Black Luna

By Wolfy411

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"Today is not a good day Gage," Mac said. "When is a good day? Tomorrow? Maybe the next day?" Gage said he wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 24

834 63 61
By Wolfy411

Part 2

"Wake up guys it's school time." Mac shouted throughout the house. Katie was already up making breakfast for the group when Mac walked in. She decided to wake the boys up early enough that they could eat before their one hour drive to school.

"Come on Trent," Mac said opening his door. He was still in bed fully asleep. Mac walked over shaking him awake.

"No, I'm not going," Trent said cuddling up to his pillow.

"You are going," Mac said, and with a flick of her wrist, his bed was twirling in the air.

"Stop, you are going to make me car sick," Trent said holding onto the bed for dear life.

"Not until you agree to go," Mac said.

"Fine, I'll go," Trent whined while Mac gently lowered the bed. "You know it would've been easier if you just use your Alpha voice on me."

"But not as fun," Mac responded with a smile, she left the room to go see if John and Jason were up.

She was happy to find them fully dressed and already eating in the kitchen. "Thank you for getting up."

"It isn't like we are children," John said.

"Tell Trent that." Mac replied. She went over grabbing herself a piece of bacon. "So what do you think?" Mac said gesturing to her look. It was the same look as the other day but her hair was half up, her dark brown eyes were showing, and the freckles and scars were completely hidden, even her Alpha mark was hidden. She was favoring her Vampire side so she could easily hide here werewolf smell as well as keep her emotions in check.

"Distance cousin of Mac, are you going to go by another name?" Jason asked.

"Mac is fine, it is a nickname anyways," Mac said. "Now let's go." They all piled into the SUV, Mac driving. Trent curling up in the back, falling asleep in minutes.

"So what happened last night?" Jason asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think full moons are now different for me. I was a wolf, but I wasn't. I was like a weird combination of a werewolf vampire, but I no control of it. It was kind of scary."

"You definitely scared us." Jason said, he was in the passenger seat and the rest were spread out through the back. The SUV sat seven so they had plenty of space to spread out. He gently drew his finger over her arm that was resting on the gear shift. She half smiled towards him, but kept her eyes on the road.

"Yes, I think it may be best if we find a room that we can keep me in every month. I don't like having control, and I'm worried something bad might happen."

"Maybe an all silver room?" John said.

"I'm not sure if that will keep me in," Mac said.

"Well, we will brainstorm," Mac said.

It took less than an hour to get there but Mac was happy they got there early to get their class schedules.

"Do you think we will have homework?" Mac asked stepping out of the car. She gave the area a quick sniff, she did this with every new area she went to. She wanted to always make sure Derrick, Sandy, Victor, Michelle nor Zane was there. She gave a small chuckle about the long list of nemesis she has gotten throughout the year.

"I'm sure we will, it is supposed to be like normal school," Jason said.

"Oh great." Mac said. Jason threw his arm around her shoulder and the group wandered toward the entrance looking around for the office. Mac gently laced her fingers with his giving him a smile. She took a deep breath looking up at the school, it looked like a normal high school, expect everybody that was surrounding it was clearly older, more their age.

"Why is everybody staring?" Katie asked.

"Because we are awesome," Trent said.

"It's more because we are four rogues with a human. Most of the people that go to this school are either in the Black Moon pack or the Ever Green pack." John said.

"Those are some stupid names," Mac said.

"That they are," Jason said.

"It goes with their personality, stupid. Plus they are assholes." Trent said.

"Oh joy." Mac said walking up to the office window. Some old secretary was their busy filing away her papers. "Can we get our schedule please?" Mac asked but the lady ignored her.

"Here let me try," Jason said stepping forward.

"No, don't worry about it." Mac said annoyed she was being ignored. "Schedules now." Mac said watching the lady jump a bit. "Please and thank you." She said after a moment.

"Oh sure dear." The lady said, she asked their names and handed them her their schedules.

"Why does it say lilliputian schedule on mine?" Mac asked looking it over.

"Mine says that too," Katie said grabbing to Mac's schedule.

"The shifters and humans have some different courses then the full werewolves. Like gym, weapons training, and study hall. They don't want you to get hurt or anything, you know because they believe..." Jason said letting the sentence drop.

"That we are lesser than them?" Mac said.

"Well, that is bullshit," Katie said.

"It is and we all believe that, but that doesn't mean everybody does." Trent said. He wrapped his arms around Katie giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

"At least we have a couple of classes together," Mac said, she grabbed their schedules looking them over. "Look, Katie and Trent, you have the majority of your classes together."

"Probably because they are mates," John said.

"Wait how do they know that?" Katie asked.

"Do they watch us or something?" Mac asked

"No, it is like normal government, they just know stuff because of paperwork and everything. Like who gets mail at our house, and what the oracle knows." John said.

