It's High School (Completed)

By Everydaylover122

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"Henry?'' I whispered, scared that if I spoke to loud he would disappear into thin air like breath in cold we... More

Chp.1~ Greetings From Austin, Texas
Chp.2~ Old Friends, New School
Chp.3~ Changed Person
Chp.4~ Patio of the Forgotten
Chp.5~ Lunch With the Morales
Chp.6~ Caleb's In a Band?!
Chp.7~ Finding Henry
Chp.8~ Priorities
Chp.9~ Homecoming
Chp.10~ Heat Of The Moment
Chp.11~ Aftermath
Chp.12~ Confession
Chp.13~ Waiting Room
Chp.14~ It's On
Chp.15~ Coco Deliciousness
Chp.16~ Alex Wagner
Chp.17~ Grudges
Chp.18~ Confused
Chp.20~ Valentine's Day
Chp.21~ Revenge is Going to Be Sweet
Chp.22~ Terry-Tots
Chp.23~ She Knows
Chp.24~ Rumors
Fixing My Situations
Chp.25~ Searching for Answers
Chp.26~ Pool Party
Chp.27~ Guilty Pleasures
Chp.29~ Girls for God
Chp.30~ Her Sickness 1/3
Chp.32~ Her Sickness 2/3
Chp.33~ Her Sickness 3/3
Chp.34~ You Don't Understand 1/2
Chp.35~ You Don't Understand 2/2
Chp.36~ This Is Me
Chp.37~Therapy Boredom and Flynn Rider
Chp.38~ Wedding Day
Chp.39~ Don't Absorb The Hate
Chp.40~ Hero
Chp.41~ Three More Years

Chp.28~I Feel the Same Way

60 12 0
By Everydaylover122

"Teresa POV"

Before, I had just heard footsteps and saw a shadow looming from the living room, and since my Mom and I are the only ones that live here, you would have to understand how I felt in this situation.  But, from the shadow came a body, and that body belonged to somebody that I didn't see coming in a million years.

"Hello Teresa." The English accent ringed in my ears. He dove his hands inside his pocket, a small grin plastered on his face. 

I sucked in a sharp breath. There's something different about him. His hair was a shade lighter, followed by unusual waves that swayed one way, but beside that; something was off that I couldn't pinpoint. Maybe he seemed different because the last time I had seen him, I wasn't some dirty, cheating Godzilla. 

Even looking into his cool blue eyes felt intense, I had to blink a few times for it even to go away. 

I was hesitant before I spoke, "T-Trevor, um..." I looked at my mom to try finding the rights words to say. 

"Are you okay?" He titled his head, his forehead wrinkling up as he asked the question. I looked back at him, blinking away my surprised expression and replacing it with a smile. Trevor chuckled, switching the position that he was in. 

"Sorry, I'm just so surprised to see you." 

"I don't know why, I told you I would be here on Friday, like a week ago." He helped refresh my memory to the time that that he had briefly called me just to tell me the information, also remembering that awkward goodbye. 

My eyes went wide. "Of course, for the, um.. thing." I huffed out a laugh. looking back at my mom. 

"YouTube Tour." Trevor corrected my wording. 

"Right, yes, that." I looked down at my shoes, the stare of Trevor making me feel guiltier than ever. 

"Well, I'll be in the kitchen." My mom separated herself from us, going back to baking the delicious-smelling cookies that filled the house. 

It was silent for too long. The awkwardness just hovered over us, Trevor still stood a mile away from me. I know Trevor doesn't know about what just happened with Mason, but in my heart I felt that the situation that I was in in that moment was just how it would feel if Trevor knew the truth. He wouldn't want to date me anymore, he would want to go date some other girl, a prettier girl, somebody who life wasn't going through hell at the moment, a girl that was skinny, and had all the right curves, no blemishes, no acne, no scars, nothing. A person who walked around like a supermodel, somebody that-

"Teresa, what are you wearing?" Trevor voice broke through my thoughts. I looked down at myself, the white tank top and Mason's boy shorts covered my body, not to mention that my head probably looked like a rat was living in it. 

I folded my arms in front of me. "Oh," I looked up at Trevor pretending to be totally nonchalant about my attire.  

