✍ Home Sweet Home: A homely p...

By idiosyncraticforever

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Welcome to my humble abode. Ever wondered about what went on behind the scenes of your favorite wattpad book... More

1.✍ @Cazzalovesmusic✍
✍ @CaitSarai ✍
✍@RubixCube89201✍ DARK confession
7.✍@seasidestyles✍ ON the seaside
10.✍@ 1d_jollygood✍
✍@_HakunaMatata_✍ In motel 6
13. ✍bel watson✍
✍@11tay99 Triplet confusion Triple fun✍
16. ✍@pialikesfood✍
@✍RobThier IN Sir Rob's Castle !!✍
22.✍@MelonDiaries (watermelons required while reading)✍
✍@beautifultragedies : AN EXCLUSIVE WITH ARCHER WEST!✍
25.✍@Cherry_Cola_x with little alfie!✍
➰@MommaShifter ➰Beta of @Clawpack ➰
✍ @yabookprincess AN EXCLUSIVE WITH KAI ASHER✍
34.✍ @YvetteRussell✍
✍ @cru3lla (previously LiveLikeLouis)✍
✍ @butterflytattoo✍
37.✍ @knightsrachel✍
✍ @styonce✍
✍ @CrestFallenStar✍
40.✍ @sweetyanisha2307(i.e Anisha the sweetest of house kindness)✍
@Sannyaahhh(our own modern day belle)✍
✍ @AishwaryaKadam4 (the MANANHOLIC )✍
43.✍ @withasmileandlaugh✍
little note
✍ @letmelivetonight✍
✍ @sruthilaya13✍
46.✍ @Midika✍
✍ @AmythestWinter(A. L. Winter)✍
✍ @sasa_lee(Melissa)✍
49.✍ @XxNixonxX✍
50.✍ cherrypop12✍
!A Very Important Announcement and I mean it!
@joecool123!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fangirls*
!!!!!!Interview with @royal888(Sarah Royal )!!!!!!!

@Mk1120 : Author of Our Story

89 4 5
By idiosyncraticforever

surprised to see me updating early ?

Few things before we jump right into our lovely talk(I honestly adore this girl!)

bold: answers by mk

italics: my opinions

plain text: the questions 

AN EXCLUSIVE DELETED SCENE OF OUR STORY (its hilarious idk why it is not there in the book) is on QUE 9 I REPEAT QUE 9 !




AND NOW LETS STOP TALKING IN CAPS , damn my virtual voice box hurts from all that virtual yelling.


1.Describe everything and anything you want us to know (name, nationality, life etc)

pt2: Describe your outside Wattpad persona?

Hey Guys!!! It's MK and just wanted to say thank you to Idiosyncraticforever for giving me this opportunity to share some of my feelings and the thought process I go through when writing these stories. I feel like with this interview, I can open up my little writing world to you guys because you understand this world. And because all of you are loyal and awesome.

My persona outside Wattpad...hmm...It is much different than my persona inside Wattpad. I am typically a shy and quiet person and would never EVER start up conversations with anyone else besides family unless I absolutely had too. In school, I HATED group project because not only did you have to talk/work with different people but you also had to worry about if everyone in your group was doing their part. Sorry, strayed from the topic, Yes, my Wattpad Persona is totally different from my regular persona.

2. What is the first piece of creative writing you have done? What makes you special or different from others? (because everyone is unique in their own way:)

Unofficial: A story about the Greek Gods and their children. I would have already posted it by now if my iPad didn't shut down and delete it. I actually wrote quite a lot and when it deleted all those chapters, I just gave up.

Official: Double Life was the first story I wrote and published on Wattpad. Before I was just a reader, not writer. I was just too afraid of publishing something that not everyone might not enjoy. Finally, after months of debating, I clicked the publish button and from then on, I've been writing ever since.

Life lesson everybody: When you aren't sure about something but really want to do it, just go for it or else you might regret it.

