Not Yet

By BlackRose0138

187 7 1

Tamaki is returning from France, the host club doesn't even know why he left. When they meet up again, they f... More

Wishes Upon Pain
The Meeting
Julius Noir
The Search Begins
Kyouya to the Rescue
The Beginning of Recovery
Learn to Love Again

Not Yet

47 0 1
By BlackRose0138

Okay hi readers, this is an OHHC fic and no I don't own it, if I did then it would be way different and I wouldn't be writing fanfictions about what else Oh! I do except criticism and all that glorious stuff because I like knowing how I can better my writing. KyoXTama pairing. It's based off the anime in most parts not the manga even though I like the manga better. There are some things that are from the manga though that aren't in the anime they are pretty obvious. Please enjoy and if you have an opinion on it, leave a review and what not. Thanks as always -Len-kun

Kyouya kept a stern eye on the host club members. It was his job after all as the vice president or so he saw it that way. It was a way to impress other people, namely the fathers of his fans, by keeping everything in order that the head of the host club imagined for them to do. He made sure everything worked out and that nothing happened that wasn't according to the plan. Of course that job can be tricky when the host club president springs things on everyone at the last second possible. Suoh Tamaki, said president, was the largest airhead the Kyouya had ever met in his life and he had the chance of meeting a fair amount in his relatively active life. Keeping that boy, because there was no way Kyouya would soon if ever be calling him a man, under control was almost impossible. The other members he could deal with but Tamaki was just over the top stupid. "So what do you think Kyouya?" Hikaru asked tilting his head to the side along with his twin Kaoru. He had just proposed the idea of going to see their king, who was going to be at the airport soon, come home to Japan again.

"I suppose that is a reasonable idea, of course we would have to leave right now if we wanted to make it there on time." The shadow king replied closing the black notebook in his lap. The twins nodded and rushed off to pester Haruhi and the other two members, Honey and Mori, about leaving. Tamaki had rushed off to France for a while for reasons unknown to the host club but Kyouya doubted they were good reasons like Renge and the twins had dreamed up while he was away.

"Kyouya-senpai, I think we are ready to go." Kaoru announced, before Kyouya got up from his chair and nodded to them.

"I wonder if he brought back presents!" Honey thought aloud as he sat on Mori's shoulders before they walked down to the parking lot where they would be picked up from the school grounds. School had ended already but the host club had special permission to be on the grounds after hours so they could plan their next events after school.

"We don't even know why he left though, that's kind of worrying." Haruhi mumbled mostly to herself.

"I hope he's not being engaged to that Tonare girl again, that was hell to deal with." Hikaru grumbled making everyone else pause for a second.

"I doubt he would do that again, his grandmother doesn't have any power over the family anymore remember? Even if she wanted him to it's not like he would have said yes because he has no reason to. He can go to France as he pleases now and his mother is well enough to come to Japan on her own last I heard." Kyouya assured the others after feeling his own chest tighten at the possibility.

"It's not as though he even liked Eclare to begin with anyway, she was a meanie." Honey added in just to lift everyone out of the sudden depressing idea that the words "engagement" and "Eclare" brought upon everyone.

"I suppose we'll soon find out." Haruhi tried sounding as though it didn't bother her but she was having doubts either way.

By the time the car rolled into the airport parking lot, the host club was silent and deep in thought on why Tamaki actually

left them in the first place. The little discussion they had showed them that none of them had gotten any information on

the king was leaving, just that he was leaving and would be back on this day. "Tama-chan was only gone for a few weeks, that's not long enough for really anything to happen right? Did he just go because he wanted to?" Honey asked, careful in what he was saying since it seemed that Kyouya would snap soon by the dark aura he was emitting in the car.

"Lets hope not for our sake." Haruhi replied making it clear the discussion should end there before anything happened to them.

"Well this surely has turned from a joyous event into a scary and depressing one." Hikaru pointed out to his twin as everyone else got out of the car and headed into the airport where they would meet Tamaki.

"Tell me about it." Kaoru replied getting out of the car to follow the others for the moment of truth.

"So do you know where exactly Tamaki will be coming from?" Haruhi asked looking at Kyouya, because he was the most reliable one for things like this, for an answer.

"Over there!" Honey replied pointing in what looked like a random direction to the other host club members.

"How do you know that Honey-senpai?" Haruhi asked turning to the pint-sized host. Honey just pointed in the same direction. Haruhi and the others turned and made different sounds of realization as they saw cameras flashing and heard girls swooning for who could only be Tamaki.

"That's how Haru-chan." Honey replied scampering in the direction of the swooning ladies and flashing lights with a large smile on his face.

"If I didn't know Honey-senpai personally, I would swear to god he was Tono's little brother." Kaoru said as the rest of the host club followed at a less than excited pace.

