RWBY - The Vendetta's Web

By Soundlessmusicbox

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In the world of Remnant, war begins to brew as the two races; Fauna and Humanity fight for Racial supremacy a... More

CHAPTER 20: ....FIRE!!!!!!!!
CHAPTER 25: Classroom Catch-up
CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: Eye of the beholder
CHAPTER 29: A Raving Recollection
CHAPTER 30: Pandering Consequences
CHAPTER 34: The Beginning Of An End
CHAPTER 35: Hard work always pays off

CHAPTER 18: Drinks on "Me"

50 3 3
By Soundlessmusicbox

Welcome back to an other waste of you're time everyone!
Leave a like? Little star? Thumbs up?
I don't know and I don't care either as long as you all like my creation's, let's hope you like this chapter, Once again try some feed back, Good or bad!

* A Few hours later in the ballroom for team initiation*

"Congratulations to all the students that have survived initiation."
Professor Ozpin then fixed his small silver glasses then began to finish his speech.
"But now comes The real test, surviving the next four years in my school."
Ozpin then took a long sip of his coffee and cleared his throat, "Now, Congratulations to the following teams."
"Team CRDL, Team RWBY, and Team JNPR...."
He had kept saying team names until he had gotten to the bottom of the list on his scroll, after a few short moments Glynda walked over to professor Ozpin and whispered in his ears for a few seconds.
"Ms Glynda has brought to my attention that we have accidentally forgotten a Team on our rosters." Ozpin then took another look on his scroll and cleared his throat once more.
"Congratulations to the following students: Lavender Munzell, Victor Underwell, Drake Underwell, and last but not least Reyah Ember; From now on you will be known as Team LVDR."
There was a short pause and some of the students started to whisper, Ozpin then tapped the microphone, the crowds silenced quickly, "The leader will be Mr Munzell."
He then turned to look at lavender and gave him a long stare and took another sip of his coffee, "Good luck to all of you and may you have a wonderful time for the next four years; You're rooms have already been prepared, go talk to Ms Glynda or any other of the staff for additional Questions."

Ozpin then walked off the stage and the people began to disperse so that they could try to find their rooms.
The twin's looked at each other and Fist-bumped swiftly before lavender could turn around and say something to them.
"Alright Victor take Reyah and meet us in the dorms in a little, Drake and I are gonna go out for a little."
Victor looked at his brother and looked back at lavender and quickly nodded, Reyah looked at Victor and walked past him quickly.
"Come on!" Reyah said as she looked ahead, "It's gonna get packed if we don't start now."
Victor quickly turned towards her and ran off, both quickly being lost in the crowd of people.

-An hour later at a restaurant-


"God dammit!" Lavender yelled as put down his burrito and picked up his scroll "What do you want!"

"Hey Sparky!"

Lavender sighed and rolled his eyes while He dabbed his mouth with a napkin "What do you want Reyah?"
She giggled evily and sighed, "you're gonna want to see this!"
The call quickly ended and Lavender put his phone In his breast pocket once more.
"Jesus Christ, Reyah wants to show me something meet me at the bar in a few hours I got to go." There was a long pause, Lavender tightened his tie then looked at Drake once more "Get going."
Drake nodded while Lavender tossed his half eaten burrito into the trash and out the door.

Ten minutes later in the dormitories....

"Where are you?" Lavender said to himself as he walked past a few more doors.

'You think she's setting you up? '

"Not unless she wants to get hurt"
Lavender retorted, He had finally stopped at his dorm and opened the door, finding nobody within the room.


Lavender then turned around to find Nora three feet in front of his face.
He then put his hand on her face and pushed her back.
"Personal space" Lavender wiped his hands to get any dirt she had gotten on him.
She laughed and began to speak again, "Looks like we're gonna be neighbors...uh what was you're name again?"
Ren then came out the dorm next to lavenders and put his hand on Nora's shoulder, "His name is Lavender"
Nora giggled and continued to speak once more.
"So how are you guys gonna celebrate?" she said while hanging off the door frame like a monkey.
Lavender shrugged and cracked a grin, "Don't know but I'm sure I'll figure it out."
Nora looked at Ren and back at lavender with a Big Grin, "You got something in mind don't you?"
Lavender shrugged once more and cracked a grin, "Probably?"
Nora laughed and punched him in his right arm, "Liar!"
Lavender began to wipe his arm, trying to get whatever Nora had gotten on him.
All of a sudden the floor creaked behind the three, only to show that Reyah had exited the bathroom.

