Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...

Per xbookgirlx15

1.7M 41.1K 5.2K

"No!" I say softy, choking back tears that were threatening to pour out. "It just can't be!" I say with my h... Més

1. Prologue -Nora Faith
2.Prologue -Alpha Damon
3. The Start...
4. The Meeting...
5. The Truth...
6. The Proposal...
7. Here Comes the Bride...
8. The Offering...
9. His Victory...
10. The Farewells...
11. The Perfect Illusions...
12. The Collisions...
13. The First Appearance...
14. The Lost Luna...
15. Wedding Flashback...
16. Wedding Duties...
17. The Crest...
18. The Home...
19. The Stairway...
20. The Last Farewell...
21. The Alpha...
22. The Dealthy Silence...
23. The Trip Home...
24. The Trip to Hell...
25. The Christmas Sprirt...
26. The Unexpected Guest...
27. The Attack...
28. The First Page...
29. The Fight...
30. The Bad Liar...
31. The Cruelty Of The Alpha...
32. The Third Entry...
33. The Luna and the Rogue...
35. At The Strike of Midnight...
36. The Truth Behind the City Lights...
37. If It Was Meant To Be...
38. The Deliberate Move...
39. The CommonWealth Games...
40. The Wander, the Broken, the Helpless and Pawn
41. The Skeletons of Not So Long Ago...
42. The Final Pages...
43. The Promise...
44. The Coming to Truth...
45. The Heart Knows What It Wants...
46. The Morning Sun...
47. The Complications...
48. The Late Guests...
49. Beneath Every Lie is an Excuse...
50. The Heat of Night...
51. The Glorious Dawn...
52. The Distraught...
53. The Leaving and Coming...
54. The Awakening to Something...
55. The Heavy Nightfall...
56. The Changes...
57. The Morning News...
58. The Rainbow to his Rain...
59. The Evening Of...
60. The Villa We Shall...
61. The Night to Relish...
62. The Bartering Risks...
63. The Night Goes on...
64. The Sadness...
65. The Fear...
66. The Night Rather Then Day...
67. The Growing Pain...
68. The Beginning to an End...
69. //Epilogue// A New Entry...
llYou Are Most Welcome Alphall
~*Alpha Royale*~
70. //Epilogue 2//
//Regina Luna //
71. //Alternative Epilogue//

34. The Waken and Riven...

18.6K 520 77
Per xbookgirlx15

"'Nora please if you can hear me, hear me out this once. I know I might not have the right to apologise or even repent for whatever pain I might have caused intentionally, or unintentionally but please. Im not only asking for you to return, not so you have to deal with me, but rather for your family and loved ones you have left back here. Your brothers, their mates, your childhood friend Lia, Leila, everyone that loves and needs you in their life. You wouldn't leave them just so you could away from me, would you? Youd never be this selfish to care about yourself and leave the others to suffer for what is my mistake. I know I might have been more than a pain in your ass but there are others who deserve you here rather than me and they wouldn't ever be to live in peace knowing you died because of your awful mate, who never treated you like one either. I cant promise Ill change but if you return, I can certainly try and that could be my promise to you. That Ill try. Im sorry. '"

I awake panting and tangled within the sheets, lost of breathe and time as I place a hand onto my twirling head to prevent myself from spinning myself giddy. Groaning to myself, my stomach churns as a sensation of rising bile shoots upward my pipe. I was quick to clasp my hand over my mouth.

"My Luna!" A voice which I never thought I hear again.

"Leila!" I take her by shock as I engulf her into my clammy arms. She refrains but soon the presence of her stroking my hair brought a sense of home.

"It is alright my Luna, you're safe now. You're safe," She soothed by my ear. Hearing the thump thump of her consist beating heart had me assured for the most part. I wasn't alone here in this hellhole. The thought brought tears of joy.

"Y-you have no idea how glad I-I am to see you, t-to hear your breathing, to just talk to someone," I ramble on till she was forced to shushed me with a finger to my lips.

