Last Night

Galing kay Angelvoice1421

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Nicole Cooper has been on her own for the last few years with only one friend to keep her sane as she dealt w... Higit pa

Part 1
Part 1.5
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

Part 7

91 7 46
Galing kay Angelvoice1421

On my way home from work Monday night, I stopped at the market and picked up three bags full of onions and heads of garlic. Scratching those off my checklist, I dumped them in my car and drove over to the mall for some clothes shopping.

Honestly that 'pity party' had done me a lot of good. I felt normal being around everyone and I found inspiration for taking control of my life again. How could I forget about the age-old weakness found in garlic? I grabbed onions as well for the strong odor factor. He had mentioned how strong his sense of smell was. I chuckled to myself as I flipped through the clearance rack for sports bras. Once I procured four of the same size and tried them on, I did the same in the bottoms section. Two pairs of shorts and two sets of workout pants later, I glanced through the clearance tops. I didn't need any since I had several oversized t-shirts that I had planned to use, but I froze when my fingers brushed against a black workout tank that read, "Training to Slay Demons."

Unrestrained laughter escaped my lips before I could clamp a hand over them. I doubled over, tears streaming down my face as my shoulders shook in now silent hysterics.

Another customer walked around a rack of clothes to gawk at me.

After a few more attempts at deep breathing, I straightened up, wiped away some tears, and added the shirt to my basket. Maybe, I was losing it. With that finished, I checked off the last few items on my list and headed home. It was nearly seven and I still had dinner to make.

When my alarm went off at six am my brows scrunched together in agitation. I was not a morning person. This was the next step though. The music's volume increased as I ignored it for another ten seconds. It was in this moment that I needed to be brave, to be strong, to adapt. The music got louder again and my teeth clenched together as I set my jaw and threw off the covers off.

"Do it for Grandpa."


It had been more than three weeks since I'd started my new diet and workout regimen. I was up begrudgingly at six am every morning to do my at-home workout program and cool-down run before work, then every meal had to incorporate at least half an onion and two cloves of garlic somehow. Sure he was faster and stronger, but I'd never level the playing field if I didn't try. Plus, I was pretty certain that I was excreting onion and garlic juices instead of sweat now, which helped me deal with the fear that he might come storming downstairs in the middle of the night. I hadn't slept this well in a long time.

I had prepared some chicken and rice for my onion-garlic combo tonight and dished up a sizeable portion into a bowl. Taking it to the living room and my comfy Recliner of Refuge, I settled in to play another RPG. Lately, I'd been really into medieval style adventuring and had enjoyed slaying all who opposed me. It was definitely cathartic.

Before I got into my second bite though, there was a knock on the door. I set my food down and walked over to see who was there. Through the peep hole I spotted a brown AC/DC T-shirt that clung nicely to a man's chest. My heart jumped into my throat. It had to be Ian.

"I know you're home, Nicole. Can we talk?" He asked through the door, just loud enough for me to catch it.

I knew it would come to this. I was picking a fight with him so, of course, he'd show up eventually. My heart fluttered and I felt dizzy for a second. This was it. Be brave.

Unlocking the door, but keeping the chain latched, I opened the door about four inches. "Can I help you?"

The ass just couldn't help being disarmingly handsome, his cool blue eyes burrowing into me as they peered through tousled chocolaty bangs. My breath caught for a moment as I took in his relaxed fit jeans and the T-shirt again, but I narrowed my own eyes to glare at him. I would not be distracted.

"May I come in? It's something I'd rather not discuss through a door, let alone in public."

"What could we possibly have to discuss?"

Even with his eyes locked onto mine, I saw his brow rise and head tilt. "I think you know precisely what I'm talking about. Why else would you get up so early every morning."

My cheeks heated. When he said it that way, it sounded like I was the weird one, the one with an obsession. I shook my head and steadied my breathing. "I'm sorry. Have I kept you up in the morning with the noise? I've tried to be quiet, but nobody else seems to have noticed anything yet. That's so strange that you can hear me. It must be those odd hours you keep."