3. When, why, how you started writing? What is the story behind you joining Wattpad?

I started writing around 2014ish. I was always a dreamer. I loved to read stories that involved myths or legends or fairy tales so I decided to give it a try and write about them. Stories I read before had the elements of what I wanted to read (the myths, legends, and fairy tales) but they never really ended the way I thought they could or should have ended (IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE?). I was always like "Is that really the way it ended?" or "What the hell happened?" and never really felt happy with the stories I spent so much time investing in.

Funny story of how I joined Wattpad. Imagine this: You're at a family housewarming party and suddenly becomes really bored. Like "When-is-this-torture-going-to-end-so-I-can-go-home-and- sleep" bored. So..What does any normal person in my situation do when they're bored out of their mind?

A. Either search the internet


Download an App

Being the bookworm that I am, I decided to download an app that involved books. At first, I was like "Okay, cool. A place where I can read more books" but the more I became familiarized with Wattpad, I was like "I can read and write books? BEST...APP... EVER"

pt2: Do you ever wish to be a published author in real life? why/not?

I mean, doesn't everyone who writes on Wattpad want their hard work and dedication to be noticed? Sure, I would absolutely LOVE being a published author but for now, I'm just content to write for people who love reading (like me!). Writing is the one thing that lets me get lost in a world that I create, a world in which I can dictate what does/does not happen, and I positively love it!!!

4. What does writing mean to you and why?

Writing means everything to me. It allows me to create a world that is all my own and create characters that can relate to everyone. We ALL have either had or met that one ditzy person in their lives that is oblivious to everything (LIKE SKY!) or we all have dreamt about the special someone that is sooooo adorable and dreamy (LIKE KADEN) who makes our hearts pound and palms sweat as our boyfriend. Writing/reading allows you to escape any problems you have in the real world and worry only about the fictional world problems. Without writing, I think my life and other's lives would be really boring. Think about it, if no one wrote then there would be no stories to read and if there were no stories to read, *Insert Shudder* the world would be a scary place (Scarier than it is right now).

I can't even dare to imagine that hellhole, probably worse than GOT (like in terms of bloodshed and all)

pt2: What makes you vote and comment on a story and why?

Things that make me vote or comment on a story would be that feeling you get in your heart or stomach when a story or chapter is really cute. You become emotionally attached and when you're emotionally attached, you feel like you belong to the author's fictional family. The more relatable the story is, the more likely I will comment or vote. Another thing that makes me vote would be the storyline and how good grammar the story's grammar is. The better the story line or grammar, the higher the chances are for me to vote.

5.Give your hobbies, and favourites and things you hate. Give your strengths, weaknesses, pet peeves, hobbies, passion, dreams, desires

Hobbies: WRITING!!! READING!!!, Sleeping, Eating, Spending time with my family, watching my favourite shows or movies on Netflix (When I have time in my busy schedule), swimming, facetiming with friends, and playing with my dogs.

Things I hate: Rude/annoying people, Running, depends on my mood (once again) I could really hate something but the more I'm introduced to it, the more I start to like something.

Strengths: Anything to do with English

Weaknesses: Puppy dog eyes (especially from my sibling or little puppy) food (I'm a sucker for food)

Pet Peeves: People who walk in the middle of the aisles at the market and then suddenly stop even though people are walking behind them. People who cut lines or those who think they are entitled to things. People who think I'm not in the same league or status as them.

Dreams: To become a Doctor or Psychologist or Writer

Desires: To hurry up and start my career or to meet someone like Kaden (Or Gabriel)

Favourites: Really depends on my mood at the time. I am the type of person who likes to switch things around a lot and can't stick to one permanent thing (For example: Like my profile picture. I love to switch it around all the time).

pt2: State 25 random yet interesting facts about you and your characters.

· Kaden and Sky were never going to be Mates

· Chris was what I planned to name Kaden but decided at the last moment to change it because the name didn't feel right.

