The Arising Dawn | Book 1 of...

By SlytherinBitchx

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* This story happens in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, but in another timeline ( 15 years after Harry P... More

Purple Day
The Talking Hat
Words of Courage
The Wooden Bridge
The Creature and The Light
Characters' Presentation
Characters' Presentation 2
Characters' Presentation 3
The Boy In The Memory
First Match
The Headmistress and The Maze
Invisibility Problems - Part 1
Let's Play Tag! ( + New Chapter)
Invisibility Problems - Part 2
Invisibility Problems - Part 3
The Characters


98 6 9
By SlytherinBitchx

"How are you feeling?" Aurora asked, looking at Caspar, who was laying down on an infirmary bed. Lynx was by his side.

"Here. I brought you a pumpkin pasty." Lynx spoke, handing him the sweet. "There were still some left from Caput's prize. A certain someone almost ate everything." He said, glancing at Hillary, who averted her eyes, pretending not to know what he was talking about.

"Thank you." Caspar gave him a tender smile. He knows how much he likes pumpkin pasties. He looked at Aurora. "I'm fine, now. Thanks to you, actually." He replied.

"The others would have done the same." She said.

"I doubt they knew the spell you used. And I speak for myself." Hillary spoke.

Aurora smirked, proud of herself, for having such knowledge.

"Have you calmed down?" Espen inquired.

Aurora glanced at her. Espen would surely have known the spell, she thought. "Yeah. I'm sorry if I was too harsh."

"It's okay. We should have listen to you." Espen said. "But how did you know that path was dangerous?"

Aurora swallowed dry. Of course she wouldn't mention the voice that she heard and that no one else did. They might think she is crazy. Hearing voices is never a good sign.

"Just a feeling." She answered, shrugging her shoulders.

"Maybe she has a sixth sense." Lynx spoke.

"Yup. That must be it." She mocked.

Hillary sighed, tired. "I'm so glad that in a few days will be winter vacation. I deserve a break."

"I hear ya." Lynx spoke.

"Have you decided if you're going to stay?" Espen asked Aurora.

"I sent a letter to my father, during break time, asking him if I could stay. We'll see."

Espen nodded, in understanding.

"Hey, Benji!" Lynx shouted, looking at the other side of the room, where the curly haired boy was resting.
He didn't answer.

"He's asleep." A voice came from the entrance.

Madam Augustine walked towards Benjamin's bed, checking if he had a fever.

Aurora remembered everything that happened that day at the staffroom. Madam Augustine didn't trust her, even though she seemed so nice. Aurora couldn't trust the adults in that school. She was still a little unsure of Caput. She knew he was hiding something from her, but is clueless as for what it is.

"I already gave him the antidote. Drowsiness is a side effect." She looked at Caspar. "And you, young man? How are you feeling?"

"Very good, ma'am." He said.

"I'll keep you for a little check up and, then, you'll be able to leave in time for dinner."

He nodded in understanding.

She glanced at Aurora, immediatly averting her eyes to the ground when she saw she had noticed her. Aurora scoffed.


Aurora heard it again. The voice. Like a whisper.

She shook her head, to chase it away, but it was like it wouldn't leave. It kept calling her name. Her mind was heavy and she felt a sudden pain in her head.

Suddenly, the pain stopped. Aurora looked at the matron.

"How are you, Madam Augustine?" She asked, with a fake smile.

The woman cleared her throat. "I'm fine."

"Aren't you tired? This type of work must be tiresome."

"I'm used to it."

Aurora smirked, bowing her eyebrow.
"Is that so?"

"Don't worry, dearie." The matron spoke.

"Don't call me 'dearie'." Aurora spoke, frowning.

Augustine's eyes filled with surprised. "I-"

"Have a nice day." She said, grinning, changing completely from her sudden rude self.

She exited the Hospital Wing, leaving them speechless and bewildered.

"What just happened?" Lynx asked Espen, muttering.

She shrugged her shoulders, stunned.

Espen went after her.

"Aurora!" She called. "Wait!"
She reached her. "What was that?"


"Mind your own business!" She spoke, impulsively. It was like it wasn't her. The voice that left her mouth was filled with hatred and superiority.

Her eyes widened with surprise. That was not what she wanted to say.

Espen raised her hands in the air, backing away. "You are always the nosey one, and I have never told you to stop. And now that I am worried about you, you act like that?" She scoffed, turning her back to her, leaving her alone.


Aurora stared at her hands. They were shaking.

What is happening to me...? She asked herself, scared.

↢ * ↣


Caput's voice echoed in the empty classroom, with only the two of them there.

The night had already come, and small drops of snow were falling from the sky. The room was cold.

