I've reincarnated into the ev...

By MewsTwo

96.3K 4.2K 1.1K

Bernald Tanzanite suddenly remembered he was in an otome game. He was the secret hidden evil character, who p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 11

3.7K 176 19
By MewsTwo

I've reincarnated into the evil character, but somehow I've healed them?
Chapter 11

It's finally the dreaded day. Where your greatest embarrassments come to light.

On "Bring Your Parents To School" day.

It was early morning, and I already heard the groans and complaints of students.

"Dearest mother, please stop taking pictures!!!"

"Father, do not talk at all. Anything that you say always leads to you showing my baby picture..."

"Little sister, don't touch the fire alarm! Ah! Little brother, DON'T GO INSIDE THE TRASH SHUTE!"

When seeing everybody's parents and actions, I feel that nothing can really compete with Sphene-sama.

"Woah! Father, look over here! You look cool atop the school monument!"

"Really? Get up here, I'll hold you up on my shoulders! Bernald, quickly take a picture!"

"Yes, yes... But be careful, don't slip~"

"Phht, as if I, the daughter of this man whose climbed mountain cliffs, would slip! Ah-"


Luckily Sphene-sama caught her with wind magic. He lifted her up and sat her next to him.

"Maybe I should have done this in the first place..."

"U-Uh huh...!"


When class started, it was like a switch had turned on in the room. Parents calmly bragged about their child, in the most aristocratic way. Their finest art, placements in competitions, number of instruments that they could play... Brittania-sama could possibly score high in the art category, but bringing up doujinshi is...

Students that usually talk about school, are acting like they're at a noble's party. Brand names, companies, marriage partners were the main topics. Even Brittania-sama had to join in the discussions.

It's pretty saddening to not be able to be yourself in front of your parents. For the nobles, and their children, it must be stifling to act in such a way. Though there's always those kinds of people that like to do such things.


It was sort of a class competition, to see who did the best in each subject. Brittania-sama almost drowned in Arithmetic and Chemistry, but I'm glad we got a bit of retribution in Literacy and Art. The rude whispers were too loud to even ignore.

A note was passed to Brittania-sama, with positive support written from classmates. Though they couldn't say praise out loud, in their hearts everybody supported each other. It was heartwarming to see such camaraderie.

During lunch, we led Sphene-sama to our usual spot in the garden. It was expected that it was empty, and we ate our school lunches.

"So what class is after this? Here, eat more spinach. There's no bones in this part."

"Father, I easily choke on stringy leaves. Fish?! The class after Art, is Music and then Magic Education. Take my mango pudding."

"Isn't it your favorite though? But gosh, I never knew you were such an artist! Maybe we could hold an exhibition." He clapped his hands together.

Both of us paled and shook our heads. "No no no! It's fine! My art is on normal standards!"

"If we held an exhibition, I'd be blasphemy against the church..."

Sphene-sama looked at us with a strange look, but he brushed it off. We continued to eat, when a pair of father and sons walked through the entrance. Luckily they were far away from us, but I could almost make out who they were.

"Bernald, isn't that Richard-sama? And Diago-sama? Then those people are-!"

It was the king himself, Aldus Larimar, the ruler of the Opal kingdom. The person he was talking to was Ivon Citrine, general of the royal army. Diago and Richard were walking behind them, discussing over documents probably about the school festival.

"Your Majesty, do you have time to be visiting this school? I would think our king would be more dedicated to his work." Citrine-sama had a scornful look, and his words were cold. The mood became icy, just like a blizzard!

"I'm sure you're implying I'm slacking off. Since a person like yourself is also here, I assume that you're here for the same reason?"

G-Guh!!? With a smiling face, the heat turns back up! Diago and Richard ignore them as if they're used to it, and continue working.

Meanwhile, Brittania-sama's soul leaves her body, with her hands firmly clasped together. "Such elegant, long, golden hair...! It goes all the way to his knees! That man's dark, chocolatey hair cascades down his shoulders in large curls! The scar across his nose is a manly touch!"

I think this is what she might have wanted to say. "....the aura...of older men..." As her final words left her lips, I prayed for her return.

"You're not going to eat your fruit? Then I'll take it~" On the other hand, Sphene-sama was shamelessly stealing food. I gave him the rest of my lunch, and continued to eavesdrop on his Majesty and the royal general.

They looked only a couple years older, but they were probably around forty. Despite their opposite personalities, it looked like they knew each other well. I've seen his Majesty a lot in Richard's route: his role was to push the heroine to be courageous and pursue Richard. His Majesty's true intentions were obvious, but he was sweet in encouraging her.

And then for Citrine-sama, everything was opposite. He's seems like a good man from here, but in Diago's route he was a prominent antagonist. Citrine-sama focused on Diago, but not exactly. He demanded the best from him, in everything. Anything related to using magic, he berated him in "choosing an easier way" though it was something he was born with. The Citrine family never used magic, due to a family law. But Diago had very high talent, so he was encouraged by others to nurture it.

Citrine-sama hated that he had magic, since he had high pride for his family built upon hard work. With that, along with comparing him to his older brother, Diago-sama became very stressed.