'There she is!'

Lavender then rubbed his eyes in irritation then started to walk towards her, "What do you want!"
Reyah then smiled and quickly steered away from Lavender to close the door.
"Boss we got a good room!" she said as she turned around, Lavender then angrily pinned her against the wall.
She giggled as he breathed on her like an angry bull, "I could be somewhere else and you choose to have me come back here to tell me that we got a good room?!"
She smiled and quickly pecked at his right cheek, now flustered he quickly backed off her and slowly wiped his face.
"Don't. Do. That!" She then put her finger to his lips telling him to shut up and listen to the voices echoed across the hallway.

'What's her game?'

"We got our own room team!" Yelled one aloud, another sighed while the other laughed.
"It's a pretty good room too, what do you think Yang?"

Reyah looked at Lavender while she took her head away from the wall and watched his angry expression turn into devilish grin.


"Good job reyah" Lavender fixed his sleeves and checked his hair while he walked to the door.
"Tell Victor that you guys have the next few hours off, I'll go introduce us to our neighbors"

He then grabbed the metal door knob and walked out the door to find Nora and the small hooded girl in his doorway. "Hello!" Yelled Nora as she smiled wildly, the red girl smiled as well and looked past lavender and into his room. "Nice shooting out there" Lavender said as he put his hand out. Red smiled as she shook his hand, "Team LVDR, Team leader, yours truly." she let go of his hand and looked lavender in the eyes, His lightning blue, Reds on the other side were Silver, full of wonder and adventure.
"Ruby of Team RWBY, what's you're name?" Lavender let out a small chuckle and looked at her once more, "Lavender." Ruby's Eyes widened as she quickly turned around and called for Her Team.
"Hey guys!" - she said with a rather large smile - "our team isn't the only one with a confusing team name!"
Two other girls walked up towards their leader, one black and the other white. "Nice to see that you're making new friends Ruby" said the black one, her voice was soft, her attire seemed to be made up of a black buttoned vest and a short white crop top revealing Most of her pale white midriff, she seemed very mellow for an odd reason, this didn't sit well with lavender.

The white one wore a Snow White combat dress just like Ruby but with small hints of baby blue in one of the layers of her dress. Her personality seemed very stuck up due to the fact that she wasn't looking or reacting to anything that Ruby was saying at all, but other than that she seemed like a well rounded person.
"Hey!" Ruby said as she turned around and looked at her dark associate, "I don't need new friends!"
Lavender quickly intervened and put his hand out to the one in black.
"Lavender, yours?"
"Blake belladonna" She shook his hand, her grip not firm but her skin like silk.
"Weiss Schnee, heiress to to the Schnee Dust Company" Weiss' eyes were a cold shade of a dead winter, her stare felt like it could kill, this did not faze lavender.
"Nice to meet you Weiss, Lavender"
He shook her hand firmly she retracted a little but eventually excepted it it.
"So where's your guy's dorm?"
Ruby looked at Lavender and smiled again, "Right across from Jaune's room."
She then pointed right next door from where he was, "Guess me, you and Jaune are going to be neighbors Ruby" Lavender said as he grinned wildly.
"Well I have to go ladies" He said as he straightened his sleeves and tightened his Black tie, "I have a night on the town to attend to." Lavender looked at Nora as her smile expanded ten fold when he had said this, "Don't you say it-" but it was already too late she had disappeared from the group and past lavender. "I knew it!" she loud as she ran into her dorm room, "Told you Ren!" Lavender Sighed in what seemed like pain and looked at his neighbors door, "God dammit Nora!"
Ruby backed up and let Lavender get past the doorway, "Ciao!" Lavenders voice bounced off the hallway walls like an echo in a cave.
"He seems like a nice guy" Blake Said as she turned around and walked towards their room, "Yeah he dresses nice" Ruby said as she looked at Weiss, "What do you think?"
Weiss then Turned around and walked towards the dorm without saying a word. "Oh come weiss you gotta tell me!" Ruby kept messing with Weiss' shoulder until she cracked, "Fine!" Weiss yelled aloud, "He seems familiar" She then stepped inside their dorm room and Looked around there belongings. "What do you mean Weiss?" She then turned to her white associate, "I don't know why he just does.."

