Hunters Of Reality

By LinkDB

4K 330 72

17-year old Yoshida Ryou possesses an incredible ability--to be able to see the past of things or people he t... More

Chapter 1: The man from England
Chapter 2: Narrow escape
Chapter 3: Yurei
Chapter 4: New lives
Chapter 5: Kibouyama Academy
Chapter 6: Test of qualification
Chapter 7: Roommates
Chapter 8: Beginning of a new semester
Chapter 9: Battle Terrain
Chapter 10: Match time
Chapter 11: Monster
Chapter 12: Imperium
Chapter 13: Source of all
Chapter 14: Oblivious
Chapter 15: The Founders
Chapter 16: Busted
Chapter 17: TYB
Chapter 18: Revival of TREC
Chapter 20: Captain
Chapter 21: The Nine Muhaijin
Chapter 22: Advanced stuff
Chapter 23: Overkill
Chapter 24: Suspicion
Chapter 25: Terrorist
Chapter 26: Allegations and theories
Chapter 27: The ghost is...
Chapter 28: Hime-chan
Chapter 29: Horrors of the Night
Chapter 30: New conditions of challenge
Chapter 31: Taste of defeat
Chapter 32: Agreement

Chapter 19: The Red Snow Massacre

147 10 4
By LinkDB

"I'm expecting results. I'm only doing this because both Reizo and Henry think so---I suppose I shouldn't have been quick to judge. And, most importantly, do NOT reveal your research notes to anybody else, let alone me. Dismissed." Principal Yuriko said.

Outside the main building

"Why did she get so pissed off at us at first?" I asked.

"She has every right to. But, we musn't waver. Remember, our only goal is to continue the research that my father left." Utsumi said.

"Your father... he was the only survivor, wasn't he?" Tsujihara asked.

"Let's... not talk about it now." He replied.

"Well, I'm not going to stop. What is that day? Why did the principal flip out so badly after hearing about TREC?"

"The Red Snow Massacre... obviously. Don't you know, Yoshida?" She asked.

I answered "No".

"Are you serious? You don't know the history behind it?"

"No, I don't. Now, details, if you will..." I replied.

"Yoshida," said Utsumi, "You'll be told about it, on one condition---you should stick to the deal, and not leave the club after hearing, got it?"

I gave him my word for it.

"All right, class rep, since you seem to know a lot about it, why don't you enlighten the new kid here?"


She began narrating the story.

"On the 28th of December, 1986, a mass killing took place on these very grounds---22, in total, were brutally murdered by one man, nicknamed Kuroiyurei, or also known as the Black Ghost. He killed each and every member of TREC, and others. Only one survived---Utsumi Takeda, Takashi's father. After this, the Black Ghost disappeared into thin air. Numerous investigations were conducted, but they still couldn't find him. Some say he's part of Imperium now, while others say that he was already involved with them, and came to this academy to do an inside job. He's still yet to be found. This event came to be known as the Red Snow Massacre."

What a horrid tale---So TREC wasn't disbanded, but destroyed? Couldn't somebody stop this Black Ghost?

"What about the TYB? They must have helped, right?"

"All those who tried to stop him were killed---including teachers, and some TYB personnel as well. He also killed the previous principal---Motomi Haruka, Ms. Yuriko's mother." She was a little kid when her mother was murdered in front of her. She'd obviously hold resentment towards anything related to this tragic and horrifying event."

Her mother was killed? I didn't expect that---no wonder she seemed pissed. Did she want to keep us safe? Is she still traumatized by it? Of course she'd be... what am I thinking?

"You missed one important thing, rep," said Utsumi, "The Black Ghost was also a member of TREC. That's why everybody who knows about this hates the club."

Could this be...?

"This is personal for you, isn't it?" I asked. "You're planning to capture the Black Ghost yourself, aren't you? No wonder you're so worked up about the whole's personal for you---A club, created by your father, and one of the members himself kills everyone... you just revived this club to look for answers, didn't you?" I asked, doubtfully.

"You're quick to catch on. It is somewhat personal for me. I plan to investigate, and look for some clues. That's the main damn reason why I even stepped foot into this academy."

This is madness---we even promised Principal Yuriko progress... What the hell.

"He hasn't been found in 30 years... What makes you say that you can make a difference?" I asked, tauntingly.

"Actually, Yoshida, I also agreed to help him." Tsujihara interrupted.

"What? You too? I thought you were joining because he asked you to! So THIS was the offer that you received? We're not even adults, yet, and you want to catch a psychopathic murderer?"

"I-I think it is nuts," replied Tsujihara, "But I've been investigating about this case my whole life---collecting pictures, news, and everything else related to that event since the past 10 years... And then suddenly, Utsumi approached me, with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He even knew about my obsession for this case. How could I not accept it?"

"Is this personal for you as well?" I asked.

She nodded yes.

"My grandfather was one of the victims as well---he was part of TYB---Rank-4, at that. I never knew the man, but it tore my dad apart. He's been traumatized ever since, and I've never seen him happy before... So I want him to be. I'm sorry, but this is what I've chosen."

"You're all crazy, I'll give you that."

"Finding out about the Black Ghost a.k.a Kuroiyurei isn't the only thing on our to-do list. If he's part of Imperium, then we need to become strong real-quick, and those study materials in that club room are what we require." Utsumi said.

"What's so incredible about them? Even the principal and Henry were emphasizing on it." I asked.

"It's gotten late, so why don't you two meet me in the club room tomorrow, and I'll show you? Oh, and one more thing---I'd advice you to opt for Advanced Ability Theory... It'll help. Night, you two."

He left, just like that, after dropping such a huge bomb. What have I gotten myself into?

"Yoshida, Takashi did tell me about you---you were dragged into this, I know, but please, help us. He says you can be of great help. I'm sorry, but we have to at least get some sort of lead on the killer---he's still on the loose. We have to bring justice to those who were mercilessly killed that night."

"Why is it called the Red Snow Massacre?"

"On that night, when it snowed, instead of it being white, it was red---completely covered in blood. There was only red all around. Just... death. People who saw it with their own eyes have been traumatized to this day."

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