By nikkihershell

133K 6.7K 697

He's here, he's always here. Watching me, protecting me. Even if I can't see him I know he's here. I can sen... More

In The Blink Of A Eye
Story Of My Life
Wicked Imagination
Accidents Happen
Only In My Dreams
This Little Light Of Mine
Silent Stalker
Enough Is Enough
Take Me To Church
Winging It
Truth Unfolds
Free Falling
Time Heals All Wounds
Broken Wings
Parties And Picnics
High Above Me
Mixed Emotions
Get A Grip
Hell's Bell's
What's This?!?!
Blown Up
Fighting Back
pretty cool
Something's Got To Give
The Truth Unfolds
Time Will Tell
Your Up
It's Here

Time For Change

3.4K 184 13
By nikkihershell

Have you ever done something so wrong but it felt so right? How can something that feels so right be so wrong? These are the questions I wrestle with on the daily since our relationship took a serious sharp turn. Several weeks have passed since the night Gath and I first made love. Since then we can't keep our hands off each other. We've turned into that icky couple I use to cringe at, you know the one's who are all "I love you, no I love you more" using cutsey pet names, and all touchy feely. Yep that's us. Naturally we can't go out on dates in public so  Gath goes above and beyond to make it up. Some nights we just lounge on the couch watching movies and others he flies me about the night skies, or to the tallest landscapes. Whatever we do it's always perfect.

Also I've done a lot of changing as well. I actually laugh and catch myself smiling these day's. I'm more friendlier toward other's and I haven't used alcohol or drugs in awhile, nor visited the Dragon's Liar. I dyed my hair back to it's original color and added more color to my wardrobe. Not because Gath asked me to, no he actually liked my Goth self. I did this for me. I'm trying to get back to the girl I use to be, the one before tragedy struck. Not just my looks, but I also enrolled myself into college. Of course  I still work as a tattoo artist because I have bills to pay and I gotta eat. All I can say is that I'm utterly and truly happy with my life at the moment. I'm  Happier than I've been in a long time.

There's one thing I do know for sure is that I am totally in love with Gath. I never dreamed that love could be so intense, leave me so full and sedated at the same time. My biggest fear is how I'll go on after he leaves and I know it's coming and there's nothing either of us can do to stop it. I'm trying to think positive about it like it's better to have known a love like this to not have known it at all.

In the meantime Silvia came through on her search for Gath's killer. I have there whereabouts and amazingly it isn't far at all. Seems they assumed everyone had forgotten about Evan's murder and returned. Even stranger is the fact that they live less than a block away. On a important note though, how was I to tell Gath I found them and how he would react to this news but I could withhold it from him any longer. We had just sat down to a movie and Gath pulled me up against his side by using his wing. I decided to bite the bullet and get it over with and done. Sitting up straighter I took his hands and looked at him. "I've got something to tell you"

Turning the t.v. down he focused on me. Taking a deep breath I began. "I don't mean to dredge bad memories up but this concerns your murder".

Gath's stare became intense and I could tell this was a uncomfortable subject to be discussing so I just blurted it out to end it quickly. "I found the douche bags. They live just a few buildings over. Siliva actually found them because I had to be sneaky. I'm sorry but we have them. You can do something now to prove them guilty and put them away for a very long time. Gath's jaw started making little ticks and I could sense his anger. Bolting from the couch he roared down at me. "You fool of a girl, you can't go around interfering with the fates. You should have never done this".

Okay, that's definitely not the reaction I was hoping for. Tears crept from the corner of my eye's and I sobbed. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to do something for you and get the justice you deserve".

After a few moment's of silence something very unexpected happened , my guardian angel walked out on me. That's right, he tossed my window up and flew right out into the night sky. I waited around for his return but after two hours I started to worry. Was he gone for good? Did I screw up that bad? Was he just out cooling off like many couples do during a argument? I couldn't help but feel like I'd crossed the line but I truly thought I was doing a good deed. My heart was in my intentions and I never meant to hurt him or make him angry. Gosh, sometimes I can do the silliest things thinking I'm actually helping someone. Then another thought came to mind and my heart slammed into my ribcage. What if Gath went to seek them out himself and reap his revenge. That wouldn't be good for him. Grabbing my coat I headed to their home. If Gath was there I had to stop him from making a mistake. As I briskly walked the few meters it felt odd not having Gath by my side. His usual warmth was flowing around me and I wondered why we as humans never notice the tale-tale signs of another presence watching over us. Probably because we don't take time to smell the roses anymore. Life is one big rush these days, rush to work, rush to school, to practices. We spend more time on social media than with our family and friends. Rarely do people have conversations over coffee, now it's short abbreviated texts, and we spend way too much time arguing about who's opinion is right or who's opinion matters mores, when in reality everyone's opinion holds as much value as the next person's opinion even if you don't agree. Simply agree to disagree. Yes, we are so wrapped up in our wants and needs, so involved in ourselves we forget the beauty and good that's all around us. It's odd how it took an angel to finally open my eye's and wake me up, but my heart hurt knowing I had hurt my angel.

I slid inside the apartment building and was overwhelmed by the stinch of filth but I had to make sure Gath hadn't come here. After climbing three sets of stares I found the room I was looking for. Looking up and down the hall to make sure I was in the clear, I crept to the door. Ever so gently, I placed my ear to the door listening for any signs of a struggle. After few minutes I was satisfied at hearing nothing abnormal and turned to go. Turning around I came face to face with the monster myself, Gath's killer, Matt.

Gasping I tried to take off running but he clamped down on my arms and I could smell his vile breath heaving down on me. "What the fuck you doinf?"

Thinking quick, I tried to make up a plausible story. "Is this Shana's  place? My boyfriend is cheating on me with that bitch. I was trying to hear and see if he was here".

Squinting his blood shot eye's at me he gave a slobbering grin. "That ain't no Shana's apartment girl. You got the wrong door. Matter of fact I've never heard of her and I know everybody in this building".

Trying to sound convincing I stated. "Well this is the address I was given by her ex boyfriend".

"Seems you been mislead girl. But don't worry, this may not have been a wasted trip after all. What you say me and you have alittle party?"

"No, I really must go now. Sorry to have bothered you". I tried to squeeze by him but he shoved me back into the wall and lifted the front of his shirt revealing a revolver. Fear seized my throat as I tried to come up with a solution. Grinning he revealed his rotting teeth and said. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice".

"This is my choice". I yelled and sailed the heel of my foot into his crotch. As he crumbled over I darted down the stairs but he was on me in no time. Clamping his sweaty hand over my mouth I bit down hard drawing blood.  Whipping his gun out he shoved it into my skull and drug me down into the basement of the building.   Once we stopped walking he shoved me down on the floor against the moldy wall. It was then that the reality of my situation kicked in and I started to cry. I knew this man was a cold hearted killer and I wouldn't make it out of here alive. Where was my angel was my only thought.

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