Aurora glared at him. "I'm trying."
She grabbed, tightly, her wand and raised it in the air.

"Good thoughts, Aurora." He said. "Think."

"I'm thinking." She clentched her jaw.

"Don't let my words wave your mind. Do you think that the Dementor will give you time to rest and sort your thoughts? It won't."

"I know, i know." She said, closing her eyes and breathing deeply.

Inhale and exhale. She told herself.

"You can do this. You just have to work hard. Harder than anyone else. If they work the double, you have to work the quadruple. Let's go!"

Calm your mind.

"I'll keep yelling until you get it right! Come on! Don't be weak! Are you angry? I'll make you angry! If you become furious, than you'll never be able to do it!" He kept pushing.

Muffle his voice. Isolate your mind.

Slowly, Caput's words were becoming quieter, untill there was no more sound. She kept repeating the words Expecto Patronum in her head. She breathed deeply and opened her eyes.

"Expecto Patronum!" Aurora finally cast.

A blue-silver light, bigger than the ones she had made before, shone on the tip of her wand, making a small barrier in front her. It was completely different from the little shreds of light, that looked really similiar to the strands of hair, that she used to do.

"Very good." Caput spoke, softly. "You're improving."

"When do you think I'll be able to perform a corporeal one?" She asked, lowering her wand.

"It's hard to know. There are wizards that were never able to conjure a corporal Patronus."

Aurora understood.

Professor Caput sat down, observing her. She did the same. They were sitting opposite to each other.

"Are you going to tell me what happened this morning at the test?" He asked, bowing his eyebrow.

"I don't know what you mean." She said, serious.

"Are you going to play dumb?" He sighed. "You spoke of a voice. What voice?"

"What about you?" She asked, frowning.

"Don't make this about me."

"But that's exactly what I'm going to do. Why did you make that trap? The Gytrashes almost killed us, you know."

"Trap? What trap?"

"Oh please." She rolled her eyes. "There were two paths. One of them was a deadend. That's where the four Gytrashes were placed, waiting for my team. Waiting to rip our throats out."

"Wha-what do you mean? I didn't put the Gytrashes in that path. They were supposed to guard the box."

"What?" She frowned. "But they weren't there. There was nothing guarding the box. We even thought it was too easy to just leave it there."

"The Gytrashes wouldn't move. I was commanding them. It's not possible." He mumbled to himself.

His blue eyes widened like he had just figured out something. "Imogen..." He whispered.

"The headmistress?" Aurora asked, confused.

He looked at her, frowning, bewildered. "Nothing."

Caput stood up, quickly. "Lesson is over. Go back to your dorm."
She stood up, after him.

"But, Professor-"


Aurora's body trembled with his growl. She backed away, surprised.

He looked at her, sorry, breathing heavily. He shook his head. "Return to your dorm, Aurora." Caput spoke, calmly. "Now."

Aurora stood there for a second, observing him, before walking away from the room.

Caput rubbed his forehead, lost in thought.

Aurora arrived at the common room and saw Espen sitting by the fireplace, with the usual company by her side. She didn't even look at her, although the others noticed she had arrived.

"How did the practice go?" Caspar asked.

"Hum... Fine." She answered.

She averted her eyes to Espen, who, still, wouldn't look at her. "Espen, can I talk t-"

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Espen stood up, interrumpting Aurora, and walking to the dorm.

Aurora's eyes followed her.

She grabbed her robe, tightly, and, also, went to her dorm.

She saw Espen, already, laying down on her bed, so she didn't even talk to her nor apologize.

Aurora changed clothes and went to sleep, with Kimora snuggling beside her.

Hillary, Caspar and Lynx stayed in the common room.

They exchanged confused looks.

"Hum... Okay." Hillary spoke. "Are they fighting?"

"I guess." Caspar said.

"They haven't spoken all day and Espen has been avoiding Aurora." Lynx informed. "You haven't noticed?"

"Not really." Hillary replied.

"Because all you do is eat." He told her.

"You speak like it's a bad thing."

He laughed.

↢ * ↣

Aurora... Aurora!

A large shriek sounded.

Aurora was standing in a dark room, with no light. Her eyes took some time to adapt to the poor lit atmosphere. Her body was freezing. Shivers ran down her body making her tremble in fear.

Not again. She thought. Not this room.

She walked, slowly, ahead. Her feet were slightly dragging on the floor, like they were too tired to move.

"Hello?" She spoke, even though she knew nobody was there. She had been there before and all she saw was mutilated bodies thrown on the floor.
Aurora kept walking, careful not to trip.


She turned around, immediatly. Someone was calling her from behind.

