Game Of Thrones Preference

By alertIamafangirl

448K 5.7K 534

Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Theon Greyjoy, Margaery Tyr... More

How you meet pt.1 your point of view (Male Character (Game of Thrones)
How you meet pt. 1 your point of view (female characters) (Game of throne)
How you meet pt. 2 his point of view (male)
How you meet pt.2 her point of view (female)
how he asks you on a date
how she asked you on a date
Your first date (male)
your first date (female)
what he calls you
what she calls you
What you call him
what you call her
your first kiss (male)
your first kiss (female)
who says I love you first plus how it happened (male)
who says I love you first and how it happened (female)
How he asked you to be his girlfriend
How she asks you to be her girlfriend
why you keep your relationship a secret (male)
why you keep your relationship secret (female)
your first fight (male)
your first fight (female)
you guys break up pt. 1 (male)
you guys break up pt. 1 (female)
Ramsay Bolton
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (male)
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (female)
you guys get back together (male)
Person he gets jealous of
person she gets jealous of
person your jealous of (male)
person you are jealous of (female)
Jamie Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Myrcella Bratheon
Gendry Waters
Oberyn Martell
Yara Greyjoy
brienne of tarth
Viserys Targaryn
Obara Sand
What there family thinks of you (male)
How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship with her
Their favorite dress on you (Male)
There favorite dress on you (Female)
His favorite physical and personality feature (male)
Her favorite physical and personality feature (female)
They ask someone close to you for your hand in marriage
The moment you realized you loved her
He proposes
Your ring
His ring
Your matching Necklace
Your wedding ceremony
Your wedding Feast
2 Words to describe your wedding night
2 words to describe Your first time (female)
Ellaria Sand
How he protects you
How she protects you
Sandor "The Hound" Clegane
Tywin Lannister
Lyanna Stark
Ashara Dayne
You find out your with child
You find a child/children you want to adopt
You tell them your pregnant
You agree to adopt the child/children
How they act during your pregnancy
You tell the children you are adopting them
Tormund Giantsbane
I'm back

you guys get back together (female)

4.9K 95 6
By alertIamafangirl

Sansa Stark
You knew you needed to get Sansa back. You figured that the easiest way was talking to her. So here you were sitting in her chambers awaiting her arrival. You heard the door creak open and saw the redhead walk in. "What are you doing here," she asked? "I came to say sorry," you answer. "For," the stark questions? "Changing hurting you," you reply. "You are forgiven," the eldest daughter of Need stark says. "There is one thing will you take me back," you asked? "Of course,"  the redhead said. You spent the rest of the day together.

Arya Stark
You skipped your lessons again but this time was different. You didn't stay in your room you crept to where Arya was having her sword lessons. You watched her practice. When she was done you crept out of your hiding spot. "Hello is there anything you need," Arya asked? "To talk to you," you said. "About," she asked? "I am sorry for blowing up and breaking up with you," you apologize. "I am sorry for not understanding," she apologizes before asking, "does that mean we can be together again?" "Yeah," you say. You kissed her before you to just ran around all day with her.

daenerys Targaryen
"THAT WAS STUPID YOU COULD HAVE DIED," you yell. "I needed to show everyone I am serious," The queen says before asking, "why do you care?" "Because I can not live without you this last fortnight has been hell," you say sigh. "You will never have to be without me," the mother of dragons said. She grabbed your head between her hands and kissed you. You kissed back. You spent the rest of the day holding each other.

Margery Tyrell
"Pack your things," your husband said. "Why," you asked? "We are going to join King Renly and Margaery I am going to fight as one of his knights and I figured you would like to stay near Margaery so," the future lord of high garden explained. "Of course when do we leave," you asked? "Next sunrise," he said. "Thank you," you say. You finished packing up your things and then walked to Margaery's chamber. You knocked on the door. She opened it and let you in. "Why are you here," the Tyrell asked? "I have news," you said. "What," Margaery asked? "I will be joining you," you say. "Really," she asked excitedly wrapping her arms around you. You nodded your head yes before she reached down and kissed you. You spent the rest of the day helping her pack.

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