"My Luna, as much as I am happy to be back and to talk to you again, I'm just as concerned for your health at the moment. How are you feeling? Do you feel dizzy or nauseated? How's your ankle?" She asked all in a matter of a breathe, ushering my shoulders back against the head board.

"I am actually feeling slightly better -thanks for asking but why does my ankle burn?" I replied, gesturing to my leg with a wince. I could hardly feel my toes on that leg but the burn was stretched all the way up to my thigh making it hard to dismiss.

"My Luna. They told me that the bite from the rogue went pretty far in, hitting some major nerves resulting to the burning sensation you're experiencing but they also said it wasn't permanent. It is temporary which is probably relief for you," Leila gave a quirky smile, that I return.

"Whose's 'they'?"

"Well, by the time the Alpha had arrived and found you unconscious, you were already in a sort of deep semi-coma. He was beyond furious and had you immediately had to rushed to the ER where I was at luckily at the time. I was just signing the discharge papers when the news of the Luna being was brought in, which also kept me back. Most of the info was given by Rossi," His name brought a cloud of grey over her eyes as she seemed lost in her thoughts. She swiftly retrieved and shook her head, discarding the thought before carrying on. 

"The rest was told by the Alpha himself, just after he retrieved you from the hospital personally, without any guards or Warriors and brought you home. I even accidentally overheard him get into an argument with Rossi after he brought you here. He wasn't in the greatest of moods." She gulped.

I rub my forearm, stroking the newly growing stubble appearing over my arms. Note to self; shave when time. "When he is ever?" I lean my head back, tapping the back board with a gentle thump. Shutting my eyes to welcome the dark darkness which I had grown so accustomed to know over the days, I swallow a gulp of air. Remembering his words produced some wrenched tears top swell from the corner of my eye. 'I enjoyed shoving my tongue down her throat. I found some enjoyable pleasure in it -if that helps you sleep at night.'

It'll surely helped alright. "At least not him but his Mate bond came handy," Leila perked, thinking of a brighter picture.

I rip apart my eyes from the comforting darkness. "Why is that?"

"I have heard Mate healing heals like no other type of healing in the world," She laced my hands with hers. Her chocolate eyes looking deeply into mine.

"Maybe if I had another person as my Mate I would have believed that," I snort, twisting my head to the window seeing it that would help in any way, a change of scenery you know.

"Glad to hear you awake and snapping," A male voice leers. I didn't have to turn my head to know Antonio had entered. His daring black hair reflecting white, contrasting while being dressed fully in grey with a wrinkled white dress shirt.

I merely avoid eye connect rather than saying anything. Leila rose and bowed but when she was to take a step forward, Antonio spoke again, in a calmer and more settle way than I've heard before. "Stay. I won't take long and besides, you're the one who'll help her change."

She froze, and looked at me for approval. Biting my lip suspiciously, I give the signal with a gentle nod. She moved a few steps back while Antonio replaced her spot. He didn't take time in pulling my chin up and taking my pulse from against my neck rather than my wrist. I stared dead ahead and drop my neck back the second he left go.

He moved forward and takes the spot my my legs, yanking the sheets of my toes. A shiver ran up my toes as the biting winter breeze blew against my naked toes. There was a heavy cotton bandaging surrounding my ankle to the point where my toes were only visible. He took great caution in trying to examine my toes, looking every and now then at me for any reaction, his fingers stroking the tips of each nail.

The moment his fingers moved and stroked that one specific area, I bit the laughter on the verge of appearing. If you didn't know, I am very ticklish. It was long before his attention was directed to my ankle, squeezing it within his palm.

I take a sharp gasp, throwing my head back in pain. "Can you not?"

"There is some tenderness and some swelling still around the area. You'll need to take all pressure off this leg for, about the next 12 hours." He ignored my pain given remark, still twirling the leg within his palm. "You'll probably need someone to carry you down."

"I don't remember giving you the honour," His eyes stung hard. "I never even asked."

He strode to the door and left the room without another word. Just like him -most likely-, I was glad to get away from him and his smug, but confusing face. "I should probably help you get changed before the cars arrive to receive you."

