Wizardess Heart And The Dark...


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Gedonelune has fallen prey to a dark magic user. As a powerful wizardess from a prestigious school can Kayle... Еще

Wizardess Heart
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter Four

175 8 0

A familiar face, with a darken reflection

Soon though, by a very welcomed miracle, the class had ended. Some of the students fell exhausted from the magical exertion. Where others were just merely light headed.
It was not exactly surprised to see Elias ready for his next bout, but also a blue haired boy with an eye patch who had very good casting and he had the magical ability to sustain it, even though he was incredibly uninterested in the class.
I nodded at the students that had begun to leave the courtyard. Unfortunately, it left Klaus and I alone.
I'm not sure if he felt it, but it was now a bit more awkward than usual between us.
Our eyes met for a second as if we thought the exact same thing. But, the both of us turned our backs on the other, and headed in opposite directions. With a buddy here, it's going to even more difficult to hide my odd situation.
I walked in silence for a few moments, when a voice called out to me.
"So Prefect Kayle, you're now the Emperor's buddy?" My eyes drifted over to see Luca coming over with a knowing grin and childish teasing. "That's rough."
His face housed some of his amusement, but also some of pity. Mostly pity.
I know Klaus can be terrible, but I don't think he's that bad is he?
I shrugged and then decided it would better if I puzzle Luca to leave me alone.
"Thou only defined by our choices when the impossible happens, we mustn't run from a challenge but embrace it to strengthen thy self." I said calmly leaving him with a look of confusion plastered on his face.
If I hadn't had kept walking, I probably would have laughed uncontrollably at how he had nothing more to say on the subject.    I headed into the Academy doors to ready to finish my prefect duties when I saw a man walking around and as normal as that was, it was the familiarity in his demeanor that is what brought me pause.
His brown hair had been halfway pulled back and his uniform wasn't one from the Gedonelune School.
It gave me a bad feeling that I know him and not in a good way. So I decided to follow after him just in case my hunch was right. He walked into the main building, not seeming to notice that I was tailing him.
He stopped next to another student, but I couldn't see who it was from here, so I'd have to get slightly closer.
The student he was talking to spoke in a cheerfully annoying tone, but I noticed his voice was one I heard from last night.
I walked over seeing Randy talking magic with the brunette.
I had to draw their attention to me so I could get a better look at the brunette. "Good morning Randy." I said from just behind them.
They both looked at me and my eyes locked with a blue pair that I remember so well.
I barely could contain my anger upon looking at the guy before me. "Ah, prefect Kayle, it's nice to see you again!" Randy said excitedly moving beside his friend, not noticing the anger growing in my eyes. "This is Azusa Kuze. He's from Hinomoto."
I blinked quickly to unfreeze myself from place.
It wasn't hard to see that I do harbor a whole heck of a lot of anger towards him now, but I need to calm myself down.
Nothing good will come if I let myself act on the hatred I felt for him.
"Hello again Azusa." I said softly looking at him with a powerful glower.
Randy looked at me surprised, as Azusa eyed me for a moment before he spoke.
"Kayle." He seemed to be looking rather like he saw a ghost standing before him and not a woman, who would punch him in the face if she ever had the chance. "It's good to see you, again."
I hardened my glare towards him. That isn't the right thing to say to me after what you did.
"The feeling isn't mutual, Azusa." I snapped and then looked at Randy, softening my gaze so he would know that my rage wasn't directed towards him. "It's nice to see you again at least."
I began to take my leave because now I know that Azusa was a part of this, though I wonder if Randy is helping him inadvertently or voluntarily.
Well, in any case, everything happening here is beginning to make some sense now.
"Kayle, wait!" Azusa said following me, as I began to walk off.
He grabbed my arm forcefully and began to pull me away getting Randy to move back sharply at his surprise.
It took a minute for my feet to fall in line with how fast he was pulling me.
"Let me go Azusa!" I snapped as I pushed him from me, though he had already managed to pull me into an empty classroom nearby. "You've better not touch me again." I pointed my finger in his face as he turned to look at me.
His face remained mild mannered as he spoke with a demanding tone.
"What in the heck are you doing here?!" He asked back trying to corner me against the door.
So, this is the new Azusa that he turned into. I can't say that it was a good upgrade.
His once warm blue eyes that reminded me of a clear sky in summer, now only resembled that of ice.
I glared right up into them unflinchingly, showing him that I wasn't the same person any more than he was.
"Why does it matter to you?" I snapped softly trying to contain my anger, but failing rather badly at it. "You don't care about anyone but yourself, save for your brother."
His eyes hardened with rage as he looked at me.
I know that was a touchy subject for him and I really couldn't care less if it was.
"You don't know what you're talking about, as usual." He moved his hand to rest above my head, with his fist clenched tightly.
It seemed more like he was trying to force me to back down because of fear. Too bad for him that I'm not afraid of him and I know if it ever came down to a one on one match, we were equally talented casters.
"Are you trying to scare me Azusa?" I asked chuckling dryly as I reached up and shoved his hand off the door. "News flash, I'm not scared of you, nor do I like you. You're just a creep who will live and die alone."
His eyes bore holes into mine as he lowered his face close to me to try getting me to listen, but I shoved him back from me with a simple push.
"Stay away from me. Try to grab me again and I'll turn you into a tree and use you for firewood." I left him with that and headed out of the room to escape this conversation seeing as I had nothing more to discuss with him.
"Kayle, you'll listen to me...."Azusa grabbed my arm once again though it was tighter than before. The force was strong enough for me to turn back towards him.
I moved to shove his hand off my arm again, but someone else's reached passed me and shoved Azusa back as they grabbed my arm gentler just below Azusa's so I wouldn't be forced forward.
I looked over at the person who brushed Azusa off me feeling very grateful towards them.
I had thought it was Randy after he saw Azusa pull me in here, but much to my surprise the man beside me was Klaus of all people.
So great now my past comes to haunt me here now, wonderful, and I've tried everything to keep my past and future separate.

