
By Tophat

9.5K 1.2K 50

Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Forty-Eight

102 19 0
By Tophat

Esme stood on the steps of Bull's house, watching the stables and the horses that roamed. She clutched at Absolon, crushing him to her chest for comfort. Her heart still hammered painfully and her face was still vibrantly red. Her whole being shook and her stomach was so disturbed that she felt like she wanted to be sick.

Pulling Absolon away, she shook him lightly. He sang but no longer giggled and the glint of the eye was no longer visible in his cloud-like body. She'd done it. She'd returned the Eye to Fox. The blackmail was broken.

A mix of elation and terror filled her. She felt overjoyed she'd finally done it and possibly be able to build a more honest relationship with Fox but also terrified that Fox was now free. Was he going to run off? Was he going to abandon her? She didn't know.

'I need to plan, Absolon. If Fox leaves me now, where do I go? How do I get to the Granite Tower?'

Absolon blinked slowly and whined in confusion. He didn't know.

Esme sighed then froze when the door opened roughly and Bull appeared.

'There you are, Vixen. What're you doing out here?'

'Thinking.' Esme said honestly yet vaguely. 'Where is Fox?'

'Down below, reading the several relayed messages from Doe and a woman called Elenore and replying.'

Elenore. The blonde whore. Esme hadn't thought of her in a long time and her beautiful face brought the sudden question; what would happen to Esme and Fox after the Granite Tower? If she survived, the curse removed and Denver thrown in prison for her aunt's murder, would she and Fox never see each other again? Would they just go their separate ways and return to their very different lives?

The thought weirdly made her heart ache and very quickly she decided she didn't like that thought.

It's why I returned the Eye, she reminded herself. If she formed a true bond with him, they would want to see each other beyond this. She didn't have to have her heart broken and return to her high-life filled with fake smiles and fake friends.

Heartbroken. A broken heart. She flushed. Why would she be heartbroken if she never saw Fox again? He was a thief, a rough well-intentioned one, yes, but a thief. She shouldn't feel so miserable at the concept of never seeing him again, and yet she did. It filled her with panic and pain. She wanted to keep seeing him after all this. She wanted him in her life. She wanted to see his stupid smile and bright eyes forever, to be close to him, to kiss...

'Come in. Could do with help. No idea what foods you two like.' Bull said loudly, barrelling through Esme's emotional turmoil and completely oblivious to Esme's burning face and horrified eyes.

Esme jumped at the opportunity Bull gave her. She needed to keep her hands and head busy. All she kept thinking about was Fox; almost like he was consuming her.

With Absolon drifting after her, Esme entered back into the house and was taken deeper inside. Behind a simple door was an expansive kitchen, although a little less pristine and glamorous. That was her aunt though; glamour incarnate, although it was Ms Penelope, their beloved servant, who kept everything unnaturally clean.

Bull headed to the fridge and began rummaging around. It was then that Esme hesitated as she realised the kitchen was empty of any kind of cook. It was strange. She had assumed that Bull had servants due to how much money she had.

'Do you not have someone to cook for you?'

Bull glanced up. 'No. I do it myself. I have a cleaner though. Juggling Fencing and my stables and keeping this place presentable is bloody hard.' She pulled out a few fresh meats and vegetables. 'Now, what do you like? I can make stew, braise salmon, cook up some steaks.'

Esme shuffled forward and instantly her stomach growled at the sight. Too long she had been living off of scraps and processed meat that, as she saw prime cuts, the freshest of meat, her stomach grew very excited.

'Steak.' She said after an internal battle over what she was craving the most.

Bull bobbed her head then asked something impossible of Esme. 'Grab a knife and cut the onions for me. You might as well help out as you're here, lass.'

When Esme stammered and flushed, Bull hesitated and her brow arched.

'What's getting you so flustered?'

Esme's face burned brighter. She hated to admit that she knew nothing about cooking, despite never having a reason to know.

'I...I can't cook. I have no clue on what to do. Penelope always did it for me.'

Bull barked out a thick laugh and waved her over. 'Then I'll teach you.'

All fingers and thumbs; Esme was slow in learning. She's never held such a large and dangerous knife so the vegetables were awkward shapes and sizes. She kept trying though and ignoring the ignorant questions that left her mouth, things she felt she should know and didn't. Bull was patient at least and explained everything and made Esme take the helm regularly.