*Meanwhile In town*

"Let's see what we can do for fun" Lavender said as he walked across the boardwalk.

'Remember how Dimitri used to take you here as a child?'

"I don't remember that?" Lavender stopped in his tracks, "Father took me to some kind of festival." Lavender looked at the sea, the stars danced across the water and dipped creating another universe of life with each drop, "I just can't remember what it was called."

Across the street fell Juniors bar, it had been cleaned up after the last incident that had happened after Lavender had last visited "Good he cleaned up" Lavender said as he continued to walk closer to the doors, "Don't need my favorite bar going out of business now do we?"

'No we don't, I had so many great memories here when I was younger'

"What?" lavender asked as he opened the doors to the bar, The place was as busy as ever. People dancing with flashes of red and silver throughout the club, as the people frenzied on the dance floor Lavender had spotted junior sitting on a small black stool sipping the martini glass he had in his right hand. The black liquid crawled it's way into Juniors mouth and devoured his tongue with its body.
Lavender walked towards Junior, past all the people and towards the counter, as he did this Junior had spotted Lavender and choked on the concoction he had in his hands.
"What are you doing back here?"the Junior said as he quickly wiped the alcohol off his bearded face, "I came to celebrate my friend!" -Lavender looked at junior with a hurt expression- "I thought you'd be happy I came back" Lavender grinned at Junior and took off his coat and put it on the chair next to him.
"You broke ribs kid, what do you think?" -Lavender put his hands on his hips and popped his lower back slowly- "It's in the past, now if you can do me a favor and get me a drink that would great."
Junior grunted as he got up from his stool and towards the counter. "Thanks buddy!" Junior reached under the table to grab something.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" -Lavender pulled his vest open to reveal his weapon- "wouldn't want another accident would we?"
Junior walked away slowly from the counter, "What do you want to drink?" The sweat dripped off junior's brow as Lavenders weapon glowed a lightning blue.
"Zombies" Lavender said as he checked his gun, "I have a friend coming in three, two and on-"
The doors burst open quickly with Drake walking quickly towards lavender as he put his Weapon on his back.
"Sorry I'm late boss, had some problems getting here." -Drake then hid his bloodied sleeve- "White fang?"
Lavender said while continuing to play with the trigger.
"How'd you know?" Drake took a seat In the stool next to lavender, noticing that he had a loaded gun pointed at Junior.
"Fauna bleed exceedingly fast" -Junior passed lavender his drinks, as he did this lavender put down his weapon and took a small sip from his concoction- "Judging by the amount of it on you're sleeves and the tip of your bat that you ran into a small group on the way here."
Drake looked at Lavender and reached for his bat, "Here" Lavender said as he pulled a Handkerchief out of his right breast pocket.
The fabric milky white, with a dark purple symbol on the top of it, "Wipe it up with this" -Drake grabbed it and wiped the blood off his weapon, shortly after lavender passed Drake his drink as they both listened to the clubs music.
Without taking a drink, Drake looked at the mug and took a sip, "This is pretty good!" He said as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve, "Whats it called?" Lavender took a long sip of his drink and looked at him with tired eyes. "Its a mixture of rum and brandy, something that my mother used to drink."
Drake rubbed his neck and sighed slightly, "Sounds like your mother knew how to party boss." Drake chuckled as he told the joke, lavender on the other hand did not find it amusing.
After a few seconds of brutal awkward silence Lavender scoffed which in time turned into a chuckle, "What am I Doing here being serious for?" Lavender said as he chugged the rest of his drink, "keep the rounds coming for me and my friend here, were going all out tonight!"