"I thought we already missed the flight," I say pathetically, throwing the sheets away. I was dressed in a light woollen sweater with an unusual folded turtleneck and way to long sleeves for my size. The dark jeans, which pinched my ass when I rose, were a size or three smaller.

"No. The Alpha had the flight cancelled, and had another night flight booked. The female Warriors dressed you at the hospital along with the help of a couple of nurses if you were wondering." She informed, bringing a more reasonable size jeans laying on the dresser's bench. "They were unsure about your size, so they brought whatever they found in the giftshop."

"Giftshop?!" I exclaim, gaping at the designer jeans below while grasping the polished bed frame's post for support.

She gave me the obvious face, tilting her head to an angle. "In this Pack, anything's possible and it's better not to question it."

"Oh, right. Damon's Pack," I mumble, rolling my eyes hardly, taking the jeans. Stupidhead. "You said female Warriors? I thought Damon was too sexist and thought of females as A, peasants and B, mere sex toys for enjoyment."

Leila had whirled around the moment I took the jeans, giving me just enough personal space to change comfortably. I slipped the jeans, feeling my aching thighs thanking me from the restraints. No wonder I was in pain, I thought. They had made me wear, yet another lace thong, black with petite neon pink bows placed on each side and lace rimming the edges of the fabric. This Pack was more hopeless than I figured.

"No offence my Luna, but they have no more control or power than you. They're showpiece to the other Packs that we aren't selfish, sexist bastards who still have that 1940's mentality where women are hidden away." She snorted.

"Oh, the irony!" I exclaim, buttoning the top and pulling my sweater over. "I am done, you can turn around now and don't worry. None taken."

"Not surprised really. Ever since the Alpha began his third year of ruling, he announced and declared it should put into affect as soon as possible. There were riots as well, protests of equality from the entire Pack but the Alpha and his committee hushed it fairly quickly, even before the word was spread of it ever beginning," She whispered the last part so it was audible for my ears only, like she was afraid of being overheard.

She ushers me to take a seat on the bed, and I then pull her to the empty spot next to mine. My back leans against the headboard with my toes dangling down, giving them a chance to get the blood circulate.

"Damon has his own fan club now?" I wheeze, trying not to laugh -which was very, very hard. "Why am I not surprised? What do this have to do be accepted? Get an I-HEART-ALPHA D. or TEAM DAMON tattoo on their asses? Meet up at the strike of midnight in a underground den full of pictures of Damons to worship as a satanic ritual?"

Leila gave another Leila-typical shaky smile. "As much it disappoints me, unfortunately no. His committee was formed the day he took the title. It's mostly the constricted of the main heads, nothing much: Beta Kaden, Gamma Jace, Dr, Rossi, Delta Hunter," She paused. Her cheeks gave a faint redness at the name, along her lips curving into a smile, "Warrior Carter, a few other Warriors and... S-Stephanie."

"Stephanie?! What in god's name is she head of? Head of the whores!" I scream, outraged by the mention of her name. Her name shouldn't trigger me like this!

"As you might know. She has history with the Alpha, which goes as far back to the day he ever began his rule," She explained, soothing with wrinkled sheets, her eyes heavily focused on the deep winkles creasing the edges. "It was obvious she was going to be part of the Alpha's committee after that."

"But that-" The door had swung open, creaking against the hinges. I was about to cock my head to the side to catch a glimpse of whom it could be, but scent said it all. Leila rose with a tremble like she was a child just about receive a scolding for something they hadnt done. "M-My Al-Alpha," She stuttered with an arched dip of her head. I didn't blame her; I was just as speechless by him here.

"Thank you but you are unneeded here Leila," He said slyly with a flick of his head, his hair bouncing to the side. Damn his hair! Why was it so flawless that it would always leave me speechless? "I'll be assisting Nora down to the car."

Oh hell nah, I swear if he touches us, I grit my teeth, growing tired of his regular bullshit. She bowed and slipped by him on her way out. How could an Alpha be so moral-less and have people still obey and like him? To top it off, June being blocked up and not uttering a word since she witness him sucking Stephanie wasnt making it any better. JUNE! FOR ONE GOD DAMN TIME, LISTEN TO ME!

