Mind Games>>Ricky Horror AU

נכתב על ידי bittersweetlovings

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I created him a year ago. He was suppose to be just a friend. Just someone I could talk to. Ricky saw my girl... עוד

Fücking Perfect
Ricky Burrito
Stop messing with my girlfriend
Make me
That was assault, bïtch!
Don't touch me!
I know you don't forget but I will
No one says no to Ricky Horror
He thinks he's a stud
You need a guitar?
Morning, turtle doves!
I know Ricky can't play Vanessa
Please, don't leave me.
I said I'd never let you go
You used my stage name?
Alice with Josh, Andy with Ashley
I'm thirty-one not seventy-five
Kids are jerks
Time to be serious, A/N
You guys are scared of everything
Could your boyfriend be stalking us?
Are you two like...Married?
And I'll kick his äss if he touches you
It was me!
Everything is going to be okay
I really love you...
If only you could, runt
Q/A comments and PMs
It's a blood letter
I am glad you know how to get laid 1940s style
You're Ricky Olson not James Bond
Incubi and Succubi
Thery're the only family I have left!
...Ricky, I'm scared
They're going savage...
Congratulations, it's a brat
He's a lying snake
Ms, are you alright?
A Final Note/Disclaimer
Author's Note

I'll see you on the better side

60 3 0
נכתב על ידי bittersweetlovings

The jingle of keys awaken me, along with bright light focused on my face. I grunt and open my eyes to let them adjust to the light. "Good morning, sleeping beauties." A soft, crazy like laugh only belongs to one crazy not-so-quiet person. "Braxton can't leave us alone for a minute." I whisper to myself as I sit up to look over at the red headed nuisance. "Good morning to you as well." He snickers once more before setting the bright flashlight at the cell door. "So," Braxton holds up a ring of keys while biting his bottom lip "are we going through with this or would you prefer to marry the runt and live down here?" I feel Ricky tense up next to me and gently touch his shoulder until his muscles relax, making sure I look to the ground as if I didn't know my response. "Well, okay—"
"Wait!" Braxton pauses just as he is about to step away, he looks me in the eye. "Yes?" Time to see if I can be an actress.
I give Ricky one final touch with my finger before standing to my feet, giggling like I've seen girls do in the hallway to the cute football player, how they boost the boy's ego before making a move. This is our chance.

"No...You were right, I can't marry either one...They aren't," I touch the bars of the cell and make sure to lean in close to him "you." Braxton has a crazy smile playing on his lips as he listens to me. "I need someone to protect myself and my children, I don't believe either could do that. You though, are strong and powerful, and smart."
The biggest lie of them all.
"I will marry you, but these people are still my friends. I'd like them to be freed as well, and my daughters in their father's care till you and I are wed properly. Please, make sure they are being treated fairly." I don't know if Braxton will keep his end of the bargain, this whole plan could fail if he doesn't, but I will just have to be sure he keeps the deal until we can escape at least. "You are my queen...I will do as you ask, dear." I nod with a smile at his answer, Braxton unlocks our cell and watches all three men leave it behind. "Come with me." Braxton leads us through a few turns before we are above the cell ground again. The air seems fresh up here and makes me never regret a single breath ever again.
"Balzar." Braxton calls out, a short and plump man with a long beard jogs around the corner. Balzar huffs at the sudden need of exercise, but appears ready nonetheless. "Yes, Master Rae?"
"See to it that these three..." Braxton trails off as he examines Ricky, Chris, and Ryan. "Um, gentlemen, have rooms and are taken well care of. Also, the babies that are here are this one's." Braxton points to Ricky, I glance over at my partner and see him grimace. This isn't easy for him either if it's not more difficult.

Even though his face is dirty he still is so beautiful. His blue eyes still bright and alert though tired, his black hair is slightly tangled from yesterday's adventure yet if I could I would still want to touch it. Even in fatigue, hurt, and cold he is still just as handsome as he was the day before and the week before and the year before, he is still just as strong in a situation that would make most men hurt and cry. I hate myself already for doing this, because Braxton will never be half the man Ricky is and Ricky does not deserve this. He'll certainly never make as great of a leader as Ricky could, and he is defiantly not as attractive. I doubt Braxton can even babysit, let alone be a father, after all of this I promise myself I will make things right. Starting with Ricky by my side and Braxton at the bottom if not dead.