"I should go change." I gestured upstairs before adventuring to fix this mess I called me. I paced to the bathroom and shut the door with my body. 

"Why must you be so weird, Teresa?" I whispered to myself. I leaned my head up against the door, but how stupid am I to forget that I had a cut in my head. 

"Ow." I quietly bellowed, fixing my hand to comfort my soar part. 

I flipped on the light, only to groaned once again at how awful I looked. I was even paler than normal, with dark circles under my eyes that only a hobo could possibly find attractive. I looked closer at my face, seeing that my jaw was harder to see as my face started to become rounder. I sighed, after everything that I am doing to try and lose weight, but nothing seemed to be working. 

A hot shower took the thought off my mind, but no help on making me more presentable. although I tried to hide it with makeup, I just gave up after the second application, replacing the mess with mascara and chap stick,  the only things that seemed to be going right all day. 

I put on shorts and a blue T-shirt, I minced downstairs, catching a glimpse at Trevor, sound asleep on the couch, with Modern Family playing in the background. 

I sigh in relief, ambling the rest of the way down before strolling to my kitchen. I came to a halt when I saw my mother seated at the bar table without her laptop or phone. She just sat there, her hands folded, looking right at me. I didn't even get to say anything before she pointed to the bar stool and told me to sit. 

I hesitantly walked up to the stool, slowly sitting down. "What's wrong?" I asked, hoping the problem wasn't anything too serious, or she wasn't too mad at me for not telling her where I was all night. 

My mom took a deep breath. The tight-lipped smiled that was plastered on her face told me that something was definitely off. I could sense the tension in her hands as she folded them more tightly on the table.  

"I remember you texting me yesterday about some pool party you wanted to go to," she began. I felt my heart sink to my toes, wishing the floor would just swallow me whole at this very minute. "Since I thought that you were going to be home later on yesterday night, I invited a friend over to hang out with. We were having a good old time, watching Grey's Anatomy, talking about office gossip, drinking our herbal tea, but then there was a knock at the door. You wanna guess who was there?" She kept the intense stare, the anger behind her words clear as day. 

"Trevor?" I spoke softly.

"Correct. So I open up the door in surprise, not thinking I would see Trevor this late on a Friday night, especially in Texas." She continued. Sarcasm seeped between her bare teeth. 

She twisted her face, tilting her head to the side. "And then I thought, wow, it's almost going on 11 o'clock at night, and no text, no call, no anything from my daughter who I hadn't heard from since 4 this afternoon. So I tried texting you, but no reply, I tried calling you, but it went straight to voicemail. Even Trevor asked where you were, saying that you didn't pick up one, single, call from him. And this is the part were I get a little panicky, you know, like any caring mom would. It was late at night--almost dawn and I had no clue were my daughter was. So I'm trying hard not to believe that some serial killer had abducted her and took her to his world, and so I called Lola, thinking automatically that is were you would be; with Lola. And....she sounded a little pitchy, but she said that you were staying the night at her place, that there was nothing to worry about. Even when I tried talking to you, she said that you were in the bathroom with stomach problems, so I tell her goodnight. Fast forward to the next morning, I decide to get up early and bake cookies, Trevor was nicely seated on the couch, playing games on his phone as we waited for your arrival." 

I suddenly felt like a brick had landed in my stomach, or maybe just my heart. I swallowed for the last time, hoping that she wasn't about to say what I think she was about to say. 

"Next thing I notice is that a very old car pulls up in my driveway, and I'm thinking, who do I know with a 2004 Buick Le Sabre. Nobody. So it was really a shock when I saw you open up the door and hop out, but then I looked closer at the person behind the steering wheel and noticed that it wasn't Lola, or even Caleb, it was boy." 

"Mom, it isn't what it looks like-" She interrupted me. 

"Than please explain to me, because what I am seeing is my daughter gone the entire night with a random boy, and being dropped off in the morning." 

I found it hard to speak as I looked at my mom face full of anger. So angry that her eyes start to water. 

"Mom-" I was interrupted once again as I tried to speak. 

"Why would you do this? Trevor is such an amazing person. He's smart, kind, thoughtful. You know what's funny? From my point of view, you have been sneaking around, and doing stuff behind my back, using Lola and Caleb to cover for you." She huffed laying her head in her hands, shaking. 