The heroine had learned of his troubles, and also received a lot of criticism from Citrine-sama. In the final battle against Bernald, Diago-sama finally realizes that his magic is something that's a part of him, and almost single-handedly defeats him. After being powered up by the heroine and finishing him off, he goes to confront his father, and says his firm resolution.

"My magic is what makes me, me!" Diago-sama declared. Citrine-sama was impressed, and then left him alone after that. It was a touching story, especially when Diago-sama struggled meeting his father's expectations. After finishing his route, it somewhat....still felt unfinished.

"Richard, how are classes here? Is it up to your level?" His Majesty stopped walking and turned to him. "I prefer interacting with people to learn," was all he said. Diago-sama looked uncomfortable, unsure to say anything at all.

"Diago, how have your studies been?" Diago-sama straightened up, his arms at his sides. He looked jittery. "Y-Yes! They have been excellent! My form in swordsmanship has improved!" Citrine-sama was silent for awhile, with an unreadable expression. "I'd have expected it would have been perfect by now, Diago. When we get back, I'll personally see to your lesson this time."

"Yes, sir..." A damp mood of disappointment covered both of them. It was stifling just looking at them. So I turned over to his Majesty and Richard. It looked like a conversation, but it looked like a parent trying to talk to their child wearing headphones.

I'd forgotten about that they talked to each other about Rosa Spinel. I heard from Diago that he was having nervous breakdowns and uncontrollable urges to eat ice cream. But after obtaining a dubious love spray, he seems more at ease. Diago hinted that he might make her fall in love with a turtle...

"Ueeagh... Huh? W-what happened to my lunch!" It was completely gone, and it had all our trash piled onto it. "Tee hee~ Yours truly ate everything! But... Is Bernald always like this? Peeking from bushes to look people."

"He's always like this. I think he should see a doctor. At his age... He shouldn't be disintegrating so soon..."

"I-I can hear you...!"


"Are you okay, Diago?"

"...Y-Yeah. Sorry you had to see that."

We entered the empty student council room. Our fathers went off on their own, to find a vending machine. Apparently they don't have them in the Royal Palace.

After sitting down in my own chair, did I sigh. It was very embarrassing for his Majesty to see that. But I felt even more ashamed that I said the wrong words. He's very finicky. Sometimes I have to exaggerate, or I have to be modest. If I make the wrong answer, it's hard to face father. It reminds me of all the shortcomings I have.

Unlike father, Richard praises me in what I do well in. Even in the magic that father hates, he accepts me as an equal. It's almost okay to say that he's my savior. During my hardest times, he's been there for me. He reminds me of all the hard work I've done, and motivates me to be better. ....For father.

"Do you want iced coffee? It's all that we have left." Richard held up a bag of coffee. "We drink so much of it... But sure. I'll get some castella cake from the cafeteria." Getting up, I left the room. The corridors were still empty, and the weather was becoming warmer. By the time of the school festival, it should be pretty hot.

In the cafeteria, it was almost empty, as students put their trays back and went to class. I saw a familiar pair, and went to greet them.

"Bernald-san, Brittania-chan, hello! Just finishing lunch?"

"Yes. Though I think Brittania-sama wants dessert. I think it was a ploy, giving Sphene-sama your pudding." Bernald-san sighed, shaking his head.

"Well.... Now you know. So make me a dessert! Maybe that jello that has a coconut layer on top. Those are my favorite!" I had no idea what she was talking about, but Bernald-san nodded and headed into the kitchen.

"So Brittania-chan, did your father come?" She smiled widely, and pulled out a magic tool. "Yeah! He's at the restroom right now, but look at all the pictures we took! There's father, that's me.... And there's Bernald! I got a really good one with his disgusted face."

His face was scrunched up, and he had a double chin. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. It was so unlike him, but somehow I could imagine what he was looking at.

"C-Can you print out that picture for me? I think I'd be a good charm to hold onto."

"Of course! I was planning on putting them into an album, so it's no trouble to print an extra. Oh! Bernald's back."

He carried a large tray, and set it down on the cafeteria table. With a knife, he swiftly cut the jello into diamond shapes.

"Wait here, I made another batch, so you can take it back with you. I think this time around, I got it right!"

Bernald-san dived back into the kitchen. Brittania-chan was relentlessly eating, poking a piece and shoving it in her mouth. I picked up the magic tool, and looked through the pictures.

Just by looking at them, I can feel the energy and excitement. When I see all of these photos, I wonder if my own family has an album. Maybe I should look for it when I get home.

"Diago-sama, here you go. I hope this is enough for you and Richard-sama." While he's saying this, he hands me two gallons worth of jello.

"This is plenty... I have to get going, but enjoy the rest of your day!"

I waved goodbye, but Bernald-san stopped me. His hand on my shoulder startled me. I forgot about that... T-The recurring images...!

"B-Bernald-san?" He looked like he was about to say something, but ate it. He put on a smile, and patted my back.

"You look like you have a lot of things on your mind. If it gets too tough, just call for me!"

"...Okay...Sure! I'll see you if I need help. Thanks, Bernald-san!" Waving goodbye, I felt as if my eyes were cleared. The sky's blue looked so far away, and the clouds seemed to be only slightly closer. Was this some kind of magic? All of my problems seem so small now.

I took in the moment, before I went back to Richard.


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