
By booknerdz2

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It has been nine years since Liz decided to make things work with Zac. Nine years and two babies later. A lot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twelve

156 2 2
By booknerdz2

Bittersweet Chapter Twelve

"You did what?" Liz asked wanting to make sure she had heard Zac right. That he had actually said he let Andrea give him a blow job. If she had, any trust she had for him would be gone. He knew how much Taylor's stuff with Andrea had hurt her.

Looking away from Liz, Zac sighed, "You heard what I said Liz. I let Andrea give me a blow job," he choked out, scared of what Liz would do now. He was sure he had probably ended their seven year marriage. How could he not have? He had messed around with the one woman who Liz hated.

Liz stood from the couch and shook her head, walking back and forth, "You fucking bastard!" she yelled out as she felt tears in her own eyes again. "You knew I had trust issues when it came to her and yet you let her give you a blow job," she frowned as the tears when down her cheeks.

"I know baby," Zac frowned as more tears went down his cheek and he stood up, reaching out for her arm which she pulled away.

Liz shook her head as Zac reached for her arm, "Don't," she said through gritted teeth, wiping away a few of her tears. "Don't touch me right now. I can't even stand the sight of you let alone your touch."

Zac looked down as he cried more. He hadn't cried in front of his wife much. Just when they had lost their baby, and their wedding day and also when each of their children had been born, yet here he was right now crying again. "I'm sorry," he said through his tears wishing he could take back what he had done.

"It's too late for sorry," Liz spat out as she moved even farther away from Zac. "Sorry isn't going to take back what you did."

Running a hand through his hair, Zac nodded, "I know that," he sighed as he wiped at his eyes and looked back up. "I know, but I wish it could."

Liz just laughed bitterly, "I wish I could too," she told him sadly before leaving the back room and seeing Andrea sitting on the couch near the front of the bus. God she wanted so badly to kill that bitch but she wasn't going to jail over her.

"You okay little sister?" Andrea spoke up when she saw Liz. She let a venom come through in her voice and she hoped her sister caught that.

Liz rolled her eyes, hearing the venom in Andrea's voice, "Go to hell," Liz spat out as she glared, walking to where Andrea was sitting.

Andrea raised an eyebrow at Liz's words, "What made you so mad at me?" she asked already having an idea. Zac had told poor little Liz about the blow job and now she was pissed and doing her damsel in distress slash pissy attitude deal. The same deal she had given Taylor once too.

Liz laughed bitterly as she shook her head, "As if you don't know Andrea," she said as she felt the eyes of other band members on them now. Everyone was here to watch this argument. "You gave Zac a blow job."

Andrea smirked at Liz's confession, "I guess he ratted on me," she shrugged as she stood up and looked Liz in the face. "I'm not sorry it happened and I can promise you it won't be the last time I try anything."

"Oh, it will be the last time if you treasure your life," Liz threatened as she crossed her arms but stood her ground with her sister. "I'm done with letting you think you can ruin my relationships," she spat out feeling some sense of being in charge now. "So tell me, how did you do it with Zac? Did you make up the fake cancer story or was it something new?"

"You lied about having cancer?" Zac asked from where he stood. "When did you lie about it before?"

Liz heard Zac and she turned to face him, "So that's the story she went with," she sighed. "Yeah Andrea why don't you tell Zac when you lied about it before?" she asked as she turned back to her sister.

Andrea now glared as she looked at Liz. It figured Taylor would remember the story she had used on him. "I told Taylor the same thing," she confessed as she looked at Zac. "I told him I had cancer too, to make him feel sorry for me and eventually wear him down enough to have an affair with him while he was dating Liz."

Zac shook his head, "You lying bitch," he spat out as he turned to Griffin. "You can either kick her off this tour or I will myself."

Griffin who had been standing around watching the argument ran a hand through his curly locks, "Andi," he said using Andrea's nickname. "Maybe it would be best if you did leave the tour once we get to our next stop."

