Finding Hope

By Oh_JiminV

15.2K 350 15

A young girl from the same future as future Trunks has to deal with the death of her father. Her older brothe... More

Character info
Character Background
Chapter 1: Going to the past!
Chapter 2: Meeting The Z Fighters!
Chapter 3: Goku Returns! Say Hello To My Father!
Chapter 4: Telling him about the Andriods!?
Chapter 5: Fight the androids, Tsubaki!
Chapter 6: Finding The Way To Recovery!
Chapter 7: Training in the hyperbolic time chamber!
Chapter 8: Going Back To the Past!
Chapter 9: Dr. Gero! Meeting Chichi from the past!
Chapter 10: 17 and 18 are awakened! Mission get Goku to safety!
Chapter 11: Fighting the androids! Tsubaki fights 17!
Chapter 12: Mission: Get Goku and Chichi to Safety!
Chapter 13: Going back to the past?
Chapter 14: An Unsettling Discovery!
Chapter 15: The Mysterious New Creature!
Chapter 16: One for the bad guys! Tsubaki goes off on her own!!!
Chapter 17: The New Enemy
Chapter 18: Goku wakes up!
Chapter 19: Memories that repeat itself!
Chapter 20: Cell absorbs 17! Trunks and Vegeta come out!
Chapter 21: Training with Dad and Gohan!
Chapter 22: Gohan Goes Super!!?
Chapter 23: Time has run out! Return from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!
Chapter 24: Gohan's Birthday
Chapter 26: The Girl, Who Wants Revenge!
Chapter 27: The first round of the Cell Games!
Chapter 28: Gohan vs. Cell
Chapter 29: Gohan Vs. Cell part 2
Christmas Special
Chapter 30: The Fight Against Cell, Longlasting!
Chapter 31: Peace at last! Going back to the past!!
Chapter 32: Final battle of the Androids! Finally Peace has Come!
Chapter 33: Peace interrupted
Chapter 34: A New Foe Appears! Tsubaki is targeted!
Chapter 35: Go back to the past, Trunks!!
Chapter 36: The Plan to Save Tsubaki
Chapter 37: The Z Fighters Go To The Future!
Chapter 38: Dr. Wyatt
Chapter 39: Wyatt's Revenge!
Chapter 40: Fight for Tsubaki!!! Help your daughter, Goku!!
Chapter 41: Save Tsubaki, Goku!!!
Chapter 42: Stop Wyatt at all cost!
Chapter 43: This isn't over!
Chapter 44: One Hell Of A Celebration!!
Chapter 45: An Outing With My Brother's!!!
Chapter 46: The Gang finds out a huge secret!
Chapter 47: A Day to Remember
Chapter 48: Tsubaki and Trunks' Together Again!!
Chapter 49: Trouble follows!!
Christmas Special
Chapter 50: Where there's a Will, There's a Way!
Chapter 51: More Problems to Ensue!
Chapter 52: Twins Are Just More Problems!
Chapter 53: Gohan, Trunks and Videl vs. The Twins!!! Goku and Vegeta Arrive!
Chapter 54: Hunter Fights Back!
Chapter 55: The Reunion
Chapter 56: The Gem!!
Christmas Special
Chapter 57: The Gem Guardian is a saiyan?
Chapter 58: The Myth of The Gem Guardian!
Chapter 59: The Calvary Arrive!! The Z Fighters Save Gengoro Island!
Chapter 60: The Question
Chapter 61: The Truth behind the Twins'
Chapter 62: Kid Tsubaki's Unspeakable Power! Gengero Island is Saved!!
Chapter 63: Android 22's return!!
Chapter 64: Hurry Z fighters! Future Tsubaki's pride!
Halloween Special #1 (Part 1)
Chapter 65: Android 22's Plea for Help!!
DBZ Special: The Best Christmas Yet!!
Chapter 66: Enter Saya; The Z fighters' meet Jean
Chapter 67: Jean vs Android 22 & The Z fighters!
Chapter 68: Fight The Power
Chapter 69: Jean Disappears!! A New Doctor Appears!!
Chapter 70: Tsubaki's Recovery! Jean in a New Timeline!
Chapter 71: 22's Decision!
Chapter 72: Wyatt's Plea!
Chapter 73: Wyatt's Horrible Truth
DBZ Halloween Special #3 (Part 2)
Chapter 74: Jean vs. The Z fighters again!!
Christmas Special: A Gift Just For you!
Chapter 75: The End of A long Fight!!!!!!
Chapter 76: Recuperating Beach Day!
Chapter 77: A Day with Just Dad
Chapter 78: Something Fun
Chapter 79: The New Foe looks Like Dad!
Christmas Special: A Christmas with Memories!
Chapter 80: Mourning Our Losses and Asking For Help
Chapter 81: Tsubaki's plea for help!
Chapter 82: Goku Black arrives in the Present!
Chapter 83: Goku vs. Goku Black
Chapter 84: Who is Goku Black Really?
Chapter 85: Meeting Kid Mai And Kid Asher
Chapter 86: Mentor and Students Reunited!
Chapter 87: Pan
Halloween Special #4 (Part 3)
Chapter 88: Gohan's Family
Christmas Special: Christmas at Mount Paozu pt 1
Chapter 89: Advice & Wisdom
Chapter 90: Have Hope
Chapter 91: Training with Vegeta & Trunks