Nope. All my patience gone in vein, I was on the verge of snapping. He better not- "You know there are better stuff to do than gossiping about others with Leila. I thought you would've known at least how to translate, amore mio." he chided, his hands still in his pockets as he strode closer.

-And he did. I take a heavy breathe of air. "And aren't there better stuff for you to do than making out with hoes like, I don't know...Stephanie perhaps? I thought you would've known better than that Monsieur Alpha."

"Monsieur Alpha? Jamais pensé que vous dirais cela." He replied, thrilled by the idea. I was dumbfounded and he could tell by the amused appearance on his face. "Le français était l'un de mes sujets à l'université. Je détiens également un diplôme. Souhaitez-vous voir?"

I lean back with a fall. So I didn't have the comfort of swearing in my own language without anyone knowing now? This was to much. He took my family, my Pack, my life, and now my mother tongue? What an asshole.

Damon shook his head and outstretched his hands out from his pockets as drew closer. "Don't think Ill allow you to touch me. Mate or no Mate." I growl as his hands were inches away from picking me. "I might have lost my strength but I haven't lost my memory just yet, so you can back the eff off."

He obeys with his hands up in mock defeat and backs off like ordered without another word. I push of the bed as I rose to my knees, feeling my legs wobble form under but it wasn't long before I knew I was crumbling to the ground. A pair of muscular arms scooped me swiftly before my knees could even glaze the floor.

My hands naturally found his neck, clutching on for dear life as he hoisted me up. My hair flopped onto over my face, but I couldn't find the will to swipe it away. The electrifying sparks brought warmth to rise to my cheeks. The intensifying pounding of Damon's heart increased by the second our touch came into contact with one another.

Somehow, I shook my head to the side and my long dangling waves went flying back. Our eyes found each other but we kept the silence. The silence was the last thing separating us and Ive never been more happy for it. The lingering silence came to an end when we made our way to the threshold outdoors, where the cars and guards were idling with one another.

Our presence was quick to notice, the sparks flying creating enough tension between us for anyone blind to even notice. The grip from under my knees tightening as he stepped each step. They scrambled to organise back into lines and ended up bowing in union as we approached. One arose from the bowing position to open the door for Damon to place me in.

After buckling the beat around my waist his face lifted to meet my staring expression. Our eyes drew into a trance, blurring everything within sight. I could see the prominent outline of his lips more clearly, and the once unnoticeable scar above his right eyebrow that drew down to the arch of his nose, now coming into sight. Damon sucked his breath, dropping his head.

Slamming the door, I blink as he trudged around the vehicle to other door, taking up the vacant seat besides me. I don't meet his eyes as he entered, slapping yet another door. I had enough of them and their lustrous lies. The car swerved forward and out the gates before I knew it.

I wasn't amused by the thought of handling his unbearable scent for the journey to New York. The idea of our bodies being so physically close ached my heart. Only if the situation were more jovial, or even settle. I'd most likely bring up and stretch out my throbbing legs on the seat while furrowing my head into the curve of his shoulder with his hands snuggling me close. Alas, if it were only true. Sucking up the stab of pain in my chest, I rest my head against the window and shut my stressed eyelids, welcoming in the coldness.


Dinggg. "All passengers arriving from Flight number RS267 from California, must report to carousel number 4..." I mumble groggily while picking at the crust in the eye's corner. I might've managed to get at least a few hours of rest but it still wasn't enough for me. God, I hate airports and I hadn't even step foot in one yet.

I didn't even have the time to adjust my eyes to the blaring lights outsides when the door was flung open along with a chilling breeze seeping through the locks of my sweater. Groaning, I wrap my right arms over my left as I was hoisted up into Damon's alarmingly warm arms. The light overhead casting a dark shadow over his solemn face.

His eyes reverted and came to mine heavily, his tightly pursed lips begging for a peck. You wouldn't dare, I think obliviously of the consequences. He lowered me into a certain seat -which I later notice as a wheelchair. He withdrew his hands fairly quickly, but shortly after drilling a hole into my soul with those piercing black pits of his. "I'll be back," He dismissed himself with about a dozen guards hot behind him, disappearing into the dark night ahead.