She couldn't see anyone. Her body was petrified with fear, when she noticed that it was the same voice that kept calling her. But, this time, it was more clear. It wasn't like a whisper. It was a woman's voice.

"Who-who's there?" She asked, with her voice shaking.

A loud laugh filled the room, resonating around Aurora, like a mutturing that won't leave her ears, like a parasite grasping to her skin. She put her hands on top of her ears, to try and muffle the excrutiating sound. It was nefarious and wouldn't quiet itself.

"Who are you?!" She yelled, raising her head.

Aurora looked around and around and around, like she was dancing, but she couldn't see anyone.

Her ankle snapped and she fell on the floor. A soft thing caught her fall.
She looked down, very slowly, lowering her head. Her eyes widened when she saw a corpse underneath her. She fell backwards with the shock, screaming, terrified. She looked at her hands. They were covered in blood.

The laughing started again.

Aurora looked behind and, just a few centimeters from her face, was a figure, like a dark silhouette, no face, no body, only with a deformed smile with teeth just like shark's. Even though it was so close to her, she couldn't understand who that might be.

It started screaming.

Aurora sat on her bed, yelling, terrified. Her body covered in sweat and her nails grasping to the sheets.

The other girls woke up with the sudden screams. They looked at her, worried.

A hand touched Aurora's shoulder, making her shrink away, abruptly.

"It's okay." A sweet voice was heard. It was Espen.

Her hazel eyes stared at Aurora's trembling body, cringing in fear, with an worried expression on her face.

Hillary stood up from her bed and went to her side.

"Are you okay, Aurora?" She asked.

Maev went to Aida's bed to see more clearly. Mirabelle looked at her watch. Three in the morning.

She was furious for interrumpting her "beauty sleep", but, still, as much as she tried to hide, she was worried about Aurora.

Aurora didn't answer. She was panting heavily, without resting, like her heart would stop beating if she stopped for a second.

Espen sat beside her. "It's okay. It was just a dream. Don't worry." She said, caressing her hair, in a calm voice.

Aurora slowed her breathing, returning to reality. It was just a nightmare. The thought of it made her so relieved.

A sudden pain struck on her ankle. She flinched in discomfort.

"My-my ankle." She spoke.

Hillary threw the blankets to the tip of the bed and observed her ankles. The right one was swelling up and had already reddened. She looked at Aurora, speechless.

"Should I call Balthazar?" Mirabelle asked, concerned.

"Yes, please!" Espen said.

She nodded, dashing from the dorm.

"What happened, Aurora?" Espen asked her.

"I-I don't know. I was sleeping." She replied, anxious.

How was it possible that she was hurt in the same place? It was just a dream. It didn't make sense.

Balthazar entered the dorm, hitting the door, roughly. His eyes narrowed at Aurora's ankle, becoming worried.
"We need to take you to the Hospital Wing." He spoke, lifting Aurora in his arms. He then looked at Mirabelle. "Moriarty, go wake Professor Caput and tell him what happened."

Tell him what? That Aurora started screaming and became injured out of the blue? Mirabelle was as confused as Aurora herself.

Balthazar left the dorm and went to the Hospital Wing. He noticed that her body was getting hot and wouldn't stop sweating. She had a fever.

Upon their arrival, he laid her down on a bed and tucked her in the white sheets. He placed his palm in her forehead. She wasn't cooling down.

Balthazar ran to the matron's office and knocked on the door, waking Madam Augustine.

"Boy, what are you doing here at this hour?" She asked, narrowing her sleepy eyes. She patched her grey shattered dressing gown, hiding her beige nightdress. Her hair was in a messy bun.

"There's a student hurt, ma'am." He informed, restless.

"Hurt?" She asked, mystified.

The both of them went towards Aurora, who was twitching with soreness. Her head was aching.

"Oh my." Augustine examined her.


Caput called from the other side of the room, walking fastly in their direction. Moriarty was behind him, trying to keep up with his pace.

"How is she?" He asked, standing beside the bed.

"She has a fever. She's burning up."

"And she hurt her ankle." Balthazar informed.

"She started screaming, all of a sudden. I think she was having a nightmare. And then she felt a pain on her ankle." Mirabelle explained. "I don't know what happened."

Aurora started to whimper, quivering.

"I'm going to get a medicine." The matron spoke, fleeing away.

"Rosenberg. Moriarty. You can go back now. I'll look over Aurora." Caput told them.

"Are you sure, Professor?" Balthazar asked.

He nodded. "Yes. Go rest."

With that said, the two students returned to their dorms.

He looked at her swollen ankle and tapped it with her wand, uttering Ferula. Bandages wrapped itself around her red ankle, binding it firmly to a splint.