I pulled out my wand and pointed it just before Azusa's nose.
"No, I think you'll listen to me and leave me alone, or I'll send your butt back to your kingdom in an envelope."
Klaus looked at me with surprise, but didn't move to stop me.
He didn't seem to like Azusa any more than I do.
Azusa, seeming to notice he was outmatched against Klaus and I both, he narrowed his eyes before turning away to leave a bit more dramatic than was necessary.
He carried himself with such confidence now, has he really gone so far that he doesn't see what he's done as wrong?
I sighed, lowering my wand as he left the room, but not before he tossed a piece of paper aside. That was one reunion that I wished never would have happened ever, especially not here.
"You two seem like you know one another." Klaus said sternly as if suspecting something between Azusa and I. Other than the obvious tension that lingered there like a dark cloud threatening to suffocate us both. It's not like Klaus didn't have the right to be suspicious, I guess. "He seems keener on controlling his friends than talking to them."
Still glaring towards the door where Azusa left, I clenched my hands tightly.
"He is not my friend." I snapped coldly as I put my wand away with more power than I meant to. "He's just the ghost of someone I met on a class trip to Hinomoto." That's a bit under played, but it's the short version of it.
Klaus shifted on his feet to glare down at me. "So, you do know him." He said putting invisible pieces in his head together like he's figured out some big secret.
"I knew him, back then he wasn't a slim ball, with a pushy attitude and a bad temper. I also know your older brother too." I shot back looking at Klaus getting a surprised look in return.
The mention of his older brother was to stop him from idiotically thinking I was helping Azusa.
"I met a lot of people while I was enrolled in the Nightingale Atriark and I've got to say, I liked your brother a lot better." I turned around and began towards the prefect office alone, but still fumed.