· I love Sleeping

· There might not have been a "Our Story" at all

· Greyson was supposed to be the "Lone Wolf"

· The Green and Matthew children are half Spanish (Like, their mothers are from Spain. Not Mexico. People, there is a difference between being Spanish and being Mexican)

· "Our Story" came to me as an idea before I fell asleep

· Sky was going to be a Hunter

· I would take hours writing Sky's scenes because I didn't really know which way I should take her as a character. At last, it all just fell into place

· Mrs. Green was inspired by my Mom (Tough women). Although my mom is basically the English version of her (But without the Wooden Spoon)

· Sky and Kaden's 1st kiss was going to be at a school dance

· Chris was going to be a hunter

· Kaden was going to die at the end (But I just couldn't kill my baby off. He was too precious and I would miss him too much)

· The dialogue that Sky uses with her family was inspired by different conversations my family had with each other

· Chris was going to be Sky's mate

· Sky was going to be named Serenity but at the last moment (I have a bad habit of this) I changed it

· I never planned for one of the twins to find his mate in "Our Story". They were going to find their mates in a totally separate book ("MATES")

· Little Red was inspired by the story "Little Red Riding Hood" (IN CASE YOU DIDN'T FIGURE IT OUT!)

· The Green twins were going to be girls

· Cookie Dough Ice cream is awesome

· Kaden was supposed to tell Sky about what he was WAY SOONER than he did. I just thought the opportunity was never quite right

· Eva was going to have a baby boy and Reagan (Sky's sister-in-law) was going to have a baby girl.

· Aiden and McKenna were never planned to become Mates, for some unknown reason (and I didn't realize it until readers pointed it out) that they happened to be born within days of each other.

· There was going to be a story about a different set of twins (The Matthew Twins) which involved characters from my new story "Wolf Moon"

· Absolutely love Movie Marathons, especially old 80s and 90s movies

· Kaden was supposed to have a whole book to himself in order to explain his side of the story.

· Totally live by this quote:  

· Decided to share something that cracks me up every time with this photo:

6. What is the story behind your username? What are turn on's and off's of meeting a new person?

My username is just the initials of my name and the numbers are very significant to me. I couldn't think of a quirky username so I decided to just be plain old jane and include my initials.

Hmm... meeting new people can be brutal sometimes. You never know how to act around them let alone if something you say might offend them.

 I'm a quiet person as it is so when I meet new people I tend to get nervous and over analyse what I'm about to say. I hate anyone who acts like they're above everyone else.

 I mean come on, just because you think you're smarter than everyone else doesn't mean you really are. Everyone is unique and what you might struggle with, someone might excel at and vice versa.

Another life lesson from MK: DON'T BE JERKS AND JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!!!

Best thing ever said !!!

pt2: State three qualities about yourself that could make anyone recognize you from a huge crowd of people?

Tall Naturally dark hair Calm, cool, and collected demeanour/ personality that Screams "I'm in control and don't mess with me"

You give me Isabella lightwood vibes...

7. What would you say to your fans/readers? do you have a name for them? Who has really been a big inspiration for you in writing and why?

First, I would say thank you to all those who took the time out of their busy lives to read my stories. I truly enjoy writing and it means the world to me that you enjoy my writing. You guys are amazing and I can't imagine where I would be without you guys.

Secondly, I want to say just be yourself. NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER!! Try to be someone else because everyone is unique. Embrace who you are. You were put on this earth for a reason and if God put you on this Earth, then you must have the power to contribute something to this world no matter how miniscule it is.

 (I'm Catholic and am going to reference God). If he wanted everyone to be exactly the same, don't you think he would have made us that way? Anyhow, be yourself because it takes too much time and effort to be someone else.

I wish I had a name for my readers. I really do. I just can't come up with a name for the life of me. If you have an idea, send it my way because I don't think I can be calling you "guys" for the rest of my Wattpad writing career.

My Mom has really inspired me to write. She doesn't understand why I like to read or write so much especially after long hours of schoolwork or exams but she does support me. She's actually my biggest fan. 

She encourages me to write after a long day because she knows it calms me down. She is always saying to follow my dreams because I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it (Yeah, I know, all Moms are supposed to say that but for some reason, coming from her, I really feel like I can achieve anything I set my mind out to do).

 She's my biggest support system and without her, I probably wouldn't even be doing this interview right now because I probably wouldn't have had the courage to write or join the Wattpad writing community. Let's give a big applause to Mama MK!!! (Humour me) for giving me the inspiration to write my stories.

