CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fa...

By xlaurynwritesx

5K 129 29

Sen•sa•tion•al Causing great public interest; very impressive Everything is good again. Henry and Emma are st... More

•Forgotten Memories•
•Breaking Free•
•The Future•
•Ice Cream•
•Sea Witch•
•Lily and the Witch•
•Heroes and Villians•


199 4 0
By xlaurynwritesx

They ran into town and saw their mom and dad with Neal. "Emma, Maya!" They yelled as they ran to them and group hugged.

"Mom, dad." Emma said as Maya hugged them.

"You guys did it." Mary Margaret said with a smile. "You're okay."

"I love you guys." Maya said to them as Emma went to Henry.

"We love you too sweetie." Mary Margaret smiled as David smiled too.

"You're so brave." He said looking to her.

Maya looked to Neal with a smile. "Hey there little man." Maya smiled before looking up to Henry.

"Didn't cause to much trouble did you?" She asked looking at him.

"Maybe just a little." He said as Maya chuckled.

"Oh!" Maya said looking to Regina.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Roland is back at the loft. Maybe you should find Robin so-" Maya started.

"So they can be together. Of course." Regina nodded as Maya told her parents and went to get Roland.

She took down the spell and looked to see Roland sitting on the couch with the bear. "Maya!" He said as he ran over to her and hugged her.

"Roland!" She said back with just as much excitement. She looked around and there wasn't much damage other then a few broken cups and some books on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I broke some things. I don't know why I was mad but I tried to clean up some of it." He said looking to her.

Don't worry about it okay. Regina will be here soon so you can see your dad." She smiled to him.

"Thank you Mys." He said as he hugged her again and Maya picked him up. Soon enough Robin was there and he took Roland from Maya and hugged him.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him." Robin said looking to her. "I'll pay for the damage if he caused any."

"It's not a problem." She smiled lightly. She was wondering where Zach was but she was still sad because he did hurt her feelings even if he was cursed.

"Um Zachariah is outside. He wants to talk to you. Should I send him up?" He asked looking to her.

"Okay." Maya answered. Robin nodded lightly as he walked out. Maya started picking up the glass that was broken. She heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" She said as she put the glass in the trash can.

He walked in and looked to her. "I'm sorry." He said looking to her.

"You were under a spell. It's okay." She said as she threw some more glass in the bag.

"Are you sure? You don't seem-" he started.

"Ah!" Maya said as a piece of glass cut her finger. "That hurt." She said as she wiped it off in the sink.

"Do you need help?" He asked looking at her.

"No it's okay." She answered. As she wiped it with a rag.

"Here let me-" he started as he reached for the rag.

"I'm fine okay?" Maya said dodging him as she waved her hand over it and it was healed. "See? I'm okay."

"Maya I was under a spell." He said looking to her.

"Did you mean it Zachariah? It sounded like you meant it." Maya said looking at him.

"Of course I didn't mean it. Any of it. I don't know why I said all of that." He said looking at her sadly. "Maya you are my family. And I love you."

"I know. It just hurt to see you hate me so much."  She said looking at him.

"It'll never happen again." He said as he cupped her cheek. "I meant the opposite of everything I said. You brought so much goodness into my life. You made me a better man."

"I didn't do all of that." She said looking down.

"Yes you did Maya." He smiled as he raised her head. "You are the reason I'm happy. I'll always be grateful for you. I love you so much." He said looking to her.

"I love you too." She smiled lightly looking at him as she cried lightly. "I'm glad you don't actually hate me." She said looking to him as he hugged her.

"I never really ever could." He said looking to her. "You're too perfect." He smiled before kissing her.

She kissed him back wrapping her arms around him. She kept kissing him until she heard the door open. She looked to see her mom and dad. Zach was holding close onto her waist.

"Oh. Are we... interrupting something?" Mary Margaret asked holding Neal in her hands as Zach let go and they both looked at her.

"I'm glad to interrupt." David sighed lightly as he walked in.

"No it's fine. Just making up that's all." Maya smiled lightly.

"We were under a spell so there is nothing we or Zach could do." Mary Margaret said looking to Maya.

"I know. That's why we made up." She smiled to Zach who grabbed her hand.