       "You met my older brother?" Klaus asked skeptically as he sat down at his desk.
He made a point not to hide his disbelief; it wasn't that hard to believe was it?
I sighed as I sat down on the couch. It's not like I was telling an incredibly complicated mathematical equation here.
"Yes, Blondie, I've met your brother. It must be hard for you're to wrap your brain around on account of missing most of it." I leaned my head back to look up at the ceiling. "He was actually nice when the occasion called for it. He wasn't a sour lemon all the time like some Blondie I know."
Klaus sighed frustrated at my never ending jabs at him, though come on we all know he kind of deserves it.
"My name is Klaus Goldstein, why don't you use it." He snapped more than a little bit irritated at me.
I looked over at him seeing him glaring my way. He actually looked adorable like this. Just like a child who wants their way but knows the inevitability is not in their favor.
He clenched his jaw knowing that I wasn't going to. "Why do I bother even putting up with you?! You're nothing like your brother."
I chuckled, smiling truly for the first time being here. Now he's just setting himself up to be the butt of my jokes.
"I hope not." I looked back up at the ceiling. "I mean geez, how boring would it be being carbon copies of each other?" I let my eyes drifted back to Klaus, who was still looking at me. "Oh, that's right sorry."
He clenched his fist, unfortunately killing the pen in his hand. "How can I be buddies with a nitwit?" Klaus whispered, thinking I wouldn't hear him, or he didn't care that I could.
I fired back with my own insult. "Why do I have to be buddies with a douche-berry? It seems that we are both disappointed." I pointed out and then stood up grabbing half of his pile of papers from the corner of his desk. "You do that half, I'll do this half. That way we can both get done quicker because we have to patrol later."
He stared at me as I walked over to the couch and set the papers down on the coffee table before it as I sat down.
Without even looking his way, I knew his eyes were on me.
It's that weird feeling you get in the back of your mind telling you your being watched, but I can also see him out of the corner of my eye, so that helps kind of... not with keeping my food in my stomach. "Keep your eyes in your head Blondie." I said, which got him to look down at his papers and I smirked satisfied in making him nervous.
He was silent for a few more minutes before he gathered his courage to speak again.
"You and Azusa used to be extremely close?"
I looked over at him annoyed, but he held the piece of paper that Azusa casted aside up in his hand. His eyes met mine as he turned it towards me showing a photo taken of Azusa, David and I, from when we were younger.
I was caught off guard admittedly, but mostly from seeing David's happy face from so long ago. "Where did you get that?" I asked my voice having an unexpected emotional swirl in with a slight growl.
Klaus turned the photo back his way as he answered, unfazed by my turn of emotion. "Azusa casted it aside and I..."
"What happened between Azusa and I, is none of your business Klaus." I snapped angrily as I tossed the pen I was using down beside the papers.
He was slightly taken back by my abrupt attack, but down played it as he continued.
"No? As prefect you have a duty. He is a suspect in a lot of things Kayle. Can you really stop him or hurt him?"
"That won't be a problem, if it came down to it I'd put a freaking bow on his head as I dragged him to the Ministry of Wizardry." I shot back as I climbed to my feet, and moved in front of Klaus's desk. "His character isn't lost on me and I'm not idiotic enough to believe he'd change. Even if he wasn't like this back then, it's who he is now and to be one hundred percent honest, I don't really give a crap if he's arrested."
Klaus tried to keep his composure after that, but failed miserably. "You hate him this much, even when you looked so happy with him here?" He looked down at the photo again.
I placed my hands on his desk as I leaned forward catching his eye. "Yes." I said clearly so he'd stop questioning my resolve. You can question me all you want Klaus, but never doubt my rage.
His eyes searched my face for a moment before he moved his finger over to David. "Who is he?"
I sighed shakily, getting Klaus to widen his eyes as I reached out for the photo.