"Tama-chan!" They heard Honey squeal from further up ahead as they made their way through the crowds of people.

"This crowd is never ending!" Haruhi growled trying not to get squished in between all the people around her.

"That's what happens when boss is on the loose." Hikaru pointed out as he tried to keep sight of the smaller blonde boy that was, somehow, making it through everyone with ease.

"So tell me, why didn't we just wait until Tamaki-senpai came out of the crowd instead of trying to walk through it?" Haruhi asked in annoyance.

"Because knowing Tamaki, he never would have come out." Kyouya replied just before he crashed into someone, or rather said person went flying into him, and nearly lost his balance.

"Kouyaaa!" Came the squeal that couldn't have been anyone but Tamaki cried out burying himself into the other's clothing as though he hadn't seen him in a century.

"Welcome home Tamaki." Kyouya replied not bothering even trying to get the mess of a blonde off of him aside from the uncomfortability of the position, Kyouya found he didn't terribly mind it that much.

After fighting their way through the crowds of people and finally getting out of the airport all the host club members were at least a little out of breath. "Lets never repeat that again. I feel like I've been stepped on by an elephant!" Kaoru whined sitting down on a bench.

"I agree, that

unpleasant, next time I'm taking a

plane that doesn't land in a public airport." Tamaki agreed slumped against a wall running his hand through his golden hair and yawning. It seemed like it had been forever since they saw their king but he seemed a little off from how he normally acted.

"So how was France?" Honey asked as Tamki tiredly dragged his large suitcase to the car.

"It's changed a little but not much and I got to see a lot of old friends again so over all I think it was a good trip. Of course there were some downsides to it but I had a lot of fun with everyone." Tamaki replied as a butler shoved the suitcase, with trouble, into the back of the car and then opened the door for Tamaki and his friends.

"Senpai," Haruhi began effectively getting the kings attention after everyone was in the car. "Why did you go to France in the first place?" She asked trying to cover the worry in her voice.

"Oh that right I suppose I forgot to tell you all why I was going didn't I," Tamaki chuckled with a smile on his face making the others fell a little better that he wasn't suddenly somber, because they learned that always meant bad news for everyone, but happy and smiling as usual. "Well the main reason I went is because it was my mother's birthday and so I wanted to be there for that, also it was because I wanted to see what France was like now since I haven't been there in a while. I didn't really expect to be doing much or seeing a lot of people, but that didn't seem to be what fate had in mind because I ran into a ton of people on the way to my mother's, one of those people being Tonare and her new fiance from america named Grant. So thank the heavens I don't have to worry about ever being in her way again although I was still invited to her wedding." Tamaki replied making everyone else sigh in relief internally. Kyouya picked out that there was something big Tamaki was leaving out of the story and he doubted that Tamaki had as good of a time as he made out to have had despite what the king was saying.

"I see well that's good, we are glad you're back home in Japan though." Haruhi smiled back at him and Tamaki nodded.

"Yes, although I love France very much and it was nice to not have to think about if my history was correct I like the difference between France and Japan. For instance how you can talk to someone and be more than two inches away from each others face." Tamaki laughed.

'Just don't leave and not come back Tamaki, as long as you always come back to Japan you're welcome to go to France as much as you want.' Haruhi thought as she listened in on the rest of the story of Tamaki's encounters and stories of what happened on his trip. It was eventful apparently but looking at Kyouya Haruhi felt something amis with the behaviour of the king. She just couldn't place it.

"Also, I don't think I will be going back for a while. The time difference from here and Japan is terribly hard to get used to as I found out." The blonde said leaning on Kyouya.

After the short car ride from the airport to the main estate, Tamaki still decided to live there but the staff of the second house had been invited to work there to make it feel like the second estate, a few maids pulled Tamaki's luggage out of the car and wheeled it into the house. "We don't have school tomorrow right?" Tamaki asked rubbing his eye a little clearly still on the European time schedule.

"That's right, it's friday after all so do try and rest up. However we are planning on having a meeting on sunday evening about possible upcoming events for the host club so it would be ideal for you to be there." Kyouya replied hardly looking at Tamaki as he took the other's coat because the blonde had struggled out of the thing in the car.

"Alright, I should be there, what time and whose place?" Said blonde asked numbly walking through the doors of the estate with Kyouya right behind him.

"Time we decided would be at noon and we haven't decided on where yet, have any ideas?" the shadow king asked expecting it to be at some large gathering place.

"Sure, we can do it here. The staff know you guys and grandmother is going on vacation with my father to France this coming week and they will be leaving in about 3 hours I think so I have the house to myself not counting the staff and the dogs." The blonde replied with a shrug looking at Kyouya but obviously not seeing the shadow king.

