10 Boys

By fizzyburr7

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Sometimes, life changes so fast and you just have no control over it. And that's the harsh truth for Lexi Hen... More

10 Boys
Prologue: New Girl, New Place, New Life
Chapter 1- Play Ball!
Chapter 2- I Play to Win
Chapter 3- Kerri
Chapter 4- The End of the First Week
Chapter 6- Party
Chapter 7- He's His Own Enemy
Chapter 8- "Chill out, you can just bribe your teachers."
Chapter 9- The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 10- Start of a Love Triangle
Chapter 11- "Ben Is A Dick"
Chapter 12- "Liam Is On His Period"
Chapter 13- Trauma
Chapter 14- The Death Of A Killer: Part One
Chapter 15- The Death of A Killer: Part Two
Chapter 16- Bait
Chapter 17- Play Baseball In Bed
Chapter 18- All Good Things Turn Bad
Chapter 19- Hallucinations Of A Killer
Chapter 20- I Swear On Your Life
Chapter 21- "Hey, I promised you, didn't I?"
Chapter 22- Legal Guardian? Or Nah?
Chapter 23- Lexiam
Chapter 24- 2:00 P.M On A Saturday
Chapter 25- Goodbye Friends, Family
Chapter 26- The Harsh Truth vs The Sad See You Later
Chapter 27- Uncle Reed
Chapter 28- Family Man
Chapter 29- Hide and Seek
Chapter 30- The End
Author's Note

Chapter 5- Relaxing

6.1K 154 45
By fizzyburr7

        I closed my eyes and sighed. Reading my mom's journal was hard. She is a lot like me, but more relaxed.  And, she writes every experience she has, extra detailed. Trust me, I've heard things about dad I wished I didn't. Thinking of it, I shuddered.

        "Lexi?" my dad peered through my bedroom door. "Did you fall asleep reading the silly thing?" I nodded. "That's not healthy. You need to rest." Then quit talking to me and let me. 

        "I'm fine, no worries." He nodded.

"Do you have plans? It's Saturday!" Do I have plans? I mean I have a lot of guys to play with. Actually, I think I want a break. I got out my phone and looked at the contacts. My old friends from England...and then Hannah. I texted her, making my dad wait. All of a sudden she replied with all of their numbers. Sweet. I'll just text them, instead of meeting up.

"Let's hang out." I smiled. He looked overjoyed. "I think I know what I want to do." 

"And what's that?" 

"I want to go fishing." the look on his face- the smile turned to a fake one. I know that was what mom and him did all the time. 

"Y-yeah. Sure.." He replied awkwardly. 

"Dad, I want to go fishing without it relating to mom, please. Or hell- me." I said referring to the day I nearly drowned, the same day we found out Mom was dead. He gave me an annoyed look. I forgot I'm not allowed to swear around him anymore. He admitted to me that he hated it, because I always cussed. He said these exact words: "It makes me uncomfortable knowing my 15 year old daughter swears more than I do." After an hour of convincing, he sighed and finally gave in. I squealed of excitement and kissed his cheek. We walked in the garage, and he grabbed the rods and all the supplies. 

"I know a place where we can go." Dad smiled and got in the car. I sat next to him and played music. Always Gold by Radical Face played. I rolled down my window and relaxed. My dad looked at me. For the first time in awhile, I felt happy. My dad always made me happy. Ever since the day we lost mom we've gotten along so well. 

        We arrived at a medium sized pond with a dock. It felt great finally having a break from the guys. I walked around the lake and spotted someone. Looks like I spoke too soon. Blake was there. Jesus Christ, it's like they put a freaking tracking device on me. He waved to me and yelled hey. My dad looked uncomfortable. 

"Who is he?" He asked. I laughed awkwardly. 

"That's Blake..I'll be right back." I walked towards him. I heard my dad mutter under his breath, 

"Had to be friends with guys." A part of me wanted to whack him, but I kept on walking towards Blake. 

"What're you doing here?" I asked with a smile. He chuckled and set his fishing rod down.

        "I always come here. What about you?" I wanted to get a break from you guys.

"Oh? Just hanging out with my dad. I'll talk to you later. Bye." I smiled and he waved. I walked back to my dad, and he looked disappointed. "Dad, don't get upset. I just didn't want to be rude."

"Awful lot of guys you're talking to." He stated. I simply shrugged. He wasn't wrong. 

"I hang out with Hannah a lot." I brought up, quietly. "More than any boy."  He shook his head disagreeing with me. But, once again he was right. I've only brought her over to our house once or twice.

        After we caught absolutely nothing, Dad began to pack up and I walked towards Blake to say goodbye.

"Leaving? Not a lot of patience?" he chuckled. 

"Look we need to talk about what you said. That I will probably die." His face suddenly got serious. 

"Text me later? You have my number right?" I nodded and quickly left. I wasn't going to just let what he said pass by. I'm terrified. An hour later, I got a text.

  Blake: You home yet?

 You: Yeah :P

 Blake: You wanted to talk about it?

 You: Of course. Tell me more about it..in fact, just call me. Texting takes too long. 

        I got a call and answered it. 

        "Basically, no one knows who the killer is. There is a theory, however, that it's this messed up old man who lost his wife. Apparently the cops don't know anything about it, either. That's how complicated it is. So, every five years people get to nominate who they want to die, and the guy does the dirty work. He always get's away with it."

        "I don't want to die Blake." I said this a bit too loud, because my Dad stopped right by me and froze. I shooed him away, assuring him it was nothing. He slowly walked away, looking seriously confused.

"I'd be careful then."


"Don't break anyone's heart." I hung up quickly in panic. Great, now I seem like an idiot. He didn't call back. Does he know something? 

    I called Hannah, no answer. Shit. This is going to be one long week. I'm ready to go back to school to see her. I need to see her. My phone buzzed, surprisingly it was from Kerri.

        "Party- tomorrow. Be there or be square." I read out loud. A party? How the fuck did she get my number? Probably through Hannah, the only one who knew it. Besides Blake, of course. Do I want to go? It'll be my first American party...So hell yeah, I'm going.

        I got on twitter. Seeing my old friend's tweets hurt my heart. Apparently my ex-boyfriend Thomas is dating my ex-best friend, Talia. I sighed and continued to scroll through twitter. Life is so easy for them. There were a few tweets about me, indirects- but were obvious.

        "Ever since she moved we're happy.She was a slut." I'm not a slut, i'm just having fun. Hey, if you got them flaunt them. I may only be 15 but age does not define maturity. I do what I want. I favorited the tweet to freak them out, and replied back 'Even if I was a slut at least i'd be getting more action than you ever will in your entire life.' Instantly, it got multiple favorites. I noticed one of them was Julia. Oh yeah! I was supposed to set her up with Sean! 

        I contacted Jordan on twitter and asked if he would set Sean up with Julia. He said he would try. I told Julia on twitter. She flipped out. Suddenly my twitter began to blow up. The boys followed me. They must be talking about me on ts or something- that's not a coincidence. They must be talking about how to play me. Suddenly fangirls began to follow me too. Yay, just what I need. The crazy cubedom on my back. Plus, the other fans from the guys that weren't in the cube. Their fans were just as crazy.

        Finally, Julia messaged me freaking out. Apparently Sean followed her on twitter and dm'd her. Good for her. She deserves it, she's so sweet. I looked at Matt's twitter. He hasn't tweeted in so long, same with Colt. I sighed looking at all their twitters and scrolled down them. I used to be such a big fangirl. What happened? Oh yeah. They are a bunch of jerks.

So why can't I stop loving them? 

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