As time went by The two drank until the club music died down and the people started to leave. Drake and lavender now intoxicated start to laugh loudly as the last of the people in the bar finally left.

"And when my brother spilled the dust he couldn't get the stuff out of his ears for a month!" Drake took his last shot as lavender took his shot glass and tossed it with the large brandy bottles that he had taken from the shelf.
"Good story" Lavender said as he stretched his arms, as he twisted his right arm a large popping sound came from his shoulder.
"Couple more shots?" Drake said as he reached for another bottle of whiskey, "Why not" Lavender said, his eyes stiff and yet tired as he looked at Drake pick the bottle off the shelf.
"So do you have any other relatives boss?" -Drake tossed the bottle to lavender- "Think its still good?" Drake said taking a seat once more "bottles been open for a while it seems."
Lavender took the bottle and sniffed its contents for a while, "Lets find out-" Lavenders forehead hit the counter with a big bang that echoed across the bar, "Boss you okay!?" yelled Drake as he jumped from his chair.

Junior across the now empty bar looked at the two only to find lavender on the counter, "Didn't expect him to drop dead so early."
Junior then walked over to lavender and Drake to only pull his weapon from his back. "Might as well make sure he stays that way."
Lavender then got up quickly to grab his weapon, shift it and Cock Junior in the nose, breaking the bridge with a large crack.
'What a shame' Lavender said as he cocked the pistol, his voice seemed different; more deep and foreign.
'He liked this one too' he then proceeded to shoot Junior in the thigh.
"Fuck!" Junior said as he fell to the floor in agonizing pain, he held on to his leg as he bled on the midnight black, marble flooring.
'You, boy!' yelled the voice, he then pressed a button, watching the weapon charge up quickly.
'Finish the job' it quickly gave Drake
The gun and stepped aside, "boss?"
It grunted in annoyance as he walked to Drake once more, grabbed his hand, cocked the weapon, and aimed for him.
'He did this to himself, just relieve him from the pain..' Lavender smiled at Drake, his eyes now an electric blue consuming his retinas.
Drake now in fear, fiddled with the gun.
'Come on!' It whispered, 'He tried to shoot you're beloved leader!' -Lavender Wrapped his fingers around Drake's hands.
'Wouldn't want him not learning his lesson now would we?'
Junior looked up at Drake in utter horror as he pointed the gun at his head.
'Come on!, do it for Lavender'
Drake turned his head towards his employer, his eyes seemingly empty.


'Good job!' -it snapped Lavender's head towards Drake's- 'I like you, go find more drinks!, I'll put him somewhere safe.'
Drake backed off quickly and walked towards the counter to find a large bottle of Brandy on the bottom right of the table.
As Drake did this 'It' dragged juniors body by the collar to another table, blood spread across the floor like a river.
'He looks a bit sad, let's brighten his day!' Lavender pressed a button on the weapon, switching it into it's dagger form.

"Something doesn't feel right" Drake pulled two shot glasses from the table and cleaned them with a rag.
After a few minutes of waiting Drake started to wonder where "Lavender"
Had went off to until he noticed the trail of blood leading to the front door.
Without saying a word, Drake took the bottle of Brandy and took quick swig before getting up from his stool.
Briefly after he followed the stream of blood to find lavender on the sidewalk admiring his work outside the Nightclub.
'Time is an hourglass...'
Drake turned his head in horror as he looked upon the bloody canvas that he had created.
'Sooner or later, you're time is going to run out!'
"It" snapped his head to the side, and started to sigh, 'My best work yet!'
A drop of blood hit Drake in the head as juniors lifeless body bled more.
"It" stopped looking at Junior and walked slowly towards drake, his footsteps echoing in the barren streets.

'Come, let us celebrate!'

'There's no need for fear'
It put it's hands on Drake's right shoulder.

Lavender or what seemed to be him, smiled as he turned Drake around and walked them both into the bar.

'I'm not the one you should be afraid of...'

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