His jaw clenched while he stared at me. Those blue eyes blazed in annoyance as his hands gripped both sides of the doorframe.

I smirked and laid my head back against the wall so I was facing in towards my living room. "If that's it, then I'll try to be a little quieter. Sorry to disturb you."


"Excuse me?" I turned my head slightly to peek out at him.

"How about we stop playing games, just have a little chat, and be on our merry, separate ways?"

"I've done what you've asked. Everything's been locked up so I don't understand why we need to have a talk. I thought you were only going to stop by if there was a problem."

"Precisely," he said, leaning his head against the door so his eyes met mine. "It would be for everyone's benefit if we could talk this out in a civilized manner."

"There you go threatening others again in order to get my cooperation. How are you not a menace?" I don't think that work means what you think it means. In fact, I'm pretty sure you are likely to cause harm, particularly to me." When my glare met his, I turned away and looked at the wall on my left. Better not push my luck with the eye connection.

"Nicole, I don't usually have a lot of patience so the fact that I haven't ripped the chain from either the door or the wall to get in yet is... commendable." He exhaled audibly, irritation laced his words. "I'm not leaving until the issue has been dealt with. I've asked nicely once already. Please, will you let me in?"

I stared at my tv screen across the room from me, my tongue sliding across my teeth as I weighed my chances of closing the door before he tore it open. He seemed at least mildly polite right now. Perhaps, I should give him a chance. He could've done something every day for the last two months, but he'd been practically ordinary. I guess I should oblige him before I get a hole in the wall and a bigger pain in my ass.

Sighing, I started closing the door. It came to a sudden halt as I saw Ian's hand holding the door open, inches from my face. A slight gust from his speed blew a few hairs into my eyes. I blinked, my heart blasting in my chest. "I have to close the door in order to unchain it. Give me a minute."

His hand retracted from the doorway and I was able to close it. My body thrummed from my heartbeat so I took a few breaths to try to calm my nerves. I was certain he could hear my stress. I needed to be brave. I needed to stand my ground. He couldn't attack me with all the garlic in my system and again, he wanted me alive. I was safe. We were just going to talk.

I needed to open the door. I raised my hand to the chain, but it froze. My calmed pulse began racing again. What was wrong with me? Just open the stupid door before he breaks it down. But what if I'm wrong? What if he doesn't care anymore? What if he's come to tell me that he's leaving and plans to kill me to keep his secret or worse, that he's going to get rid of me so a more obedient tenant can replace me?

My breathing caught in my throat and I coughed. My eyes widened as a chill crept down my spine. Panic swept through me. Is this it? Would this be my last night alive?

A knock echoed in on me. "Nicole? Are you all right?"

My breathing quickened. I was making this worse on myself than he was. "I, uh, just give me a minute."

My hand shook as I finally forced it to touch the chain and start freeing it from its chamber. Once it fell to the side, I wiped something wet from my cheek. I didn't know if it was sweat or tears, but then took one last deep breath and opened the door.

"Evening, Ian. Please come in."

His blue eyes blazed and a sad smile crossed his lips. "Take a deep breath and close the door. I don't want you passing out on me."

He started walking past me, but paused to watch my body heave in a deep breath. His brow rose and that smirk, damn it, that smirk slipped onto his lips again.

My fingers moved to the door handle and closed it quite a bit gentler than I desired at that moment.

"I would've shut it without you saying anything anyway." I grumbled, crinkling my nose and glaring at him.

"It took you so long to open it that I was worried you'd forgotten how to use it." He chuckled and walked by my chair, staring at it like he was planning to sit there. Then he glanced up at me and he had a full up mischievous grin on his face. Eventually his feet took him over to the couch where he always sat. "Old habits die hard. You know what I mean."

"Don't pretend like you're sorry. It demeaning."

"My bad, did that sound like an apology? I haven't done anything like that in decades maybe." His eyes followed me to my chair, a brow raised in defiance.

"What do you want? I'm busy so hurry up and get out."

He glanced around the room, noting the game displayed on the screen and my dinner between us. His lips curled up as he shrugged. "You definitely seem to be swamped. I hope I didn't come at too crucial of a moment."