He grabbed a wooden stool and sat on it.

Caput held her hand. It was hot and shaking, and her palm was sweaty. He looked at her body and noticed that her nightdress was soaked.

"Aurora." He uttered.

She was panting really hard.

Aurora squeezed his hand. "Professor..." She murmured.

"I'm here." He got closer.

"I've got it." Madam Augustine spoke, running towards them with a bottle on her hand. She looked at their hands together. Caput released her. "This will cool her down."

She grabbed her neck and leaned her head so she could drink the medicinal potion.

Aurora drank it, spitting most of it.

"I know it tastes bad, sweetie," The matron spoke. "But you have to keep drinking."

She gulped it down.

"You shouldn't get too close to her, Caput." She said.

"Do you think it will spread?" He asked.

"That's not what I meant..."

He looked at her, confused.

"This girl smells like trouble. You should be careful."

"She's my student, Barbara. It doesn't matter who's her family. I have to protect my students."

"You should prioritize your protection first."

He didn't answer.

Augustine checked her fever, but it wasn't going down. She checked it again. "It's not working."

"Why not?" Caput asked, frowning.

"I don't know." She replied, rubbing her forehead.

"You don't know?"

"She has to be the one to cool herself down."

"Are you saying that she has to spend the night in this torture? Look at her! She can't handle it!" He snapped.

"Caput, there's nothing I can do. If this potion didn't work, then the others won't either. We have to wait until it goes away."

He looked at her, concerned. "Can you go grab a wet towel and some water? I'm doing this in the muggle way." He took of his dark blue robe, showing a white shirt, tucked inside his black pants, and unlaced his grey tie. He must have been in his office working, until late.

The matron left to get what he asked for.

Caput rolled up his sleeves and soused the towel on a bowl with cold water. He wiped the drops of sweat on her face and pressed it against Aurora's forehead.

He grabbed her hand again, caressing her fingers, then, looked at her body.
"Barbara, do you have any change of clothes for her?"

"I don't think I have." She looked at Aurora. "The poor girl is drenched. Do you want me to go to her dorm?"

"No, you'll wake the students. They've already worried too much." Caput grabbed his robe and handed it to the matron. "Change her clothes."
Augustine nodded.

He stood up from the stool and turned his back to Aurora.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Mirabelle said. That Aurora had woke up screaming and in pain. She was having a nightmare, apparently, but what kind? What scared her like that?
Somehow, Caput had already seen this somewhere. It was very familiar. A nightmare...

Suddenly, a thought ran through his mind. It had to be it! What else could it be?

No matter how much he wanted to stroll out of that room and confirm his theory, he had to stay by Aurora's side. If it was happening to another student, would he have done the same things he's doing to her? Why is he always protecting her?

"You can look, now." Madam Augustine informed.

Caput turned around and sat, once again, on the stool. "You can go rest, Barbara. And thank you."
She gave him a smile, before leaving to her quarters.

Professor Caput averted his eyes to Aurora. Her breathing was slowing down. The blue robe covered her entire body. It was too big for her, but it would keep her warm. The winter breaze was stronger at night, and she having her body sweating like that would just make it worse in that drafty room.

Aurora seemed to have fallen asleep. Caput stood up and, when he was about to leave, a hand grabbed his shirt. "Don't... Leave me..." Aurora muttured, breathing slowly. Her eyebrows were frowning and her blue eyes were closed strongly. "Alone..." She coughed.

Caput grabbed her hand and sat. "I'm right here. I won't leave you." He passed his hand through her black hair, moving it away from her face, and soaked the towel again, putting it on top of her forehead.

"I won't leave you alone." He whispered.

↢ * ↣

Aurora rubbed her eyes. She felt her body more lighter than before and the pain on her ankle had stopped.
She recalled what happen, or at least what she remembered.

She woke up in pain, then Balthazar brought her to the Hospital Wing, after that, she lost her senses. Then, she woke up and Professor Caput was there with her and she fell unconscious again. The rest is a big blur.

Her eyes widened, staring at the ceiling.

Professor! She remembered.

She sat on the bed and, near her legs, Caput's head was resting. His body leaned over the bed. Aurora noticed he was just in a shirt and that she was wearing his robe. Did he undress her? She felt embarrassed from that thought. He must have been freezing all night and sleeping in such position, must have caused him some pain on his back.
She raised her hand near his head, slowly approaching him, and touched his messy, blonde hair.

"Professor?" She spoke, quietly.
Her hand slided to his back. Even his shirt was cold. "Professor Caput?" She kept calling him.