"So the others are going to help Elsa and Anna get back to Arendelle and take down the ice wall soon. They should be by the town line by now." Mary Margaret said looking to them.

"Alright. We will see you later then." Maya smiled looking to her mom.

Soon enough the two arrived to the line and walked towards it as the wall crumbled. "Nicely done." Maya said her fingers intertwined with Zachs as she smiled to Elsa.

"Thank you." Elsa smiled lightly back.

"Let's get going then." Anna chuckled lightly as she started walking toward the line.

"No wait!" Emma and Maya said at the same time.

"That was weird. Do you guys do that a lot? It doesn't matter now but we want to leave so should t we cross?" Anna said confused.

Maya walked to the line with Emma separating from Zach. "Ingrid might be gone but I can sense some of her magic still."

Maya lightly touched the air and felt the barrier. "Yep there's still a barrier."

"Besides we have to travel realms so crossing the line won't do us much good anyway." Elsa said looking to Anna. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Did we forget to tell her?" Anna asked looking to Kristoff.

"I don't know. We have been a little busy." Kristoff answered.

"Forget to tell me what?" Elsa asked looking to them.

"Well after we all unfroze, Hans had taken over Arendelle." Anna said with hesitation.

"Emma we have to get home. Now." Elsa said with a panicky voice.

"We'll do our best." Emma answered semi reassuringly. "So um I guess let's head to granny's and talk about some plans. You guys are probably hungry to right?" Emma said looking from Maya to the rest.

"Sounds good to me." Anna nodded.

They headed to granny's and talked. Mostly about Anna's confusion about the twins which confused her more. A while after Hook walked in saying he knew how to get them home. Maya and Zach sat with them while Emma and Hook talked.

"So to clarify, you both are twins but a spell kept you from growing until Emma started to use magic?" Anna asked.

"We'll sort of. We don't know if it was magic but generally the right idea." Maya nodded.

"And a curse kept your parents young?" She asked.

"Yep." Maya nodded. She looked to Zach who seemed just as confused. She laughed lightly. "Are you okay?"

"Well this is one confusing tale. I'm trying to connect it just as much as they are." He answered with a smile. His phone started ringing and he got up to take it.

"It's easy though." Maya smiled. "Emma grows because she's in a different land. She embarrasses herself then I start to grow because we are binded."

"I understand it but you make it seem a lot less complicated then it actually is." Elsa smiled.

"Maybe. I guess because I studied it so much to know if it was true or not, I kind of thought of it as like 1+1=2." She shrugged lightly.

"Good news." Emma said walking over with a confused face. "Killian found a portal at the sorcerers mansion. There should be a door there to get you home."

"Great! Let's get going." Anna said as she started to get up.

"Everything okay?" Maya asked looking to Emma.

"Yeah, he was just acting weird." She answered. "It's probably nothing." She said quietly.

"Okay." Maya nodded.

"Maya. Something's happened to Marian. Robin has to leave. They are all at the town line. They have to leave." He said as Maya looked to Emma.

"Go. We will meet you there." Emma said as Maya held Zachs hand and they poofed to the town line.

"Robin?" Zach asked looking to him and walking over.

"Zachariah." Robin said as they hugged.

"So it's true?" He asked sadly.

"Yes. I'm glad I got to see you grow up." He smiled. "You can come with us if you'd like."

"You know I can't do that." He said as he held Maya's hand. Maya was surprised. He would leave his family to stay with her and that was something she couldn't believe.

"I know. It was worth a shot. No matter where I am you will always be a part of me." Robin said.

"Thank you for taking care of me." Zachariah said with a small smile.

"You've grown into a fine young man. I would let have you any other way." He smiled.

"Zach?" Roland said looking to him.

"Yes?" Zach asked bending down to Roland.

"Maya." Robin said as Maya looked to him. "Please look out for him. I know he can take care of himself but I also know that you will help him."

"Of course." Maya smiled. "I'm sorry everything had to end up this way." She said looking to him. He looked down and Maya turned back to Zach and Roland who were hugging.

"Mys!" Roland said as he looked to her and Maya picked him up and hugged him. "I'll miss you." He smiled to her.

