ruin her mood right now.

I just mumbled a few choice words under my breath and sat down on a couch waiting for the worst hours of my life to be over.


Niall's P.O.V.

Why won't she talk to us? Maybe she isn't a fan. I'm going to find out.


This is my new story! I hope you guys like it!

I love 1D! So any of her thoughts aren't mine so please don't think that. Please comment and vote. There will be a cover soon but I'm on my iPod right now and it won't let me add one. Good night/morning/afternoon!

P.S. This is dedicated to an amazing writer! :)

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