He moved his body and opened his crystal blue eyes.

Caput ran his hand through his hair and stood up, yawning.

"Aurora." He smiled at her sight. "Are you feeling better?"

"Hum... Yes. But what about you? You must be freezing." She said, worried.

"I'm okay." He replied, smiling, softly.

They stared at each other. Their blue eyes observing every move and every breathe.

"Wha-what time is it?" Aurora asked, breaking the awkward trade of looks.

Caput checked his watch. "A quarter to seven."

"I should return to the dorm." She said. "It's almost time for breakfast."

"Yes, you're right."

Aurora stood up from her bed and saw her splinted ankle.

When her feet touched the cold floor, a shiver run through her body. That castle really was cold. Outside, the sun still hasn't rised.

"Does it hurt? Your ankle?" He asked. "Do you need some crutches?"

She moved her ankle. "No, it doesn't hurt that much. I can walk."

"Are you sure?"


"All right."

The sleeves fell on her arms. They were really big and her body would be lost inside of that robe. However, it was very warm.

She blushed after remembering the fact that someone undressed her.


"Yes?" He asked, standing up from the stool.

"Did you... Hum... Were you the one... That changed my clothes?" She asked, embarassed.

His eyes widened. "N-No, of course not. I-It was Augustine."

It was the first time she saw him like that. Embarassed and blushing. So childish, she thought. But she couldn't talk, since she did the same.

"I'll return it to you, after I change." She said.

"You can just send it to the laundry." Caput gave her, her white nightdress. "Here."

"Thank you."

The both of them left the room and headed their own ways.

Aurora went to the dorm and took a shower.

The other girls were still sleeping, when she went to change into her uniform. She sat on her bed and looked at her ankle.

"Ferula." She said.

Her ankle was envolved by bandages, strapped by a splint.

Suddenly, a small creature, with fluffy, white fur, jumped on her lap.

"Kimora!" She was surprised. The cat rubbed his head against her belly, purring. "I've missed you too." She smiled, softly, caressing her back.

Aurora laid her down and put on her shoes, scarf and gloves, and went to the common room.

She recalled the dream she had.

The strangest thing was, how was it possible to be hurt in the dream and waking up feeling that same pain? It was supposed to be just a nightmare. How come she really hurt her ankle? What are those dreams? And why does she keep having them? And the voice... She now knows it's from a woman, but who? Who is the woman that insists in haunting her?

She thought of a possibility. Her mother.

Madam Augustine told her that her mind was being protected and in the staffroom she spoke of the possibility of her mother being the one protecting it. What if that is true?


A voice deviated her from her troublesome thoughts. She saw a girl, with short, blond hair, in her uniform. Along side her was another girl. Espen and Hillary.

Espen smiled, relieved, running towards her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." She replied.

Aurora remembered the little disagreement they had.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you." She said. "I don't know what I was thinking."

"It's okay, silly." Espen replied, giving her a tight hug.

"We're glad to know that you're okay." Hillary spoke. "Even Mirabelle was worried."

"What, Miss Snobby Queen?" Aurora mocked. "Are you sure?"

They laughed.

"Well, I'm sorry for causing trouble to all of you."

"But what happened? How did you hurt yourself?"

Aurora was about to answer when they heard footsteps approaching.

"Oh, good morning, girls." Lynx greeted.

"Good morning." They replied.

Caspar and Lynx walked towards them.

From behind them, another person came. It was Balthazar.

"Mavix." He looked at her, surprised. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I'm fine. Thank you for your help."

"Not at all. It's my duty. Don't overexert yourself, you're still hurt."
With that said, he left them.

"Did something happen, that we don't know about?" Caspar asked.

"Oh, look at the time!" Espen said. "We'll tell you at breakfast."

The quintet went to the Great Hall and sat on their table. Mirabelle and the other two girls, Aida and Maev, stared at Aurora. They were surprised to see her there, after all the things that happened a few hours ago.

"So..." Lynx spoke. "Care to explain us what happened?"

"And now tell us everything." Espen commanded. "Especially about those nightmares you're having."

Aurora sighed.

"It's hard to explain and very confusing. I don't know why it started. Since I came to Hogwarts, I've been have these dreams... Well, nightmares, where I'm in a dark room full of corpses. And it was strange, because I've never been there nor knew what creatures were laying death on the ground. But then I found out that they were goblins. Before those dreams, I had never seen a goblin, so how could I dream about something I've never seen, but that is real? And that isn't the strangest part, I assure you."

The others didn't respond. They just let her continue.