8. What makes a really good description? Does cover matter? why and why not? What factors do you need in a book to start reading it and why?

A really good description is that hook that draws fishes...I mean people... in. Without that hook, most people would think "Eh, just another typically Werewolf story where the girl falls for the hot Werewolf".

 Trust me, I know. I was one of those people. Make your story different from others like Including that one ditsy girl best friend who is oblivious over her overly adorable Werewolf guy friend's feelings toward her, add some humour, love, and wacky family members and BAM!!! you have yourself a one-of-a-kind (one-of-a-kind because you made it from your own imagination) Werewolf (or any kind) of story.

 I personally believe, my opinion, that good covers do matter in order to bring in readers. Sadly, we live in a world where everyone judges a book by its cover (figuratively and literally). The first thing we see is appearances before actually getting to know that person or thing is about.

 I used to always look at the cover and say "Oh this is going to be a good book" and add it to my library right away. Sadly, it wasn't a good book, it was downright awful. Now, I still look at the covers but take the time to actually read the book's description before I add it to my library. I find that a good cover is good for views and comments but if you're just writing because you love writing and don't care about covers than you don't really need to worry about how good your cover is.

Factors I need in a good book...Another interesting question. (You're probably one of the most thorough Journalists out there) Okay, back to the question: Factors in the book really depend on my mood at that particular moment. If I'm feeling really sappy, I'll probably look for a love story. If I need my Werewolf adventure/love fix, I'll probably look for a cute Werewolf story. If I want Sci-fi, I probably look for a really good sci-fi. To me, it all depends on:

My mood at the moment The description of the story How well put together is the story The characters Semi-okay punctuation (Everyone makes mistakes, trust me, I know. But biggest pet peeve is when someone doesn't capitalize the first word in the sentence. My opinion. Don't hate. This is what I look for in stories.

pt2: Imagine that by taking a life, you could bring a fictional character of your choice into this world. Who would you kill and who would you bring to life? why?

I would bring to life either Kaden or Gabriel, leaning more towards Kaden. I mean, who wouldn't? He's adorable and the stuff he confessed to Sky was every girl's dream. He was like all those swoony Prince's in the Disney movies (Who wouldn't want a gorgeous Prince fall in love with you, a plain jane?)

 For a little while though, I was even jealous of Sky! AND I CREATED HER!!! I wish there were more guys like Kaden's out there because everyone needs someone like him in their lives. A close 3rd, who I'm really falling for would be Rhys from "Wolf Moon" my new story. He's making me doubt my feelings for Kaden!)

If I could kill any one of my characters, it would probably be Christian. 100%. No questions asked. I should have killed him off sooner. He started to annoy me so much that I used to cringe every time I wrote his part.

Life lesson #4: If a character makes you cringe, it's time to remove them from the story.

9.How did the idea of our Story develop? Give us some behind the scenes never seen or read before stuff about it please?

Our Story actually developed after I finished reading so many werewolf stories that really didn't cover what I wanted them to cover. Some would have really good plot lines but never really delved deeper into certain aspects of the wolf world. I decided to take the chance and make a story that included stuff I actually wanted to see.


He's a Werewolf...


I was sitting at the kitchen table with Kaden right next to me and my parents, brother, and Reagan sitting across from us.

Everyone around the table was tense and from the looks on my family's face, they were expecting a heavy bomb to be dropped anytime soon.

"And they're right to expect that" I thought internally "Once they hear what we're about to say, they'll never be the same again"

Kaden grasped my hand under the table and gave me an encouraging smile

"Mom, Dad. I have something to tell you guys"

"If you got my baby sister Pregnant, I'll kill you" Jonathan threaten and glared at the both of us "I mean it. I will end you"

I rolled my eyes "Shut up Jonathan"

He grumbled and Mom stepped in "Sweetie, why did you want to talk to us today?"

I took a deep breath "Since Kaden and I started dating, we've been wanting to talk to you about something"

"Oh God" My father put his hands over his ears "I don't want to talk about this"

He looked at my mother "I thought you talked about this with her already? You know...when she..." he paled "became an... official woman"

Mom looked worried "Sky Honey, what are you asking? Are you...?" she trailed off

I blushed a deep red "No Mom, I'm not having Kaden's baby" I said sarcastically

My parents and Jon released a sigh of relief and Reagan looked at us in amusement

"If it isn't that, then what was so important that you had us all gather here?"

