The Seer Seekers

Por TeAmoAeternum

551 54 23

Mackenzie, or Mack, sees things. Not ghost, or fairies, or anything else that simple. No, she sees something... Más

The Day I Became Different
The House Next Door
Awkward Situations
Near Collision
Strange Name Tags And High Hopes
The Evil Little Cocky British Boy
Locker Room Encounters
Exchanging Of Names
Dreams Only Last For The Night
The Other Mathews
Butterflies or Terror?

Creepy Creeper

39 4 2
Por TeAmoAeternum

So maybe Garret hadn’t meant that he wanted my first day at a new school to rock socks. Because he let me sleep past the time I was supposed to get up and get ready for class.

            I had turned over while stretching my arm above my head with a content smile on my face as the sunlight shun through my bedroom window. Then my eyes zeroed in on the clock and saw that it was five till seven. School started at seven twenty.

            I cursed and quickly flung off the covers, running towards the bathroom to grab a quick shower. After that I rushed out with shampoo still halfway in my hair, and my towel falling off and only covering the front of my body.

            This didn’t matter anyway because I soon threw it to the side and grabbed the first thing I pulled out of my closet and threw it on; which happened to be a dark green t-shirt and tattered, light blue jeans.

            I pulled my dark hair into a loose braid, brushed my teeth, pulled on flip flops, grabbed my bag, and rushed down the stairs to see Garret eating cereal as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

            I glared and rushed over towards him before smacking the back of his head and making him jerk forward and cough on milk.

            “Asswipe! Why didn’t you wake me up for school? I’m lucky if I’m not late this morning!”

            He glared at me with crimson staining his cheeks as he coughed from choking on his breakfast. “Well I-I’m glad I didn’t n-now.”

            I rolled my eyes and turned my back towards him to reach up in the cabinet to grab one of my strawberry pop tarts, “You deserve that and many more slaps. Now hurry up, mom said you had to drive me to school.”

            At least that’s what she told me when she stopped by my room last night to tell me she would be gone by the time I woke up for school this morning, resulting in my Satan brother driving me to school.


            His eyes were still narrowed when we walked out of the house and headed towards his truck. For some reason when I hoped in and buckled my seat belt as Garret started the vehicle, my attention went towards the house next door.

            My hands tightened around my bag’s straps as I took in the sight before me. The house was whole again. Just like it was the first time I saw it, it was perfect, with the purple flowers around it swaying softly in the light breeze.

            My eyes glanced farther up on the house, looking towards the second story windows, and I had to bite my lip to keep from gasping. Because in the farthest right window, closest to mine, stood a boy’s silhouette, gazing down at me. I couldn’t make out his face because the sunlight was casting a shadow on his features, but I did know he looked tall and muscular.

            And by the way my body quivered, I had a pretty good idea who was watching me from the window. When a second boy joined the other in the window, it just confirmed my suspicions.

            The sound of Garret’s cursing from having to fiddle with his stuck gear shift, made me jerk my attention away from the boys from the gas station and glance at my brother.

            “I hate mornings.” He muttered before jerking the shift again and making it click into place as he backed out of the driveway.

            I looked back towards the strange house at the boys. But they were gone. And the only evidence of them ever being there was the curtain in the window softly swaying back and forth.


'           Garret pulled up in front of the school’s entrance, eight minutes to spare until the first bell rang. And I desperately wanted to get in first period before the late bell rang to avoid the stares of my soon-to-be fellow classmates if I walked in tardy.

            “Later, Brat. Have fun walking home after school.”

            I stuck my tongue out at him before opening the door and getting out, him punching the gas and leaving the school grounds as soon as my feet touched the ground.

            A few people who were still standing out by their cars watched as my brother’s tires blew smoke off of them as he fled away from the scene, and then their stares turned to me. And I swallowed.

            Sending a polite smile their way, I hastily turned around and walked inside.

            The sound of lockers slamming and girl’s giggling hit me first. I stood there in the school’s entrance way taking it all in for a moment.

            By the looks of the main hall, there was a pretty good lot who went here, which I figured since this was the only high school in the county of Pocahontas.