With less than a dozen of guards left, I was on the verge of rolling my ass onto the next available flight far, far away from here, possessive dickhead Alpha Mate or none. I clear my throat. "Thank you for your services til now but you're all unneeded here. You're all dismissed."

"My Luna, the Alpha-" "-Has just left to attend more pressing matters at hand. Thank you," I try making my tone sound final like Damon's. Either way, I wasn't buying it myself that I could be as half as intimidating as Damon himself. My voice wavered, trembling with the unknown.

I could see the guard's hesitation written in bold on his face but he obeyed in the end. Bowing like the rest, they filled into the SUV and swerved away, leaving me lost in my head of what my life had become.

I had a pathetic, self-serving Alpha Mate of a lousy ass Pack, who had a possessive and even more selfish ex with whom he cheated on me. I laugh madly of how this time, just last month, I was probably laughing to the point where my stomach ached in protest at something stupid Lia must have said, and now I was stranded in at the airport in a wheelchair with nothing more than my single carry on.

Things could've been worse, I cry optimistically with a wheeze. Much more worse than I realize.

"Excuse me madam but are you Luna Nora of the BloodRed Pack?" A leathery enrich accent asked. I look up to meet the most scandalous set of blue eyes I've ever laid eyes on.

"Y-yes. I am." I stutter, turning down with redness tainting my cheeks. I was staring. Had living with those savages taken all my greeting ethics? I couldn't have blame myself either. He could've modelled for the next surfer calendar and be elected as the next president in a heart beat with that dead drop grin.

"My Luna." He dipped his neck in a gentle arch without alarming the passengers scurrying by. "I'm Anthony, and I'll escorting you through security and to your terminal, which should be begin boarding in...a-about 30 minutes Id say, giving us plenty of time to get to know each other before that." He winked at end, pushing us in the direction of the automatic opening doors. I blush once more, turning my face downwards real quick. He sure knew how to charm.

"May I just mention how outrageously gorgeous you look today. I don't mean to stare, but your eyes give me that summer rave vibe which I've haven't seen many girls give." There he went again. Why couldn't Damon take notes? No. It should be written in there little, boy code book rather. "They hold a spark of life and truly, they do."

"Unlike yours. Making any girl want to spill their darkest secret with those jewels without being drunk."

"What can I say? My family knows their genetics," he scanned my boarding pass and handed them back warm from the scan.

Like that we carry on with our trail of throwing flirtatious comments back and forth, althrough the airport till we reached the terminal, where we were forced to part ways. "Just in case you want someone to discuss those family genetics with." He brushed my ear with his mouth, while spilling a torn note onto my lap before leaving. Opening it I smirk. I cock my hand and angle my eyes in his direction to see him walking proudly while adjusting his collar. He turns, and winks once more. I give a generously genuine smile -which I haven't given in a very long, long time as I slip the torn piece into the pocket of my jeans. It felt good to be truly happy for a change.

The smile didn't last long when I look up to return back to the solemn face I had lost moments ago. There in the corner was Damon, flirtatiously stroking some blonde air hostess's bare thigh, -with her friends most likely staring from afar. Squealing, they gesture at the couple and laugh wholeheartedly.

Taking my passport to my lap, I wheel my way to the front table, just in front of Damon's radar. "Excuse me but I just arrived. Has the pre-boarding already began?" I ask kindly to the more elderly women working at the counter.

"Not yet Hun, but what I can definitely do is slip you right now if we keep this between us," she took my handed boarding pass and swiped twice under her radar. "Ah, Mrs. Nora Faith Romano. My my! Only 16 and married? Where's your husband!"

"Busy else where," I mumble as she pushed the chair slowly into the narrower hallway. I dart my accusing gaze at Damon, to learn he hadn't even acknowledged my presence for the brief minute I was there. Scowling with disgust, I try to be optimistic of the journey ahead.