Kaden nudged my shoulder and began talking "Sky and I decided that it was finally time you knew my true self"

All four of them looked at us in confusion

"What true self" Jonathan asked "Unless you're a woman, I'm pretty sure we know who you are bozo"

"Jonathan" Mom warned "Don't be rude"

Kaden rolled his eyes "I know you guys wondered why my family lives in the woods or why so many people respect my father"

Jon snorted "I don't care that much about you to be wondering where you live"

Kaden smirked "Apparently you care enough if you're always asking where I am"

"I do not" Jon exclaimed "The only reason I ask at all is because it is unusual to see one of you without the other"

Kaden lost his smirk "And do you ever wonder why, sometimes, I am not around Sky?"

This time Jon, paused, considering Kaden's words "Sometimes" he admitted "Like I said, it's weird not seeing both of you together"

Kaden looked at me and I gave him a nod.

He stood and then started undressing

Chaos Erupted

"Woah! Wait a minute" My brother exclaimed "I don't want to see your junk. I prefer not to be blinded for the rest of my life"

Kaden smirked and was about to say a snide remark when I coughed loudly and motioned for him to continue.

He did and my parents paled

"Kaden Sweetheart," Mom said gently "I don't think this is appropriate..."


"Take it Off!" Reagan chanted

John and I shot her a dirty look and she cackled and put her hands up in defence "Just kidding! He's too young for me"

In less than a second, a loud bark brought us back to the what really important at the moment

Kaden's huge wolf form was sitting in the kitchen and wagging his tail. As soon as I saw him, a smile lit up my face and I got up to pet him.

He purred when my hands rubbed the spot behind his ear.

I heard a thump and turned in time to see my mother pass out on the floor.

My dad sat in his seat, in shock, just staring at Kaden.

Reagan had her mouth open in shock and Jonathan was speechless.

"Oh God" he said after his moment of speechlessness was over "Instead of playing hide-and-seek with my nephews or nieces one day, I'll be playing fetch"

I shot him a glare and Kaden growled

What an idiot

10.Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find? What tactics do you have when writing? (For example: outline or just write)

I sometimes do hide stuff in my books that only a few people would actually know where they came from. If you really pay attention to some chapters, I reveal a lot about what will happen in the next chapter or future books, just letting you guys know !).

My tactics are just to write. I usually think about what I want to happen in the story and sometimes ideas come to me right before I fall asleep. If my ideas are good, I usually write a couple of chapters before my creativity runs out. If I'm having a tough time with forming ideas, I usually won't post until I feel like my idea goes with my story and is 100% ready to be published.

pt2:If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in Our Story?

I would probably edit each chapter better or make Sky a little less dense about Kaden's feelings toward her. I read every comment you guys post and probably one of the most commented section in "Our Story" is where Kaden confesses his love for her in his car and she just doesn't get it! I know now how frustrating that is and *CRINGE* want to take that part out completely. I meant for her to be clueless about the wolf world, not his feelings.

11.How do you think you've evolved creatively?

I was a person that used to be inside the box when writing. I never used to venture outside the box because I was too scared. The more I wrote, the more my creativity evolved and suddenly, everything I encountered became a new idea for a book. My creativity evolved the more I became more confidence in my writing skills and ventured outside of the box.

pt2: What are some of your weird writing habits/rituals? What about weird obsessions both literary and normal life?

Weird writing habits...hmmm... Once again, I would say my reading/writing habits depend on my mood. If I'm in the zone, I want total silence in my room. If I'm lagging with writing, I usually watch some T.V. or play some music by my favorite artist or bands.

Weird obsessions literary/normal life probably start after reading a book. Typically if their are multiple books in a series, I won't start another series until the first series is finished completely. AND I MEAN COMPLETELY FINISHED. Typically, I read everything an author makes, even if that particular book doesn't belong to the series I'm reading. 