We stood there, seizing each other up.

Rather than sitting down on the couch like I'd expected, he turned away and folded his hands behind his back. "Have you heard the rumors?"

I straightened up, eyes locked onto the back of his head. "Rumors? About what?"

"You, apparently."

My breath caught and eyes widened while my heart hammered inside its cage. "I swear, I've not said anything to anyone, not one person."

Shaking my head, I looked away from him to my hands. They trembled as I held them in place. This was it. No, I couldn't be about to die. It didn't make sense. I never said anything. I bottled it up and took it out on those bloodsuckers in the game. Had someone found out my grandpa died years ago? Was it Mackenzie? She was extremely sharp. Had he done something to her?

Chuckling broke me from my tense, final moments.

When I glanced up, Ian had picked up my controller and un-paused my game. My character was taking magical damage as he made her stand there while he laughed.

"What are you doing? Don't touch that." My hands flew out and I reached for the controller. His were just out of reach though. "You're going to get me killed."

He closed his eyes and laughed harder, wrapping his arms around his waist as he doubled over.

Leaping over to him, I snatched the controller back, but not before a little information box appeared in the corner of the screen. "Damn it, because of you I got vampirism and I'm all out of antidotes."

"Hah, that's what we look like?" He tried to settle his laughter, but a few more escaped. "You know, I think I'd probably dig it more if I could transform like that. He actually looked pretty scary."

Irritation gripped me and for fear of saying something stupid, I remained silent as I saved and turned off the system. Now I'd have to make it back to a chapel before daybreak and hopefully have enough gold for payment. Sometimes I'd regret freeing myself from the curse of lycanthropy and this was one of them. I never would've figured I'd get vampirism in game from a real-life vampire.

He wiped his eyes. "You really have your hands full here."

"I'll say. Now please, what is the rumor about?"

His head turned towards me and he scrunched his nose. "You stink."

"Oh my gosh, can we just stay focused?" I threw my hands up after I set the controlled down safely next to my dinner. "I'd prefer it if you left sooner rather than later."

"Somehow I feel like your current diet is the culprit. Even the neighbors have noticed a distinct odor emanating from you lately."

I blinked. "Seriously? That's the rumor? I stink? This bothers you?"

He looked at me, deadpan with a tilted down head. "How are you not sick of them yet? It's been weeks."

"I've always been a fan of garlic and onions. If you just mix up the other ingredients everyday, it isn't so bad." I bent over and picked up my bowl with a smile. "What's the problem? Is it a little too pungent for you? Perhaps, is it wafting up through the vents and filling your apartment?"

"A bit, but frankly, I'm here on behalf of everyone else in the building to tell you to cut it out." Leaning in close, he sniffed my face. "Seeing as I'm this close to you, it can't be that good of a repellent."

With him this close, I caught a whiff of his woody, lavender scent that made my nose tingle. I tried to ignore his smirk, but my heart blasted in my ears as he stood a few inches away. I stunk. Nobody wanted to be around me because I smelled that bad. My cheeks burned and I took a step back, setting the bowl back down. "How do I know you're not going to just come and attack me once I ease up? Maybe, you're just saying that because you don't like me gaining the upper-hand. You haven't bitten me. You're just prowling around like a mosquito. Were you always this controlling or is it a vampire thing?"

His silence drew my attention and then his frown. Even without a smile he was painfully handsome. Why did he have to be such a jerk? Why'd he have to be an undead monster? Why couldn't he just be the polite, attractive guy next door that I eventually mustered up the courage to ask on a date?

I shook that thought away as fast as possible. Not going there.

"When you only have yourself to look after for years, it's sometimes difficult to remember to think of others." He took another step forward into my personal space. His hand reached up and stroked his cheek. "For someone who always assumes I'm threatening people, you don't really concede very well. This would be so much easier on me if you were just like everybody else and be unconditionally cooperative."

So he had control of everyone else in the building, that was vital information. My eyes narrowed up at him, but I made a point to stare at the wall behind him. "Yeah, well, I don't tolerate bullies anymore. They really only have power over you if you let them so I like to retaliate in whatever manner I can. I guess you're stuck with my stench. You could always move since you won't let me."

