CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fa...

By xlaurynwritesx

5K 129 29

Sen•sa•tion•al Causing great public interest; very impressive Everything is good again. Henry and Emma are st... More

•Forgotten Memories•
•Breaking Free•
•The Future•
•Ice Cream•
•Sea Witch•
•Lily and the Witch•
•Heroes and Villians•


210 5 2
By xlaurynwritesx

"What do you need?" Maya asked looking to him.

"I wanted to tell you the truth." He said looking to her. "Remember when you said I was family?"

"Yeah." She smiled to him. "It's true."

"Well maybe for you but not for me. Ever since I met you my life has been awful. There's always something bad going on and it's always because of you." He said pointing at her.

"You don't mean that." She shook her head as her heart hurt.

"Yes I do. You made my life awful. Everything was easier before I knew you." He answered.

"That's a lie." She said tearing up. "You told me that I made it better."

"I was trying to make you feel good. And now you think your going to save us? You can barely even save yourself. The only thing you need to do is leave since all you do is cause trouble." He said looking to her.

"Stop." She said looking down crying.

"You know it's true. I don't know why you even keep trying." He said looking at her. "Your such a baby."

"I know you're lying. I know you love me you just are acting your worst self." She answered crying still. "I still love you. I'll get you out of this."

"Don't bother now that I see things clearly I never want to go back. Especially with you." He answered.

"Go Zachariah." Maya said looking at him.

"Make me." He answered.

She waved her hand and sent him to the woods like that. She cried and headed to Golds shop. "Did you figure it out?" She asked looking to them.

"No but we have an idea to fix it. Is everything okay?" Elsa asked looking to her.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She said whipping her eyes. "Let's just break this curse." She said looking at them. They then all headed to Regina's vault.

"Alright we have to break the protection spell." Emma said looking to her as she got ready to do it.

Maya pushed her magic at it and it broke. "Okay." Emma nodded. "That was easier then expected."

"I'm pissed so I'm ready to get this done." Maya answered looking to her sister.

"Okay then." She nodded looking to her. "Now it's my turn."

"How do you expect to get to her?" Elsa asked.

"It's simple. I need to be prickly." Emma said as they walked in.

"Woah. A little late for Halloween." Emma said looking at Regina who was decked out in evil queen clothes.

"You." Regina said with even more anger then Zach had.

"How do you walk in that thing?" Emma asked.

"With the poise and composure of a queen." She smiled. "Perfect timing miss Swan. I was jus treading up on how to turn you into a garden topiary. And look you brought your little sidekick too. Why are you here?" She asked looking to Elsa as Maya rolled her eyes.

"I wanted to see your face when you learned the truth." Elsa answered looking to her.

"The truth about what?" Regina asked. Maya wondered what they had planned.

"About how I brought Marian back. I knew all along. I brought her hear on purpose." Emma said looking to her.

"Tell me something I don't know." Regina said angrily.

"What you don't know is why. I wanted you to see them together and not only that. I wanted you to see me and Hook together and know it was something you could never have. I wanted to ruin it again just like my mother did." Emma answered.

"I've been waiting a long time for this." She said angrily as she got Magic ready.

"Now!" Emma said as she grabbed Elsas hand and Regina's magic broke the ribbons.

"Let's go!" Emma said as they quickly ran out.

"Swan!" They heard Regina yell as they kept running. They decided to try and find the Snow Queen at her ice cave.

"I think I found it." Maya said as she saw the Icey opening.

"Yup." Emma nodded. "Let's find her." She said as they walked in. They all looked to the mirror and then to each other.

They kept looking around for the snow queen staying together. "You three have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment." She said as she smiled to them and they all faced her with their hands up. "Your ribbons- what have you done?" She asked looking to them.

"I'm not much for accessories." Emma said looking to her.

"Those ribbons joined us together. All of us." She said sadly.

"Get it through your head lady. We're not your sisters and we're never gonna love you." Emma said looking to her.

"Oh Emma. I know that you actually believe that. And it- it makes me sad." She answered as she sat down. "But all of that sadness won't last because soon you'll see you're wrong. " She said looking to them as she went to grab something.

"Don't do it!" Emma warned as they braced themselves. Ingrid had three marble like rocks in her hands.

"What are those?" Maya asked looking to her confused. Her eyes felt puffy from the crying she had done in the past few hours.

They're memories I took from all of you." She said looking to them. "Now it's time to give them back."

"Why? So we can remember how badly you treated us?" Emma asked looking to her. Maya couldn't help but think she didn't treat them bad though. After everything she went through to love them.

"The funny thing about time is that over time we romanticize the good and forget the bad. That's exactly what is in these crystals." She said looking to the girls. "These are the good memories and nothing else. The lovely moments I shared with all of you that I'll cherish forever and now, so will you." She smiled.

"I hate to break it to you but magic can't make someone love you." Emma said looking to Ingrid.