The women took me down the ramp, into the flight and to my seat in less than 3 minutes flat. She strode further just til the the starting of the first row of First Class. Helping me rise and into one of the double seat, she added. "Now, don't worry to much about your baggage young lady. Anthony had tended to that already. Good boy he is." She spoke, struggling with the chair's locking system. "You have a good night and flight ahead dearie."

"And you have a good night too. Thank you." We exchange brief smiles before she went scurrying out, leaving me alone in the solitude. It was about 10 minutes later when the others came in. Turning my phone off entirely, I catch sight of the attraction seated before me on my right. Those smoked, ash grey eyes which made Anthony seem like a teenage dream, with that golden chiselled jaw, which made Damon's game weak.

He looked straight up out of those cute boy Instagram pages. I was ashamed to stare but damn. God had to gift all the beauty on the same day. God sure had his own weird ways. "Are you lonely?" He asked miraculously just as I turned away.

"I-Huh? Im sorry what?" I pretend to not hear just so I can rehear that accent once more. Welsh probably like Anthony's, I note mentally.

He gave a lenient, trouble maker smirk with a brush of his hair back. "I asked if you were lonely, madam."

"No," I smirk deviously,"officer. Why you asking?" I perk my eyes and tilt my head in his direction, seeming to commit that face to memory permanently.

"Your lips seem lonely. Would they mind to meet mine?" I give a hysterical giggle and eye roll. "Does I take that as a yes?"

I meet his gawking gaze, leaning back while making it clear I was biting my lip. "Depends how you interpret it." I give that final look of approval. He spares no time in leaning closer with his hand coming around me and getting wound up in my hair as his delicately lips met mine. He tasted just better than I presumed. That tangy smell of lemon fresher on his very clothes I was clutching hard on to, now rubbing off. Don't get me wrong, he was a cute, sexy, polite, flirty, a good kisser, what not but something, very essential was missing.

Then it clicked. That spark. Oh my sweet god. That spark! That spark of something inside me connecting with something deeper than I knew. That electrifying spark of more than our lips meeting. There was no spark, I realised. That very, spark I lived for. I died for. He wasn't Damon.

"AHEM," A loud booming voice thundered. Slowly unhanding the wrinkled ball of his shirt in my hand, I reopen my eyes to see those haunting, rage fulled eyes I despised, staring hungrily before me. My mouth was hanging as I leaned back, my hands trembling unknowingly. "Forgive me, but I must ask you swap seats with me."

"Why? Im seem to be enjoying the view and so does my passenger, or have I mistaken?" My passenger turned to me with his those horribly cute, ashy puppy eyes. Damon's tone was awfully gentle, which was very unusual if you ask me.

I was to say something when Damon beat me to it. "I terribly, believe you have." Damon threatened but he changed his tone at the next line. "For that passenger of ours is my pregnant wife who, keeps forgetting to stick with me due to her Alzheimer's. Forgot amore mio?"

I was beyond bewildered. I was outrageously furious, at the point where steam was about to explode out each ear. The guy besides me gave a sceptical glance before looking back at Damon, who guided him to his seat at the back of First Class. "I-I..."

"No need to explain the unexplainable amore mio."

"Since when I have became your pregnant wife with Alzheimer?" I snap, gripping my arm rest tightly.

"You have been my wife for a while in case you've forgotten. You're just pregnant now," he winked with that smug look. I swear this guy. "And since when did you get the guts to flirt with other guys when you have a Mate?" His question was just as accusing as it was curious.

"Oh I don't know. Since when have you had the habit to cheat on your Mate?" I ask rather than replying. After noticing the brief silence, I twirl my head to the side to see I had clearly infuriated him with my choice of words.

Damon leaned closer to whisper the next part."I am the Alpha amore mio. You should know by now, I do what I want and get what I want, whatever and whenever."

"And I am the Luna Monsieur Alpha." I bit back. "You should know by now I don't quit nor bend down to anyone. Even to my own Mate. Alpha or not."

"BWAHH AHAHHHHH,"A small toddler trashed in his mother's arms. He was probably no more than 2, the pacifier in his mouth with its images fading away and worn out stuff bunny clutched in his empty arm. The lady holding him was no older than me, judging on her spotless appearance and choice of attire. Trying to strike his poor mother in the eye as she struggled to get her carry on from behind, the toddler's pacifier flew out his mouth.

