Some Things Are Best Unknown.

By Hophop2020

40.4K 1.4K 342

It was the smile that through everyone off. She was always cheerful, always smiling, and always kind to other... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

4.4K 164 131
By Hophop2020

A/N- Hey guys! That last chapter was really short, but I promise that the other chapters will be a lot longer. Sorry for any grammatical errors and misspellings.



In a classroom full of students, there was a little boy who was so happy to be in an academy, to finally be one step closer to being as cool as his older brother. He was going to make his brother and father proud, but little did he know that his life would change forever in a single day. 

The boy had raven hair and deep onyx eyes. He had a smile on his face as he was walking home. He was practically skipping. Today was the day that the students got there tests back, and he had aced his test with flying colors. He just couldn't wait to show his older brother, and maybe he would help train him! 

But when he reached the Uchiha compound his face fell. He rushed home and witnessed what no little boy should witness. And he would forever remember that moment, forever remember that day. The day his brother betrayed him and the leaf. The day his brother killed his clan. That dreadful day of which his whole family was killed. Because that was not the older brother that he knew, not the older brother that he played with just yesterday, and not the older brother that he had loved. 

He would gather hate, just like his older brother said to, and he would avenge his family. He would kill his older brother. Because he was an avenger. 

The boy ran off into the woods and cried, and sobbed. He tripped on a root and fell and scraped his knee. He was going to get stronger. He was going to get smarter. He was going to get faster, and he was going to lock up all of his feelings. He was an avenger! 

The boy stayed on the ground clutching his knee in pain. Why did this have to happen now? He looked around his surroundings to see where he was. It looked like he was lost. His eye caught a glimpse of pink. He stared at it to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, he pinched himself, and it was still there. It was a pink silk ribbon. He limped over to it to find it had kanji on it.

Overcome Hardships.

"Are you ok?" A soothing feminine voice asked.

"hn. Go away."

"But why?"


"That's what I thought. Anyway, let me see that scrape." The boy turned around to find an older girl with a cherry blossom mask, and brown hair. She had a pink top on with black shorts, but what caught his eye was the pink silk ribbon tied on her wrist, it is quite similar to the one he was holding now. She was walking closer until she loomed over him. She knelt down and grabbed his leg, looking at it. Then her hands glowed a green color as it healed up the scrape. He looked at it in awe.

"You should be more careful wondering around like that."

"Why does it matter to you?"

"Well, I never said it mattered to me.  Here let me tell you a story, ok?" 


"There once was a girl with raven hair, she was always happy and had a bright future ahead of her. She was beautiful, caring, kind, and very happy, everyone loved her. She had everything. She had parents who spoiled her, but not too much, she had an older sister who was her best friend, what more could she ask for? She even had a dream to become a medic. She had lots of friends, and she would always hang out with them, and still come home in time for dinner.

So, one day she was walking home from the park, where she was hanging out, she was super happy and excited to go home and eat dinner. She got to her house, only to find a pool of blood in the hallways. She yelled out for her parents, but she couldn't find them. Until She saw something no one should ever see, her parents getting killed right before her very eyes. And the one who killed them, was her very own sister, whom she trusted so very much. She was absolutely heart broken. Her sister escaped, and the little girl with raven hair swore she would avenge her family and get revenge on her parents' killer, her sister. 

Ever since that moment she was harboring her hate and training to one day kill her sister."

"Did she kill her?" Sasuke asked quite intrigued with the story.

"Well, I'm getting there. She spent years training and honing her skills to kill her, that was what her heart was set on. But her friends didn't like what was happening to her, because she was no longer the happy girl that they knew. Her friends tried to reach out to her, but she always refused saying that she needed to get stronger. She was obsessed.

One day, she went out to find her sister when she felt like she was ready. It's been about twenty years since the last time they met. She finally came face to face with her foe, the foe she has been obsessing about since she was a little girl, it was her moment. They fought and fought for a long time.."

"So what happened?" Sasuke asked.

"What do you think?"

"She finally killed her? And she is happy again?"

"We'll find out. The battle ended, and the little raven-haired girl won. But in return for her loss, she lost both of her hands, she already lost her friends because she was rejecting them the whole time, she lost her sister, and yet she didn't even feel content. She wasted her life on obsessing over revenge, only to lose the majority of her life, friends, family, and her dream. Even after all of this she can't move towards her dream to become a medic, because she lost her hands to her revenge."

The boy Sasuke looked over at her shocked.

"Well, your knee is all healed. I'll be going now.." She said as she was about to leave.

"Wait-" But it was too late. She was gone. He then remembered the ribbon, he looked sown and saw that the kanji was different.

Revenge isn't the answer.

 He was going to think things through, because he definitely didn't want to become like that one girl. He stuffed the ribbon into his pockets and walked away.


 I middle-aged man, around his twenties(I think)with silver gravity defying hair, was walking down the street with a book in his hand. He was walking towards the memorial, where he seems to go quite often. Once he arrived he put his book away and stared at the memorial stone solemnly. He began having memories of all the times he had with the people he knew on that stone, then he began moving towards other grave stones. The entire time he was walking through, he was reliving the past. He was walking past a grave stone when he saw the most peculiar thing. It was a pink ribbon with some Kanji in it. 

Move on.

  He looked around, but couldn't sense any other chakra signatures. He bent down and picked it up. He felt the ribbon in his hands, and was trying to figure out why the ribbon had those two words. 

