Black Luna

By Wolfy411

56.3K 4.2K 1K

"Today is not a good day Gage," Mac said. "When is a good day? Tomorrow? Maybe the next day?" Gage said he wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 63

496 43 10
By Wolfy411

"Why are we doing this in person?" Jason asked. He fixed his tie not liking how tight it was around his neck. He looked up at the green door before pressing the doorbell. He turned to Mac surprised to see a smile playing at her lips. It wasn't her sweet smile, but more of a dark one, sinister. "Mac?" He pulled his coat a little closer, the rain was picking up and so was the wind. Mac didn't seem to notice though, her skirt just bustling in the wind.

She didn't respond, just waited for the door to open.

"Mackenzie?" A girl said half closing the door behind her to hide Mac from anybody looking that way.

"Jazmine?" Mac asked surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing, I told you to leave, run to another state."

"I did, I live in Idaho right now," Mac said.

"I meant don't ever come back, you need to leave now," Jazmine said but was cut off by somebody behind her.

"Jazmine who is here?" An all too familiar voice echoed.

"Michelle it has been awhile," Mac said pushing past Jazmine. Michelle just stood still, her eyes wide.

"You, I thought you...." Michelle started to say.

"Died?" Mac finished for her receiving a small nod from Michelle."I'm surprised Derrick and Sandy didn't tell you, I'm their classmate. Well I was, had to drop out. Got very busy with life that is," Mac said.

A loud crash echoed through the room, they all turn to see a turkey dinner splattered on the floor with broken glass surrounding it.

"Mac," Gage said standing over the turkey. He didn't move just stared at her in wonderment.

"Gage it has been awhile," Mac said acknowledging him even when she didn't want to.

He stepped over the turkey running over to her. He didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug, nuzzling into her neck. Mac hesitated at first before hugging him back.

"I thought....I thought I killed you," Gage whispered into her ear.

"Oh Gage, don't you know. Nothing can kill me," Mac whispered back. A scream echoed through the living room.

"What the fuck," Jason said glaring at Sandy. He had his hand covering his ears. Mac took a step back from Gage and his eyes dropped with disappointment.

"You," Sandy said marching over. "I thought you were dead."

"Why did everybody think I was dead?" Mac said turning to Jason.

"Um, it wasn't like I told them you were dead. Um, but I also didn't tell them that you weren't dead," Jason said shrugging.

"Okay," Mac said giving him a quizzical look. 

"What are you doing here?" Michelle sneered out.

"We are here to talk about the treaty," Mac said pulling the paperwork out from underneath her coat. "But I do see you are having dinner so I will just leave you this to look it over," Mac said handing the paperwork to Gage.

"Wait no," Gage said grabbing her hand, he looked down at it for a moment smiling. She didn't smile though, the tingles barely recognizable. "Won't you stay, we have more than enough for you two."

"No," Jason said the same time as Mac said "yes." He gave her a bewildered look but followed her into the dining room.

"Here," Gage said pulling out a chair next to the head of the table.

"Thanks, baby," Sandy said walking over to the seat.

"No, this is for Mac," Gage said. Mac shot her a smile before gracefully sitting down. Jason sitting on her right side. Gage just sat at the head of the table, looking over at Mac.

"Gage," Sandy said standing to his left. He didn't say anything, almost like he didn't hear her.

"Gage," Sandy screeched.

"Oh shut up," Mac said kicking the chair out. "There you go."

Sandy huffed out with annoyance taking her seat.

"Jazmine why don't you sit next to Jason," Mac said nudging Jason who immediately stood up pulling her chair out.

"Thanks," Jazmine said taking the seat. A giant blush forming on her face.

"How do you know Jazmine?" Gage said.

"Oh, it was actually a really funny story. Sandy why don't you tell him," Mac said glaring at her.

"I think we have a ham in the fridge, Jazmine why don't you go grab that," Sandy said. Jazmine nodded her head standing up.

"No," Mac said "Sandy why don't you go get it," she didn't use her Alpha tone, but naturally people wanted to obey her. Sandy huffed out annoyed once again but stood to fetch the ham.

"Jazmine, how is everything at home?" Mac inquired said staring daggers at Michelle.

"Um, fine," Jazmine said not wanting to give anything away.

"That's good," Mac said.

"Oh dinner's ready, why didn't you call us?" Victor said walking into the room. He paused glaring at Mac. "What are you doing here?"

"We had matters to discuss with your Alpha, Gage, and he was kind enough to invite Jason and me to dinner," Mac said reaching over and grabbing Gage's hand giving it a squeeze.

"Kenzie," Derrick said looking over at her. It was a mixture of lust and anger. Mac couldn't help but grimace.

"Here," Sandy said dropping the ham on the table.

"Mac should get the first serving," Gage said handing her the ham.

"How about you start Jason," Mac said handing it over to him.

"Thanks," Jason said. This was by far the tensest dinner that he has ever been to. Sandy, Michelle, and Victor were staring daggers at Mac. Derrick was giving her a crazy look, that even made Jason grimace. Jazmine wouldn't look up from her plate, and lastly, Gage wouldn't stop staring at Mac with puppy dog eyes.

"So Jason how is the new pack getting along?" Victor asked.

"It was uneasy the first couple of weeks but everybody seems happy now," Mac answered.

"He was talking to your Alpha, not you" Michelle sneered.

"Mac can talk when and to whoever she wants," Jason replied passing Mac the ham.

"Thank you, Jason," Mac said glaring at Michelle.

"Well, I am sure the pack can get a bit hard to run, do you have a mate, Jason?" Michelle asked.