 I don't know if it's because I want to make sure I don't miss anything or what but usually, I take my time with each book. Another obsession would be if I absolutely love the author and their writings, I usually read/buy any book they write.

12. How has writing changed you ? What were your goals and intentions for all your books, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

Writing has changed me a lot. I have more confidence in my writing and creativity abilities.

I really didn't have any goals or intentions for any of my books. When I started writing, I just wrote as a hobby, something that helped me relax from the frustrations of the day. I never expected for "Our Story" to get so much love.

 When votes and comments starting pouring in, and people started messaging me on how much they loved my story, I burst into happy tears. I was so excited and was beaming and smiling all day to the point where my whole family was looking at me like I was weirdo. I went above and beyond my expectations and I couldn't be more ecstatic. Once again, I love and thank you all for supporting me and my writing. Without you, my stories wouldn't be half as successful as it is.

pt2: What is your favorite part of your book?

Gosh, I have some many favorite parts of my books. If we're talking about favorite funny part of the book that it would have to be when John storms into Sky's room with a big "OH HELL NO!" *INSERT SNAPPING HERE* 

Favorite sappy moment: When Kaden confesses his feelings to Sky in the car (Also one of the cringiest moment too when she didn't understand his feelings). Favorite squeal moment: when we find out that Grey has a mate. THE LIST COULD GO ON AND ON!!! Overall, every chapter has at least one moment that is my favorite.

13. What do you have to say about Green twins?! when can be expect the very deserving story of them? how would it be different in terms of plot and development?

I can't really say a lot about the Green Twins because I don't want to accidently spill any spoilers. If you follow my profile or check out my recent announcements, then you'll know when I plan to release their book. In terms of their plot, it will be very different from "OUR STORY". I plan to make this book very intense and some of you might end up hating some characters in the book (Maybe one of the twins).  dont you dare !!! , dont.you.dare MK!

 I don't want to give too much away so, that's all I can say right now. Who knows, you might interview me again later about the Twins story and I'll diverge more information.

pt2. what can we expect in terms of writing from you in the future on Wattpad? Any new projects?

Excited that you asked this question!!! YES!!! I do have some new stories coming from up in the future. I started another werewolf book called "Wolf Moon" which is not related to the "Our Story" or "Little Red" but some familiar characters pop up every now and then. "MATES" is coming out soon, and I will also be starting a new fantasy fiction called "Underland" (I'm pretty sure you can guess what that is about). Hopefully, you guys will love it as much as I do.

14. if I were your fairy godmother and could grant you one wish, what it would be and why?

pt2: When do you write best? And what are the genres you absolutely suck at writing? WHY??

I would probably ask her to grant each one of my family members a wish (especially my Mom) because they deserve it more than me. They're supportive, loving, and the best family I could ever ask for. Plus, that takes the pressure away from me just in case I make the the wrong wish.

Best time to write: At night (That rhymed!)

Suck at writing: Regular Teen Fiction

I don't know why I'm horrible at writing Teen Fiction, I just am.

15. What is your personal philosophy? And where does your inner drive come from? What does writing mean to you and why?

Personal Philosophy: Picture above (Not the Grinch one)

Inner Drive: Comes from all the years where people kept on telling me I couldn't do something. I wanted to prove them wrong, and I think I did. Thank you guys once again for giving me that power to prove all the haters wrong. I couldn't have done it without you support!!

Writing: Means everything to me. It is my life. I live and Breathe writing and without it, I probably wouldn't be the same.

pt2: What makes you vote and comment on a story and why?

I think I mentioned this in question 8!)

16. Which form of fiction do you love/hate the most and why? What is your writing Kryptonite? Have you ever gotten reader's block?

I love all types of fiction, I just hate not being able to write about it like all authors!!

Writing Kryptonite: Editing is probably my biggest Kryptonite. I'm human and make mistakes. Sometimes I miss little things that either shouldn't be there or doesn't make sense. I'm sorry guys!!

