I Found Your Group (Carl Grim...

By tayz1332

454 14 0

A 14 year old girl named Bethany wakes up to find herself in the zombie apocalypse. She comes across many str... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (part 1)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Quick Note
Chapter 11

Chapter 3 (part 2)

41 2 0
By tayz1332

Jack stuffed the riffle and some amo in his bag along with the belt for dad. He put the belt on for himself and put some amo and his gun tucked in it. Maddie walks into the room.

Maddie: "I think we are all set now."

Bethany: "Alright lets move out. Grab your bags and lets go." Maddie and Jack do as their told and we sneak downstairs. I grab a few of the phone chargers and a camera. I leave a note in case somebody comes in while we are away.

"We took most of supplies and food there is a little hot water left. But be warned there in case if u were wondering we took care of two walkers in garage, one in the livingroom, two in the master bedroom which is upstairs on the left. All doors and windows are locked. Good Luck!"

I hung it with some duct tape on front door.

Bethany: "Hopefully this helps." We carefully walk around and take down a few walkers by the car. "get in the car!" I yelled. Maddie gets in the backseat and Jack gets in the passenger seat in the front. I jump in the driver's seat. I turn around and say "We are going to do this and get through this."

Jack: "Lets go get dad!" he said we a smirk. I smirked back and put the key in the ignition.

Maddie: "Wait you can't drive! You're only 14! You are breaking the law!"

Bethany: "There is no laws anymore! It is just survival! Now lets go out there and KICK SOME ASS!"

Jack & Maddie: "YEAH!!!"

I turned the key and the car turned on. I adjusted the mirrors and turned up the radio. Led Zepplin "The Immagrant Song" was blarring and we were singing along to it. Once I was all set I remember dad taught me how to back out of the driveway with mom's car. I backed up slowly and then went forward on the road with our journey to dad's work. Jack set up the GPS because I had no clue where dad's job was. I just remember dad saying it was an half an hour away from our house.

Jack finally pulled it up on the GPS and put it in front of me where I could see it but at an angle on the dashboard. I kept my eyes on the road and two hands on the steering wheel. I actually was driving pretty smoothly and there were no cars on the road.

Maddie: "Wow you are actually a pretty good driver speaking the fact that you have never had a driving lesson in your life."

Bethany: "I got my tips from dad. I have just watched him driving over the years." I was doing a little bit higher than the speedlimit but who cares about speedlimits anymore? Nobody is out here. Maybe a few cars every so often but when they go past they don't seem surprised to see a 14 year old girl behind the wheel. I turned the radio down so I could hear the GPS even through the stupid voice makes me want to throw it out of the window. I turned on my directional as I was getting off of the highway now. I took the right and I have never seen Boston so abandoned. I was thinking about something when the GPS said something that brought me back to reality.

GPS: "Take your next left and your destination should be the first one on your life."

Jack: "Oh thank god."

I pulled into the factory parking lot and parked in a random space. We all grabbed our weapons and ammo and got out of the car quietly. All three of us were in a triangle formation all back to back to make sure we did not get hurt. There were a couple walkers roaming around the factory so I took my bat and hit them both with one swing. Maddie had to shoot an arrow for the one blocking the entrance. We cautiously walked in trying to keep our formation. In the main room there were about 13 or 14 walkers. They were all workers there I felt bad for killing my dad's co-workers but it was either that or they would eat us. I'm pretty sure all three of us felt like we were the coolest kids in the world just for hitting a couple of zombies in the head with a bat and a gun. But, lets not get ahead of ourselves. We killed them all and slowly made it over to dad's office. He was the manager for the factory and I feel like he is a great leader. We approached the door slowly and I kicked the door in. Then we walked around and saw dad crouched down behind his desk.

Bethany: "Dad!" I said with relief.

He came over and hugged us all.

Jack: "We came to rescue you!"

Dad " Thank you guys!" he kissed us all on the head and stepped back from the hug. "Where's your mother?"

Maddie stepped forward.