"It isn't hard to run when you are a natural leader," Mac answered.

"Isn't that very true, Jazmine would make a great asset to your pack, she has natural leadership skills and would make a perfect Alpha female," Michelle said.

"I have a mate," Jason said.

"But you are right about one thing, Jazmine would be a great asset to our pack," Mac said surprised she never thought of it before.

"Well, maybe your beta..." Michelle started to say.

"Mated," Mac cut her off.

"Well do you expect her to go for your third in command?" Michelle stating it was beneath her.

"Actually as you know Collin is mated and Jason's brother John who is also third in command is mated. I expect Jazmine just to move into the pack, mate or no mate," Mac said.

"Do you expect us to just let you take our daughter?" Victor asked disgusted by the idea.

"Oh imagine that you being disgusted by somebody taking another human being," Mac said standing up. She could feel War rise to the surface. She threw her napkin on the table storming away. Gage stood to follow her, but Jason just shook his head.

"Fuckers," Mac said reaching the living room. She immediately saw a bottle of gin in the corner and could help but run over downing half of it. She breathed deeply suppressing War.

"You look so hot downing that bottle," Derrick said coming up to her and placing his arms on either side of her, almost trapping her to the table.

"Derrick, did you learn nothing from our last encounter?" Mac said downing another portion of the bottle.

"Common you know you miss this," Derrick said grabbing her ass. She did hesitate to grab the bottle smashing it against his head. He fell to the side with a thump but was still conscious.

"Touch me again and I'll kill you," Mac said grabbing the whiskey bottle left on the tray.

"But I want you, and I will have you," Derrick said standing up pulling her towards him. She smashes the bottle once again against his head. But this time, he doesn't fall to the ground, instead, pressing her up against the wall. "I remember the last night we were together, if only I knew you were still alive I would've finished the job."

She couldn't help but remember that night, fear taking over her body. Her in the forest not sure what was worst, dying or him having his way with her. How she wanted death so badly, how she was scared not of dying but of living through one more day with that family.

"Get off of me," Mac said her voice choking, a small tear falling down her cheek.

"You remember it don't you," Derrick said whispering it into her ear. She pushed against him, but he didn't move. She couldn't find her strength, frozen in fear. She couldn't feel War nor Vamp, just human her dying in the forest again. "Shh..." Derrick said his hands running up her skirt.

"Derrick," Victor said walking into the room, the rest of the group following him. Derrick jumps back.

"Get the fuck away from her," Gage shouts walking into the room, he goes over to hold Mac but she flinches away. He freezes, looking at her surprised. This wasn't the same Mac that he was used to, but it was one that he remembers. Derricks old girlfriend, the fragile bald girl.

"Jason," Mac whispered, and he rushed over to her, grabbing hold of her. "We need to go," Mac said, Jason nodding. "Come on Jazmine," Mac said grasping her hand.

Mac doesn't hesitate to make her way out of the room only to be stopped by Sandy clutching her arm, "That is the Mackenzie bitch I remembered, a pathetic excuse for a human" she mocked only loud enough for her to hear.

"Don't touch her," Jason said pulling Mac out the door, Jazmine following close behind. Jason slammed the door behind him pulling the girls into the car. Mac couldn't help but stop and stare up at the sky. Jason and Jazmine ran to the car but she just stood there, letting the rain drench away her tears.

"Mac," Gage said running out to meet her. She was soaking wet, but it barely looked like the cold phased her. She turned looking at him in surprise, "Why didn't you tell me you dated Derrick."

Mac looked confused, even taken back. That was not the question she was expecting.

"I saw you a year ago with him at his house...," Gage asked jealousy filling his stomach. It disgusted him to think about Derrick touching her in that way.

"Gage," Mac said finally making eye contact with him. She felt vulnerable and she could see the family standing in the doorway but she didn't feel as helpless as she did a few moments ago. "You are an idiot Gage."

This was Gage's turn to look surprised.

"I have a past and as much as I want to and have tried to suppress it, it keeps haunting me, because of you, it keeps haunting me," Mac said. "I cant...."

"Mac please," Gage said coming up to her and seizing her hand with his and lifting his other hand to her cheek. She turned into it, feeling the small tingles spread through her body. "I can help you."

"But you can't," Mac said turning away from his hand. "I can't see you anymore Gage." She pulled her hand away from his and took a step back.

"Look I know we have had our ups and down but come on we are friends," Gage said.

"We aren't friends and we can never be friends," Mac said. Now she was thankful for the rain, he wouldn't be able to see her tears falling down her cheek.

"Mac," Gage said reaching out, but she just turned walking over to the car. He reached out again grabbing her and half turning her to face him. "I'm sorry for the fight, I can make it up to you. Tell me what is haunting you and I will help get rid of it." Mac looked overseeing the family watch her, she then looked over her other shoulder to see Jason and Jazmine sitting the car also watching her.

"Choose, Sandy or me?" Mac said. Gage looked over his shoulder at the family then back at Mac. Even with her dress and hair drenched in water she still looked beautiful and so innocent.

"Sandy is my mate," Gage said, but he could tell that he didn't really mean it. He cared for Mac, he knew that, but he didn't feel the same way with her that he did with Sandy.

"Then goodbye," Mac said pulling her hands away.

"Mac wait," Gage said, but something was stopping him from getting any closer. Almost like an invisible wall was holding him back.

Mac pulled herself into the back seat of the car, her clothes drenching the seat.

"He was your mate wasn't he?" Jason asked, looking at her through the rearview mirror, She half turned her head to look out the window seeing Gage struggling against her barrier.

"He use to be," Mac said wiping away the tear.

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