I've gotten reader's block all the time!!! Sometimes if I'm tired of reading, I'll put my iPad down for a couple of days and just focus on my life outside of Wattpad or books. That's why I don't post chapters or respond to your questions/Comments for days at a time.

pt2: Who or what gives you a severe case of RCS (ROLLER COASTER SYNDROME) ALSO known as butterflies in your stomach?

Heartfelt things give me RCS. I am a big sucker for things (stories in particular) that make me swoon. Anything that is swoon worthy, butterflies magically appear in my stomach. Kaden's confession to Sky= Butterflies.

 Gabe's love for Eva and their daughter= Butterflies. Anyone who goes out of their way for someone that they like/love= TRIPLE SWOON WORTHY/ MILLIONS OF BUTTERFLIES.

17. give us an insight on a fictional story or world in which you are part of? what would it be like, the plot everything!!!

Gosh, I feel like I am apart of so many fictional worlds/stories. My favourite would probably be something like Cassandra Clare's "The Mortal Instruments" and "Infernal Devices" Series. If you guys don't know what they are, I suggest you check it out because the books are absolutely AMAZING!! I would love to be a Shadowhunter and Love the chemistry between Clary and Jace!

pt2: You have a magical mobile phone? It can call anyone from past, present and future? who would you call and why?

I would call myself in the distant future and ask what's going on with my life, my families live, and the world because A) I want to be nosy and peek into people's lives (I.E, what my family is up too and what the world has become) and B) Because I want to see if I accomplished what I set out to accomplish. I want to see if all my hard work finally paid off.

18.if you could be any Disney/fictional character who would it be and why?

Hmm... Interesting question. I would probably be Belle from Beauty and the Beast because:

A. Have you seen the Beast's personal library?

B. She's smart, kind, and witty

C. Who wouldn't want to change the Bad Boy loner (Beast) into a sweetheart?

If you could create a holiday? what, when and how would it be celebrated?

I would probably create Free day, a day in which everywhere you go, everything you encounter will be free. Food, electronics, clothes, etc. I know it's not logical but it would be nice if the major corporations we gave our money too on everyday basis would thank us for choosing them. 

Most people struggle for things, even minor things like clothes or water, and I think if they could get the things they want/need the most, then we would be a much happier and healthier place.

pt2: If your life was a book, what would be the title and summary and why?

The Smart Klutz:

The smart klutz would be about a klutz girl who finds loves in one of the most awkward situations of her life.

I don't know why but this is what I pictured for my book of life.

19.What TRUTH (in truth or dare) would you dread most?

I don't think I would really dread a truth since I am the most truthful and realist person in the world. I tell it like it is and don't sugar coat anything. If I feel like someone's being stupid or ignorant, I will tell them straight to their face about how stupid or ignorant they are being.

pt2: Describe the important traits of your personality?

Important trait would be not sugar-coating anything, I think this is the most important because if I asked someone for their advice on anything or if I was being a stuck-up snob, I would want someone to be completely honest with me and tell me what I need to hear in order to fix my behaviour or problems.

20. In what ways do people misunderstood you? If you were stuck in a horror or thriller movie sort of situation what would you do? (you can take an example of any of your fav horror flick and character too)

Because I'm so quiet, people often assume I'm better than them and snooty. That isn't the truth. I'm just shy and rather keep to myself than be a noisy bigmouth. After meeting me, a lot of people have said that I wasn't what they expected.

Oh God... I hope I never get stuck in a horror situation because I would honestly not survive. At the beginning of the movie where everyone separates and runs away, I would probably stay put because either way, I know I'm not going to win against the creepy clown/psycho killer/dead zombie/ghost/demon/doll things anytime soon.

This is exactly how it would go:


Friend 1: "Let's split up so he won't find us"

Friend 2: "Okay, we'll meet back here in an hour"



Friend 1: "psst...MK, I said split up. Come on, hurry. Leave before he finds us"

Me: *SITS ON FLOOR CROSS LEGGED* "Nah, I'm good. He'll find us, because they always do, and butcher me. What's the point of all that running if I die in the end? I rather not waste my last final moments on this earth running for my life just so one of you to ditch me when the killer comes. No thanks. I'll stay right here, doing the thing I love most in the world. Being Lazy. See you in an hour. Try not to die" 

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