"Yes, sir! Oh, Lady Persephone, my apologies." Balzar bows with a smile that makes my heart warm, this poor soul is still making others happy even in such a dark place. "Please, we are equals, there is no need to bow to me." I see Braxton glare at me out of my peripheral vision, this isn't how someone as important as me acts I suppose. Though this man is to sweet for thinking he is below me, I should be the lowest of the low if anything. "You are kind, Lady Persephone. Come now!" Balzar gestures for the men to follow him down the right hallway. As Ricky pasts me he gently grabs my wrist and leans into my ear so only we can hear his words.
"I'll see you on the better side."
I watch him leave and feel my heart hurt, I keep telling myself this is for the best, our children come before our happiness. Yet it seems we are pushing it very far.
But pushing the limits is what makes the novice trapper a senior hunter.

"This wedding, when does it take place and who all comes?" I ask Braxton, still looking down the hallway that they have disappeared down. "Tomorrow, we have no time to waste. Everyone is invited, but I assure you, hostiles will not be tolerated and security will be at it's maximum."
"No, security. People needs to see I am not afraid, that I trust them. I can defend myself if things go wrong. Thank you, however, for your concern. So, if it is so soon I assume I have a dress to be fitted, excuse me."
I leave him behind as I begin to walk down a random hall in hopes it's leads back to my room, maybe I should have asked how to get back, but I don't want help from him. I look around and feel hopelessly lost, maybe this walking around will do me some good and help me clear my mind.
"Lady Persephone?" I'm not fully use to be calling that yet, but I still respond to it for whatever reason. I turn around to see Balzar waddling towards me. "Oh, hello, Balzar. What can I help you with?" The large man chuckled and came over to me, he is even shorter up close. The top of his head barley meets my lower stomach. "With all respect, my lady, I believe it is you who needs my assistance. You look lost."

I laugh quietly as I look around the hall.
"You would be correct, do you know where my room is?" Balzar takes a slip of paper form his pocket and unfolds it, the paper reaches the floor as he examines it with a few words muttered under his breath. "Yes! Yes I can, miss!" He folds the paper back up and places it into his back pocket. "Come with me, please." I follow Balzar down the hallway while listening to him humming joyfully. "So, Balzar, are you a demon here as well?"
"Me?" Balzar let's out a warm laugh and shakes his head over and over again. "Oh, no, no. I am a dwarf, my lady! Many of us work for her highness, the lady dwarves here are usually taller though. Queen Ramona didn't like their short statures so she placed a spell to make them taller, the men do the harder work mostly. I was blessed, however, to be able to work in the castle beside Master Rae." Balzar's explanation makes him alert and even more joyful, he must love to tell people about his race from the way he talks.

"You all seem very nice. Dwarves I've read about in storybooks are always hostile and rude." Balzar takes a turn to the left and then to the right. "Ah, yes, are ancestors were much more aggressive. We dwarves now prefer to spend our time taking care of our queens and kings, it is such an honor to do so!" These damn rulers have brainwashed the culture out of the dwarves and have them believing that slaving away is the perfect life. "As long as you are happy I suppose." Balzar stops in front of my room, the door looking like every other door. "Here we are, is it true you accepted Master Rae's proposal?" I touch the wood of the door with a sigh and nod at Balzar. "...Miss?" I look at him with a small smile and raised eyebrow.
"I don't think you are happy about it, even though Master Rae's is only the best choice by all means! Yet you seem gloomy, but for what it's worth...You will be a very grand queen. I am always at your service, Lady Persephone." With words that touch my heart Balzar goes to bow before catching it, chuckling at himself. "If you wish to treat us as equals, what would you like me to do as I leave you?"