It was only when Esme tired turning the frying steak clumsily that she noticed she was being watching in the corner of her eye. Leaning against the doorframe with a smug expression plastered on his face was Fox.

Instantly Esme was on fire. Her face burned and her heart hammered as a flood of embarrassment and nerves shot through her. A jumble of thoughts clamoured in her head; How stupid did she look?; How long had he been watching?; Did he wanted an explanation as to why she returned the Eye?; Why did he look so attractive to her?

'Fox, don't go teasing her. Vixen is trying.' Bull warned.

Fox shrugged nonchalantly and approaching in light steps. Esme shrank away a little but Bull blocked her and kept her hands on the frying pan.

'Try again. Turn it slow and be careful about the spitting. It'll be done shortly.' Bull said.

Esme tried to focus but it was difficult with Fox being close to her, head tilting and watching with intense interest. It made her shiver a little and a little voice in her seemed to enjoy the attention he gave her. After the ogling of Catriona not long ago, it felt good to be Fox's centre of attention again. The other larger voice in her head seemed horrified at that prospect though and shushed it quickly.

'There. It's done now.' Bull said and took over to serve it up.

Esme relaxed, inwardly sighing that she no longer had to perform and stepped aside for Bull. In the corner of her eye, Fox still hadn't taken his eyes off of her. She tried to ignore it and listen to what Bull was saying but it was difficult. She stole a glance at Fox and instantly her heart was twisting itself up into a strange ball. His green eyes were dark and intense, watching her with curiosity and a smile playing at his lips. She hated how that expression alone made her want to hide but also brought the memories of her angry, clumsy attempt at kissing him. The similar feeling rose in her chest but more warm and earnest than possessive and jealous. She chose not to look at him anymore.

'And there we go! Tenderloin steak, mashed parsnip and various vegetables!' Bull announced merrily. 'Now, I'll bring it through and you two can eat then I'll go over a plan to get you away from here and closer to the Granite Tower.'

'Sorry, can't. Goin' out.' Fox said.

Esme felt herself deflate a little. She had been curious to see what he thought of her first attempt at cooking.

Bull's eyes narrowed. 'Where?'

'To town. Goin' to scout and get rid of my contract.'

Esme's heart sunk even further. His contract.

'No contracts are being fulfilled right now. You stay with me and Vixen.'

Fox didn't seem to care however. 'I'll be back later.'

'Fox! Now, you listen to me!'

'I know what I'm doin'.'

'The Fingers are inactive! All jobs are on hold. No one moves, no one breaths, not until Vixen is at the Granite Tower.' Bull snapped then jabbed a finger at him. 'And all this is your doing, lad, by what Warbler says. If you hadn't been caught and shot and identified by that traitor Billy or whatever his name is, everything would be fine! We Fingers would remain away from this political mess! So you stay put until this is cleared up.'

'Look, I just want to get rid of it. I'm just goin' to drop it off. In and out; no one will see me. I'm not even goin' to try meet the contractor!'

'I don't care. Warbler don't care. No Fence cares. All jobs are on hold until this heat is off of us.'

Fox glanced at Esme who was watching with dread. He was leaving. He was going to deliver the Eye and then vanish from her life. Her face flushed, embarrassed at how hurt she felt. It was like a cold knife just wrenched into her chest and twisted itself over and over. He wasn't meant to leave. He was meant to stay!

'It's fine.' Fox pressed and made for the door.

'Lad, you stay. It's dangerous out and ego isn't going to save your arse.' Bull blustered angrily.

Fox however was confident and clearly so. He turned on his heel and began to walk away, waving his hand dismissively.

'I'm not bailing you out if you get in trouble!' Bull shouted after him before she huffed angrily and stormed into the dining room.

Esme made for the kitchen door to watch Fox move up the hall and reach for the doorknob. Dread gathered and she was unable to speak out. Her throat was tight and dry and panic was preventing her for acting. She just couldn't get herself to jump up and grab Fox and demand he stays, that she's sorry she blackmailed him and to beg him not to abandon her

The front door slammed after him. He was gone. The chance to stop him had gone. No farewells were said, nothing.

'Have faith.' Esme murmured to herself and pulled Absolon close, listening to him croon comfortingly.

She took him inside to find Bull and eat the meal she'd slaved over. She needed to stop thinking of him but it was difficult. She wasn't going to stop fretting over Fox until he showed up; safe and ready to continue onwards to the Granite Tower.

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