"For all I know Teresa, you could've been having sex in the back of that car."

"Don't-" unable to bear hearing the word roll off her tongue. 

"Don't what? Don't call you out for sneaking around? How long have you been sneaking around, Teresa? Were you actually going to friend's houses, or creeping around with some boy that isn't your boyfriend? A boy who brings my daughter home in his own clothes?!" 

I looked down at my hands, my tears falling onto my palms. 

"Teresa, tell me everything right now." She commanded, her voice breaking in between. I whimpered quietly as I look up into my Mom's tearful eyes.  

"Things have been rough for me mom. People hurt my feelings and make fun of me-"

"Why? Why would they make fun of you?" My mom said, her expression changing from mad to surprised. 

"Because some people are just cruel; one in particular just seems to hate me more than anybody." I shake my head thinking of all the vile things Hallie has done to me. 

"Who?" My mom asked. When I stayed too quiet, my mom lifted my chin to look her in the face. 

"What has been happening Teresa?" 

I let out a sober before beginning to talk. "I..I had sex with Trevor." My voice cracked in between. My mom placed a hand on her chest. She closed her eyes and swallowed before looking at me again. 

"Teresa....what?" She couldn't respond at the shocking news. 

I rapidly shook my head. "And after it happened, I felt terrible. I felt like a disgusting human being. I couldn't even stare anybody in the eyes." I took a deep breath before continuing. 

"At a point, I thought I was pregnant, but I'm not with the help of a big sister. I thought I was out of the clear, never having to worry about anything until Hallie. She hates me, and I really don't understand why! She did research on me, and found my old school pictures. People walk around the hallways calling me fatty, Terry-tots. And then even yesterday she pushed me in the pool, and I hit my head, that's why I got out of that boy's car--Mason's car. He drove me to his house and let me rest. Then he drove me back in the morning." I finished, leaving out the part about Mason and I's kiss, er make out. 

Mom sat silently, stunned. It was a while before she recovered enough to speak. "You were going through all of that and didn't say anything?" 

I stared at the table. My leg shook dangerously fast, almost a mile a minute. I fidgeted with my hands, letting the last few tears flow down, but coming to a halt soon after. 

A loud yawn came from the living room, indicating Trevor had wakened up. 

"This...situation isn't pretty Teresa; it's not." My mom shook her head. She no longer had the strength to look me in the eyes.

"Clean your self up, we will continue this conversation later." Was the last thing my mom said before getting up from her sitting position and heading towards her bedroom. 


"Trevor's POV" 

Being with Teresa, felt different. Not the type of different like physically wise, but personality wise. It just seemed like our two worlds didn't seemed to connect anymore. Earlier today, we watched a movie, one of our favorite movies. We would cuddle up close and eat Snicker Bites as we watched A Christmas Story. It wasn't Christmas, but we didn't care. We would set the lights dim and would watch it every second and last Saturday of that month. She would laugh at the same scene, always asking me to go back so she could laugh at it again. I thought by the fiftieth time of seeing it, it wouldn't be funny anymore, but boy, did she always find a way to surprise me. However, today wasn't the same. We sat on opposite sides of the couch. When the scene finally played she, for the first time, didn't laugh. It was like she was too busy thinking of something, to even enjoy the movie. But I didn't worry about it, some things were different now,  things that she liked a year ago, won't be what she likes today, and that perfectly okay. 

I still was excited to see her, excited to be going on tour with very famous YouTubers, and even more excited to meet fans that I never even knew existed.

Later on that day, we had decided to go to the park and have a small picnic. Teresa's mom had packed some sandwiches, fruits, and water.  We found a perfect place under the large oak tree to have it. I placed down a blanket and set the brown basket on top of it. Teresa sat down first and I right behind her. Nobody had spoken a word since we left the house. Teresa wore a blue sundress with white flats, I went casual with a white shirt and khakis. I opened the basket and set out our dinner for the night. 

I heard a small sigh beside me. I look up and Teresa fidgeting with her hands, something she didn't do unless there was something uncomfortable she had to tell me.  

"Teresa, is everything alright?" I asked, her head shot up, her eyes wide in surprise. 