"Well then we'll see you here at noon boss, welcome home and we're gonna hit the road because we have to be home for dinner." Hikaru said waving to Tamaki as they made their way outside and headed home.

"I should get going too, I don't want my father making a ruckus after you just got back home. See you soon Tamaki-senpai, Kyouya-senpai, Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai!" Haruhi bowed rushing out the door and pulling her phone from her pocket in the process.

"Someone has got to get her a new phone for gods sake." Tamaki said after the girl had left.

"We can work on that Tama-chan, but I need to go home too because Chika wants to practice tonight." Honey said before Mori set the other on his shoulder and nodded to the other two hosts as they walked out.

"What was the real reason you went to France Tamaki? I know it wasn't your mother's birthday because that's not for another month." Kyouya said turning to the king after the door had shut behind the others. It was then that Kyouya noticed that Tamaki was curled on the couch with his head on his knees. "Tama?" Kyouya asked sitting on the could by his friend, the nickname went unnoticed by both teens, and placed a hand on the other's shaking shoulder. Kyouya pulled Tamaki closer to him, the king was now practically on the other's lap, and held him tightly running through all the possibilities of what could have happened on his friend's trip to make him so distressed. There were footsteps coming down the stairs and Tamaki shot up from the couch, and Kyouya, to face his father and grandmother.

"We will see you in a few weeks time my son, do well in school and have a fun time while we're back in the country of love." Tamaki's father said giving Tamaki a hug.

"When we come back, I expect you to have learned the few new pieces that are laying on the piano upstairs understood?" His grandmother asked with an almost stern look. She looked so aged now and softer hearted than before.

"Of course grandmother, father, have a wonderful time and we all await your return." Tamaki replied with his own smile as they left. Then Tamaki started rushing up the stairs with Kyouya hot on his heels before the raven haired king watched the blonde crumple to the ground once more in his room.

Kyouya, again, pulled Tamaki to him and sat against Tamaki's bed on the floor with the other in his arms. Still puzzled at what was going on, Kyouya's mind didn't stop reeling at the thought of his friend being in so much pain and sorrow yet covering it up so easily when anyone else was in the room. "K-Kyo-ya," Tamaki stuttered through sobs that had developed a sound loud enough for Kyouya to hear.

"What is it Tama, tell me." The other whispered, it seemed that even though he despised being the "mother" of the host club as Tamaki often called him Kyouya could calm down the other just as a mother would do to a wailing child.

"Pl-please, stay wi-th m-me." Tamaki choked out in the midst of his tears. If Kyouya hadn't been surprised before he was utterly stunned now. Realizing that with his grandmother and father gone, Tamaki didn't have anyone to lean on right now with his watering eyes and almost silent sobbing made Kyouya pull out his phone and quickly text his sister saying that he would be over at Tamaki's for the night and possibly more since the kid would be home alone and not really supervised. Of course everything was okay from the other end of the line so Kyouya put his phone on the table after turning it off and put his full focus on the other host.

"Of course I will stay Tama, I'll always stay with you when you need me." The words and tone were uncharacteristic for Kyouya but he felt like that was what Tamaki needed to hear right now. "Come on lets get you cleaned up a little." Kyouya said picking up the king in a bridal hold and taking th shortest route to Tamaki's bathroom. 'This is going to be a long night, and technically the night hasn't even started.' Kyouya thought looking at the time on his watch that read 8 PM. He ran water in Tamaki's bath and started slipping the cloths off the other before he abruptly stopped. Tamaki held his arms to his chest but Kyouya grabbed one of them and pulled it back to inspect the horizontal slashes on the skin there. He didn't say anything but looked at Tamaki via the mirror. The other didn't raise to meet his gaze, which was expected, and simply tried to curl into himself more.

"I-I." Tamaki began but Kyouya stopped him from speaking but nearly crushing him.

"Don't speak Tama, just tell me when you're ready. You can take as long as you want as long as you tell me eventually." Kyouya replied helping Tamaki with the rest of his shirt and pants. Having to hold in a growl at how many bruises he saw on the other's flawless hybrid skin. Tamaki got into the bath and sunk down until only his head was above the water. Kyouya sat on the edge of the large tub and watched to make sure the other didn't drown while he was in there. Kyouya wasn't exactly sure as to why he even ran a bath because Tamaki was just sitting there and not budging. 'I suppose this will at least get some of him somewhat clean right?' Kyouya asked himself not really caring to put much effort into finding an answer to the question. So they both sat there, watching. Not each other completely but not letting themselves wander off so much in thought to where the other escaped their senses, just watching and waiting to see who would make the first move or would neither of them? Not yet would Tamaki speak, not yet would Kyouya pry, not yet would either of them move. Eventually they would, but not yet.

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