"It's a shame isn't it?" A feminine voice said from behind him. He was taken off guard, he thought for sure, that there was no one else here. He reacted quickly and was suddenly behind a brunet with a kunai poking against her neck. 

"Who are you?"

"Nobody" She replied.

"Tell me who you are." Kakashi said, not letting his guard down.

"A girl who is mourning over her loved ones."

"That isn't enough information."

"Well, I promise I'm not going to do any harm. I am just revisiting the past."

"How often do you come here?"

"Not much."

"Who do you know from here?"

"My family. I try to visit, but sometimes it isn't important."

"What do you mean?" Kakashi asked quite curious, he loosened his grip on the girl. She turned to face him and the first thing he noticed was her mask. It was stunning, it had a cherry blossom tree on it with floating petals. She had on a pink shirt and black shorts, and had a ribbon tied on her wrist. 

"Well, why should I come all the time? I mean the point of life is living it you know? You can't live the future if you don't move on from the past. The past is sometimes great to revisit, but life can end any moment and I am not going to waste my life on the past, when i could be living the present and looking forward to the future. I am going to become stronger so that what happened to my closest friends and family won't happen to my new friends and family, but I can't get stronger if I just revisit what already happened."

The man, Kakashi looked at her with a stoic face, but on the inside he took her words to heart and looked at her in awe. She was right, he couldn't just relive the past every single day, he can do something with his time.

"How often do you come here?" She asked.

"Well I-"

"Live your life Kakashi, protect what you have left ok?" She asked, then disappeared.

"What-How did she know my name?" He asked himself. "Who was she?" Then he looked down and gasped. 

Live life in the Present.

His eye crinkled in a smile. "Thanks nobody." From that day forward, he only visited once a month. 




"Naruto Uzumaki?"

"Believe it!"

"Sasuke Uchiha?"


"Sakura Haruno?"


"Well, it looks like everyone is here today. Welcome to the Academy, I am your Sensei, Iruka Umino. You will have a tough time here, and I hope you guys can keep up. Please take out your Konoha text books, and open them to page 1, we'll start there." A man with a scar over his nose said in a kind voice. Everyone in the class took out there textbooks like asked and class begun. 

The day moved on slowly like a slug, and by the time lunch hit, everyone was tired. 

"Okay class, it's lunch time." Everyone was relieved, because they couldn't take another minute of Konoha's 1st War.

A girl with pink hair and a pink silk ribbon was sitting on the branch of a tree, eating her lunch. People found her peculiar. She had natural pink hair, so she was bound to get some attention. But at the same time, no one cared. 

She played with the ends of her ribbon as she hummed a tune. She kicked her feet up in the air. She was observing everyone on the playground, the boy with blond hair, the boy with black hair and onyx eyes, the lazy guy with pineapple shaped hair, the big-boned guy, the girl with pale blond hair, and more. She realized all of them are unique in their own way and all of them their own personal secrets. She then decided to hang upside down on the branch. 

"Sometimes you got to see things at a different angle.." She muttered. 


"How are the kids Iruka?" A man asked.

"Good, they are all very amazing. Although Naruto is quite the prankster."

"How are their grades?" The man asked.

"I bet that Uchiha has the highest grades." Another teacher commented.

"I wish I had Uchiha as a student." 

"Actually the highest grades are from a girl named Sakura Haruno." Iruka responded.

"Really? Who's she? I don't recognize the name.."

"She's the girl with pink hair. Her family is probably Civilians."

"Ooooohh. I just thought that she was another fangirl."

"Aren't all girls in that generation fangirls?"

"No. That Hyuuga girl isn't."

"Oh yeah. So is this Sakura Haruno anything special."

"Well I did notice that she is quite the observant one." Iruka responded.


"Yes, she is also quiet in class and observes everyone."

"Wow, that's quite interesting."

"She is, she really is.." Iruka mumbled while he looked out the window.


"Hello!" The blond whiskered boy came up to the tree. He was looking at the pink haired girl.

"Hello." She replied.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't really know. What are you doing?"

"Trying to make friends, but it's not working so well."

"Sometimes the best of friends are hard to find."

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know."

"Wow, you're very unsure of yourself."

"Really, I didn't know that,"

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I am going to become Hokage one day, Believe it!"

"I do believe it."


"Yes really."

"What's your name?"

"Sakura Haruno."

"Can we be friends?"



"Yes really."


"I'm home." The pink haired girl yelled throughout the house. It echoed.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad. I just came back from school." She was staring at two pictures. "I aced my test. And I met a boy at school, the one who was being bullied and being called demon, his name is Naruto Uzumaki, one of my first friends."

She then walked through her hollow hallways, while her feet echoed across the floor. She lived in that house alone. Her parents are dead, but she'll make it. Because she has been for a while now, and no one knew a thing. Everyone just assumed that she was just an ordinary civilian girl, with ordinary civilian parents, with an abnormally amount of intelligence and imagination. They were all wrong, for this girl is the mysterious girl with the cherry blossom mask, the girl with the secrets, and the girl who helps those in need. She looks on the bright side of each misery. She sure is a blessed soul. She is none other then Sakura Haruno, the cherry blossom with a heart of Gold. 


A/N- I honestly was lost on what to do near the ending, I wanted to introduce Sakura into the story somehow. Sorry for any misspellings and grammatical errors. Please comment below and tell me what you think so far. I am making this for fun, so yeah. 


2413 Words.

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