She stayed silent for too long, I knew something was wrong. I reached for her hand, "What is it?" I asked again, she didn't bother looking me in the eyes. 

Her gaze was now down on the grass, she took her hand and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Something was wrong. but I'm not too sure what. 

"I did something bad, Trevor." Teresa finally spoke, her head popping up to look st me. I felt my heart sink, what could've been so bad that she couldn't come right out and say it?  

"It's okay, you can tell me." I smiled, giving her the reassurance she needed. 

"But that's the thing," she trailed off now making eye contact with me. I could feel the surroundings beside me go dark Her light eyes sparkled under the sunset's colors. 

"I can't, I just can't..." She put her hands up to her face, crying. I didn't know what to do. Do I hug her? give her more reassurance? Or do I just sit here and listen? maybe do all three? But I ended up doing none of the above, instead I just sat there as she cried into her hands. The atmosphere around was awkward, it was as if I had met her yesterday and not a two years ago. 

"Teresa-" She interrupted me, shooting her head up to say the dreadful words. 

"I think, it's best if we end this now." She swiftly spoke. 

The words didn't sound quite right in my ears. "W-what?" I stuttered. 

"call it quits? Stop while we still have time? Break up?" The last words stung as they floated out of her mouth. 

I couldn't speak. This wasn't something I saw coming in a while. Or maybe it was? I didn't really know what do say or do...or feel. I felt blank like a piece of paper, there was something that broke inside of me, but at the same time something in me that wanted this too.

"Is it because of what you did? Because if it is we can fix it, I promise." I reached out for her hand, something in my longing for her to at least still want something to do with me. 

She softly cried. "We can't fix it, it's not something that can be put back together, or replaced." 

I swallowed looking down. 

"And lets face it, Your famous, your an internet star and I'm nothing but a girl in your past." 

"Teresa, you know your more than that." 

"Yeah, well; maybe it's time for you to just move on. I live in Texas and you live in Florida, and soon maybe moving to California, doesn't make this situation any better." She softly laughed. I smiled. 

We both knew this was for the best, we both knew that this is what me and her needed. This break up wasn't just one sided, but both parties felt strong about the choice about to be made. 

She wiped the last tear that went down her face. "I don't want to be the thing that holds you back from being an even better person, or an even better YouTuber. I want you to succeed and with me in your life, I'll just drag you down." 

I shook my head. "You would never, Teresa." 

"Of course you would say that, but I know. I'm not as perfect as the internet might think I should be for a guy like you." 

"They think I should be a model from Paris with millions of followers like you. Maybe be friends with Madison Beer or some other social media pop star."  She spoke. 

It was silent for a while, both of our minds going crazy at the choice being made. I still held her hand, trying to get the last of Teresa I will ever have. She was my first love, my first girlfriend, my first time, my second kiss. I will never be able to get over Teresa Glaser, but for now, and just for now, this was the best solution to our equation. 

"Ok." I agreed. She smiled softly. 

"I will never forget you Teresa Glaser." I smiled at her. Tears formed at the edge of her eye, her mouth curled up. 

"I will never forget about you either, Trevor Farris." She chuckled, wiping at the tears. I took her hand up to my mouth, leaving a long, and tender kiss. 

This won't be the last you see of Teresa and I. On another day, on another wonderful day, she will be mine again. She will be the one that walks down the aisle in my hand in marriage, the one that has my kids, the one that grows old with me, it will happen, but until it does, I'm going to have to survive without her. 

I love you Teresa Glaser, and that is one thing that will never stop. 



Hey guys!! Thanks so much for reading this chapter!!

Sorry I haven't been very organized on writing my chapters, but I have been really busy with volleyball an other things. I will try to be more consistent, but no promises. 

PLEASE DON'T BE MAD THAT I BROKE THEM UP, BUT IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN......RIGHT!!?? I was going to keep them together to show how long distance relationships can work, but honestly, most high school long distance relationships don't really work out, so I had to be somewhat correct on it. I also wanted to break them up because I'm thinking of a new love interest for her, but I'm still not so sure. Comment down below who you think she should date next. 

QOTC: "Breaking up doesn't mean that you're weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."




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