Love in 1865

By MikQueenie

55 1 0

Convenient or unmistakable? Mass sickness or mass murder? How will she learn the truth about her sweet hometo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Fourteen

1 0 0
By MikQueenie

Winter was approaching, and though the weather became horrifyingly low, my warming heart helped my attitude be merry and spirits bright. The townspeople were counting down the days until Christmas and the Winter Ball. This year was my first time being invited, and I had never felt more ready in my life to get dressy. I love every moment in the dirt and grime with Izaak, but this was one occasion where I could get fancy. Izaak was also invited, and where I thought he would be hesitant, he was supportive. We spent weeks in advance preparing for the Ball- I even bought a surprise dress from the coast!

The day arrived, and I spent most of it at home getting ready. I had to tighten my corset, put on the layers of petticoats and a hoop skirt, button my shoes, get on the dress, fix my hair, and add perfume. After all of those steps were completed, I felt like I looked decent for the party. Cassian knocked on my bedroom door and came in. "You look stupendous! I just came up here to let you know that your beau is here. I just ask that when you go that you be safe and stay with him. Have fun kid." I gracefully inched down the stairs while being careful to not miss a step. Going down the stairs, I saw handsome Izaak was dressed in a nicely fitted tux with his long blonde hair in a slick, low ponytail. Truly, just for tonight, he looked like a fairy tale character, and it made me proud that he could be fancy with me. He reached out his hand for mine and gently kissed my knuckles. "Before we go, I want to give you something. I was going to wait until Christmas, but I wanted to spoil you now." From his coat pocket was a long silver box. I opened the lid to find a string of even pearls. He fastened the pearls around my neck and put the box away. "Are they beautiful?" His fingers laced with mine as he whispered, "You are."

We got to the Ball a little later to find the building crowded with the town's finest. It took me a moment to realize how close and tight I was clenching to Izaak. People began to get silent when Izaak and I first started walking into the building. A couple who looked like walking fruit salads introduced themselves as Mr and Mrs. McAllister. Mrs. McAllister drove me away while talking. "When I first heard that your hot Italian man chose you, oh honey, I could hear the hearts shattering of all the women he turned away. What's it like being with him anyway?" I shrugged and corrected, "He's Polish, and I am so sorry about the hearts, I didn't know. We are only friends Ma'am." She cooed me over to a large group of women and introduced me. Each one asked random questions relating to my relationship with Izaak. At first they were slightly annoying, but soon they began to get intimate. Never had I been so appalled by the nerve of some women. Each asked things like "Does he have strong muscles?" or  "Have you had been to bed yet?". And as hard as I tried to say that I had a right to my privacy, they only kept bringing me questions. I was about to go ballistic when pair of hands touched my shoulders, and I could smell the inviting pine that usually came from Izaak. "May I have this dance, Rachela?" I eagerly accepted and we made our way to the dance floor. As we began to waltz, I mentioned, "This party is kind of a downer. I came here in hopes of fun and maybe making friends, but instead I am listening to some very nosy people." Izaak chuckled and spun me. "The men seemed to be that way too. I had my fist clenched the whole conversation as they spoke about women the way they did. At least we are here together." I leaned against him and smiled as the song played on.

We finally sat at a table to taste some wine when Mrs. McAllister, from the balcony above us shouted, "Hey, they are under the mistletoe!" Looking up, sure enough the poisonous decoration was there. I nervously laughed as I noticed all of the faces of those watching us. Izaak leaned into me with a swiftness, and I saw the flurry of color in his eyes as our noses touched. Something desirable clicked as my curiosity drove me to the plunge. The initial reaction was unexpected when he drank away any concern or fear I had. But as I caught my breath, I never wanted to leave. When our foreheads touched again I murmured, "You didn't have to do that." "Rachela, maybe they will stop asking these terrible questions now that they have seen me kiss you." Though I hid my pride, some part of me that I hadn't been acquainted with urged a forbidden emotion that I required to be stifled.

We hung around for a little bit longer before heading to my home. Cassian had long since went to bed, so we had the house to ourselves. In the kitchen, I cut us slices of chocolate cake and poured sweet tea as a treat. I gave Izaak his plate and kissed his cheek. "You made me so jubilant today, I hope you know that. You cleaned up nicely and you didn't have to. Thank you Izaak." "I wouldn't have it be any other way but to treat you, Rachela."

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