"Then it started... I kept hearing a voice. At first it was only when I was sleeping, but then, I started hearing it when I was awake. Do you remember the test in the maze? How did I know that the path on the right was dangerous? Because I heard that voice coming from inside that path, trying to alure me in. But I didn't trust it, so I decided not to go in. And yesterday, I've heard it a lot. I think it affects me, makes me act in a strange way... Like when I acted with Madam Augustine and with you, Espen." She intertwined her fingers. "In last night's dream, I was again in that room, but I wasn't alone. There was a woman, the woman, which that voice belongs to. I couldn't see her face, even though she was just a couple feet from me. And here comes the strangest part. I hurt my ankle in my dream... And when I woke up, I was hurt in the same ankle." She looked at her right leg. "How is this possible? I don't know what's happening to me."

"That's so damn sinister." Lynx spoke, frowning. "You should talk with a teacher."

"I don't really trust them, after what happened in the staffroom. Well... Maybe Caput, I guess." Aurora stated.

"It's really weird..." Espen said. "It mustn't be just a dream. Maybe you're a seer? And what you're seeing is the future?"

"I don't think that's it. If she was a seer, she wouldn't hurt herself in her dreams." Hillary informed. "Maybe you're cursed."


"But what kind of curse would have this effect on people?" Caspar asked.

"I don't have a clue." Espen said.

Suddenly, a loud sound came from the windows.

Owls, an amount of them, came flying in to the Great Hall, sliding on top of the tables.

An envelope fell in front of Aurora.

"A letter." She uttered, grabbing it.

She opened and read it.

Dear Aurora,

I'm glad to know that you're doing fine in school and I think Emma is a lovely name. She's really docile, but not that good at being obedient. I think she doesn't like to be orded around.
About you wanting to spend Christmas at Hogwarts... Of course I wanted to spend it with you, but if what you want to do is that important, then I'll let you. Just don't get in trouble, okay?
I miss you very much.
Love you.


Aurora smiled at the letter, as an idea crossed her mind. She stowed the letter in the envelope and put it on her bag.

"I have an idea." She said.

"What kind of idea?" Lynx asked.

"The kind of idea that might get us in trouble." Even though her father asked her not to. How convinient.

"Count me in." He said, taking a sip of his juice.

"In trouble? Why?" Espen asked, anxious.

"My father let me stay in Hogwarts for the winter break and that's when almost every student is in their homes."

"So? There's still the teachers." Hillary declared.

"But not everyone of them. Only the Head Teachers, the matron, Mr. Phileas and the headmistress, of course." Lynx explained.

"Oh, and Fuscus, because he doesn't have a life, I assume." Aurora continued.

"And what's this idea that you have?" Lynx inquired.

"In the staffroom, that day, Madam Augustine said that my mind was being protected and that my mother might be the one doing it, what, at first, I thought was absurd, but now, kind of makes sense. The voice I hear is from a woman, and she wants to hurt me and scare me. So, connecting the dots, it kind of leads to my mother, well, to Regina." Aurora explained. "And I want to discover more about her. If what's happening to me is really the result of a curse, maybe we can find it by searching about her."

"It does make sense." Caspar spoke.

"And I know that I'm asking a lot from you, given that this is a problem of mine and my family and that neither of you fancies Regina, but I would like to have your support."

"I would gladly help you, if I wasn't going home." Hillary said.

"I already told you that I would help you find more about your mother, didn't I?" Espen stated.

Aurora smiled.

"Like I said... Count me in." Lynx spoke.

They looked at Caspar, who was frowning, staring at them, jumping from eye to eye.

"You want me to help you find more about the woman that killed my mother?"

"I understand if you don't want to." Aurora said. "And it's okay."

"I just... I don't know..." He stopped for a moment, playing with his fingers. Aurora wouldn't judge him if he refused to help. Regina did kill his mother and, having to know more about that murderer must be hard. It was already very hard to Aurora.

Caspar looked at them. "Hell with this! Of course I'll help you!"

"That's ma boy!" Lynx grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him, in exhilaration.

"But you spoke of trouble. Why are we getting in trouble?" Espen asked.

"Well... The thing is... I haven't found anything about Regina in the library." Aurora informed, biting her lower lip.

"What?" Caspar uttered.

"Yet!" She said, quickly.

Aurora looked around, to see if someone was listening to their conversation, which no one was. "I think there might be some information in the restricted area." She whispered.

"What?!" Espen let out. "No, no, no. No!"


"We can't get in there, Aurora. We'll be found!"

"Shhhh!" Aurora hushed, with her finger before her lips.

Espen looked around and her eyes told her No one cares about our conversation!

Aurora sighed. "That's why we should use our heads to think of a plan."

"Yes, that sounds easy." Lynx spoke, sarcastically.