I feel tears brim to my eyes and set myself on my knees so I can keep eye contact with Balzar. "Balzar, you are a friend to me, just call me Persephone if you can...Friends don't bow to each other, they hug each other." Balzar has a look of confusion painted on his face.
"What is a hug?"
My heart wrenches at the question, this world is so cruel that not even dwarves know love. "It's something shared between two people or are great friends or more, it gives really great comfort when people need it the most. It can make sad people happy and it's the simplest gesture ever." I put my arms around the large dwarf, catching him off guard. I pull away and give him a weak smile.
"Are you sad, Persephone?"
He asks, looking at the tear going down my cheek. I move my lips together before nodding. Without anymore words Balzar pulls me into a tight hug. "I like these things called hugs." I giggle and hug him back before we step away from each other. "I wouldn't try one with Braxton, he isn't as warm hearted as you may think."

Balzar simply nods before leaving me to my room. "Your tailor will be with you shortly, Persephone...I thank you before I leave." With that Balzar closes my door behind me, allowing me to lock it and fall to the floor in tears. Letting go of the stress and worry upon my shoulders with each tear shed, wanting Ricky to be with me in my moment of weakness yet knowing that would not happen till tomorrow. I wipe my tears away in anger with my sleeve, standing to my feet and glaring at my reflection. I rip the dress I had came to the world in, with not a care that it's some goddesses. Ripping the flowing part of the long dress and taking the sleeves off, I stare at the shreds of cloth now on the floor before taking one in my hand, I will strangle Ramona with this if I have to, but I am not dying and leaving my family behind without the biggest fight in my life.

That was a fact I would damn sure sit by.
The next few hours consist of me making this wedding happen, decorating it while my dress is being stitched to my fitting. I personally pick Balzar to help me as I trust the dwarf greatly and his positivity seems to be rubbing off on me in the time of darkness. "Ooh! Won't these lily flowers look lovely here in this vase?" Balzar places a vase of lilies on a pedestal near the alter. "Your judgement is always better than mine." I say while giving the dwarf a smile, he grins from ear to ear as he takes another vase to put on a similar pedestal. "Balzar?" Balzar turns back to me while still smiling, vase in his hands as he has yet to place it. "Yes?" I sit down on the floor and look at him. "Do you really like living here?" Balzar nods joyfully while he plays with the white vase in his hands. "Don't you miss being above ground? Seeing real sunlight, marrying a woman in a field of these lilies instead of only seeing a small bouquet? What about being a riled up dwarf who goes to the bar and hangs out with his friends? What about your culture?"

Balzar's smile fades, he shakes his head over and over again. "I-I do not wish to speak about this." The vase shakes in his hands as his lip trembles before he looks to the ground still shaking his head. "Balzar, I'm about to tell you a plan, but you can not tell Braxton. It will gain you and your fellow dwarves their freedom." Balzar looks back up as small tears go from his eyes down his cheeks and into his beard. "Tomorrow I am not marrying Braxton, I have a group of friends who are sending letters probably right now to my other friends outside. Tomorrow I am putting an end to all of this, Braxton is sadly going to go down with it...In the end though, you'll have your freedom to do just what I asked you about. You won't have to be a slave, but I need your help and your race's help." The dwarf begins to break into loud sobs, setting the vase down to cover his eyes as he bawls. "I-I am such a coward! My ancestors must be hiding in shame right now because of me!"

I touch Balzar's shoulder in a way to console him. "I'm just sitting here while they kill more of us everyday because of the silliest things! M-My brother was killed by Master Rae when all he did was talk about his new woman! I-I did nothing! Persephone, what shall I do now?" I put my palms on each side of his face, forcing him to look at me. "Shhh." I wipe the tears away with my thumbs. "These things happen all the time, but we do not have to watch it after tomorrow. If you join with me and my partner and my armies, I make this promise to you now, I will free the dwarves and let them live as they want. If you fight for us, we will fight on your behalf when you need is in the future."
Balzar sniffles as he recomposes himself.
"I-I don't know, the queens, they are powerful, a-and the masters are too. We-we won't stand a chance! I...I don't think we can." Balzar quickly runs from and out the door, I feel my heart drop. He's going to tell Braxton now most likely, I shake my head, even in his distress I think Balzar is to kind for that.

Yet my wedding is tomorrow, I am sure Ricky, Ryan, and Chris have already sent letters to Josh along with their family's armies and other outside people we can use tomorrow. There is no backing out because I know blood will be shed.
Because the only way for a victory is to be bathed into the blood of your enemies.

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