Chapter 25: An outing with the Z fighters and a new foe

203 2 0
By Oh_JiminV

Tsubaki's pov

Mom and Bulma thought that everyone was to tense about the upcoming fight, so they suggested we all go out. So Tien, Gohan, Trunks, baby me, Baby Trunks, Bulma, Mom, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillen and Yamcha came with us. We were currently walking through the mall, Mom was carrying baby me in a small caddy thing that was on her back. She made Dad take all the bags so she could keep baby me from floating up. Earlier in the day, we were all gathering up at Bulma's place and hanging out. Dad was playing with baby Tsu while Baby Trunks was busy messing with Vegeta and slobbering all over him. I was sitting in a chair next to Trunks, while Gohan sat across from us. While Dad was playing with baby Tsu, she started floating up in the air. Dad tried to catch but in the end, Trunks caught Baby Tsu. So that's why Mom has her in that carrier thing.

We had been walking around for at least two hours. Baby me was currently crying, so Gohan took her out of the carrier and gave her to mom. "Can't you make that baby, shut up?" Vegeta growled, "Stop it, Vegeta. She could be crying for various reasons." Bulma said and pulled out a baby bottle from the bag, "She's just hungry," Mom took the bottle from Bulma and gave her a smile. "Ohhhh!! A food court!! Can we please get something to eat Chichi?" Dad asked, "Alright, fine." Mom let out a puff of air and we all choose a table. Mom, Gohan, Baby me, Baby Trunks, Trunks, Bulma and Vegeta sat at the table with me. Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo and Krillen sat at another table. Dad was gorging himself with food along with Vegeta, I had ended up between Gohan and Trunks.

I could tell something was off, but I probably just imagining it. "Hey, Gohan can you pass me a napkin?" Trunks asked, but I suddenly got this weird feeling. "What is this weird feeling? I feel like someone is here, who shouldn't be. It's not Cell, considering he's now in his perfect form thanks to Vegeta. Then who is? This presence, I feel like its someone I know." I was snapped out of my thoughts when something hit me in the face. "Hey, Tsu, are you okay? You're spacing out?" Dad swallowed his food and wiped his mouth. "Yeah, just thinking about something." I picked up my rib and bit into it. Trunks looked over at me, "Hey seriously, are you okay?" He wiped his hands and I ignored him so he put his food down, wiped his hands again, turning in his chair. He turned my chair to face him, "What's going on with you?" I ignored him and shifted my eyes, seeing him pull something out of his jacket pocket.