"If only there was an invisibility spell or whatever." Caspar said.

"That's it! A spell! Isn't there one?" Aurora asked.

"I don't know. You're the one who is good with spells."

"If I recall correctly, there is an Invisibility Spell, but is very hard and advanced transfiguration magic." Espen informed.

"There's a spell to almost everything, nowadays." Caspar stated.

"Not one to tie my shoe laces, there isn't." Lynx scoffed.

"Silver-Boy, you have hands." Hillary said.

He rolled his eyes.

"If it's that difficult, then I don't think I can do it. I'm not very good with transfiguration spells." Aurora spoke.

"There is one more thing... An Invisibility Potion." Espen continued.

"Briliant! You're great with potions!"

"But the problem is where will we find the ingredients?"

"We'll have to... Steal them." Caspar said.

"Exactly." Espen spoke. "Which is illegal and can get us in serious trouble, not to mention, expelled. Oh, and not to forget. Who exactly is our Potions teacher?"

"Fuscus." Aurora made an uneasy expression.

"Yup. So, it's kind of a death sentence."

"But students can use the potions storeroom." Hillary said.

"Yes, but Fuscus is always watching over what they take. Don't you think he'll think it's strange for us to make an Invisibility Potion? He'll be onto us." Espen explained.

"Blimey..." Caspar muttured.

"We'll have to create a diversion." Aurora spoke. "We have to try something."

"It's easier said than done." Lynx declared.

"You have all winter break to think of something. I'll be rooting for you, guys." Hillary stated.

"She's right. Let's think about this when Christmas holidays start. We have two weeks." Espen told them. "Now, we should go to class."

They agreed.

↢ * ↣

Winter vacation finally arrived. Aurora's ankle recovered fastly and it didn't pain her anymore.
Most of the Slytherins went home. From the first years, Hillary, Aida and Maev went to spend Christmas with their families. For some unknown reason, Mirabelle stayed at school. Caspar and Lynx were the only boys to stay, Dante and his sister, Gwyneth, went to a small island called Santorini, in Greece, while Gregory just went home to his family. It was a surprise to Aurora when he told them that he had a 5 year old sister, Anne Marie. Ara also went home and, of course, Cyrus did too.

The quintet, which was now shortened to four, already decided what to do with their plan.

"Why me?!" Aurora asked, angry.

She was walking through the corridors, heading to the storeroom, with her friends by her side.

"Because you will definetly get his attention. He hates you." Lynx explained.

"Precisely!" She bawled. "He's going to hate me even more now."

She sighed in distress.

"See the good side in this... You'll be able to know more about your mother." Espen said. "Regina, I mean."

She bowed her eyebrow.

"I guess."

"You just have to speak to him enough time for me to take the ingredients and get out of there."

"What should I say?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe ask him something about Potions. A question about the homework or something." Caspar suggested.

"Nobody asks those questions during Christmas." Lynx spoke.

"Then what are we going to do?"

The four sighed, out of ideas.

"This is going to be hard..." Aurora uttered.

Then, something came to her mind.
"Ah!" She yelled, waving her hands. "I just thought of something!"

"What?" Espen asked.

She told them to come closer.

"The both of you," she pointed to Espen and Lynx, in a hushed voice. "Go to the potions storeroom, while, Caspar and I, distract Fuscus."

"How?" Caspar asked.

"Well..." She frowned her eyebrows, with a sorry expression. "I'm sorry, Caspar..."

He stared at her, concerned.

Aurora showed him a forced smile.

"Professor! Professor!"

Aurora came barging in the storeroom, shouting. Professor Fuscus looked at her, disgusted and annoyed by the yelling.

"What do you want, Miss Mortem?" He asked, sneering.

"Please, Professor, Caspar needs help."

"Caspar?" He inquired to himself, like he was trying to remember who that was.

She sneered to herself. What an idiot. She thought. "Rosenberg, sir."

"What about him?" He asked, without a slightest worry.

"Please, come with me, Professor." She begged.

He frowned his eyebrows. "I hope it's something important, or you're going to wish you never came through that door."

Fuscus followed Aurora, leaving the room.

After they made sure Professor Fuscus had left, Espen and Lynx entered the potions storeroom and looked for the ingredients.

"Come on! Quickly, before he comes back!" Espen worried.

"Did you see that performance? Aurora should win an Oscar." Lynx spoke, joking.

"A what?" She asked, bewildered.

"Seriously, Espen? I think that's common sense, even for wizard folk." He laughed.

Espen sent him a glare.

"Anyway, what do we need?" He asked her, clearing his throat.