"He was a friend from my childhood. He hated his picture taken, but I talked him into it that day." I pulled the photo to me and ripped it off where only David was left, and tossed the other half into the trash. "His name was David."
He cocked his head slightly at my confession. "He's important to you." Klaus mentioned noticing my face go extremely soft, which he wasn't used to.
I looked down at David's failed attempt to smile for the camera with a small smile of my own. "He was like a brother to me." My body fell back into the chair behind me as I stared at the picture.
"But you're here now, so where is he? Why haven't you spoken to him lately?" Klaus decided to use my temporary vulnerability to his advantage and asked me the most painful question that I wish he hadn't.
My eyes quickly filled with tears as I let my head fall to rest on the edge of the desk so Klaus couldn't see the tears. "He was murdered."
That caught his undivided attention, but it also seemed to make him shift funny in his chair. "By Azusa? Is that why you hate him so much?"
I quickly wiped the tears off from under my eyes. "Yes and no." I answered before sniffling back water that began sliding near my nose. I didn't look up at him as I spoke again. "May I keep this?"
"Yeah go ahead." His voice said gentler than I thought his voice could go.
Granted it was a nice change from our usual back and forth, but I know it'll be short lived.
I stood up and headed for the door, after slipping David's picture into my pocket. "Thank you." I whispered softly grateful he allowed me to keep it.
He doesn't have a clue how precious this tiny little photo of David was to me. It was priceless.
I heard him stand up from behind his desk, which brought me to a stop near the door.
"Kayle, you do have people here to talk to."
I opened the door slowly. "Thank you Blondie, but I'm fine." I said without looking back before I walked out of the room and gently closed the door behind me.
I had only got a few feet before my head began to violently spin and my body slammed against the wall beside the door.
A chill ran down my spine as I heard the distant worried voice calling out for me. This wasn't a normal chill like someone left the window open in winter. This was a sickening chill that made me want to puke.
"Kayle?" Klaus asked walking out of the room to see me sitting on the floor focusing on the feeling. When I didn't answer him, he headed towards me and knelt down. "Is it dark magic again?"
I shook my head quickly as my eyes remained glued to the spot on the wooden floor.
"No, but something isn't right." I answered half dazed still focusing on the feeling. "This feels more like a warning, something is coming and it's powerful."
Klaus sat beside me on the floor and peered into my face like he was actually concerned for me. "Your eyes..."He mumbled hesitantly. "They're glazed over, like your blind."
I looked at him dead in the eyes. "I'm not." The feeling slowly vanished, leaving only the gross after effects of wanting to vomit. "I think this is bigger than someone killing pigeons, Blondie, and it's going to get bad."
He reached up to my forehead, but I pulled away from it and glared at him to warn him to stop what he was doing.
"You're sweating badly. Are you feeling okay?"
I looked down at the floor to avoid the worried look on his face. "I'm fine." I replied tight lipped at his concern. I didn't want fake concern from anyone. "Let's get back to work."
I don't know why I said "work" when I was leaving the prefect's room. I guess it was the quickest way for him to forget about this. Suddenly his hand was on my forehead, feeling for a temperature.
I smacked his wrist aside and glared up at him, when I noticed how close he really was to me, I froze for a moment.
"You're burning up, Kayle."
I moved farther from him, sliding across the floor to create distance from him. "Stop worrying about me Blondie, I'm fine. Besides that, you're making me want to actually puke."
He just sat there and looked at me for a second, until he stood up and went back to close the door to the prefect's room.
I looked over towards the window across from me, seeing the sun setting with a crimson red that seemed to be only getting darker.
I looked down at my hands, feeling guilty about being rude to Klaus as he's trying to be caring.
It was odd for Klaus to be showing me any kind of kindness.
Is it possibly because I'm his buddy now? I doubt that was the reason though at the same time it seemed more of a likely choice.
I stood up taking a big breath, making Klaus look back at me.
"Shall we go on patrol now?" Klaus asked moving beside me with his cloak in his hand.
I looked out of the window again. It seems the warning I had only grew within my heart.
What is this feeling? It's a mixture of things, this I knew, but something stirred in the night that prowled enough to catch onto. "Hey, nitwit?" Klaus's voice drew me back to the present.
Something needs to calm my nerves, anything. "Go ahead. I need to check something first."
I turned away from him and began towards the other end of the hall.
"No, you're coming with me. I'm not letting you out of my sight with how much you're being distracted tonight." He said strongly as if trying to put a stop to my protesting before I had begun. He should know better than that.
"Blondie!" I snapped as I turned to face him. I shouldn't snap at him, I know, but I just need him to stop. Stop prying you stupid boy, please...please stop. "I'm not a child, nor do I like being treated like one. I can handle myself. If you've got a problem with that take it up with the wall as I leave. You'll know it'll listen then, but I won't, especially not when it comes from you."
His eyes flashed with anger, as I spun and left quickly. It was rude of me, even after he was trying to help me, but some things don't need a Goldstein to involve themselves into. I'm so sorry Klaus.

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