"I'll miss you too Roland. I had fun playing tag with you." She smiled to him.

"Me too." He smiled back. "I'll miss your hugs too." He said looking from Zach to her.

Maya smiled and looked at her hand. She poofed up the bear from earlier.

"This'll help you think of me and Zach and all the merry men." Maya smiled. "So this way you'll always remember us."

"Thank you." He said before hugging the bear. Maya put him down and Zach stood with Maya as they looked to the three amour to leave.

Maya turned to Zach and saw him crying. Maya wrapped around his arm. "It's okay, Zachariah. You'll be okay."

"I know. I love you." He said as he smiled down to her. She wiped his tears.

"I love you too." She smiled lightly. Regina said goodbye to Robin too which ended in a kiss. It must've been hard for her too.

"Let's go. We should see Elsa off." Zach said looking to her.

"You sure?" Maya asked looking to him. He nodded with a smile and they poofed off to the house.

"You found it." Maya smiled as she walked in with Zach behind her. She saw the very pretty door and her parents, sister, Henry, and the few from Arendelle.

"So this is it?" Elsa asked as she grabbed Emma and Maya's hand.

"Appears so." Emma answered with a smile.

"Thank you for taking suck good care of my sister." Anna said looking to them.

"It's kind of what we do." Maya smiled to her.

"It's our pleasure. Now don't you all have a kingdom to save?" Mary Margaret said looking to them.

"We sure do." Anna answered with a nod. "I hope Hans isn't to comfortable in that throne cause when we get back I'm gonna knock him right off." Anna said with a sigh.

"And the second minute we get back maybe we can get married? Just a thought." Kristoff said as they all chuckled lightly.

"Emma, Maya-" Elsa started as she held one of each of their hands. "You've both done so much. I could never repay you." Elsa hugged Emma.

"You wouldn't have to." Maya answered as Elsa looked to her and they hugged as well.

"It's time." Elsa said as she looked to them and then o her sister. "Please thank Hook and Mr. Gold for us as well."

Emma opened the door and they watched as Elsa walked through. Kristoff followed but Anna paused before she could leave.

"I wish o would've met this Mr. Gold. He's helped so much. Who is he? I mean who was he in the other land?" She asked looking to Emma. "Wait let me guess. He was a fairy godfather wasn't he?" She asked looking to her.

"Not exactly." David chuckled. "He was an evil sorcerer. You're lucky you never met him. Rumplestiltskin." David said.

"Wait what?" Anna said with a surprised look.

"Did you know him?" Emma asked. "He explicitly said he knew nothing about you."

"Well that's a lie." She said looking to Emma.

"Did he do something to you?" Maya asked concerned.

"Yeah but it's a touchy subject. You should probably be more worried about what he's planning to do." Anna said looking to them.

"What's that exactly?" Zachariah asked looking to her.

"He plans on taking his power from his dagger so he can't be controlled anymore. I had the hat for a while, then Ingrid had it, but more importantly he is dangerous. You should stop him before it's too late." Anna answered. 

"We have to go." Emma said looking to her family.

"Good luck. I hope you defeat him." Anna said before going through the door. They headed to the clock tower. Maya and Emma both felt energy coming from it. The twins went up by themselves.

They walked in and saw him. "Stop!" Maya said. The sky looked filled with stars and the magic was strong. He had a heart in his hand with Hook right next to him. Maya assumed it was his heart.

"Sorry dearies, I've worked to hard for this." He said before freezing them in place.

Not long after they were unfrozen. Belle made him take only them two to the town line after forcing him to give Hooks heart back.

"Killian?!" Emma said as she ran up to him. "Are you okay?" She asked as she cupped his face.

"I am now love." He smiled lightly.

"Let's get you back to the loft." She smiled.

Maya headed down and saw her parents and Zach. "Is everyone okay?" David asked looking to Emma and Maya.

"We are fine dad." Maya smiled as he hugged her. Maya went to her mom and hugged her too.

"Let's go. I'll make everyone some cocoa." Mary Margaret smiled as Maya hugged Zach. She smiled to him and he smiled back. They didn't need words to know what each other felt. They felt happy to be with each other, even if Zach was still sad about Robin.

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