It Is What It Is

By jiggyniggaress

2.6K 498 25

*Contains London Slang* *contains music* 14 year old Ayesha is moved to a new school. She meets a boy called... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
New book
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 34 (Finale)

57 13 0
By jiggyniggaress


Next day

I was in the shopping centre. I needed to buy some new clothes . I walked into H&M and bought some ripped jeans and a few tops. I also bought a few body con dresses and more jeans from primark.

"I need to also buy trainers" I thought to myself. I walked to JD and bought myself the NMD R1 trainer. When I had finished buying all my clothing and shoes, I made my way to McDonald's to get a takeaway.

"Hi, how can I help?" The McDonalds employee asked.

"How can I have a Big Mac large meal please?"I said as the employee put the information in the computer thing.

"What drink would you like with that?"

"Can I just have water...oh and can I have an apple pie please?" The employee nodded .

"Okay..."she said finalising the order,"to takeaway?". I nodded .

"Okay your order will be ready shortly" she smiled before going to make my food. I sat down on a chair by the counter. I thought about yesterday. I took it too far with Aisha's friend. I shouldn't of hurt her so bad. I felt bad. I sighed and waited for my food.

When it was finally ready, I thanked the employee and walked out. I walked back into the shopping centre and pressed the button for the elevator to come down. When it did, I got in and pressed the button for the elevator to go to the upper car park level. When it arrived at the level, I walked out.

The car park was quiet and quite empty, which was odd.

"Whatever" I shrugged to myself and made my way over to my car. Before I even unlocked my car, I felt my hair be dragged by something and something being put over my head. All I could really remember was being dragged and shoved into maybe a van.

Aisha's friend (Chanel)

I grabbed an ice pack from my freezer and put it over my black eye. I still had a pounding headache from having my head constantly banged against the walls. I grabbed some paracetamol and swallowed it with some water.

"Chanel?!" I heard my boyfriend call out from the front door.

"Yea I'm in the kitchen" I replied back. He walked in and gave me a quick kiss.

"So did you do it?" I asked him. He nodded his head with a cheeky grin on his face. "Thank you baby". I smiled.

"Anything for you babes. You know I couldn't let her slide for doing this " he laughed and grabbed some ready salted crisps from the snack box.


"Yea?" He replied with a mouth full of crisps.

"Do you think 78D will come after us?"

He paused thinking. He shrugged," I don't know. I don't think so. How will he even know if it's us anyways "

"Yea that's true" I nodded my head and walked into my bedroom. I took my phone off the charger and decided to phone Aisha. Me and Aisha had been friend for 2 years. We met at a rave and instantly became friends.

Phone call

Aisha- Heeeeey Chanel

Me- Hi darling

Aisha- How are you?

Me-I'm good you

Aisha-good. So what's up?

Me- so...basically. Tario kidnapped Ayesha

Aisha-....what? Are you dumb? Do you guys want to be killed?

Me- what do you mean? We're not going to be killed because how will 78D know it's us

Aisha- whatever. I'm not involved.

Whatever. 78D won't find out because, Ayesha will be dead...

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