"Hum... Demiguise hair, one Occamy eggshell, four cherries, powedered diamond and... Ten scruples of Fluxweed, preferably, picked at a full moon." Espen informed, checking a piece of parchment.

"Okay. Let's take them and get the hell out of here." Lynx said.

Espen nodded and went to search in the shelves. "Letter D... Ah, here it is! Demiguise hair!" She took some and put it in a phial. "Occamy eggshells... Where are you?" She ran her fingers through the wooden shelves, looking.

"Found the cherries!" Lynx informed and examined his surroundings. He saw a little sign on a cupboard saying 'Powders'.

He went to search there. He opened it and saw a lot of different powders in phials. "Powedered diamond... Powedered... Diamond... Ah! Found it!" He grabbed the phial with glittering, crystal powder and put it in his bag. "Have you found the eggshell?"

"Hum... Yeah! Here it is!" She replied, showing him a silver, cracked eggshell and, then, carefully, stowing it. "We only need to find the Fluxweed."

"What are you doing here?"
They heard a voice coming from the entrance. It was Fuscus, and he seemed angry. Aurora and Caspar were by his side, worried that they'd been found.

"I-I came to ask you, Professor, a few questions about the..." She immediatly thought of an excuse. "Wiggenweld Potion, given that I want to become a mediwitch after I graduate." Espen spoke.

"And what kind of stupid question do you want to inquire?" Fuscus asked, annoyed. What a great professor.

"Hum... It says that it awakens a person from a magical-induced sleep, but it doesn't speak of animals. Can we use it on them?"

Lynx seemed surprised by the great question Espen had come up in such short time. Surely, Fuscus wouldn't suspect a thing.

Fuscus rubbed his forehead like the answer was clear as water. "Of course you can use it on an animal, Miss Adamaris. We once were animals too. I hoped for better questions from you." He sneered. "Forget what I just said. You're all lost hopes." He sighed and then glared straight at Lynx, like his eyes were asking And what's your excuse?. "Mister Jonah," Lynx frowned by his name choice. At least, he got the first two letters right. "And for what kind of reason are you here? Don't tell me you also have a question?" Of course he would never believe that. Lynx hates Potions.

"No, Professor. I came looking for Aurora. We were with Caspar, when we were training the Full Body-Bind Curse and it, suddenly, backfired at him." Aurora had to perform it on poor Caspar, so that the plan could work. He had to stay on the ground with his legs stuck together. The weirdest part was that Fuscus didn't even bother to ask why were they training such spell, given that it was too early for them to learn it. More reasons for saying that Fuscus is not a good teacher.

"She said she was going to ask for help, but she was taking so long that I went to search for her. Some kids in the corridors told me she was seen here. When I arrived, I saw Espen standing at the door. When you came, Professor, we had just arrived too." Lynx swallowed dry, begging to Merlin that he believes his story.

"Good thing he's fine..." Fuscus spoke through clentched teeth. They noticed the lack of sincerity in his voice. "Now, disappear from my sight."

With that said, the four kids rushed out of the storeroom.

"Oh, Professor?" Espen spoke.

Fuscus sighed, rolling his eyes. "Yes?"

"Can I take some..."

As she said that, Fuscus struck her with a glare.

"Hum... Never mind, sir." And she took off.

The four of them celebrated their survival.

"I was this close," Lynx gestured with his fingers a small space. "To tell him It's Johannes, you lazy sod!"

"Sure you were, Jonah." Aurora mocked."

As they reached the common room, Espen remembered she forgot the Fluxweed.

"What now?" Lynx asked.

"No, it's okay. There's some in the Forest." Espen informed.

"Oh, you mean that highly dangerous forest filled with wild and murderous creatures and, possibly, a Dementor that tried to suck my soul out?" Aurora asked, sassily.

"Hum... Yeah...?"

"Great! Let's go, then." She said.

"You're weird did you know that?" Caspar asked, staring at her.

"Yeah, I just wanted to be dramatic." She laughed.

"Yes, because this is definetly the time to joke around." Espen stated, rolling her eyes. "You're worse than Lynx."

"Hey! I feel ofended." He said, taking his hand to his chest. "No one's worse than me." He laughed along with Aurora.

"Dimwits..." Espen whispered. "Seriously, guys."

"Sorry." They both said, trying not to laugh.

"When should we go pick the Fluxweeds?" Aurora asked.

"Fortunaly for us, today we have a full moon, so we go after dinner." Espen explained.

"Merlin is on our side, I tell you." Caspar said.


Hi, guys! Two chapters in a row! I hope you like it <3 Please tell me your opinion I love to read about it and your theories too <3
Maybe tomorrow I'll post a new chapter.

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