"No it can't by it can remind someone who loved you in the past and remind them to love you again." She answered. "I know Emma that you've forgotten but you did love me, you all did." She said before standing up. "That's why you aren't hurting me. We all know the only way to stop me is to kill me and you're all hesitating." She said as they looked to her as she walked past them. "You don't have it in you."

"It's because no matter what we want we think about the good of everyone. We don't just care about ourselves." She said looking to her. "Emma and I care about our actual family."

"They don't seem to care about you right now." She said looking to her. "I mean your boyfriend if he even is that anymore for example. He said he was better without you. I would never do something like that to you."

"He only said that because of your curse." Maya said looking to her.

"No. It's because he like everyone else is showing how they truly feel. And that Maya is truly what he feels about you." The ice queen said sadly. "I just want to love and for you to be my sisters." She said as she held her hands out with the rocks in her hands. "Come. Be my sisters." She smiled.

"I can't do it Emma. I can't hurt her." Elsa said looking at her.

"Well I can." Emma said.

"Me too." Maya said as they put their hands up.

"Wait!" They heard as they looked to see Anna running in. Where's Neal?, Maya thought looking at her.

"No Anna. She's too dangerous." Elsa said looking to her.

"You should listen to my sister and go." Ingrid said looking to her angrily.

"Your sister? No she's mine. And whatever you're going to do..., well don't." She said as she pulled out a piece of paper.

"Elsa I found this on the beach. It's from our mother." Anna said holding the paper facing her sister. She began explaining how it came through a portal with her and how it said everything about Ingrid and about how their mom felt bad about what she did to Ingrid and her dying wish was to get the memories of her sisters back to the land of Arendelle. Ingrid began choking Elsa.

"Let her go!" The three blondes said before Ingrid knocked them out. They woke up a short time later and went to make sure Anna was okay.

"Oh Gerda." Ingrid said as she sat on her knees with a smile. Her smile quickly faded. "Oh, what have I done?" She asked quietly. She got up and walked to the mirror. "I need to reverse this." She said looking to the mirror.

"You can't. The only way is if you-" Anna started.

"I know." She answered. "I have to destroy myself."

"No Ingrid." Elsa said.

"Wait!" Emma said.

"There is no other way." She answered as she called the magic back to herself. "I am a monster. Not because of my powers but because of what I let them turn me in to." She answered. "I have to undo this."

"No Ingrid. You'll die." Elsa said looking at her sadly.

"I know. It's okay." She said looking to her.

"Elsa, Anna you found each other and Maya and Emma you found your family even if it wasn't with me. You found each other too." She chuckled lightly but still seemingly in pain.

"You, you all deserve your memories." She flicked her hand and a purple magic came towards them. Maya began to remember what happened.


(Smol Maya :) )

Maya was about six years old. She remembered walking to the ice cream shop after school she had been saving up all the coins she found on the ground around town and eventually got enough for a small cone. At least she thought she did. She walked in and the bell rang.

"Hi." Ingrid said looking to her with a smile.

"Hi. My name is Maya. I would like a small ice cream cone please." She smiled.

"Maya." The woman said with a brighter smile. "What a pretty name. What flavor would you like?"

"Can I have chocolate please?" She asked looking to her. She began making it and Maya smiled.

"Where are your parents sweetie?" She asked as she made the cone.

"I don't know. The nuns are at the convent though. They take care of me." She said looking to her.

"I see." She answered as she handed the young Maya a cone.

"I have money for it. I saved up." She said as she held her cone and tried pulling out her money. She got out all of her coins and put them on the counter. She went to lick her ice cream and watched as the top fell on the floor.
She started to cry as she looked at it. "My ice cream." She said as she got on the floor. She spent so much time trying to save up.

"Hey." The ice cream lady said looking to her.
"Don't worry Maya. I'll get you a new one for free."

Maya sniffled. "Really?"

"Really." She answered with a small chuckle.

"Thank you Miss-" she said looking to her.

"Ms. Fischer." She answered. Maya smiled.

She came back more and more after that getting free ice cream. Maya remembered them spending time together after that and eventually going home with her instead of to the convent. She didn't realize then but she figured that she was in fact fostering Maya. Maya remembered eating ice cream and drinking cocoa with her all the time. She really liked her.


"You three are so special never forget that. You too Anna." She smiled to them as Maya felt a tear come from her eye.

"Here has to be another way. You deserve your happy ending too." Emma said.

"A prophecy told me long ago that you would lead me to just that Emma and this is it. This is my happy ending. All I wanted was to gave my sisters love and now, I'll finally be with them again." She smiled to them before fading away into a bright light.

"She sacrificed herself for us. For all of us." Emma said as snow fell onto them.

Maya looked to Emma and smiled lightly. Emma hugged her. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"She was going to adopt me. I didn't know anyone loved me before I met mom." She answered.

"Me neither Maya. She was going to do the same for me." She answered as they looked to each other.

"So it's broken?" Maya asked.

"I think so." She nodded lightly. "Let's go make sure everyone's okay." Maya nodded and they headed into town.

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