Love At First Roll

By Crasieiness

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What do you do when you clash both wheels and heart with someone you don't know? You stay away. And that's ex... More

Love At First Roll - REWRITTEN
Boiling Blood - REWRITTEN
Collision - REWRITTEN
Teases and Silent Stares - REWRITTEN
Nice Cars and Adrenaline - REWRITTEN
First Impressions - RETWRITTEN
Is The Best-Friend Better? - REWRITTEN
Trouble - Rewritten
Hardly A Cliché Date - Rewritten
I'm the Mistress - Rewritten
She's the Mistress - Rewritten
Jealousy Is A Monster - Rewritten
I Promise... Rewritten
Make or Break - Rewritten
Drowning Sorrows - Rewritten
Consequences - Rewritten
Exposed - Rewritten
Getting Shit Done - Rewritten
Reunions- Rewritten
STDS. Use Them To Your Advantage... Rewritten
Prune Juice Is Not The Way Forward - Rewritten
Mothers, Proposals and New Jobs - Rewritten
Dinner Parties - Rewritten
Semi-Finals - Rewritten
Making Changes - Rewritten
Knocked Up - Rewritten
Additions - Rewritten
Needing the Tragedy - Rewritten
Carpe Diem - Rewritten
Sympathy to Empathy - Rewritten
Becoming a Hylton - Rewritten
Epilogue - Rewritten

'Open when...' REWRITTEN

146 6 0
By Crasieiness

 – Two Months Later

 Ron’s P.O.V –

“GABRIELLA APRIL GREENE, YOU COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!” I growled, that bitch was totally getting it.You see she had a knack of annoying people, those people being me, pretty much 99% of the time. Alot of the time she had Aana working with her but sometimes it would be little comments that Aana would drop in, just to annoy me. Today she had managed to drop all of my bloody juice over the table. Once she dropped it, she jumped up and ran out. Luckily for us, our form room was in a seperate building in a little are with some bathrooms across the corridor and a computer room next door. Sometimes we would use that to our advantage but time's like this only Gabby did. With the bathrooms across the corridor and the stalls obviously having locks, it was her safe haven. Normally she would lock herself in when Aana would accidently leave her phone unlocked and Gabs would take it and run to the bathrooms.  

“That juice looked expensive.” Lottie tutted from the side.

“Oops sorry Waitrose.” Gabby smirked, her tiny head poking through the door. That girl really knows how to push the buttons around here. Although we were all quite wealthy, Lottie showed it the most. Mostly by buying everything from Waitrose, an expensive and quite upper-class supermarket. Rolling my eyes at her I turned around and plopped myself down at the table, facing Aana who was currently turning red whilst trying not to laugh and clearing up the juice.

“There, all nice and clean.” Aana smiled. Although incredibly dirty minded and annoying, she was much more mature than Gabby.

“At least it’s not wet anymore” Gabby smirked “unlike Ron”. There really was no way stopping this girl. As much as I loved her, sometimes she would overstep that mark, that boundary. You may think friends shouldn't have to have boundaries, but trust me when somebody is annoying you 24/7, you would need a break too. I think this is the right time to open one of Aana's letters. A few weeks ago, Aana made me and the girls ‘open when’ letters. Aana's always been quite a deep person and as much as she annoys us, she cares about us too, hence the letters. She gave us five letters each with different titles and included a little hand written note and picture which connected with the title. It was cute and at times it was just what we needed.I think it was wise to open the ‘Open when Gabby’s getting annoying’ letter. I grabbed my bag from the ground and left for next lesson, stopping at the closest bench. It was freezing outside, so the grounds were literally empty, everybody was proberly sat inside their form rooms, not that it would be any warmer, seeing as they never turn on the god damn heater. I quickly searched through my bag, clutching the bright blue envelope with my name on it and finding the right letter. Hopefully, rubbing my hands together would help keep the warmth in, but we all know that wasn’t happening. I ripped opened the letter and the first thing I saw was a small collage of Gabby’s Snapchat photos. She really knew how to be ugly, I chuckled to myself. Snapchat was the place where Aana and Gabby spent most of their time, sending eachother the ugliest selfies possible. Trust me there was quite a few. At the top of the paper there was a small paragraph.