"Oracle?" Mac asked.

"You will learn about it in class," John said.

"And look we all have one class together," Jason said also looking over the schedules. "But it looks like Mac you are mostly alone."

"It's alright." Mac said, she heard the bell reverberate through the building. "Now mind link me anything that you need okay." She quickly gave them all kisses on the cheek like they were her kids before running off to her first class, history.

She settles down close to the back next to a window. What could she say, old traditions die hard. She new she should sit in the front, to be able to ask questions, but Jason was right she needed to keep her head low.

"Crap a human." Mac heard echo through the room, she turned to find a bunch of werewolves entering the classroom. She puts her headphones on but doesn't put any music on. She just wanted to seem busy.

"There are only like two humans going to this damn school and we have to deal with her." The leader of the gang said. She turned to look at him quickly, her whole body froze. It was Gage, smacked dab in the middle of the classroom. She pulled out her phone staring at it in panic. She was trying her best not to freak out, and make sure that she didn't look panic.

Gage isn't Sandy or Derrick. But if he was here it does mean that they aren't far away.

"She is hot." The boy next to him said. They took a seat not too far away but there were still a couple of desk separating them.

"Shut up Collin." Gage said. She quickly glanced at them before turning her head out to face the window. She just had to keep reminding herself that she isn't the girl before. She is stronger now, braver, and she had a whole family here in the school to support her.

"It doesn't matter, I'm mated anyways." Collin said, but Mac could still feel their eyes on her. She was glad about what she wore and was very happy she could cover up her scars and tattoos. She had a blue tank top on able to show off her bare shoulders, blue skinny jeans, combat boots, and sunglasses nicely placed on top of her head pulling her hair out of her face. She didn't really consider it cute, but it was comfy and was her style.

"I have a mate as well," Gage said.

"Gage, you have been with your so called mate for about four years now and still haven't marked her. I doubt that bitch is your mate," Collin said. "I mean she has been away on vacation for three weeks and have you missed her."

Gage paused a moment "Of course I have."

"Sure." Collin said executing as much sarcasm as he could in one word. "Plus all I'm saying is the human is good looking. I know hot when I see it."

"She is my mate and soon she will be your Alpha female so shut up." Gage said "and even if you think that she is hot you better not go for her." Both go silent and Mac quickly glanced over, they are making faces at each other and she could tell that they were communicating through mind link.

"Realy Gage," Collin said after a couple minutes.

"Yes," Gage said smiling towards Mac, she quickly turned acting like she couldn't hear them at all.

"Good morning everybody, welcome to Downton County School for Werewolves. Yes that isn't on the sign because it will kind of make it obvious to any humans. My name is Sydney and I'm going to begin the lesson with roll call. Albert Adams"

 Mac was surprised about the size of her tiny teacher. She was half of Mac's size but was double in away. She looked to be about to pop out with a baby.

"Macken...." Sydney started to say finally getting to her name.

"Mac, my name is Mac," Mac said before she could finish her name.

Sydney smiled marking her down before going through the rest of the list

"Okay great let's get started," Sydney said finishing the list, she turned towards the whiteboard writing down a date.

Mac screamed out in shock, feeling cold water dripping down her back. "What the hell." She turned around to freeze once again in shock. Sydney turned around to say something but when she saw Gage was part of she kept her mouth shut, turning back to the board.

"Thanks Matt." Gage said to his friend,that bleach blonde hair, those dorky glasses, and the dark green eyes she loved. It was Matt, her best friend Matt who moved to Uruguay. He was back and in front of her, but throwing water at her?

"Soaking wet, now is that anyway to look on your first day human? I think they teach you that in elementary school, but maybe you weren't smart enough to pass that." Gage said. This made Mac snap back to reality. Remember all the hate that coursed through her because of this year.

"Aren't you hilarious." Mac said walking up to his desk, trying to avoid eye contact with Matt. He and the rest of the class was kind of surprised that she was talking back to an Alpha. They all went quiet just watching with interest. "You know what is super funny, I'm probably the first girl you got wet, and you didn't even do it right." Mac said. She glared down at him, her eyes becoming black. She could feel Vamp rising to the surface trying to attack Gage angry about how he disrespected her. The class started to giggle, trying to hide it as a coughing.

Mac, we need you. Jason said through mind link.

Mac looked at Gage, "If you want to see to see how wet I can get a girl let me show you" Gage said lifting his hand up for her to take.

"I highly doubt that." Mac said ignoring his hand until he dropped it.

 She looked around seeing that a group had started to form a circle around her and Gage. She got one quick look at Matt before she jumps up on Gage's desk. He looks taken back but doesn't look away. She lowered her sunglasses to cover her now black eyes.

Don't worry guys I'm coming. She mind linked back to them.