Before it come in contact with the ground, I bend and catch it single handed. Holding it up to the child's mouth, the confused child smiled toothlessly, clapping his arms with some adorable dimples appearing on the corners of his chubby cheeks.

"Oh, thank you so much." The lady spoke surprisingly.

"No problem. Do you need help?" I ask meeting her stunning set aqua eyes, looking at her baggage and then her child.

"I hate to admit but I would love some at the time." The crowd behind her wasn't so pleased with the hold up, so I make the rational decision in helping. I nod but remember my leg and its condition. Frowning with uncertainty, I turn to Damon watching all it go down. Nudging on his arm to do something, I gesture to the lady and then my ankle with a dead straight face praying it gave a clear message.

Luckily, he obeys without a word and rises to help her place her baggage in the compartment just behind ours. She thanked us countlessly, taking her seat behind us. The cycle of people filling in began once more when I turn to say thanks to Damon to see him turned back to flash his inhuman eyes at the child behind through the seat gap. The child erupted into a fit of more tears, clapping his exhausted mother to wake up who had just rested her eyes.

"What the hell is your problem!" I scold him, slapping his arm. He turned to me with golden rimmed eyes pulsing. My heart skips a beat from the sight of his wolf. "He's just a child."

"A stupid, irritating human child with no morals." He chided through gritted teeth.

"Like you have any for a grown Alpha." I seethe. "He's an innocent child either way. He wouldn't know the difference between right and wrong even if you drew, acted or whatever method you used!"

"No need for you to defend him," He dug his claws into my wrist just enough for the pain to set in. "And besides, you don't need to worry about kids for the next couple of years. I have things to achieve before having some more devil spawns whining around the house."

Damon was quick to let go. Tilting his head back onto his cushion, he resting his eyelids with his restored human hand on the arm rests.

"Listen up here buddy," I lose it, snapping my fingers in his direction to get his attention. "You might be an Alpha, but you're nothing more than a self-serving bastard who cares about his ass more than anyone elses, you hear that."

"I know?" He said so as a matter of fact.

"You know!" I exclaim, getting awkward stares from another elderly couple passing by. "Just stay away from me." I whisper furiously, meeting his radiant smile.

"You know that's not possible in a plane right?" He told me, his eyes still shut and calmly leaning back. His lashes fluttered open, and he turned to face me, still leaning back. "Unless, you wish to fly out the aircraft, which sadly, I don't think the pilot will allow."

"Then I guess you're stuck with me." He turned to show his unhappy scowl to which I smile sarcastically in return as I plug in my headphones. I hit play to my list and the song, Cry Wolf by BeBe Rexha began up on high.

This was going to be a long trip. God give me the strength to handle this ass.

Sorry OWLS for the extremely late update!

I knows its been over a few weeks, but Ive prepared this long update to make up for it. I first had an English assignment on which I procrastinated on and delayed to the last few weeks,along with several overdue books Ive had overdue since the end of September.

Plus on all this, due to my language I took Ive been required to make journal entries mostly everyday in that language, which is close to impossible for me since everyone else knows the language for most of their lifes and then there me with no experience what-so-ever! Its been a struggle cooping but Im happy to be back to writing.

I also had a writer's block, if you couldnt tell, even though I have everything planned out. Haven't been reading, so my word choice became limited.
Thanks for the 2.2K votes. Lots of love there.

PS. This chapter is over 5532+ words!

The Author;

Continua llegint

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When your mate is an Alpha and you're the rogue that causes all the trouble, you can't exactly go up to him and say "How's it going big guy! Even tho...
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THIS BOOK IS COMPLETE! Book 1 in the Unwanted series ~SYNOPSIS ~ His blue eyes the most electrifying yet cold blue i have seen .Black curly hair my...
172K 3.5K 17
"Say it Blake" Damon says forcefully, keeping my hands pinned above my head. "Say what I want to hear" "N-No Damon" I whimpered. The pain in my wrist...