             No one had noticed me yet, and they wouldn’t have until some saw me in class, until I was loudly knocked to the ground by The Hulk.

            Okay, you caught me. The big guy didn’t magically appear to knock me down in front of everyone, though that probably would have been cooler and less embarrassing then being shoved to the ground by someone opening the school’s two front doors that I shouldn’t have been blocking in the first place.

            My eyes widened as in slow motion it seemed like everyone in the school stopped what they were doing to watch me first fall forward, trip over my now broken flip-flops, and somehow make my body spin around to where I landed on my back painfully starring up at the ceiling with stars floating above me.

            The halls were deafly quiet as I let a moan slip through my lips, “Uh… ouch.”

            “Oh shit, I’m so sorry.”

            The ceiling slipped from my vision as a guy’s face hovered over mine, his expression screaming guilt and embarrassment, “Are you okay?”

            The first thing I noticed about the boy, who almost knocked me into wonderland, was that he had the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen in my life. They were almost black and since they were widened right now with worry, they kind of looked like his was staring into my soul.

            The second thing I noticed was that he had a scar right beside of his chin, barely noticeable if you weren’t looking for it, that was about an inch and a half long.

            And the third thing I noticed was that he was seriously breaking some kind of personal space rule.

            His face was so close to mine, I could spell the mint mouth wash he had used this morning and I could practically hear his heart beating against his chest.

            And since it took me some time to notice these things about him, I hadn’t realized that everyone was still quiet as mouse and watching us like hawks.

            So I did what anyone else would do in my situation. I took the easy way out and acted like I fainted.

            “Oh hell I killed her!”


            I heard the boy speaking and telling someone to get the nurse, and I also heard everyone else start to talk.

            “Who is she?”

            “Is she knew?”

            “Hasn’t been here for ten minutes and she already has Ben eating out of her hand.”

            So the boy who embarrassed me in front of the school, his name was Ben. It suited him I guess. His blonde hair made him look like a Ben.

            I kept my eyes closed and waited until the nurse come so I could “magically” wake back up and everyone would leave to go to class as she escorted me to the nursing room. At least that’s what I was rooting for to happen.

            But nothing ever works out my way, does it?

            “She’s taking too long.” I heard Ben mutter before I suddenly felt his hands slide underneath me before I was airborne and crushed against his hard chest.

            My eyes nearly popped open, almost giving away my cover, but I held the urge in like a true ninja.

            I made sure my body was slack, but even then, Ben had no trouble carrying me for what seemed like forever until we made it to what I assumed was the nurse’s office.

            “Sheryl, she passed out after I hit her with the door.”

            Wow, we really gets down to business.

            I heard a woman chuckle before her soft voice replied, “So I heard, well, there’s nothing we can really do until she wakes up, but she should be fine. Just lay her on one of the cots.”

            I soon felt my body being slowly lowered down onto a soft cushion. I kept my eyes sealed shut as him and Sheryl socialized.

            “That doesn’t usually happen when I speak to a girl. Blushing, yes. Giggles, definitely. But passing out? I think I’m losing my game.” Ben muttered and Sheryl started to laugh.

            I wanted to snort. Someone needed their ego knocked down a notch.

            “Well usually you don’t go around hitting them with doors.” She replied.

            He chuckled bashfully, “Touché.”

            They laughed some more and then Sheryl said, “Go on, Ben. I’ll send her to class when she wakes up and I check on her. I’m sure you’ll have classes with her to see for yourself if she’ll make it.”

            Ben sighed, “Alright, Sheryl. Thank you for everything.”

            She made a sound then said, “Anytime. Tell your dad I said hello.”

            “Will do.”

            When I heard the sound of a door closing softly and another one following after that when nurse Sheryl went to another part of the office, I waiting a few seconds to see if they were going to come back before I opened my eyes.

            When moments passed and no one returned I let out a breath of air and opened my eyes.

            Only to scream when the black haired boy from the gas station was sitting on the cot beside of mine, with his hands on his knees and his head resting on his hands, just staring at me with a wide smirk on his face. 

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