Maddie: "I wasn't there but Bethany was. It was in your room, a walker. Bethany said the damage had already been done but we can't just stay here and be sorry for ourselves. Mom would have wanted us to stay strong and survive in this." Tears were all welling up in our eyes. I stepped in front of Maddie and crouched down to her lever which wasn't that much. I held her shoulders as a tear shed down her cheek.

Bethany: "I am so proud of you. You are right. This is about survival."

I turned the television on in dad's office and jack shut the door and locked it. I changed the channel to the news and there was a map of the united states showing on it with different colors coordinating to which places were overrun and which places weren't. Some states seemed to be over with and some haven't been affected at all yet. In the south they have some but not a ton. I finally made my decision. "We're going to Georgia! Let's move!" I turned the Television on and we cautiously went back to the car. I had forgotten that dad was here so I jumped into the driver's seat.

Dad: "Beth, I can drive you know."

Bethany: "I'm actually a pretty good driver ask Jack and Maddie. How about I drive until it turns dark then you take a turn? Until then you can rest dad. You will need it."

Dad: "Okay lets do it." he jumped into the passanger seat.

Jack and Maddie got into the back seats. I put the key in the ignition and started the car. I backed up out of the factory parking lot and went across the street to a gas station. It was going to be a long drive so I figured we would need gas and some more food and supplies since there was a convience store right next to it. I drove quickly across the street and parked where one of the pumps were.

Bethany: "Dad you can get the gas. Jack & I will go and get the food and supplies."

Maddie: "What about me I want to come!"

Bethany: "No Maddie not this time, I don't you to get hurt. I'll get you some of your favorite candy. Okay?"

Maddie: "Finee..." She said with a sigh blowing the hair out of her face.

Jack and I got out of the car and stayed back to back. Not directly back to back but close. I opened the door and Jack and I looked around. Luckily it was clear. We grabbed a few of the plasic bags from behind the counter and started looking around to stuff our bags. I started with looking for Maddie's favorite candy.

Bethany: "Sweetish Fish, Sweetish Fish..." I mumbled to myself. I finally found it and put a couple bags of it in one of my plasic bags. I grabbed a few energy bars and some chocolate bars as well. There were some cookies and gummi bears as well. Jack & I completely wiped out all of the water bottles and put them in our bags. We grabbed a few other things and I grabbed at least 10 packs of mints and gum. There were a couple swiss-army knives near the "survival section" and we grabbed some of the rope with a big clasp as well. Who know gas station stores had this kind of stuff? Jack & I ran out with our bags and we saw Maddie opening the door as we approached her. We through the bags in and Jack & I got in. Dad was already in the passanger seat. "Maddie your candy is in the bag your holding on you lap and can you pass me a piece of gum?" I heard Maddie rummaging through the bag.

Maddie: "I found my fishies! Thanks Beth! Oh, and here's the gum!" She tossed me a pack of gum and I caught it in my palms. I feverishly opened the package and ripped a piece out of it and popped it in my mouth. I threw the rest of the pack in the compartment under the dashboard. Dad set the GPS and I started getting out of the gas station. I got on the highway and rolled the window down halfway and turned the radio up but not that much that walkers would be attracted to it. I'm not that stupid. I seemed to have a serious look on my face as the wind was whipping my hair a little bit but I was just focased on driving.

Dad: "You feeling okay Beth?" he looks at me.

Bethany: "Oh yeah I'm fine. I'm just focased and thinking that's all."

Dad: "Oh okay." He said as he layed his head against the window. "For a 14 year old, you are actually a pretty good driver."

Bethany: "Thanks but I have gotten a lot of my tips just from watching you drive."

Dad: "Well I'm glad you have been paying attention. It's getting dark Beth let me take my turn."

Bethany: "Okay dad I hope you are rested enough."

Dad: "Oh you don't worry about me." he said with a smile.

I slowed down the car and stopped.

We switched sides and buckled my seatbelt. I turned the radio off and dad rolled up now his window. I adjusted my seat back and fell fast asleep.


Wow Longg chapter for you guys today! I have a lot of ideas for chapter 4 so possibly it could be coming out later! Don't forget to vote and comment!

That's it for now guys!


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