 ‘I know sometimes she can go overboard, but she doesn’t mean it. Relax a bit and try laughing. Play along and she’ll soon get bored. Still not helping? What would your reaction be if today her last day with us? She loves you really.’

I laughed to myself and remembered how deep Aana could be. Checking my watch, I walked across the grass glancing backwards to check if any of them were out yet. I had about five minutes before the other guys left for class but knowing Lottie and Aana the like to leave early and conquer the three flights of stairs, which was a daily punishment. It was funny because although they both looked quite fit, they weren't. They walked across up a few steps or across the courtyard and got tired. They even took breaks after each floor and pretended to talk about something or wait for somebody.

I had Geography next which meant I also had to get up three flights of stairs, only to be harrassed by Gabby. Lottie and Aana weren't in our Geography class, they both took History instead. Which meant I was left with Gabby and Rhiana. I actually listened in class, well tried to. It was very hard to when I had Gabby opposite me normally kicking my foot or throwing paper aeroplanes at me. She basically spent this lesson making things, annoying me or texting somebody. 

“Gabby I freaking mean it, stop!” I hissed across the table. All she did is giggle and carry on drawing dirty little comics in the back of her book. The teacher was pacing up and down the class, obviously getting really passionate about the tectonic plates, not noticing us at all. I'm pretty sure she imagined we weren't there to make herself feel better.

“Veronica, pass me your book please.” She muttered, typing something on her phone. The thing with Gabby was she had no idea about being discrete. She couldn’t whisper to save her life so we just didn’t bother  telling her anything and she could not use her phone without getting caught. Like now, she was staring down at her legs grinning. She obviously didn’t realise how stupid and obvious that looked. I’m guessing she was texting Aana. Aana didn’t listen either in lessons but she was abit better at hiding it then Aana. Aana kept her phone on her desk so it looked like she was just doing work. Lottie insisted the teachers knew but if they did they hardly did anything about it except from a few detentions which she didn't turn up for. 


Geography was honestly killing me and Ron was actually doing her work which meant I was sat here  bored out of my head. Rihana wasn’t in today which meant I was stuck with Ron and some other people I didn’t particularly like. Plus, they were boring as shit. Luckily Aana had the same idea as me and was online. She had History across the hall and I’m guessing she didn’t  find Hitler very interesting. Who am I kidding? Aana pretty much always had the same idea as me. Especially in these lessons it was almost a traditional to text. I think Aana's History teacher was pregnant so she was pretty much not even there and my teacher couldn't give a shit. 

Thread: Aana Forrester

G: I’m so bored A, help me.

A: You’re bored? There’s only so much I can take about Hitler.

G: there’s only so much I can take of tectonic bloody plates.

A: what’s Ron doing?

G: actually doing her work

A: funny thing about class, you are requested to do work Gabs.

G: Haha, says you

A: I’ve done the work, I’m just slowly dying… We have a whole ten minutes left.

G: What have you got after?

A: Are you ok? Its last period…

G: I told you, I’m knocked out mate.

A: Skype tonight?

G: Read my mind…

A: Mark texted you?

G: No, I’m a minor… I said no.

A: Right. Miss Letcher won’t sit the freak down so I got to go. I can’t be bothered with another detention about my phone.

G: Yep, your Mum’s going to go bat shit crazy on your ass. In abit asshole.

A: See you -.-.

After the whole thing with Mark, as much as we thought it was creepy and crazy, it happened. He asked me out on a date, obviously I said no. He was only seventeen but with me only being fifteen, I wasn't going for it. He asked me out and apologised, explaining how he got into my phone and how stupid I am for leaving my phone on a stupid password. I wasn't actually expecting him to hack my freaking phone or anyone for the matter whilst I was wheeling around but hey ho, shit happens. Long story short, Mark was and still is a nobody. 

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