"Fine, maybe I'll just have to bribe you with this." I looked at the photo and turned bright red. I gasped loudly and went to grab it but Trunks moved it away quickly, making me fall onto him. "Hey, give that to me!" Our eyes met and I pouted. "Give it back, Trunks!!" The corners of his mouth twitched into a smirk, as he looked down at me. "Nope, you gotta tell me what's going on with you. Then I'll give you the picture. Besides you look very hot in a maid's outfit. Maybe you could dress up like that when we get married." I turned brighter and slapped Trunks on the chest. "You pervert!!" I yelled at him, "Come on, just tell me what's going on." He put the photo in his pocket "Oh alrigh-" I was cut off when I heard people screaming, as an explosion went off. This made a lot of people panic and run out of the mall. We rushed out of the food court and my eyes widened in shock, as I saw the front of the mall destroyed.

"What did this? Was is it Cell?" Krillen asked, he stood behind Dad. Dad was beside Gohan and to his left was Bulma and Mom, they both were holding the baby versions of us. Trunks stood right next to me, "No, it wasn't." Piccolo said and I looked forward. "Hahahaahahaha," A voice that I instantly recognized, sounded throughout the mall. The wind blew the smoke away and my eyes widened, when I saw who it was. It was a long time friend of mines from West City, she was always around when I was at Bulma's. But one day, we headed out to the city. And we got caught by the androids, luckily Trunks had noticed I was in trouble and found Gohan. Gohan stopped them and saved us, but then after that she stopped coming around. There was something odd about this one though.

"Did you miss me, Tsubaki?" She smirked and heaved her sword over shoulder. Her red hair used to be very long, but now it appears that it was cut short. "Who is this girl? Do you know her?" Vegeta asked, "Tsubaki!" Trunks hit my arm, "She was an old friend, I grew up with back in West City. But Trunks never met her. What the hell are you doing here?" She jumped down from the rubble, "Well, here's the thing. I'm not from the future you two are from." She said, "What is that supposed to mean?" Krillen asked. "How is that possible?" Trunks said, "Well, I traveled back in time obviously, hottie." I growled at her nickname for him, "Why are you here?" I pushed Trunks behind me, stepping forward. "To get my revenge." She said, "On who?" Yamcha asked, "Him." She looked behind me straight at Gohan. When I followed her line of vision this sent shock throughout my body. This sent panic in Mom, who held out a hand in front of Gohan. "Why?" I shifted my eyes back to her, "Because he didn't get there in time. That day, we snuck into the city and the androids found us. Tsubaki told me to run, but I couldn't leave her. Gohan didn't get there in time and you died, while I lived." She explained, "Well, that hasn't happened here. Gohan is young right now and I'm not letting you put a hand on him." I said sternly. "Enough with the damn chit chat! I'm getting my revenge!!" She charged forward with her sword, but I blocked it with a sword that was made by Bulma.

I had taken the power pole with me as well, but Dad was currently holding it. I put more pressure on the sword, breaking her sword in half and pushing her back. I quickly slid my sword back into its sheath, before handing it to Trunks.

"Like I said before, I will not let you hurt him. I may look older than him now, but that's because Trunks and I are from the future. We came back to help them stop the androids before they woke up, although that plan failed. Gohan is my older brother, and I will not let you lay a finger on him." I said sternly, making her growl. "Everyone stay back, I'll handle her." This just made Mom mad, "Are you kidding?? No way are you fighting on you-" I stopped Mom, "I'm gonna fight whether you like or not, Mom. I'm sorry to go against you like this, because I was this way with Future you. But you have to understand, I know her although she isn't from our timeline. I will not let her hurt anyone, so please just listen and stay back with the others." I was looking back at her, "Just promise me if you need help, you'll ask for it." I nodded and they stood back. My attention shifted from them to her, this probably won't be easy and it probably won't end well.

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