I Really Do Hate You.....(Ave...

By tippilanea7x

226K 6.5K 211


Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brain's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Johnny's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brian's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Zacky's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Zacky's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Meg's POV
Ana's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Meg's POV
Johnny's POV
Anastacia's POV
Stacey's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Johnny's POV
Meg's POV
Zacky's POV
Stacey's POV
Bree's POV
Brian's POV
Meg's POV
Zacky's POV
Lilah's POV
Bree's POV
Ana's POV
Jimmy's POV
Meg's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Ana's POV
Bree's POV
Meg's POV
Brian's POV
Ana's POV
Zacky's POV
Bree's POV
Meg's POV
Ana's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Lilah's POV
Zacky's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Bree's POV
Matt's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Ana's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Ana's POV

Anastacia's POV

1.2K 39 0
By tippilanea7x

I stood up on my tippy toe's and told him I loved him.

He kissed my cheek, smiled and we walked into school.

Lilah and Jimmy were sitting on the wall waiting for us.

"Give me a look." Jimmy said as soon as we walked up.

Matt lifted his glasses and showed them.

"He's lucky I don't go over there and punch him in the face." Jim said.

"Don't." I said " this situation is out of control already."

I sat up on the wall and could see Brian and Zacky sitting in their usual spot, watching us.

Matt wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh shit," Lilah said "Brian's coming over."

"Yeah well if he want's to start shit." Jimmy said standing up.

"Matt, I need to talk to you." Brian said walking over.

"Haven't you done enough." I hissed at him.

"Shutup Ana, this is your fault anyway." he snapped at me.

Both Matt and Jim took a step toward's him.

"Please don't." I said jumping down and stepping in between them. "Brian, you should talk to Matt after school, ok?"

Brian looked at me, I could see he was hurt.

I could feel Matt looking at me and he reached out and pulled me into him.

"Fine, ok." Brian said walking away.

"What was that all about?" Matt asked me.

"Honestly Matt, I hate seeing you guy's fight, and I feel guilty."

"Well I'm telling you now if I have to choose between you two I'll choose you." he murmured into my ear.

I looked up at him and kissed him.

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