Glaring more, Andrea reached out and slapped Liz hard across the face, "You always ruin things for me," she spat as she pushed past everyone and walked to the bunks.

Holding her cheek Liz sighed and watched as everyone but Zac left. Staying quite she looked away from him, "I plan on flying home too when the bus gets to the next city," she stated, "and then when I get back to Tulsa I plan on filing for divorce from you."

"Liz," Zac pleaded as he walked over to her and moved her hand from her cheek. "Please rethink the divorce thing. It was just one mistake and Andrea is leaving the tour," he frowned as he put his hand on her cheek softly. It was beginning to turn red. "I love you."

Liz shook her head, "I love you too Zac but you betrayed my trust in you," she frowned as she moved his hand from her face. "I'm sorry," she said sadly as she walked past him and back to the lounge area.


The next day Liz frowned as she sat in her house, curled up on her couch with a blanket thrown over her legs and a bowl of ice cream in her hands. She had gotten back home a few hours ago and since then she had picked her kids up and brought them home. Both of them where now tucked away in bed and she was spending the night watching reruns of Gilmore Girls and eating away her pain.

Hearing a knock on the door Liz stood from the couch and carried her bowl of ice cream with her too the door. Opening it she wasn't surprised to find Taylor standing there.

"Zac called me," Taylor frowned as he looked at Liz. She looked shit but he figured he looked like that too once Natalie had told him about Kate. "I came by to see how you were doing before I went on a date tonight," he shrugged as he went inside the house.

Liz rolled her eyes when Taylor just came in, "Another date? Same girl as last time?" she asked as she shut the door.

"Yep, it is the same girl. Thanks for not telling me how you were doing by the way," Taylor smirked as he sat down on the couch and saw what she was watching. "Though you are watching Gilmore Girls, I figure this means you are in your crying stage?"

Liz sat down next to Taylor and covered back up, taking a few bites of her ice cream, "No, I'm in my eating my pain away stage," she laughed as she offered him a bite of her ice cream. "Are you ever going to tell me who your date is with?" she asked as her eyebrow rose.

Taylor took the spoon from Liz and took a bite of the ice cream, "Not yet," he said shaking his head as he sighed. "I just want to make sure this is going somewhere before telling everyone, especially Natalie."

"Why Natalie? She is the one who left you for a woman," Liz said as she laughed at that fact. "I don't think she has any right at being mad when you decide to start dating again."

Taylor sighed and sat back against the couch knowing Liz had a point, "I know but I guess I'm just afraid," he admitted finally. "Besides you and Natalie I have never been really serious about anyone before and I think I could probably be serious with this girl."

Liz looked down at her now empty bowl as she listened to Taylor speak, "I guess I can understand that," she said as she paused her dvd and stood from the couch. "I just hope things work out for you," she smiled before taking off into the kitchen.

Taylor watched as Liz walked off into the kitchen, "Are you really going to file for divorce from Zac?" he asked curiously. "I mean he just made one mistake."

Coming back into the living room with ice cream in her bowl again, Liz sat down on the couch and unpaused the dvd. "I don't know. I said I was going too but I just don't know. Zac betrayed my trust in him and I'm not sure if I can trust him again so easily."

"But Andrea left the tour," Taylor reasoned as he stood from the couch. "Just think before doing something rash."

"I will," Liz called out as she watched Taylor leave her house. Once he was gone she sighed and focused back on the tv show. She knew she would have to think things through. She couldn't just make rash decisions not when there were two kids, about to be a third involved in whatever decisions she made from now on regarding her future with Zac.

"Mommy," a voice spoke up and Liz turned to see Jude standing by the stairs. "I miss daddy," he frowned as he walked over to the couch and got beside his mommy.

Frowning at his words, Liz pulled Jude close and offered him the rest of her ice cream, "I miss your daddy too," she admitted honestly as she kissed his forehead.

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