"Nice try, but I like it here. It's safer for everyone if I stick around." That had on his face stretched out and brushed my cheek with a feathery lightness. His lips drew back into a smirk as he watched me shiver under his touch. "And you don't really want me to leave, do you?"

There was mischief in his eyes and that more than anything made my drumming heart beat faster. He couldn't read my mind, could he? His touch was gentler now, confusing mybody with feigned tenderness. I knew it was a trap. This was just him trying to get my defenses down so I'd say something stupid and accept him being here. That was not going to happen. I'd call his bluff.

"Ian, what have I done to give you the, the impression that, that you're welcome here?" I asked, trying to steady my shallow breathing. My hair fell forward as I looked down at his chest. I needed to get myself under control.

His hand slid to my nose and brushed some of the hair away from my eyes. "Weren't you the one insisting we learn how to make friends from one another?"

"As I recall," I stammered, breaking away from his reach and sitting in my Recliner of Refuge. God, I needed something: refuge, space, a cold shower, him to leave. "That was before you bit me."

"That's not part of the usual friendship ritual? I hadn't thought about it."

"It's weird to bite people, especially if they aren't you friend."

"Noted," he said, looking up with a smile as if he'd actually learned something useful.

"Don't get any strange ideas. I'm loaded with garlic." I tried to level my voice, but it came out higher than normal.

He chuckled as he redirected his attention to me. "Yes, I believe everyone is well aware of that."

I tried sinking further into the safety of my chair, but unfortunately, I was pinned now. Stupid, stupid move.

Ian bent over, once again getting too close to me with his face only a few inches away. "So has any of your vampire slaying or garlic helped you deal with this menace?"

I swallowed uncomfortably, realizing that saliva had pooled in my mouth the moment his minty breath and cologne wrapped around me. I bit my lower lip as I tried to think of something witty to say, but nothing came to mind, nothing except those blue eyes, that messy, brown hair, and a small scar above his left cheek. I'd never noticed it before because it was so subtle. You wouldn't unless you were close enough to kiss him. Oh, Lord. Remember, he's a monster. "I, um, I think you should leave."

Both of his hands reached down and slowly lifted my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "Okay, but first."

That was all I heard before my brain exploded from the force of his lips capturing mine. They weren't gentle at all and hungrily nudged my own lips apart, drawing away my breath. Before I could close my jaw, his tongue had crept into my mouth and was prodding mine. His teasing was relentless, dancing about my mouth as if he had claimed it.

My heart hammered in my head, blasting out any chance for introspection. With more effort than should have been necessary, I raised my arms up to his chest. They held there for a moment as his stroking tongue managed to make my stomach twirl somehow. I forgot myself when a finger caressed my cheek with unfathomable tenderness. It had been so long, so long since I'd felt wanted.

But then my back stiffened and my arms fully extended, pushing hard against his very hard chest. Fuck, the trap.

He let go gently enough, with the exception of a tiny nibble at my bottom lip. Whatever he saw when he looked down at me was apparently exactly what he had hoped for if that stupidly big grin meant anything.

"So how about you tone back the onions and garlic a little? You know, before you stink everybody else out of the building." He spoke, stretching his back from side to side before walking away from me and towards the front door. "And remember, bullies only have power if you let them have it."

The door closed, but I didn't move. I couldn't. My lips tingled now that they were no longer being assaulted. I blinked and had to hold my mouth shut. Blinking again, a couple of stray tears slid down my cheeks.

Damn it, he played me.


I guess I'm sorry for making such a long post? But these two really needed to have a good talk, you know, to clear things up so you can see that Ian's not a total jerk and Nicole's not some helpless damsel.

Well, something like that anyhow...

Hopefully it wasn't boring and you're curious to know what Nic's going to do with herself now that garlic did nothing and the ass-hat stole a kiss.

Anybody wondering when we're going to learn something about Ian yet? Don't worry. It's coming.

By the way, thank you everyone who reads, comments, and votes. It's nice to see the encouragement and helps motivate me to keep writing.

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