She let her wolf take a little more control of her body. She wanted to be able to find her guys easily. She presses down on the desk before she launches herself over the group. She doesn't look back to find the whole group looking at her with aww, just running down the haul to try to find Jason.

She turns a corner and finds Jason and John cornered against a set of lockers and two big guys glaring them down.

"What is going on here?" Mac asked stepping in front of John and Jason.

"Nothing to concern yourself with, human." One of the guys sneered out. He was large like a football player.

"Are you sure about that, because they are here and I am here and for some reason you two are here as well." Mac said. "I think that means it does concern me." She started getting into a fighting stance getting prepared.

"We aren't fighting a girl, let a lone a human. Now leave before you get hurt." The other guy said patting her on the head. Both John and Jason growl, angry that they disrespected their Alpha.

"Go to class, I will deal with them," Mac said over her shoulder to them.

"But..." They both started to say.

"Go now." Mac barked, her Alpha tone seeping out a bit. They both stammered off, not wanting to leave her but having no choice. "Now where were we?"

"You think you can take us?" The bigger guy said. Both were big but one looked like he could eat her and the other was just naturally large.

"I could, but it doesn't matter you won't be able to touch me." Mac said. The bigger one tried to grabbed her arm, but she spun left ending up behind him. "Try again." Mac mocked. He does and missed again, but the other guy tried to grab her this time. She spun past them, ending up behind both of them. They look around confused on how this girl was able to move so fast. They lunge she spun, they grab, she ducked, they tried everything they could to get a hold of her but they just kept missing and after about five minutes they started to grow tired, getting lazier with their moves. Finally the big guy tried to full body tackle her, but she spun sticking her foot out behind her. He fell to the ground and she stuck her combat boot up against his neck. His friend looking shocked. 

"Done yet?" He nods and she glares at the other who is standing against the locker but nodding as well. "Good now don't bug me or my pack again." They both vigorously nod again. She stepped off his throat at the same time the bell rung, she turned heading back to her class where she left her bag and phone.

They shouldn't bother you guys anymore. Mac said pushing against the crowd. Nobody would get out of her way, just kind of keep pushing her to the side.

You didn't show your werewolf side, did you? Jason asked through mind link.

Nope, I was just awesome. Mac said.

She finally managed to get back to her classroom only to get yelled at by the teacher. Mac was afraid if she caused to much stress on her the baby might pop out so she kept her mouth shut and just nodded her head. She was never good with teachers, but now that she was Alpha she hated being told off. She still smiled and said she was sorry, giving some excuse that she needed to go to the bathroom. She shivered only realizing now that she was still soaking wet.

"It's fine just go," Sydney said. Mac nodded her head grabbing her backpack and the rest of her stuff rushing off her locker.

"Why are you soaking wet?" Jason asked as she came up to her locker.

"Because Gage is an asshole and apparently so is Matt." Mac said her voice dropping at the end of it. "Can I borrow your hoodie?" He nods handing it over. "Thanks now off to class for you, no being late." She pushes him a little and he stumbles a bit but heads off to class. 

They had only about ten minutes between classes but his was the school. She quickly takes her shirt off throwing it into her locker. She had a sports bra on which covered more than enough and she didn't feel bad about showing off her body. She showed more on the beach.

"Sending your mate off like a good little boy?" Somebody said behind her. She turned around to find Gage across the hall from her. She quickly throws on the jacket zipping it up.

"He isn't my mate, just my best friend. Mac said.

"Of course, why would anybody want you as a mate. A human" He said in disgust, "and a chubby on." Mac started to laugh.

"Really?" Mac said walking over. "I mean look at me, then look at yourself." He was different than what she remember. He looked the same just with a bit of longer hair but his personality was worse than she remember. Who was the guy way back when who was nice to her at the beer pong table. Where was he now. She looked down seeing his book covering a certain area. "I guess you already did look at me." She hit the book down on the ground displaying his erection. "Guess you are a chubby chaser if you consider me fat." Mac said.

"I wasn't thinking about you," Gage said, his face becoming bright red. He glared at his group of friends that can't stop laughing. Mac smiled at them, but it drops when she made eye contact with Matt.

"Sure," Mac said with as much sarcasm as she could muster up, turning back to Gage.

"I was thinking of my mate, Sandy," Gage said. Make shivered all over with anger. The name disgusted her.

"Don't you ever say that name in front of me again," Mac said.

"Jealous? Because a lot of girls are. It's okay." Gage said.

"Of what a horrible relationship that is only going to end in disaster or hatred. Look if you know what is best for you, then you will stay away from me and you know what, tell your little bitch of a mate I'm looking for her." Mac said, she leaves walking down the hall towards class. She hears a bell ring saying that she was late, but she didn't care she wasn't going.

"Oh, you scare me so much," Gage shouted after her, but she doesn't respond just puts her headphones in her ears blasting her music. She speeds up her pace trying to make it to the other end of the school where the forest was.

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